mirror of https://github.com/status-im/op-geth.git
Merge branch 'release/poc5-rc2'
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
var bigInt = (function () {
var base = 10000000, logBase = 7;
var sign = {
positive: false,
negative: true
var normalize = function (first, second) {
var a = first.value, b = second.value;
var length = a.length > b.length ? a.length : b.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
a[i] = a[i] || 0;
b[i] = b[i] || 0;
for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (a[i] === 0 && b[i] === 0) {
} else break;
if (!a.length) a = [0], b = [0];
first.value = a;
second.value = b;
var parse = function (text, first) {
if (typeof text === "object") return text;
text += "";
var s = sign.positive, value = [];
if (text[0] === "-") {
s = sign.negative;
text = text.slice(1);
var base = 10;
if (text.slice(0, 2) == "0x") {
base = 16;
text = text.slice(2);
else {
var texts = text.split("e");
if (texts.length > 2) throw new Error("Invalid integer");
if (texts[1]) {
var exp = texts[1];
if (exp[0] === "+") exp = exp.slice(1);
exp = parse(exp);
if (exp.lesser(0)) throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers");
while (exp.notEquals(0)) {
texts[0] += "0";
exp = exp.prev();
text = texts[0];
if (text === "-0") text = "0";
text = text.toUpperCase();
var isValid = (base == 16 ? /^[0-9A-F]*$/ : /^[0-9]+$/).test(text);
if (!isValid) throw new Error("Invalid integer");
if (base == 16) {
var val = bigInt(0);
while (text.length) {
v = text.charCodeAt(0) - 48;
if (v > 9)
v -= 7;
text = text.slice(1);
val = val.times(16).plus(v);
return val;
else {
while (text.length) {
var divider = text.length > logBase ? text.length - logBase : 0;
text = text.slice(0, divider);
var val = bigInt(value, s);
if (first) normalize(first, val);
return val;
var goesInto = function (a, b) {
var a = bigInt(a, sign.positive), b = bigInt(b, sign.positive);
if (a.equals(0)) throw new Error("Cannot divide by 0");
var n = 0;
do {
var inc = 1;
var c = bigInt(a.value, sign.positive), t = c.times(10);
while (t.lesser(b)) {
c = t;
inc *= 10;
t = t.times(10);
while (c.lesserOrEquals(b)) {
b = b.minus(c);
n += inc;
} while (a.lesserOrEquals(b));
return {
remainder: b.value,
result: n
var bigInt = function (value, s) {
var self = {
value: value,
sign: s
var o = {
value: value,
sign: s,
negate: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
return bigInt(first.value, !first.sign);
abs: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
return bigInt(first.value, sign.positive);
add: function (n, m) {
var s, first = self, second;
if (m) (first = parse(n)) && (second = parse(m));
else second = parse(n, first);
s = first.sign;
if (first.sign !== second.sign) {
first = bigInt(first.value, sign.positive);
second = bigInt(second.value, sign.positive);
return s === sign.positive ?
o.subtract(first, second) :
o.subtract(second, first);
normalize(first, second);
var a = first.value, b = second.value;
var result = [],
carry = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length || carry > 0; i++) {
var sum = (a[i] || 0) + (b[i] || 0) + carry;
carry = sum >= base ? 1 : 0;
sum -= carry * base;
return bigInt(result, s);
plus: function (n, m) {
return o.add(n, m);
subtract: function (n, m) {
var first = self, second;
if (m) (first = parse(n)) && (second = parse(m));
else second = parse(n, first);
if (first.sign !== second.sign) return o.add(first, o.negate(second));
if (first.sign === sign.negative) return o.subtract(o.negate(second), o.negate(first));
if (o.compare(first, second) === -1) return o.negate(o.subtract(second, first));
var a = first.value, b = second.value;
var result = [],
borrow = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var tmp = a[i] - borrow;
borrow = tmp < b[i] ? 1 : 0;
var minuend = (borrow * base) + tmp - b[i];
return bigInt(result, sign.positive);
minus: function (n, m) {
return o.subtract(n, m);
multiply: function (n, m) {
var s, first = self, second;
if (m) (first = parse(n)) && (second = parse(m));
else second = parse(n, first);
s = first.sign !== second.sign;
var a = first.value, b = second.value;
var resultSum = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
resultSum[i] = [];
var j = i;
while (j--) {
var carry = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var x = a[i];
for (var j = 0; j < b.length || carry > 0; j++) {
var y = b[j];
var product = y ? (x * y) + carry : carry;
carry = product > base ? Math.floor(product / base) : 0;
product -= carry * base;
var max = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < resultSum.length; i++) {
var len = resultSum[i].length;
if (len > max) max = len;
var result = [], carry = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < max || carry > 0; i++) {
var sum = carry;
for (var j = 0; j < resultSum.length; j++) {
sum += resultSum[j][i] || 0;
carry = sum > base ? Math.floor(sum / base) : 0;
sum -= carry * base;
return bigInt(result, s);
times: function (n, m) {
return o.multiply(n, m);
divmod: function (n, m) {
var s, first = self, second;
if (m) (first = parse(n)) && (second = parse(m));
else second = parse(n, first);
s = first.sign !== second.sign;
if (bigInt(first.value, first.sign).equals(0)) return {
quotient: bigInt([0], sign.positive),
remainder: bigInt([0], sign.positive)
if (second.equals(0)) throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero");
var a = first.value, b = second.value;
var result = [], remainder = [];
for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var n = [a[i]].concat(remainder);
var quotient = goesInto(b, n);
remainder = quotient.remainder;
return {
quotient: bigInt(result, s),
remainder: bigInt(remainder, first.sign)
divide: function (n, m) {
return o.divmod(n, m).quotient;
over: function (n, m) {
return o.divide(n, m);
mod: function (n, m) {
return o.divmod(n, m).remainder;
pow: function (n, m) {
var first = self, second;
if (m) (first = parse(n)) && (second = parse(m));
else second = parse(n, first);
var a = first, b = second;
if (b.lesser(0)) return ZERO;
if (b.equals(0)) return ONE;
var result = bigInt(a.value, a.sign);
if (b.mod(2).equals(0)) {
var c = result.pow(b.over(2));
return c.times(c);
} else {
return result.times(result.pow(b.minus(1)));
next: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
return o.add(first, 1);
prev: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
return o.subtract(first, 1);
compare: function (n, m) {
var first = self, second;
if (m) (first = parse(n)) && (second = parse(m, first));
else second = parse(n, first);
normalize(first, second);
if (first.value.length === 1 && second.value.length === 1 && first.value[0] === 0 && second.value[0] === 0) return 0;
if (second.sign !== first.sign) return first.sign === sign.positive ? 1 : -1;
var multiplier = first.sign === sign.positive ? 1 : -1;
var a = first.value, b = second.value;
for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (a[i] > b[i]) return 1 * multiplier;
if (b[i] > a[i]) return -1 * multiplier;
return 0;
compareAbs: function (n, m) {
var first = self, second;
if (m) (first = parse(n)) && (second = parse(m, first));
else second = parse(n, first);
first.sign = second.sign = sign.positive;
return o.compare(first, second);
equals: function (n, m) {
return o.compare(n, m) === 0;
notEquals: function (n, m) {
return !o.equals(n, m);
lesser: function (n, m) {
return o.compare(n, m) < 0;
greater: function (n, m) {
return o.compare(n, m) > 0;
greaterOrEquals: function (n, m) {
return o.compare(n, m) >= 0;
lesserOrEquals: function (n, m) {
return o.compare(n, m) <= 0;
isPositive: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
return first.sign === sign.positive;
isNegative: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
return first.sign === sign.negative;
isEven: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
return first.value[0] % 2 === 0;
isOdd: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
return first.value[0] % 2 === 1;
toString: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
var str = "", len = first.value.length;
while (len--) {
if (first.value[len].toString().length === 8) str += first.value[len];
else str += (base.toString() + first.value[len]).slice(-logBase);
while (str[0] === "0") {
str = str.slice(1);
if (!str.length) str = "0";
var s = (first.sign === sign.positive || str == "0") ? "" : "-";
return s + str;
toHex: function (m) {
var first = m || self;
var str = "";
var l = this.abs();
while (l > 0) {
var qr = l.divmod(256);
var b = qr.remainder.toJSNumber();
str = (b >> 4).toString(16) + (b & 15).toString(16) + str;
l = qr.quotient;
return (this.isNegative() ? "-" : "") + "0x" + str;
toJSNumber: function (m) {
return +o.toString(m);
valueOf: function (m) {
return o.toJSNumber(m);
return o;
var ZERO = bigInt([0], sign.positive);
var ONE = bigInt([1], sign.positive);
var MINUS_ONE = bigInt([1], sign.negative);
var fnReturn = function (a) {
if (typeof a === "undefined") return ZERO;
return parse(a);
fnReturn.zero = ZERO;
fnReturn.one = ONE;
fnReturn.minusOne = MINUS_ONE;
return fnReturn;
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
module.exports = bigInt;
@ -119,118 +119,3 @@ window.eth = {
window.eth._callbacks = {}
window.eth._callbacks = {}
window.eth._onCallbacks = {}
window.eth._onCallbacks = {}
function hello() {
window.dataTest = true;
function debug(/**/) {
var args = arguments;
var msg = ""
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
if(typeof args[i] === "object") {
msg += " " + JSON.stringify(args[i])
} else {
msg += args[i]
postData({call:"debug", args:[msg]})
document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML += "<br>" + msg
// Helper function for generating pseudo callbacks and sending data to the QML part of the application
function postData(data, cb) {
data._seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000)
if(cb) {
eth._callbacks[data._seed] = cb;
if(data.args === undefined) {
data.args = [];
navigator.qt.onmessage = function(ev) {
var data = JSON.parse(ev.data)
if(data._event !== undefined) {
eth.trigger(data._event, data.data);
} else {
if(data._seed) {
var cb = eth._callbacks[data._seed];
if(cb) {
// Figure out whether the returned data was an array
// array means multiple return arguments (multiple params)
if(data.data instanceof Array) {
cb.apply(this, data.data)
} else {
cb.call(this, data.data)
// Remove the "trigger" callback
delete eth._callbacks[ev._seed];
window.eth._0 = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
String.prototype.pad = function(len) {
var bin = this.bin();
var l = bin.length;
if(l < 32) {
return eth._0.substr(0, 32 - bin.length) + bin;
return bin;
String.prototype.unpad = function() {
var i, l;
for(i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
if(this[i] != "\0") {
return this.substr(i, this.length);
return this.substr(i, this.length);
String.prototype.bin = function() {
if(this.substr(0, 2) == "0x") {
return this.hex2bin();
} else if(/^\d+$/.test(this)) {
return this.num2bin()
// Otherwise we'll return the "String" object instead of an actual string
return this.substr(0, this.length)
String.prototype.unbin = function() {
var i, l, o = '';
for(i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
var n = this.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
o += n.length < 2 ? '0' + n : n;
return "0x" + o;
String.prototype.hex2bin = function() {
bytes = []
for(var i=2; i< this.length-1; i+=2) {
bytes.push(parseInt(this.substr(i, 2), 16));
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, bytes);
String.prototype.num2bin = function() {
return ("0x"+parseInt(this).toString(16)).bin()
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
function debug(/**/) {
var args = arguments;
var msg = ""
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
if(typeof args[i] === "object") {
msg += " " + JSON.stringify(args[i])
} else {
msg += " " + args[i]
postData({call:"debug", args:[msg]})
document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML += "<br>" + msg
// Helper function for generating pseudo callbacks and sending data to the QML part of the application
function postData(data, cb) {
data._seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000)
if(cb) {
eth._callbacks[data._seed] = cb;
if(data.args === undefined) {
data.args = [];
navigator.qt.onmessage = function(ev) {
var data = JSON.parse(ev.data)
if(data._event !== undefined) {
eth.trigger(data._event, data.data);
} else {
if(data._seed) {
var cb = eth._callbacks[data._seed];
if(cb) {
// Figure out whether the returned data was an array
// array means multiple return arguments (multiple params)
if(data.data instanceof Array) {
cb.apply(this, data.data)
} else {
cb.call(this, data.data)
// Remove the "trigger" callback
delete eth._callbacks[ev._seed];
window.onerror = function(message, file, lineNumber, column, errorObj) {
debug(file, message, lineNumber+":"+column, errorObj);
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
String.prototype.pad = function(l, r) {
if (r === undefined) {
r = l
if (!(this.substr(0, 2) == "0x" || /^\d+$/.test(this)))
l = 0
var ret = this.bin();
while (ret.length < l)
ret = "\0" + ret
while (ret.length < r)
ret = ret + "\0"
return ret;
String.prototype.unpad = function() {
var i = this.length;
while (i && this[i - 1] == "\0")
return this.substr(0, i)
String.prototype.bin = function() {
if (this.substr(0, 2) == "0x") {
bytes = []
var i = 2;
// Check if it's odd - pad with a zero if so.
if (this.length % 2)
bytes.push(parseInt(this.substr(i++, 1), 16))
for (; i < this.length - 1; i += 2)
bytes.push(parseInt(this.substr(i, 2), 16));
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, bytes);
} else if (/^\d+$/.test(this))
return bigInt(this.substr(0)).toHex().bin()
// Otherwise we'll return the "String" object instead of an actual string
return this.substr(0, this.length)
String.prototype.unbin = function() {
var i, l, o = '';
for(i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
var n = this.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
o += n.length < 2 ? '0' + n : n;
return "0x" + o;
String.prototype.dec = function() {
return bigInt(this.substr(0)).toString()
String.prototype.hex = function() {
return bigInt(this.substr(0)).toHex()
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
.CodeMirror {
.CodeMirror {
height: 70%;
height: 70%;
font-size: 14pt;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Component {
text: "Send"
text: "Send"
onClicked: {
onClicked: {
//this.enabled = false
//this.enabled = false
var res = eth.createTx(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
var res = eth.create(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
if(res[1]) {
if(res[1]) {
txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
txResult.text += res[1].error()
txResult.text += res[1].error()
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Component {
mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
} else {
} else {
txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
txOutput.text = res[0]
txOutput.text = res[0].address
mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ Component {
text: "Send"
text: "Send"
onClicked: {
onClicked: {
//this.enabled = false
//this.enabled = false
var res = eth.createTx(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
if(res[1]) {
if(res[1]) {
txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
} else {
} else {
txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
txSimpleOutput.text = res[0]
txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
this.visible = false
this.visible = false
simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
experimental.preferences.javascriptEnabled: true
experimental.preferences.javascriptEnabled: true
experimental.preferences.navigatorQtObjectEnabled: true
experimental.preferences.navigatorQtObjectEnabled: true
experimental.preferences.developerExtrasEnabled: true
experimental.preferences.developerExtrasEnabled: true
experimental.userScripts: [ui.assetPath("ethereum.js")]
experimental.userScripts: [ui.assetPath("ext/pre.js"), ui.assetPath("ext/big.js"), ui.assetPath("ext/string.js"), ui.assetPath("ext/ethereum.js")]
experimental.onMessageReceived: {
experimental.onMessageReceived: {
console.log("[onMessageReceived]: ", message.data)
console.log("[onMessageReceived]: ", message.data)
// TODO move to messaging.js
// TODO move to messaging.js
@ -5,19 +5,18 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-theme.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-theme.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="samplecoin.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="samplecoin.css">
<script src="promise.min.js"></script>
<meta name="viewport" content="minimum-scale=1; maximum-scale=1; initial-scale=1;">
<meta name="viewport" content="minimum-scale=1; maximum-scale=1; initial-scale=1;">
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
var jefcoinAddr = "3dff537f51350239abc95c76a5864aa605259e7d"
var jefcoinAddr = "b7cb72c47ec4f31751d0d628b5a33fd6671bbba0"
var mAddr = ""
var mAddr = ""
function createTransaction() {
function createTransaction() {
var addr = document.querySelector("#addr").value;
var addr = ("0x" + document.querySelector("#addr").value).pad(32);
var amount = document.querySelector("#amount").value;
var amount = document.querySelector("#amount").value.pad(32);
var data = (("0x"+addr).pad(32) + amount.pad(32)).unbin()
var data = (addr + amount).unbin();
eth.transact(mAddr, jefcoinAddr, 0, "10000000", "250", data, function(receipt) {
eth.transact(mAddr, jefcoinAddr, 0, "10000000", "250", data, function(receipt) {
debug("received tx hash:", reciept.address)
debug("received tx hash:", reciept.address)
@ -27,9 +26,8 @@ function init() {
eth.set({width: 500});
eth.set({width: 500});
eth.getKey(function(sec) {
eth.getKey(function(sec) {
mAddr = sec;
eth.getSecretToAddress(sec, function(addr) {
eth.getSecretToAddress(sec, function(addr) {
mAddr = addr;
eth.getStorageAt(jefcoinAddr, addr, function(storage) {
eth.getStorageAt(jefcoinAddr, addr, function(storage) {
document.querySelector("#current-amount").innerHTML = storage;
document.querySelector("#current-amount").innerHTML = storage;
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ func main() {
ethutil.Config.Seed = UseSeed
// Instantiated a eth stack
// Instantiated a eth stack
ethereum, err := eth.New(eth.CapDefault, UseUPnP)
ethereum, err := eth.New(eth.CapDefault, UseUPnP)
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ type Gui struct {
txDb *ethdb.LDBDatabase
txDb *ethdb.LDBDatabase
addr []byte
addr []byte
pub *ethpub.PEthereum
// Create GUI, but doesn't start it
// Create GUI, but doesn't start it
@ -46,14 +49,16 @@ func New(ethereum *eth.Ethereum) *Gui {
key := ethutil.Config.Db.GetKeys()[0]
key := ethutil.Config.Db.GetKeys()[0]
addr = key.Address()
addr = key.Address()
return &Gui{eth: ethereum, lib: lib, txDb: db, addr: addr}
pub := ethpub.NewPEthereum(ethereum.StateManager(), ethereum.BlockChain(), ethereum.TxPool())
return &Gui{eth: ethereum, lib: lib, txDb: db, addr: addr, pub: pub}
func (ui *Gui) Start(assetPath string) {
func (gui *Gui) Start(assetPath string) {
defer ui.txDb.Close()
defer gui.txDb.Close()
// Register ethereum functions
// Register ethereum functions
qml.RegisterTypes("Ethereum", 1, 0, []qml.TypeSpec{{
qml.RegisterTypes("Ethereum", 1, 0, []qml.TypeSpec{{
@ -62,15 +67,15 @@ func (ui *Gui) Start(assetPath string) {
Init: func(p *ethpub.PTx, obj qml.Object) { p.Value = ""; p.Hash = ""; p.Address = "" },
Init: func(p *ethpub.PTx, obj qml.Object) { p.Value = ""; p.Hash = ""; p.Address = "" },
ethutil.Config.SetClientString(fmt.Sprintf("/Ethereal v%s", "0.2"))
ethutil.Config.SetClientString(fmt.Sprintf("/Ethereal v%s", "0.5.0 RC2"))
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("[GUI] Starting GUI")
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("[GUI] Starting GUI")
// Create a new QML engine
// Create a new QML engine
ui.engine = qml.NewEngine()
gui.engine = qml.NewEngine()
context := ui.engine.Context()
context := gui.engine.Context()
// Expose the eth library and the ui library to QML
// Expose the eth library and the ui library to QML
context.SetVar("eth", ui.lib)
context.SetVar("eth", gui)
uiLib := NewUiLib(ui.engine, ui.eth, assetPath)
uiLib := NewUiLib(gui.engine, gui.eth, assetPath)
context.SetVar("ui", uiLib)
context.SetVar("ui", uiLib)
// Load the main QML interface
// Load the main QML interface
@ -80,9 +85,9 @@ func (ui *Gui) Start(assetPath string) {
firstRun := len(data) == 0
firstRun := len(data) == 0
if firstRun {
if firstRun {
component, err = ui.engine.LoadFile(uiLib.AssetPath("qml/first_run.qml"))
component, err = gui.engine.LoadFile(uiLib.AssetPath("qml/first_run.qml"))
} else {
} else {
component, err = ui.engine.LoadFile(uiLib.AssetPath("qml/wallet.qml"))
component, err = gui.engine.LoadFile(uiLib.AssetPath("qml/wallet.qml"))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("FATAL: asset not found: you can set an alternative asset path on on the command line using option 'asset_path'")
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("FATAL: asset not found: you can set an alternative asset path on on the command line using option 'asset_path'")
@ -90,65 +95,60 @@ func (ui *Gui) Start(assetPath string) {
ui.win = component.CreateWindow(nil)
gui.win = component.CreateWindow(nil)
uiLib.win = ui.win
uiLib.win = gui.win
db := &Debugger{ui.win, make(chan bool)}
db := &Debugger{gui.win, make(chan bool)}
ui.lib.Db = db
gui.lib.Db = db
uiLib.Db = db
uiLib.Db = db
// Register the ui as a block processor
//ui.eth.BlockManager.SecondaryBlockProcessor = ui
//ui.eth.TxPool.SecondaryProcessor = ui
// Add the ui as a log system so we can log directly to the UGI
// Add the ui as a log system so we can log directly to the UGI
// Loads previous blocks
// Loads previous blocks
if firstRun == false {
if firstRun == false {
go ui.setInitialBlockChain()
go gui.setInitialBlockChain()
go ui.readPreviousTransactions()
go gui.readPreviousTransactions()
go ui.update()
go gui.update()
func (ui *Gui) setInitialBlockChain() {
func (gui *Gui) setInitialBlockChain() {
// Load previous 10 blocks
// Load previous 10 blocks
chain := ui.eth.BlockChain().GetChain(ui.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Hash(), 10)
chain := gui.eth.BlockChain().GetChain(gui.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Hash(), 10)
for _, block := range chain {
for _, block := range chain {
func (ui *Gui) readPreviousTransactions() {
func (gui *Gui) readPreviousTransactions() {
it := ui.txDb.Db().NewIterator(nil, nil)
it := gui.txDb.Db().NewIterator(nil, nil)
for it.Next() {
for it.Next() {
tx := ethchain.NewTransactionFromBytes(it.Value())
tx := ethchain.NewTransactionFromBytes(it.Value())
ui.win.Root().Call("addTx", ethpub.NewPTx(tx))
gui.win.Root().Call("addTx", ethpub.NewPTx(tx))
func (ui *Gui) ProcessBlock(block *ethchain.Block) {
func (gui *Gui) processBlock(block *ethchain.Block) {
ui.win.Root().Call("addBlock", ethpub.NewPBlock(block))
gui.win.Root().Call("addBlock", ethpub.NewPBlock(block))
// Simple go routine function that updates the list of peers in the GUI
// Simple go routine function that updates the list of peers in the GUI
func (ui *Gui) update() {
func (gui *Gui) update() {
txChan := make(chan ethchain.TxMsg, 1)
txChan := make(chan ethchain.TxMsg, 1)
state := gui.eth.StateManager().TransState()
account := ui.eth.StateManager().GetAddrState(ui.addr).Object
unconfirmedFunds := new(big.Int)
unconfirmedFunds := new(big.Int)
ui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(account.Amount)))
gui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(state.GetStateObject(gui.addr).Amount)))
addrState := ui.eth.StateManager().GetAddrState(ui.addr)
for {
for {
select {
select {
@ -156,15 +156,19 @@ func (ui *Gui) update() {
tx := txMsg.Tx
tx := txMsg.Tx
if txMsg.Type == ethchain.TxPre {
if txMsg.Type == ethchain.TxPre {
if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), ui.addr) == 0 && addrState.Nonce <= tx.Nonce {
object := state.GetStateObject(gui.addr)
ui.win.Root().Call("addTx", ethpub.NewPTx(tx))
ui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())
if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), gui.addr) == 0 && object.Nonce <= tx.Nonce {
gui.win.Root().Call("addTx", ethpub.NewPTx(tx))
gui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())
object.Nonce += 1
addrState.Nonce += 1
unconfirmedFunds.Sub(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)
unconfirmedFunds.Sub(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)
} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, ui.addr) == 0 {
} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, gui.addr) == 0 {
ui.win.Root().Call("addTx", ethpub.NewPTx(tx))
gui.win.Root().Call("addTx", ethpub.NewPTx(tx))
ui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())
gui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())
unconfirmedFunds.Add(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)
unconfirmedFunds.Add(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)
@ -174,46 +178,52 @@ func (ui *Gui) update() {
pos = "-"
pos = "-"
val := ethutil.CurrencyToString(new(big.Int).Abs(ethutil.BigCopy(unconfirmedFunds)))
val := ethutil.CurrencyToString(new(big.Int).Abs(ethutil.BigCopy(unconfirmedFunds)))
str := fmt.Sprintf("%v (%s %v)", ethutil.CurrencyToString(account.Amount), pos, val)
str := fmt.Sprintf("%v (%s %v)", ethutil.CurrencyToString(object.Amount), pos, val)
ui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", str)
gui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", str)
} else {
} else {
amount := account.Amount
object := state.GetStateObject(gui.addr)
if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), ui.addr) == 0 {
if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), gui.addr) == 0 {
amount.Sub(account.Amount, tx.Value)
} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, ui.addr) == 0 {
} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, gui.addr) == 0 {
amount.Add(account.Amount, tx.Value)
ui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(amount)))
gui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(object.Amount)))
accountAmount := ui.eth.BlockManager.GetAddrState(ui.addr).Account.Amount
ui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", accountAmount))
ui.win.Root().Call("setPeers", fmt.Sprintf("%d / %d", ui.eth.Peers().Len(), ui.eth.MaxPeers))
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Logging functions that log directly to the GUI interface
// Logging functions that log directly to the GUI interface
func (ui *Gui) Println(v ...interface{}) {
func (gui *Gui) Println(v ...interface{}) {
str := strings.TrimRight(fmt.Sprintln(v...), "\n")
str := strings.TrimRight(fmt.Sprintln(v...), "\n")
lines := strings.Split(str, "\n")
lines := strings.Split(str, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
for _, line := range lines {
ui.win.Root().Call("addLog", line)
gui.win.Root().Call("addLog", line)
func (ui *Gui) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
func (gui *Gui) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
str := strings.TrimRight(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...), "\n")
str := strings.TrimRight(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...), "\n")
lines := strings.Split(str, "\n")
lines := strings.Split(str, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
for _, line := range lines {
ui.win.Root().Call("addLog", line)
gui.win.Root().Call("addLog", line)
func (gui *Gui) Transact(recipient, value, gas, gasPrice, data string) (*ethpub.PReceipt, error) {
keyPair := ethutil.Config.Db.GetKeys()[0]
return gui.pub.Transact(ethutil.Hex(keyPair.PrivateKey), recipient, value, gas, gasPrice, data)
func (gui *Gui) Create(recipient, value, gas, gasPrice, data string) (*ethpub.PReceipt, error) {
keyPair := ethutil.Config.Db.GetKeys()[0]
mainInput, initInput := mutan.PreProcess(data)
return gui.pub.Create(ethutil.Hex(keyPair.PrivateKey), value, gas, gasPrice, initInput, mainInput)
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
package ethui
package ethui
import (
import (
@ -43,86 +41,3 @@ func (lib *EthLib) CreateAndSetPrivKey() (string, string, string, string) {
mnemonicString := strings.Join(mne, " ")
mnemonicString := strings.Join(mne, " ")
return mnemonicString, fmt.Sprintf("%x", pair.Address()), fmt.Sprintf("%x", prv), fmt.Sprintf("%x", pub)
return mnemonicString, fmt.Sprintf("%x", pair.Address()), fmt.Sprintf("%x", prv), fmt.Sprintf("%x", pub)
func (lib *EthLib) GetKey() string {
return ethutil.Hex(ethutil.Config.Db.GetKeys()[0].Address())
func (lib *EthLib) GetStateObject(address string) *ethpub.PStateObject {
stateObject := lib.stateManager.ProcState().GetContract(ethutil.FromHex(address))
if stateObject != nil {
return ethpub.NewPStateObject(stateObject)
// See GetStorage for explanation on "nil"
return ethpub.NewPStateObject(nil)
func (lib *EthLib) Watch(addr, storageAddr string) {
// lib.stateManager.Watch(ethutil.FromHex(addr), ethutil.FromHex(storageAddr))
func (lib *EthLib) CreateTx(recipient, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, dataStr string) (string, error) {
return lib.Transact(recipient, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, dataStr)
func (lib *EthLib) Transact(recipient, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, dataStr string) (string, error) {
var hash []byte
var contractCreation bool
if len(recipient) == 0 {
contractCreation = true
} else {
var err error
hash, err = hex.DecodeString(recipient)
if err != nil {
return "", err
keyPair := ethutil.Config.Db.GetKeys()[0]
value := ethutil.Big(valueStr)
gas := ethutil.Big(gasStr)
gasPrice := ethutil.Big(gasPriceStr)
var tx *ethchain.Transaction
// Compile and assemble the given data
if contractCreation {
// Compile script
mainScript, initScript, err := utils.CompileScript(dataStr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
tx = ethchain.NewContractCreationTx(value, gas, gasPrice, mainScript, initScript)
} else {
lines := strings.Split(dataStr, "\n")
var data []byte
for _, line := range lines {
data = append(data, ethutil.BigToBytes(ethutil.Big(line), 256)...)
tx = ethchain.NewTransactionMessage(hash, value, gas, gasPrice, data)
acc := lib.stateManager.GetAddrState(keyPair.Address())
tx.Nonce = acc.Nonce
if contractCreation {
ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("Contract addr %x", tx.Hash()[12:])
} else {
ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("Tx hash %x", tx.Hash())
return ethutil.Hex(tx.Hash()), nil
func (lib *EthLib) GetBlock(hexHash string) *ethpub.PBlock {
hash, err := hex.DecodeString(hexHash)
if err != nil {
return nil
block := lib.blockChain.GetBlock(hash)
return ðpub.PBlock{Number: int(block.BlockInfo().Number), Hash: ethutil.Hex(block.Hash())}
@ -59,14 +59,6 @@ func (ui *UiLib) OpenHtml(path string) {
go app.run()
go app.run()
func (ui *UiLib) Watch(addr, storageAddr string) {
if len(storageAddr) == 0 {
ui.eth.Reactor().Subscribe("storage:"+string(ethutil.FromHex(addr))+":"+string(ethutil.FromHex(storageAddr)), nil)
} else {
ui.eth.Reactor().Subscribe("object:"+string(ethutil.FromHex(addr)), nil)
func (ui *UiLib) Muted(content string) {
func (ui *UiLib) Muted(content string) {
component, err := ui.engine.LoadFile(ui.AssetPath("qml/muted.qml"))
component, err := ui.engine.LoadFile(ui.AssetPath("qml/muted.qml"))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -78,8 +70,6 @@ func (ui *UiLib) Muted(content string) {
go func() {
go func() {
path := "file://" + ui.AssetPath("muted/index.html")
path := "file://" + ui.AssetPath("muted/index.html")
win.Set("url", path)
win.Set("url", path)
//debuggerPath := "file://" + ui.AssetPath("muted/debugger.html")
//win.Set("debugUrl", debuggerPath)
@ -88,7 +78,7 @@ func (ui *UiLib) Muted(content string) {
func (ui *UiLib) Connect(button qml.Object) {
func (ui *UiLib) Connect(button qml.Object) {
if !ui.connected {
if !ui.connected {
ui.connected = true
ui.connected = true
button.Set("enabled", false)
button.Set("enabled", false)
@ -149,9 +139,9 @@ func (ui *UiLib) DebugTx(recipient, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, data string)
// Contract addr as test address
// Contract addr as test address
keyPair := ethutil.Config.Db.GetKeys()[0]
keyPair := ethutil.Config.Db.GetKeys()[0]
account := ui.eth.StateManager().GetAddrState(keyPair.Address()).Object
account := ui.eth.StateManager().TransState().GetStateObject(keyPair.Address())
c := ethchain.MakeContract(callerTx, state)
c := ethchain.MakeContract(callerTx, state)
callerClosure := ethchain.NewClosure(account, c, c.Script(), state, ethutil.Big(gasStr), ethutil.Big(gasPriceStr), ethutil.Big(valueStr))
callerClosure := ethchain.NewClosure(account, c, c.Script(), state, ethutil.Big(gasStr), ethutil.Big(gasPriceStr))
block := ui.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock
block := ui.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock
vm := ethchain.NewVm(state, ui.eth.StateManager(), ethchain.RuntimeVars{
vm := ethchain.NewVm(state, ui.eth.StateManager(), ethchain.RuntimeVars{
@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ func main() {
ethutil.Config.Seed = UseSeed
// Instantiated a eth stack
// Instantiated a eth stack
ethereum, err := eth.New(eth.CapDefault, UseUPnP)
ethereum, err := eth.New(eth.CapDefault, UseUPnP)
@ -139,7 +138,8 @@ func main() {
if StartMining {
if StartMining {
logger.Infoln("Miner started")
logger.Infoln("Miner started")
Reference in New Issue