mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:50:37 +00:00
Merge pull request #1429 from obscuren/rebase-registrar
Rebase registrar
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ func runBlockTest(ctx *cli.Context) {
func runOneBlockTest(ctx *cli.Context, test *tests.BlockTest) (*eth.Ethereum, error) {
// TODO remove in favor of logic contained in tests package
cfg := utils.MakeEthConfig(ClientIdentifier, Version, ctx)
cfg.NewDB = func(path string) (common.Database, error) { return ethdb.NewMemDatabase() }
cfg.MaxPeers = 0 // disable network
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
package main
var (
globalRegistrar = `var GlobalRegistrar = web3.eth.contract([{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_owner","type":"address"}],"name":"name","outputs":[{"name":"o_name","type":"bytes32"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"owner","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"content","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"bytes32"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"addr","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"reserve","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"subRegistrar","outputs":[{"name":"o_subRegistrar","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"},{"name":"_newOwner","type":"address"}],"name":"transfer","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"},{"name":"_registrar","type":"address"}],"name":"setSubRegistrar","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"Registrar","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"},{"name":"_a","type":"address"},{"name":"_primary","type":"bool"}],"name":"setAddress","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"},{"name":"_content","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"setContent","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"disown","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"register","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"name":"name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"Changed","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"name":"name","type":"bytes32"},{"indexed":true,"name":"addr","type":"address"}],"name":"PrimaryChanged","type":"event"}]);`
globalRegistrarAddr = "0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b"
@ -32,16 +32,17 @@ import (
re "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/jsre"
type prompter interface {
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ func (r dumbterm) PasswordPrompt(p string) (string, error) {
func (r dumbterm) AppendHistory(string) {}
type jsre struct {
ds *docserver.DocServer
re *re.JSRE
ethereum *eth.Ethereum
xeth *xeth.XEth
@ -143,6 +145,7 @@ func newLightweightJSRE(libPath string, client comms.EthereumClient, interactive
js := &jsre{ps1: "> "}
js.wait = make(chan *big.Int)
js.client = client
js.ds = docserver.New("/")
if f == nil {
f = js
@ -180,6 +183,7 @@ func newJSRE(ethereum *eth.Ethereum, libPath, corsDomain string, client comms.Et
if f == nil {
f = js
js.ds = docserver.New("/")
js.xeth = xeth.New(ethereum, f)
js.wait = js.xeth.UpdateState()
js.client = client
@ -331,15 +335,13 @@ func (js *jsre) apiBindings(f xeth.Frontend) error {
utils.Fatalf("Error setting namespaces: %v", err)
js.re.Eval(globalRegistrar + "registrar = GlobalRegistrar.at(\"" + globalRegistrarAddr + "\");")
js.re.Eval(`var GlobalRegistrar = eth.contract(` + registrar.GlobalRegistrarAbi + `); registrar = GlobalRegistrar.at("` + registrar.GlobalRegistrarAddr + `");`)
return nil
var ds, _ = docserver.New("/")
func (self *jsre) ConfirmTransaction(tx string) bool {
if self.ethereum.NatSpec {
notice := natspec.GetNotice(self.xeth, tx, ds)
notice := natspec.GetNotice(self.xeth, tx, self.ds)
answer, _ := self.Prompt("Confirm Transaction [y/n]")
return strings.HasPrefix(strings.Trim(answer, " "), "y")
@ -3,21 +3,22 @@ package main
import (
@ -43,7 +44,6 @@ var (
type testjethre struct {
stateDb *state.StateDB
lastConfirm string
ds *docserver.DocServer
@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ func (self *testjethre) ConfirmTransaction(tx string) bool {
func testJEthRE(t *testing.T) (string, *testjethre, *eth.Ethereum) {
return testREPL(t, nil)
func testREPL(t *testing.T, config func(*eth.Config)) (string, *testjethre, *eth.Ethereum) {
tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "geth-test")
if err != nil {
@ -74,14 +78,19 @@ func testJEthRE(t *testing.T) (string, *testjethre, *eth.Ethereum) {
ks := crypto.NewKeyStorePlain(filepath.Join(tmp, "keystore"))
am := accounts.NewManager(ks)
ethereum, err := eth.New(ð.Config{
conf := ð.Config{
NodeKey: testNodeKey,
DataDir: tmp,
AccountManager: am,
MaxPeers: 0,
Name: "test",
SolcPath: testSolcPath,
PowTest: true,
if config != nil {
ethereum, err := eth.New(conf)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("%v", err)
@ -102,25 +111,16 @@ func testJEthRE(t *testing.T) (string, *testjethre, *eth.Ethereum) {
assetPath := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "src", "github.com", "ethereum", "go-ethereum", "cmd", "mist", "assets", "ext")
ds, err := docserver.New("/")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error creating DocServer: %v", err)
tf := &testjethre{ds: ds, stateDb: ethereum.ChainManager().State().Copy()}
client := comms.NewInProcClient(codec.JSON)
ds := docserver.New("/")
tf := &testjethre{ds: ds}
repl := newJSRE(ethereum, assetPath, "", client, false, tf)
tf.jsre = repl
return tmp, tf, ethereum
// this line below is needed for transaction to be applied to the state in testing
// the heavy lifing is done in XEth.ApplyTestTxs
// this is fragile, overwriting xeth will result in
// process leaking since xeth loops cannot quit safely
// should be replaced by proper mining with testDAG for easy full integration tests
// txc, self.xeth = self.xeth.ApplyTestTxs(self.xeth.repl.stateDb, coinbase, txc)
func TestNodeInfo(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("broken after p2p update")
tmp, repl, ethereum := testJEthRE(t)
if err := ethereum.Start(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error starting ethereum: %v", err)
@ -254,8 +254,12 @@ func TestSignature(t *testing.T) {
func TestContract(t *testing.T) {
tmp, repl, ethereum := testJEthRE(t)
t.Skip("contract testing is implemented with mining in ethash test mode. This takes about 7seconds to run. Unskip and run on demand")
coinbase := common.HexToAddress(testAddress)
tmp, repl, ethereum := testREPL(t, func(conf *eth.Config) {
conf.Etherbase = testAddress
conf.PowTest = true
if err := ethereum.Start(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error starting ethereum: %v", err)
@ -263,12 +267,26 @@ func TestContract(t *testing.T) {
defer ethereum.Stop()
defer os.RemoveAll(tmp)
var txc uint64
coinbase := common.HexToAddress(testAddress)
// time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
reg := registrar.New(repl.xeth)
_, err := reg.SetGlobalRegistrar("", coinbase)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error setting HashReg: %v", err)
_, err = reg.SetHashReg("", coinbase)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error setting HashReg: %v", err)
_, err = reg.SetUrlHint("", coinbase)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error setting HashReg: %v", err)
/* TODO:
* lookup receipt and contract addresses by tx hash
* name registration for HashReg and UrlHint addresses
* mine those transactions
* then set once more SetHashReg SetUrlHint
// checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `eth.getBlock("pending", true).transactions.length`, `2`)
source := `contract test {\n` +
" /// @notice Will multiply `a` by 7." + `\n` +
` function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) {\n` +
@ -276,14 +294,20 @@ func TestContract(t *testing.T) {
` }\n` +
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.contractInfo.stop()`, `true`)
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.stopNatSpec()`, `true`) != nil {
contractInfo, err := ioutil.ReadFile("info_test.json")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v", err)
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `primary = eth.accounts[0]`, `"`+testAddress+`"`)
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `source = "`+source+`"`, `"`+source+`"`)
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `primary = eth.accounts[0]`, `"`+testAddress+`"`) != nil {
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `source = "`+source+`"`, `"`+source+`"`) != nil {
// if solc is found with right version, test it, otherwise read from file
sol, err := compiler.New("")
@ -303,69 +327,160 @@ func TestContract(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("%v", err)
} else {
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `contract = eth.compile.solidity(source).test`, string(contractInfo))
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `contract = eth.compile.solidity(source).test`, string(contractInfo)) != nil {
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `contract.code`, `"0x605880600c6000396000f3006000357c010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000090048063c6888fa114602e57005b603d6004803590602001506047565b8060005260206000f35b60006007820290506053565b91905056"`)
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `contract.code`, `"0x605880600c6000396000f3006000357c010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000090048063c6888fa114602e57005b603d6004803590602001506047565b8060005260206000f35b60006007820290506053565b91905056"`) != nil {
if checkEvalJSON(
t, repl,
`contractaddress = eth.sendTransaction({from: primary, data: contract.code })`,
`contractaddress = eth.sendTransaction({from: primary, data: contract.code})`,
) != nil {
if !processTxs(repl, t, 8) {
callSetup := `abiDef = JSON.parse('[{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"a","type":"uint256"}],"name":"multiply","outputs":[{"name":"d","type":"uint256"}],"type":"function"}]');
Multiply7 = eth.contract(abiDef);
multiply7 = Multiply7.at(contractaddress);
// time.Sleep(1500 * time.Millisecond)
_, err = repl.re.Run(callSetup)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error setting up contract, got %v", err)
// checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `eth.getBlock("pending", true).transactions.length`, `3`)
// why is this sometimes failing?
// checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `multiply7.multiply.call(6)`, `42`)
expNotice := ""
if repl.lastConfirm != expNotice {
t.Errorf("incorrect confirmation message: expected %v, got %v", expNotice, repl.lastConfirm)
txc, repl.xeth = repl.xeth.ApplyTestTxs(repl.stateDb, coinbase, txc)
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.startNatSpec()`, `true`) != nil {
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `multiply7.multiply.sendTransaction(6, { from: primary })`, `"0x4ef9088431a8033e4580d00e4eb2487275e031ff4163c7529df0ef45af17857b"`) != nil {
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.contractInfo.start()`, `true`)
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `multiply7.multiply.sendTransaction(6, { from: primary, gas: "1000000", gasPrice: "100000" })`, `undefined`)
expNotice = `About to submit transaction (no NatSpec info found for contract: content hash not found for '0x87e2802265838c7f14bb69eecd2112911af6767907a702eeaa445239fb20711b'): {"params":[{"to":"0x5dcaace5982778b409c524873b319667eba5d074","data": "0xc6888fa10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006"}]}`
if !processTxs(repl, t, 1) {
expNotice = `About to submit transaction (no NatSpec info found for contract: content hash not found for '0x87e2802265838c7f14bb69eecd2112911af6767907a702eeaa445239fb20711b'): {"params":[{"to":"0x46d69d55c3c4b86a924a92c9fc4720bb7bce1d74","data": "0xc6888fa10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006"}]}`
if repl.lastConfirm != expNotice {
t.Errorf("incorrect confirmation message: expected %v, got %v", expNotice, repl.lastConfirm)
t.Errorf("incorrect confirmation message: expected\n%v, got\n%v", expNotice, repl.lastConfirm)
var contenthash = `"0x86d2b7cf1e72e9a7a3f8d96601f0151742a2f780f1526414304fbe413dc7f9bd"`
if sol != nil {
var contentHash = `"0x86d2b7cf1e72e9a7a3f8d96601f0151742a2f780f1526414304fbe413dc7f9bd"`
if sol != nil && solcVersion != sol.Version() {
modContractInfo := versionRE.ReplaceAll(contractInfo, []byte(`"compilerVersion":"`+sol.Version()+`"`))
_ = modContractInfo
// contenthash = crypto.Sha3(modContractInfo)
fmt.Printf("modified contractinfo:\n%s\n", modContractInfo)
contentHash = `"` + common.ToHex(crypto.Sha3([]byte(modContractInfo))) + `"`
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `filename = "/tmp/info.json"`, `"/tmp/info.json"`)
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `contenthash = admin.contractInfo.register(primary, contractaddress, contract, filename)`, contenthash)
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.contractInfo.registerUrl(primary, contenthash, "file://"+filename)`, `true`)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error registering, got %v", err)
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `filename = "/tmp/info.json"`, `"/tmp/info.json"`) != nil {
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `contentHash = admin.saveInfo(contract.info, filename)`, contentHash) != nil {
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.register(primary, contractaddress, contentHash)`, `true`) != nil {
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.registerUrl(primary, contentHash, "file://"+filename)`, `true`) != nil {
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.contractInfo.start()`, `true`)
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.startNatSpec()`, `true`) != nil {
// update state
txc, repl.xeth = repl.xeth.ApplyTestTxs(repl.stateDb, coinbase, txc)
if !processTxs(repl, t, 3) {
if checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `multiply7.multiply.sendTransaction(6, { from: primary })`, `"0x66d7635c12ad0b231e66da2f987ca3dfdca58ffe49c6442aa55960858103fd0c"`) != nil {
if !processTxs(repl, t, 1) {
checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `multiply7.multiply.sendTransaction(6, { from: primary, gas: "1000000", gasPrice: "100000" })`, `undefined`)
expNotice = "Will multiply 6 by 7."
if repl.lastConfirm != expNotice {
t.Errorf("incorrect confirmation message: expected %v, got %v", expNotice, repl.lastConfirm)
t.Errorf("incorrect confirmation message: expected\n%v, got\n%v", expNotice, repl.lastConfirm)
func pendingTransactions(repl *testjethre, t *testing.T) (txc int64, err error) {
txs := repl.ethereum.TxPool().GetTransactions()
return int64(len(txs)), nil
func processTxs(repl *testjethre, t *testing.T, expTxc int) bool {
var txc int64
var err error
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
txc, err = pendingTransactions(repl, t)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error checking pending transactions: %v", err)
return false
if expTxc < int(txc) {
t.Errorf("too many pending transactions: expected %v, got %v", expTxc, txc)
return false
} else if expTxc == int(txc) {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
if int(txc) != expTxc {
t.Errorf("incorrect number of pending transactions, expected %v, got %v", expTxc, txc)
return false
err = repl.ethereum.StartMining(runtime.NumCPU())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error mining: %v", err)
return false
defer repl.ethereum.StopMining()
timer := time.NewTimer(100 * time.Second)
height := new(big.Int).Add(repl.xeth.CurrentBlock().Number(), big.NewInt(1))
repl.wait <- height
select {
case <-timer.C:
// if times out make sure the xeth loop does not block
go func() {
select {
case repl.wait <- nil:
case <-repl.wait:
case <-repl.wait:
txc, err = pendingTransactions(repl, t)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error checking pending transactions: %v", err)
return false
if txc != 0 {
t.Errorf("%d trasactions were not mined", txc)
return false
return true
func checkEvalJSON(t *testing.T, re *testjethre, expr, want string) error {
@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ func (sol *Solidity) Compile(source string) (contracts map[string]*Contract, err
func ExtractInfo(contract *Contract, filename string) (contenthash common.Hash, err error) {
contractInfo, err := json.Marshal(contract.Info)
func SaveInfo(info *ContractInfo, filename string) (contenthash common.Hash, err error) {
infojson, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
contenthash = common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(contractInfo))
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, contractInfo, 0600)
contenthash = common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(infojson))
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, infojson, 0600)
@ -72,19 +72,15 @@ func TestNoCompiler(t *testing.T) {
func TestExtractInfo(t *testing.T) {
func TestSaveInfo(t *testing.T) {
var cinfo ContractInfo
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(info), &cinfo)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v", err)
contract := &Contract{
Code: "",
Info: cinfo,
filename := "/tmp/solctest.info.json"
cinfohash, err := ExtractInfo(contract, filename)
cinfohash, err := SaveInfo(&cinfo, filename)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error extracting info: %v", err)
@ -4,34 +4,26 @@ import (
// http://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#RoundTripper
var (
schemes = map[string]func(*DocServer) http.RoundTripper{
// Simple File server from local disk file:///etc/passwd :)
"file": fileServerOnDocRoot,
func fileServerOnDocRoot(ds *DocServer) http.RoundTripper {
return http.NewFileTransport(http.Dir(ds.DocRoot))
type DocServer struct {
DocRoot string
schemes []string
func New(docRoot string) (self *DocServer, err error) {
func New(docRoot string) (self *DocServer) {
self = &DocServer{
Transport: &http.Transport{},
DocRoot: docRoot,
schemes: []string{"file"},
err = self.RegisterProtocols(schemes)
self.DocRoot = "/tmp/"
self.RegisterProtocol("file", http.NewFileTransport(http.Dir(self.DocRoot)))
@ -45,16 +37,44 @@ func (self *DocServer) Client() *http.Client {
func (self *DocServer) RegisterProtocols(schemes map[string]func(*DocServer) http.RoundTripper) (err error) {
for scheme, rtf := range schemes {
self.RegisterProtocol(scheme, rtf(self))
func (self *DocServer) RegisterScheme(scheme string, rt http.RoundTripper) {
self.schemes = append(self.schemes, scheme)
self.RegisterProtocol(scheme, rt)
func (self *DocServer) HasScheme(scheme string) bool {
for _, s := range self.schemes {
if s == scheme {
return true
return false
func (self *DocServer) GetAuthContent(uri string, hash common.Hash) (content []byte, err error) {
// retrieve content
content, err = self.Get(uri, "")
if err != nil {
// check hash to authenticate content
chash := crypto.Sha3Hash(content)
if chash != hash {
content = nil
err = fmt.Errorf("content hash mismatch %x != %x (exp)", hash[:], chash[:])
// Get(uri, path) downloads the document at uri, if path is non-empty it
// is interpreted as a filepath to which the contents are saved
func (self *DocServer) Get(uri, path string) (content []byte, err error) {
// retrieve content
resp, err := self.Client().Get(uri)
defer func() {
if resp != nil {
@ -68,13 +88,10 @@ func (self *DocServer) GetAuthContent(uri string, hash common.Hash) (content []b
// check hash to authenticate content
hashbytes := crypto.Sha3(content)
var chash common.Hash
copy(chash[:], hashbytes)
if chash != hash {
content = nil
err = fmt.Errorf("content hash mismatch")
if path != "" {
var abspath string
abspath, err = filepath.Abs(path)
ioutil.WriteFile(abspath, content, 0700)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package docserver
import (
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ func TestGetAuthContent(t *testing.T) {
copy(hash[:], crypto.Sha3([]byte(text)))
ioutil.WriteFile("/tmp/test.content", []byte(text), os.ModePerm)
ds, err := New("/tmp/")
ds := New("/tmp/")
content, err := ds.GetAuthContent("file:///test.content", hash)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("no error expected, got %v", err)
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ func TestGetAuthContent(t *testing.T) {
hash = common.Hash{}
content, err = ds.GetAuthContent("file:///test.content", hash)
expected := "content hash mismatch"
expected := "content hash mismatch 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 != 9c22ff5f21f0b81b113e63f7db6da94fedef11b2119b4088b89664fb9a3cb658 (exp)"
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error, got nothing")
} else {
@ -36,3 +37,18 @@ func TestGetAuthContent(t *testing.T) {
type rt struct{}
func (rt) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) { return }
func TestRegisterScheme(t *testing.T) {
ds := New("/tmp/")
if ds.HasScheme("scheme") {
t.Errorf("expected scheme not to be registered")
ds.RegisterScheme("scheme", rt{})
if !ds.HasScheme("scheme") {
t.Errorf("expected scheme to be registered")
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ func New(xeth *xeth.XEth, jsontx string, http *docserver.DocServer) (self *NatSp
// also called by admin.contractInfo.get
func FetchDocsForContract(contractAddress string, xeth *xeth.XEth, http *docserver.DocServer) (content []byte, err error) {
func FetchDocsForContract(contractAddress string, xeth *xeth.XEth, ds *docserver.DocServer) (content []byte, err error) {
// retrieve contract hash from state
codehex := xeth.CodeAt(contractAddress)
codeb := xeth.CodeAtBytes(contractAddress)
@ -99,20 +99,32 @@ func FetchDocsForContract(contractAddress string, xeth *xeth.XEth, http *docserv
codehash := common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(codeb))
// set up nameresolver with natspecreg + urlhint contract addresses
res := resolver.New(xeth)
reg := registrar.New(xeth)
// resolve host via HashReg/UrlHint Resolver
uri, hash, err := res.KeyToUrl(codehash)
hash, err := reg.HashToHash(codehash)
if err != nil {
if ds.HasScheme("bzz") {
content, err = ds.Get("bzz://"+hash.Hex()[2:], "")
if err == nil { // non-fatal
err = nil
//falling back to urlhint
uri, err := reg.HashToUrl(hash)
if err != nil {
// get content via http client and authenticate content using hash
content, err = http.GetAuthContent(uri, hash)
content, err = ds.GetAuthContent(uri, hash)
if err != nil {
@ -3,16 +3,18 @@ package natspec
import (
xe "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/xeth"
@ -73,13 +75,10 @@ const (
type testFrontend struct {
t *testing.T
// resolver *resolver.Resolver
t *testing.T
ethereum *eth.Ethereum
xeth *xe.XEth
coinbase common.Address
stateDb *state.StateDB
txc uint64
wait chan *big.Int
lastConfirm string
wantNatSpec bool
@ -91,10 +90,7 @@ func (self *testFrontend) UnlockAccount(acc []byte) bool {
func (self *testFrontend) ConfirmTransaction(tx string) bool {
if self.wantNatSpec {
ds, err := docserver.New("/tmp/")
if err != nil {
self.t.Errorf("Error creating DocServer: %v", err)
ds := docserver.New("/tmp/")
self.lastConfirm = GetNotice(self.xeth, tx, ds)
return true
@ -128,6 +124,8 @@ func testEth(t *testing.T) (ethereum *eth.Ethereum, err error) {
DataDir: "/tmp/eth-natspec",
AccountManager: am,
MaxPeers: 0,
PowTest: true,
Etherbase: testAddress,
if err != nil {
@ -153,86 +151,106 @@ func testInit(t *testing.T) (self *testFrontend) {
// mock frontend
self = &testFrontend{t: t, ethereum: ethereum}
self.xeth = xe.New(ethereum, self)
addr, _ := ethereum.Etherbase()
self.coinbase = addr
self.stateDb = self.ethereum.ChainManager().State().Copy()
self.wait = self.xeth.UpdateState()
addr, _ := self.ethereum.Etherbase()
// initialise the registry contracts
// self.resolver.CreateContracts(addr)
// t.Logf("HashReg contract registered at %v", resolver.HashRegContractAddress)
// t.Logf("URLHint contract registered at %v", resolver.UrlHintContractAddress)
reg := registrar.New(self.xeth)
var registrarTxhash, hashRegTxhash, urlHintTxhash string
registrarTxhash, err = reg.SetGlobalRegistrar("", addr)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating GlobalRegistrar: %v", err)
hashRegTxhash, err = reg.SetHashReg("", addr)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating HashReg: %v", err)
urlHintTxhash, err = reg.SetUrlHint("", addr)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating UrlHint: %v", err)
if !processTxs(self, t, 3) {
t.Errorf("error mining txs")
_ = registrarTxhash
_ = hashRegTxhash
_ = urlHintTxhash
/* TODO:
* lookup receipt and contract addresses by tx hash
* name registration for HashReg and UrlHint addresses
* mine those transactions
* then set once more SetHashReg SetUrlHint
// this is needed for transaction to be applied to the state in testing
// the heavy lifing is done in XEth.ApplyTestTxs
// this is fragile,
// and does process leaking since xeth loops cannot quit safely
// should be replaced by proper mining with testDAG for easy full integration tests
func (self *testFrontend) applyTxs() {
self.txc, self.xeth = self.xeth.ApplyTestTxs(self.stateDb, self.coinbase, self.txc)
// end to end test
func TestNatspecE2E(t *testing.T) {
tf := testInit(t)
defer tf.ethereum.Stop()
addr, _ := tf.ethereum.Etherbase()
// create a contractInfo file (mock cloud-deployed contract metadocs)
// incidentally this is the info for the registry contract itself
ioutil.WriteFile("/tmp/"+testFileName, []byte(testContractInfo), os.ModePerm)
dochash := common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3([]byte(testContractInfo)))
dochash := crypto.Sha3Hash([]byte(testContractInfo))
// take the codehash for the contract we wanna test
// codehex := tf.xeth.CodeAt(resolver.HashRegContractAddress)
codeb := tf.xeth.CodeAtBytes(resolver.HashRegContractAddress)
codehash := common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(codeb))
codeb := tf.xeth.CodeAtBytes(registrar.HashRegAddr)
codehash := crypto.Sha3Hash(codeb)
// use resolver to register codehash->dochash->url
registry := resolver.New(tf.xeth)
_, err := registry.Register(tf.coinbase, codehash, dochash, "file:///"+testFileName)
// test if globalregistry works
// registrar.HashRefAddr = "0x0"
// registrar.UrlHintAddr = "0x0"
reg := registrar.New(tf.xeth)
_, err := reg.SetHashToHash(addr, codehash, dochash)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error registering: %v", err)
// apply txs to the state
_, err = reg.SetUrlToHash(addr, dochash, "file:///"+testFileName)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error registering: %v", err)
if !processTxs(tf, t, 5) {
// NatSpec info for register method of HashReg contract installed
// now using the same transactions to check confirm messages
tf.wantNatSpec = true // this is set so now the backend uses natspec confirmation
_, err = registry.RegisterContentHash(tf.coinbase, codehash, dochash)
_, err = reg.SetHashToHash(addr, codehash, dochash)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error calling contract registry: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("GlobalRegistrar: %v, HashReg: %v, UrlHint: %v\n", registrar.GlobalRegistrarAddr, registrar.HashRegAddr, registrar.UrlHintAddr)
if tf.lastConfirm != testExpNotice {
t.Errorf("Wrong confirm message. expected '%v', got '%v'", testExpNotice, tf.lastConfirm)
t.Errorf("Wrong confirm message. expected\n'%v', got\n'%v'", testExpNotice, tf.lastConfirm)
// test unknown method
exp := fmt.Sprintf(testExpNotice2, resolver.HashRegContractAddress)
_, err = registry.SetOwner(tf.coinbase)
exp := fmt.Sprintf(testExpNotice2, registrar.HashRegAddr)
_, err = reg.SetOwner(addr)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error setting owner: %v", err)
if tf.lastConfirm != exp {
t.Errorf("Wrong confirm message, expected '%v', got '%v'", exp, tf.lastConfirm)
t.Errorf("Wrong confirm message, expected\n'%v', got\n'%v'", exp, tf.lastConfirm)
// test unknown contract
exp = fmt.Sprintf(testExpNotice3, resolver.UrlHintContractAddress)
exp = fmt.Sprintf(testExpNotice3, registrar.UrlHintAddr)
_, err = registry.RegisterUrl(tf.coinbase, dochash, "file:///test.content")
_, err = reg.SetUrlToHash(addr, dochash, "file:///test.content")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error registering: %v", err)
@ -242,3 +260,63 @@ func TestNatspecE2E(t *testing.T) {
func pendingTransactions(repl *testFrontend, t *testing.T) (txc int64, err error) {
txs := repl.ethereum.TxPool().GetTransactions()
return int64(len(txs)), nil
func processTxs(repl *testFrontend, t *testing.T, expTxc int) bool {
var txc int64
var err error
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
txc, err = pendingTransactions(repl, t)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error checking pending transactions: %v", err)
return false
if expTxc < int(txc) {
t.Errorf("too many pending transactions: expected %v, got %v", expTxc, txc)
return false
} else if expTxc == int(txc) {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
if int(txc) != expTxc {
t.Errorf("incorrect number of pending transactions, expected %v, got %v", expTxc, txc)
return false
err = repl.ethereum.StartMining(runtime.NumCPU())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error mining: %v", err)
return false
defer repl.ethereum.StopMining()
timer := time.NewTimer(100 * time.Second)
height := new(big.Int).Add(repl.xeth.CurrentBlock().Number(), big.NewInt(1))
repl.wait <- height
select {
case <-timer.C:
// if times out make sure the xeth loop does not block
go func() {
select {
case repl.wait <- nil:
case <-repl.wait:
case <-repl.wait:
txc, err = pendingTransactions(repl, t)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error checking pending transactions: %v", err)
return false
if txc != 0 {
t.Errorf("%d trasactions were not mined", txc)
return false
return true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
package natspec
import (
xe "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/xeth"
const (
testBalance = "10000000000000000000"
testFileName = "long_file_name_for_testing_registration_of_URLs_longer_than_32_bytes.content"
testNotice = "Register key `utils.toHex(_key)` <- content `utils.toHex(_content)`"
testExpNotice = "Register key 0xadd1a7d961cff0242089674ec2ef6fca671ab15e1fe80e38859fc815b98d88ab <- content 0xb3a2dea218de5d8bbe6c4645aadbf67b5ab00ecb1a9ec95dbdad6a0eed3e41a7"
testExpNotice2 = `About to submit transaction (NatSpec notice error: abi key does not match any method): {"params":[{"to":"%s","data": "0x31e12c20"}]}`
testExpNotice3 = `About to submit transaction (no NatSpec info found for contract: content hash not found for '0x1392c62d05b2d149e22a339c531157ae06b44d39a674cce500064b12b9aeb019'): {"params":[{"to":"%s","data": "0x300a3bbfb3a2dea218de5d8bbe6c4645aadbf67b5ab00ecb1a9ec95dbdad6a0eed3e41a7000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000066696c653a2f2f2f746573742e636f6e74656e74"}]}`
const (
testUserDoc = `
"methods": {
"register(uint256,uint256)": {
"notice": "` + testNotice + `"
"invariants": [
{ "notice": "" }
"construction": [
{ "notice": "" }
testAbiDefinition = `
"name": "register",
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"inputs": [{
"name": "_key",
"type": "uint256"
}, {
"name": "_content",
"type": "uint256"
"outputs": []
testContractInfo = `
"userDoc": ` + testUserDoc + `,
"abiDefinition": ` + testAbiDefinition + `
type testFrontend struct {
t *testing.T
ethereum *eth.Ethereum
xeth *xe.XEth
coinbase common.Address
stateDb *state.StateDB
txc uint64
lastConfirm string
wantNatSpec bool
func (self *testFrontend) UnlockAccount(acc []byte) bool {
self.ethereum.AccountManager().Unlock(common.BytesToAddress(acc), "password")
return true
func (self *testFrontend) ConfirmTransaction(tx string) bool {
if self.wantNatSpec {
ds := docserver.New("/tmp/")
self.lastConfirm = GetNotice(self.xeth, tx, ds)
return true
func testEth(t *testing.T) (ethereum *eth.Ethereum, err error) {
err = os.MkdirAll("/tmp/eth-natspec/keystore", os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
// create a testAddress
ks := crypto.NewKeyStorePassphrase("/tmp/eth-natspec/keystore")
am := accounts.NewManager(ks)
testAccount, err := am.NewAccount("password")
if err != nil {
testAddress := strings.TrimPrefix(testAccount.Address.Hex(), "0x")
// set up mock genesis with balance on the testAddress
core.GenesisAccounts = []byte(`{
"` + testAddress + `": {"balance": "` + testBalance + `"}
// only use minimalistic stack with no networking
ethereum, err = eth.New(ð.Config{
DataDir: "/tmp/eth-natspec",
AccountManager: am,
MaxPeers: 0,
if err != nil {
func testInit(t *testing.T) (self *testFrontend) {
// initialise and start minimal ethereum stack
ethereum, err := testEth(t)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating ethereum: %v", err)
err = ethereum.Start()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error starting ethereum: %v", err)
// mock frontend
self = &testFrontend{t: t, ethereum: ethereum}
self.xeth = xe.New(ethereum, self)
addr, _ := ethereum.Etherbase()
self.coinbase = addr
self.stateDb = self.ethereum.ChainManager().State().Copy()
// initialise the registry contracts
reg := registrar.New(self.xeth)
err = reg.SetHashReg("", addr)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating HashReg: %v", err)
err = reg.SetUrlHint("", addr)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating UrlHint: %v", err)
// this is needed for transaction to be applied to the state in testing
// the heavy lifing is done in XEth.ApplyTestTxs
// this is fragile,
// and does process leaking since xeth loops cannot quit safely
// should be replaced by proper mining with testDAG for easy full integration tests
func (self *testFrontend) applyTxs() {
self.txc, self.xeth = self.xeth.ApplyTestTxs(self.stateDb, self.coinbase, self.txc)
// end to end test
func TestNatspecE2E(t *testing.T) {
tf := testInit(t)
defer tf.ethereum.Stop()
// create a contractInfo file (mock cloud-deployed contract metadocs)
// incidentally this is the info for the registry contract itself
ioutil.WriteFile("/tmp/"+testFileName, []byte(testContractInfo), os.ModePerm)
dochash := common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3([]byte(testContractInfo)))
// take the codehash for the contract we wanna test
// codehex := tf.xeth.CodeAt(registar.HashRegAddr)
codeb := tf.xeth.CodeAtBytes(registrar.HashRegAddr)
codehash := common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(codeb))
// use resolver to register codehash->dochash->url
// test if globalregistry works
// registrar.HashRefAddr = "0x0"
// registrar.UrlHintAddr = "0x0"
reg := registrar.New(tf.xeth)
_, err := reg.SetHashToHash(tf.coinbase, codehash, dochash)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error registering: %v", err)
_, err = reg.SetUrlToHash(tf.coinbase, dochash, "file:///"+testFileName)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error registering: %v", err)
// apply txs to the state
// NatSpec info for register method of HashReg contract installed
// now using the same transactions to check confirm messages
tf.wantNatSpec = true // this is set so now the backend uses natspec confirmation
_, err = reg.SetHashToHash(tf.coinbase, codehash, dochash)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error calling contract registry: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("GlobalRegistrar: %v, HashReg: %v, UrlHint: %v\n", registrar.GlobalRegistrarAddr, registrar.HashRegAddr, registrar.UrlHintAddr)
if tf.lastConfirm != testExpNotice {
t.Errorf("Wrong confirm message. expected '%v', got '%v'", testExpNotice, tf.lastConfirm)
// test unknown method
exp := fmt.Sprintf(testExpNotice2, registrar.HashRegAddr)
_, err = reg.SetOwner(tf.coinbase)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error setting owner: %v", err)
if tf.lastConfirm != exp {
t.Errorf("Wrong confirm message, expected '%v', got '%v'", exp, tf.lastConfirm)
// test unknown contract
exp = fmt.Sprintf(testExpNotice3, registrar.UrlHintAddr)
_, err = reg.SetUrlToHash(tf.coinbase, dochash, "file:///test.content")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error registering: %v", err)
if tf.lastConfirm != exp {
t.Errorf("Wrong confirm message, expected '%v', got '%v'", exp, tf.lastConfirm)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package ethreg
import (
// implements a versioned Registrar on an archiving full node
type EthReg struct {
backend *xeth.XEth
registry *registrar.Registrar
func New(xe *xeth.XEth) (self *EthReg) {
self = &EthReg{backend: xe}
self.registry = registrar.New(xe)
func (self *EthReg) Registry() *registrar.Registrar {
return self.registry
func (self *EthReg) Resolver(n *big.Int) *registrar.Registrar {
xe := self.backend
if n != nil {
xe = self.backend.AtStateNum(n.Int64())
return registrar.New(xe)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
package registrar
import (
Registrar implements the Ethereum name registrar services mapping
- arbitrary strings to ethereum addresses
- hashes to hashes
- hashes to arbitrary strings
(likely will provide lookup service for all three)
The Registrar is used by
* the roundtripper transport implementation of
url schemes to resolve domain names and services that register these names
* contract info retrieval (NatSpec).
The Registrar uses 3 contracts on the blockchain:
* GlobalRegistrar: Name (string) -> Address (Owner)
* HashReg : Key Hash (hash of domain name or contract code) -> Content Hash
* UrlHint : Content Hash -> Url Hint
These contracts are (currently) not included in the genesis block.
Each Set<X> needs to be called once on each blockchain/network once.
Contract addresses need to be set (HashReg and UrlHint retrieved from the global
registrar the first time any Registrar method is called in a client session
So the caller needs to make sure the relevant environment initialised the desired
var (
UrlHintAddr = "0x0"
HashRegAddr = "0x0"
GlobalRegistrarAddr = "0x0"
// GlobalRegistrarAddr = "0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b"
zero = regexp.MustCompile("^(0x)?0*$")
const (
trueHex = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
falseHex = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
func abiSignature(s string) string {
return common.ToHex(crypto.Sha3([]byte(s))[:4])
var (
HashRegName = "HashReg"
UrlHintName = "UrlHint"
registerContentHashAbi = abiSignature("register(uint256,uint256)")
registerUrlAbi = abiSignature("register(uint256,uint8,uint256)")
setOwnerAbi = abiSignature("setowner()")
reserveAbi = abiSignature("reserve(bytes32)")
resolveAbi = abiSignature("addr(bytes32)")
registerAbi = abiSignature("setAddress(bytes32,address,bool)")
addressAbiPrefix = falseHex[:24]
// Registrar's backend is defined as an interface (implemented by xeth, but could be remote)
type Backend interface {
StorageAt(string, string) string
Transact(fromStr, toStr, nonceStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, codeStr string) (string, error)
Call(fromStr, toStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, codeStr string) (string, string, error)
// TODO Registrar should also just implement The Resolver and Registry interfaces
// Simplify for now.
type VersionedRegistrar interface {
Resolver(*big.Int) *Registrar
Registry() *Registrar
type Registrar struct {
backend Backend
func New(b Backend) (res *Registrar) {
res = &Registrar{b}
func (self *Registrar) SetGlobalRegistrar(namereg string, addr common.Address) (txhash string, err error) {
if namereg != "" {
GlobalRegistrarAddr = namereg
if GlobalRegistrarAddr == "0x0" || GlobalRegistrarAddr == "0x" {
if (addr == common.Address{}) {
err = fmt.Errorf("GlobalRegistrar address not found and sender for creation not given")
} else {
txhash, err = self.backend.Transact(addr.Hex(), "", "", "", "800000", "", GlobalRegistrarCode)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("GlobalRegistrar address not found and sender for creation failed: %v", err)
func (self *Registrar) SetHashReg(hashreg string, addr common.Address) (txhash string, err error) {
if hashreg != "" {
HashRegAddr = hashreg
} else {
if !zero.MatchString(HashRegAddr) {
nameHex, extra := encodeName(HashRegName, 2)
hashRegAbi := resolveAbi + nameHex + extra
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("\ncall HashRegAddr %v with %v\n", GlobalRegistrarAddr, hashRegAbi)
var res string
res, _, err = self.backend.Call("", GlobalRegistrarAddr, "", "", "", hashRegAbi)
if len(res) >= 40 {
HashRegAddr = "0x" + res[len(res)-40:len(res)]
if err != nil || zero.MatchString(HashRegAddr) {
if (addr == common.Address{}) {
err = fmt.Errorf("HashReg address not found and sender for creation not given")
txhash, err = self.backend.Transact(addr.Hex(), "", "", "", "", "", HashRegCode)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("HashReg address not found and sender for creation failed: %v", err)
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("created HashRegAddr @ txhash %v\n", txhash)
} else {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("HashRegAddr found at @ %v\n", HashRegAddr)
func (self *Registrar) SetUrlHint(urlhint string, addr common.Address) (txhash string, err error) {
if urlhint != "" {
UrlHintAddr = urlhint
} else {
if !zero.MatchString(UrlHintAddr) {
nameHex, extra := encodeName(UrlHintName, 2)
urlHintAbi := resolveAbi + nameHex + extra
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("UrlHint address query data: %s to %s", urlHintAbi, GlobalRegistrarAddr)
var res string
res, _, err = self.backend.Call("", GlobalRegistrarAddr, "", "", "", urlHintAbi)
if len(res) >= 40 {
UrlHintAddr = "0x" + res[len(res)-40:len(res)]
if err != nil || zero.MatchString(UrlHintAddr) {
if (addr == common.Address{}) {
err = fmt.Errorf("UrlHint address not found and sender for creation not given")
txhash, err = self.backend.Transact(addr.Hex(), "", "", "", "210000", "", UrlHintCode)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("UrlHint address not found and sender for creation failed: %v", err)
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("created UrlHint @ txhash %v\n", txhash)
} else {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("UrlHint found @ %v\n", HashRegAddr)
// ReserveName(from, name) reserves name for the sender address in the globalRegistrar
// the tx needs to be mined to take effect
func (self *Registrar) ReserveName(address common.Address, name string) (txh string, err error) {
nameHex, extra := encodeName(name, 2)
abi := reserveAbi + nameHex + extra
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Reserve data: %s", abi)
return self.backend.Transact(
"", "", "", "",
// SetAddressToName(from, name, addr) will set the Address to address for name
// in the globalRegistrar using from as the sender of the transaction
// the tx needs to be mined to take effect
func (self *Registrar) SetAddressToName(from common.Address, name string, address common.Address) (txh string, err error) {
nameHex, extra := encodeName(name, 6)
addrHex := encodeAddress(address)
abi := registerAbi + nameHex + addrHex + trueHex + extra
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("SetAddressToName data: %s to %s ", abi, GlobalRegistrarAddr)
return self.backend.Transact(
"", "", "", "",
// NameToAddr(from, name) queries the registrar for the address on name
func (self *Registrar) NameToAddr(from common.Address, name string) (address common.Address, err error) {
nameHex, extra := encodeName(name, 2)
abi := resolveAbi + nameHex + extra
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("NameToAddr data: %s", abi)
res, _, err := self.backend.Call(
"", "", "",
if err != nil {
address = common.HexToAddress(res)
// called as first step in the registration process on HashReg
func (self *Registrar) SetOwner(address common.Address) (txh string, err error) {
return self.backend.Transact(
"", "", "", "",
// registers some content hash to a key/code hash
// e.g., the contract Info combined Json Doc's ContentHash
// to CodeHash of a contract or hash of a domain
func (self *Registrar) SetHashToHash(address common.Address, codehash, dochash common.Hash) (txh string, err error) {
_, err = self.SetOwner(address)
if err != nil {
codehex := common.Bytes2Hex(codehash[:])
dochex := common.Bytes2Hex(dochash[:])
data := registerContentHashAbi + codehex + dochex
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("SetHashToHash data: %s sent to %v\n", data, HashRegAddr)
return self.backend.Transact(
"", "", "", "",
// SetUrlToHash(from, hash, url) registers a url to a content hash so that the content can be fetched
// address is used as sender for the transaction and will be the owner of a new
// registry entry on first time use
// FIXME: silently doing nothing if sender is not the owner
// note that with content addressed storage, this step is no longer necessary
func (self *Registrar) SetUrlToHash(address common.Address, hash common.Hash, url string) (txh string, err error) {
hashHex := common.Bytes2Hex(hash[:])
var urlHex string
urlb := []byte(url)
var cnt byte
n := len(urlb)
for n > 0 {
if n > 32 {
n = 32
urlHex = common.Bytes2Hex(urlb[:n])
urlb = urlb[n:]
n = len(urlb)
bcnt := make([]byte, 32)
bcnt[31] = cnt
data := registerUrlAbi +
hashHex +
common.Bytes2Hex(bcnt) +
common.Bytes2Hex(common.Hex2BytesFixed(urlHex, 32))
txh, err = self.backend.Transact(
"", "", "", "",
if err != nil {
// HashToHash(key) resolves contenthash for key (a hash) using HashReg
// resolution is costless non-transactional
// implemented as direct retrieval from db
func (self *Registrar) HashToHash(khash common.Hash) (chash common.Hash, err error) {
// look up in hashReg
at := HashRegAddr[2:]
key := storageAddress(storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), khash[:]))
hash := self.backend.StorageAt(at, key)
if hash == "0x0" || len(hash) < 3 || (hash == common.Hash{}.Hex()) {
err = fmt.Errorf("content hash not found for '%v'", khash.Hex())
copy(chash[:], common.Hex2BytesFixed(hash[2:], 32))
// HashToUrl(contenthash) resolves the url for contenthash using UrlHint
// resolution is costless non-transactional
// implemented as direct retrieval from db
// if we use content addressed storage, this step is no longer necessary
func (self *Registrar) HashToUrl(chash common.Hash) (uri string, err error) {
// look up in URL reg
var str string = " "
var idx uint32
for len(str) > 0 {
mapaddr := storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), chash[:])
key := storageAddress(storageFixedArray(mapaddr, storageIdx2Addr(idx)))
hex := self.backend.StorageAt(UrlHintAddr[2:], key)
str = string(common.Hex2Bytes(hex[2:]))
l := 0
for (l < len(str)) && (str[l] == 0) {
str = str[l:]
uri = uri + str
if len(uri) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("GetURLhint: URL hint not found for '%v'", chash.Hex())
func storageIdx2Addr(varidx uint32) []byte {
data := make([]byte, 32)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[28:32], varidx)
return data
func storageMapping(addr, key []byte) []byte {
data := make([]byte, 64)
copy(data[0:32], key[0:32])
copy(data[32:64], addr[0:32])
sha := crypto.Sha3(data)
return sha
func storageFixedArray(addr, idx []byte) []byte {
var carry byte
for i := 31; i >= 0; i-- {
var b byte = addr[i] + idx[i] + carry
if b < addr[i] {
carry = 1
} else {
carry = 0
addr[i] = b
return addr
func storageAddress(addr []byte) string {
return common.ToHex(addr)
func encodeAddress(address common.Address) string {
return addressAbiPrefix + address.Hex()[2:]
func encodeName(name string, index uint8) (string, string) {
extra := common.Bytes2Hex([]byte(name))
if len(name) > 32 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%064x", index), extra
return extra + falseHex[len(extra):], ""
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package resolver
package registrar
import (
@ -20,22 +20,22 @@ var (
func NewTestBackend() *testBackend {
HashRegContractAddress = common.BigToAddress(common.Big0).Hex()[2:]
UrlHintContractAddress = common.BigToAddress(common.Big1).Hex()[2:]
HashRegAddr = common.BigToAddress(common.Big0).Hex() //[2:]
UrlHintAddr = common.BigToAddress(common.Big1).Hex() //[2:]
self := &testBackend{}
self.contracts = make(map[string](map[string]string))
self.contracts[HashRegContractAddress] = make(map[string]string)
self.contracts[HashRegAddr[2:]] = make(map[string]string)
key := storageAddress(storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), codehash[:]))
self.contracts[HashRegContractAddress][key] = hash.Hex()
self.contracts[HashRegAddr[2:]][key] = hash.Hex()
self.contracts[UrlHintContractAddress] = make(map[string]string)
self.contracts[UrlHintAddr[2:]] = make(map[string]string)
mapaddr := storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), hash[:])
key = storageAddress(storageFixedArray(mapaddr, storageIdx2Addr(0)))
self.contracts[UrlHintContractAddress][key] = common.ToHex([]byte(url))
self.contracts[UrlHintAddr[2:]][key] = common.ToHex([]byte(url))
key = storageAddress(storageFixedArray(mapaddr, storageIdx2Addr(1)))
self.contracts[UrlHintContractAddress][key] = "0x00"
self.contracts[UrlHintAddr[2:]][key] = "0x0"
return self
@ -52,11 +52,25 @@ func (self *testBackend) Transact(fromStr, toStr, nonceStr, valueStr, gasStr, ga
return "", nil
func TestKeyToContentHash(t *testing.T) {
func (self *testBackend) Call(fromStr, toStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, codeStr string) (string, string, error) {
return "", "", nil
func TestSetGlobalRegistrar(t *testing.T) {
b := NewTestBackend()
res := New(b)
_, err := res.SetGlobalRegistrar("addresshex", common.BigToAddress(common.Big1))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v'", err)
got, err := res.KeyToContentHash(codehash)
func TestHashToHash(t *testing.T) {
b := NewTestBackend()
res := New(b)
// res.SetHashReg()
got, err := res.HashToHash(codehash)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error, got %v", err)
} else {
@ -66,28 +80,17 @@ func TestKeyToContentHash(t *testing.T) {
func TestContentHashToUrl(t *testing.T) {
func TestHashToUrl(t *testing.T) {
b := NewTestBackend()
res := New(b)
got, err := res.ContentHashToUrl(hash)
// res.SetUrlHint()
got, err := res.HashToUrl(hash)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error, got %v", err)
t.Errorf("expected error, got %v", err)
} else {
if got != url {
t.Errorf("incorrect result, expected '%v', got '%s'", url, got)
func TestKeyToUrl(t *testing.T) {
b := NewTestBackend()
res := New(b)
got, _, err := res.KeyToUrl(codehash)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error, got %v", err)
} else {
if got != url {
t.Errorf("incorrect result, expected \n'%s', got \n'%s'", url, got)
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package resolver
const ( // built-in contracts address and code
ContractCodeURLhint = "0x60c180600c6000396000f30060003560e060020a90048063300a3bbf14601557005b6024600435602435604435602a565b60006000f35b6000600084815260200190815260200160002054600160a060020a0316600014806078575033600160a060020a03166000600085815260200190815260200160002054600160a060020a0316145b607f5760bc565b336000600085815260200190815260200160002081905550806001600085815260200190815260200160002083610100811060b657005b01819055505b50505056"
contract URLhint {
function register(uint256 _hash, uint8 idx, uint256 _url) {
if (owner[_hash] == 0 || owner[_hash] == msg.sender) {
owner[_hash] = msg.sender;
url[_hash][idx] = _url;
mapping (uint256 => address) owner;
mapping (uint256 => uint256[256]) url;
ContractCodeHashReg = "0x609880600c6000396000f30060003560e060020a9004806331e12c2014601f578063d66d6c1014602b57005b6025603d565b60006000f35b6037600435602435605d565b60006000f35b600054600160a060020a0316600014605357605b565b336000819055505b565b600054600160a060020a031633600160a060020a031614607b576094565b8060016000848152602001908152602001600020819055505b505056"
contract HashReg {
function setowner() {
if (owner == 0) {
owner = msg.sender;
function register(uint256 _key, uint256 _content) {
if (msg.sender == owner) {
content[_key] = _content;
address owner;
mapping (uint256 => uint256) content;
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
package resolver
import (
Resolver implements the Ethereum DNS mapping
HashReg : Key Hash (hash of domain name or contract code) -> Content Hash
UrlHint : Content Hash -> Url Hint
The resolver is meant to be called by the roundtripper transport implementation
of a url scheme
// // contract addresses will be hardcoded after they're created
var UrlHintContractAddress, HashRegContractAddress string
const (
txValue = "0"
txGas = "100000"
txGasPrice = "1000000000000"
func abi(s string) string {
return common.ToHex(crypto.Sha3([]byte(s))[:4])
var (
registerContentHashAbi = abi("register(uint256,uint256)")
registerUrlAbi = abi("register(uint256,uint8,uint256)")
setOwnerAbi = abi("setowner()")
type Backend interface {
StorageAt(string, string) string
Transact(fromStr, toStr, nonceStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, codeStr string) (string, error)
type Resolver struct {
backend Backend
func New(eth Backend) *Resolver {
return &Resolver{eth}
// for testing and play temporarily
// ideally the HashReg and UrlHint contracts should be in the genesis block
// if we got build-in support for natspec/contract info
// there should be only one of these officially endorsed
// addresses as constants
// TODO: could get around this with namereg, check
func (self *Resolver) CreateContracts(addr common.Address) (err error) {
HashRegContractAddress, err = self.backend.Transact(addr.Hex(), "", "", txValue, txGas, txGasPrice, ContractCodeHashReg)
if err != nil {
UrlHintContractAddress, err = self.backend.Transact(addr.Hex(), "", "", txValue, txGas, txGasPrice, ContractCodeURLhint)
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("HashReg @ %v\nUrlHint @ %v\n", HashRegContractAddress, UrlHintContractAddress)
// called as first step in the registration process on HashReg
func (self *Resolver) SetOwner(address common.Address) (txh string, err error) {
return self.backend.Transact(
"", txValue, txGas, txGasPrice,
// registers some content hash to a key/code hash
// e.g., the contract Info combined Json Doc's ContentHash
// to CodeHash of a contract or hash of a domain
// kept
func (self *Resolver) RegisterContentHash(address common.Address, codehash, dochash common.Hash) (txh string, err error) {
_, err = self.SetOwner(address)
if err != nil {
codehex := common.Bytes2Hex(codehash[:])
dochex := common.Bytes2Hex(dochash[:])
data := registerContentHashAbi + codehex + dochex
return self.backend.Transact(
"", txValue, txGas, txGasPrice,
// registers a url to a content hash so that the content can be fetched
// address is used as sender for the transaction and will be the owner of a new
// registry entry on first time use
// FIXME: silently doing nothing if sender is not the owner
// note that with content addressed storage, this step is no longer necessary
// it could be purely
func (self *Resolver) RegisterUrl(address common.Address, hash common.Hash, url string) (txh string, err error) {
hashHex := common.Bytes2Hex(hash[:])
var urlHex string
urlb := []byte(url)
var cnt byte
n := len(urlb)
for n > 0 {
if n > 32 {
n = 32
urlHex = common.Bytes2Hex(urlb[:n])
urlb = urlb[n:]
n = len(urlb)
bcnt := make([]byte, 32)
bcnt[31] = cnt
data := registerUrlAbi +
hashHex +
common.Bytes2Hex(bcnt) +
common.Bytes2Hex(common.Hex2BytesFixed(urlHex, 32))
txh, err = self.backend.Transact(
"", txValue, txGas, txGasPrice,
if err != nil {
func (self *Resolver) Register(address common.Address, codehash, dochash common.Hash, url string) (txh string, err error) {
_, err = self.RegisterContentHash(address, codehash, dochash)
if err != nil {
return self.RegisterUrl(address, dochash, url)
// resolution is costless non-transactional
// implemented as direct retrieval from db
func (self *Resolver) KeyToContentHash(khash common.Hash) (chash common.Hash, err error) {
// look up in hashReg
at := common.Bytes2Hex(common.FromHex(HashRegContractAddress))
key := storageAddress(storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), khash[:]))
hash := self.backend.StorageAt(at, key)
if hash == "0x0" || len(hash) < 3 {
err = fmt.Errorf("content hash not found for '%v'", khash.Hex())
copy(chash[:], common.Hex2BytesFixed(hash[2:], 32))
// retrieves the url-hint for the content hash -
// if we use content addressed storage, this step is no longer necessary
func (self *Resolver) ContentHashToUrl(chash common.Hash) (uri string, err error) {
// look up in URL reg
var str string = " "
var idx uint32
for len(str) > 0 {
mapaddr := storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), chash[:])
key := storageAddress(storageFixedArray(mapaddr, storageIdx2Addr(idx)))
hex := self.backend.StorageAt(UrlHintContractAddress, key)
str = string(common.Hex2Bytes(hex[2:]))
l := len(str)
for (l > 0) && (str[l-1] == 0) {
str = str[:l]
uri = uri + str
if len(uri) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("GetURLhint: URL hint not found for '%v'", chash.Hex())
func (self *Resolver) KeyToUrl(key common.Hash) (uri string, hash common.Hash, err error) {
// look up in urlHint
hash, err = self.KeyToContentHash(key)
if err != nil {
uri, err = self.ContentHashToUrl(hash)
func storageIdx2Addr(varidx uint32) []byte {
data := make([]byte, 32)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[28:32], varidx)
return data
func storageMapping(addr, key []byte) []byte {
data := make([]byte, 64)
copy(data[0:32], key[0:32])
copy(data[32:64], addr[0:32])
sha := crypto.Sha3(data)
return sha
func storageFixedArray(addr, idx []byte) []byte {
var carry byte
for i := 31; i >= 0; i-- {
var b byte = addr[i] + idx[i] + carry
if b < addr[i] {
carry = 1
} else {
carry = 0
addr[i] = b
return addr
func storageAddress(addr []byte) string {
return common.ToHex(addr)
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ type Config struct {
VmDebug bool
NatSpec bool
AutoDAG bool
PowTest bool
MaxPeers int
MaxPendingPeers int
@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ type Ethereum struct {
NatSpec bool
DataDir string
AutoDAG bool
PowTest bool
autodagquit chan bool
etherbase common.Address
clientVersion string
@ -329,6 +331,7 @@ func New(config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
MinerThreads: config.MinerThreads,
SolcPath: config.SolcPath,
AutoDAG: config.AutoDAG,
PowTest: config.PowTest,
GpoMinGasPrice: config.GpoMinGasPrice,
GpoMaxGasPrice: config.GpoMaxGasPrice,
GpoFullBlockRatio: config.GpoFullBlockRatio,
@ -337,7 +340,15 @@ func New(config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
GpobaseCorrectionFactor: config.GpobaseCorrectionFactor,
eth.pow = ethash.New()
if config.PowTest {
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("ethash used in test mode")
eth.pow, err = ethash.NewForTesting()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
eth.pow = ethash.New()
genesis := core.GenesisBlock(uint64(config.GenesisNonce), stateDb)
eth.chainManager, err = core.NewChainManager(genesis, blockDb, stateDb, extraDb, eth.pow, eth.EventMux())
if err != nil {
@ -97,7 +97,15 @@ var isMemberFunction = function(object, member) {
var isBigNumber = function (object) {
return typeof BigNumber !== 'undefined' && object instanceof BigNumber;
var result = typeof BigNumber !== 'undefined' && object instanceof BigNumber;
if (!result) {
if(typeof(object) === "object") {
result = object.constructor.toString().indexOf("function BigNumber(") == 0;
return result
function prettyPrint(/* */) {
@ -3,10 +3,18 @@ package api
import (
@ -24,17 +32,29 @@ const (
var (
// mapping between methods and handlers
AdminMapping = map[string]adminhandler{
"admin_addPeer": (*adminApi).AddPeer,
"admin_peers": (*adminApi).Peers,
"admin_nodeInfo": (*adminApi).NodeInfo,
"admin_exportChain": (*adminApi).ExportChain,
"admin_importChain": (*adminApi).ImportChain,
"admin_verbosity": (*adminApi).Verbosity,
"admin_chainSyncStatus": (*adminApi).ChainSyncStatus,
"admin_setSolc": (*adminApi).SetSolc,
"admin_datadir": (*adminApi).DataDir,
"admin_startRPC": (*adminApi).StartRPC,
"admin_stopRPC": (*adminApi).StopRPC,
"admin_addPeer": (*adminApi).AddPeer,
"admin_peers": (*adminApi).Peers,
"admin_nodeInfo": (*adminApi).NodeInfo,
"admin_exportChain": (*adminApi).ExportChain,
"admin_importChain": (*adminApi).ImportChain,
"admin_verbosity": (*adminApi).Verbosity,
"admin_chainSyncStatus": (*adminApi).ChainSyncStatus,
"admin_setSolc": (*adminApi).SetSolc,
"admin_datadir": (*adminApi).DataDir,
"admin_startRPC": (*adminApi).StartRPC,
"admin_stopRPC": (*adminApi).StopRPC,
"admin_setGlobalRegistrar": (*adminApi).SetGlobalRegistrar,
"admin_setHashReg": (*adminApi).SetHashReg,
"admin_setUrlHint": (*adminApi).SetUrlHint,
"admin_saveInfo": (*adminApi).SaveInfo,
"admin_register": (*adminApi).Register,
"admin_registerUrl": (*adminApi).RegisterUrl,
"admin_startNatSpec": (*adminApi).StartNatSpec,
"admin_stopNatSpec": (*adminApi).StopNatSpec,
"admin_getContractInfo": (*adminApi).GetContractInfo,
"admin_httpGet": (*adminApi).HttpGet,
"admin_sleepBlocks": (*adminApi).SleepBlocks,
"admin_sleep": (*adminApi).Sleep,
@ -47,6 +67,7 @@ type adminApi struct {
ethereum *eth.Ethereum
codec codec.Codec
coder codec.ApiCoder
ds *docserver.DocServer
// create a new admin api instance
@ -56,6 +77,7 @@ func NewAdminApi(xeth *xeth.XEth, ethereum *eth.Ethereum, codec codec.Codec) *ad
ethereum: ethereum,
codec: codec,
coder: codec.New(nil),
ds: docserver.New("/"),
@ -244,3 +266,195 @@ func (self *adminApi) StopRPC(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
return true, nil
func (self *adminApi) SleepBlocks(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(SleepBlocksArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
var timer <-chan time.Time
var height *big.Int
var err error
if args.Timeout > 0 {
timer = time.NewTimer(time.Duration(args.Timeout) * time.Second).C
height = new(big.Int).Add(self.xeth.CurrentBlock().Number(), big.NewInt(args.N))
height, err = sleepBlocks(self.xeth.UpdateState(), height, timer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return height.Uint64(), nil
func sleepBlocks(wait chan *big.Int, height *big.Int, timer <-chan time.Time) (newHeight *big.Int, err error) {
wait <- height
select {
case <-timer:
// if times out make sure the xeth loop does not block
go func() {
select {
case wait <- nil:
case <-wait:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("timeout")
case newHeight = <-wait:
func (self *adminApi) Sleep(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(SleepArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
time.Sleep(time.Duration(args.S) * time.Second)
return nil, nil
func (self *adminApi) SetGlobalRegistrar(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(SetGlobalRegistrarArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
sender := common.HexToAddress(args.ContractAddress)
reg := registrar.New(self.xeth)
txhash, err := reg.SetGlobalRegistrar(args.NameReg, sender)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return txhash, nil
func (self *adminApi) SetHashReg(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(SetHashRegArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
reg := registrar.New(self.xeth)
sender := common.HexToAddress(args.Sender)
txhash, err := reg.SetHashReg(args.HashReg, sender)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return txhash, nil
func (self *adminApi) SetUrlHint(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(SetUrlHintArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
urlHint := args.UrlHint
sender := common.HexToAddress(args.Sender)
reg := registrar.New(self.xeth)
txhash, err := reg.SetUrlHint(urlHint, sender)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return txhash, nil
func (self *adminApi) SaveInfo(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(SaveInfoArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
contenthash, err := compiler.SaveInfo(&args.ContractInfo, args.Filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return contenthash.Hex(), nil
func (self *adminApi) Register(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(RegisterArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
sender := common.HexToAddress(args.Sender)
// sender and contract address are passed as hex strings
codeb := self.xeth.CodeAtBytes(args.Address)
codeHash := common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(codeb))
contentHash := common.HexToHash(args.ContentHashHex)
registry := registrar.New(self.xeth)
_, err := registry.SetHashToHash(sender, codeHash, contentHash)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func (self *adminApi) RegisterUrl(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(RegisterUrlArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
sender := common.HexToAddress(args.Sender)
registry := registrar.New(self.xeth)
_, err := registry.SetUrlToHash(sender, common.HexToHash(args.ContentHash), args.Url)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func (self *adminApi) StartNatSpec(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
self.ethereum.NatSpec = true
return true, nil
func (self *adminApi) StopNatSpec(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
self.ethereum.NatSpec = false
return true, nil
func (self *adminApi) GetContractInfo(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(GetContractInfoArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
infoDoc, err := natspec.FetchDocsForContract(args.Contract, self.xeth, self.ds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var info interface{}
err = self.coder.Decode(infoDoc, &info)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return info, nil
func (self *adminApi) HttpGet(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
args := new(HttpGetArgs)
if err := self.coder.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
resp, err := self.ds.Get(args.Uri, args.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return string(resp), nil
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package api
import (
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ func (args *StartRPCArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
args.ListenPort = 8545
args.Apis = "net,eth,web3"
if len(obj) >= 1 {
if len(obj) >= 1 && obj[0] != nil {
if addr, ok := obj[0].(string); ok {
args.ListenAddress = addr
} else {
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ func (args *StartRPCArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
if len(obj) >= 2 {
if len(obj) >= 2 && obj[1] != nil {
if port, ok := obj[1].(float64); ok && port >= 0 && port <= 64*1024 {
args.ListenPort = uint(port)
} else {
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ func (args *StartRPCArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
if len(obj) >= 3 {
if len(obj) >= 3 && obj[2] != nil {
if corsDomain, ok := obj[2].(string); ok {
args.CorsDomain = corsDomain
} else {
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ func (args *StartRPCArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
if len(obj) >= 4 {
if len(obj) >= 4 && obj[3] != nil {
if apis, ok := obj[3].(string); ok {
args.Apis = apis
} else {
@ -147,3 +148,327 @@ func (args *StartRPCArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
return nil
type SleepArgs struct {
S int
func (args *SleepArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) >= 1 {
if obj[0] != nil {
if n, err := numString(obj[0]); err == nil {
args.S = int(n.Int64())
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("N", "not an integer: "+err.Error())
} else {
return shared.NewInsufficientParamsError(0, 1)
return nil
type SleepBlocksArgs struct {
N int64
Timeout int64
func (args *SleepBlocksArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
args.N = 1
args.Timeout = 0
if len(obj) >= 1 && obj[0] != nil {
if n, err := numString(obj[0]); err == nil {
args.N = n.Int64()
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("N", "not an integer: "+err.Error())
if len(obj) >= 2 && obj[1] != nil {
if n, err := numString(obj[1]); err == nil {
args.Timeout = n.Int64()
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Timeout", "not an integer: "+err.Error())
return nil
type SetGlobalRegistrarArgs struct {
NameReg string
ContractAddress string
func (args *SetGlobalRegistrarArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) == 0 {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError("Expected namereg address")
if len(obj) >= 1 {
if namereg, ok := obj[0].(string); ok {
args.NameReg = namereg
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("NameReg", "not a string")
if len(obj) >= 2 && obj[1] != nil {
if addr, ok := obj[1].(string); ok {
args.ContractAddress = addr
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("ContractAddress", "not a string")
return nil
type SetHashRegArgs struct {
HashReg string
Sender string
func (args *SetHashRegArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) >= 1 && obj[0] != nil {
if hashreg, ok := obj[0].(string); ok {
args.HashReg = hashreg
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("HashReg", "not a string")
if len(obj) >= 2 && obj[1] != nil {
if sender, ok := obj[1].(string); ok {
args.Sender = sender
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Sender", "not a string")
return nil
type SetUrlHintArgs struct {
UrlHint string
Sender string
func (args *SetUrlHintArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) >= 1 && obj[0] != nil {
if urlhint, ok := obj[0].(string); ok {
args.UrlHint = urlhint
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("UrlHint", "not a string")
if len(obj) >= 2 && obj[1] != nil {
if sender, ok := obj[1].(string); ok {
args.Sender = sender
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Sender", "not a string")
return nil
type SaveInfoArgs struct {
ContractInfo compiler.ContractInfo
Filename string
func (args *SaveInfoArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) < 2 {
return shared.NewInsufficientParamsError(len(obj), 2)
if jsonraw, err := json.Marshal(obj[0]); err == nil {
if err = json.Unmarshal(jsonraw, &args.ContractInfo); err != nil {
return err
} else {
return err
if filename, ok := obj[1].(string); ok {
args.Filename = filename
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Filename", "not a string")
return nil
type RegisterArgs struct {
Sender string
Address string
ContentHashHex string
func (args *RegisterArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) < 3 {
return shared.NewInsufficientParamsError(len(obj), 3)
if len(obj) >= 1 {
if sender, ok := obj[0].(string); ok {
args.Sender = sender
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Sender", "not a string")
if len(obj) >= 2 {
if address, ok := obj[1].(string); ok {
args.Address = address
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Address", "not a string")
if len(obj) >= 3 {
if hex, ok := obj[2].(string); ok {
args.ContentHashHex = hex
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("ContentHashHex", "not a string")
return nil
type RegisterUrlArgs struct {
Sender string
ContentHash string
Url string
func (args *RegisterUrlArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) >= 1 {
if sender, ok := obj[0].(string); ok {
args.Sender = sender
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Sender", "not a string")
if len(obj) >= 2 {
if sender, ok := obj[1].(string); ok {
args.ContentHash = sender
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("ContentHash", "not a string")
if len(obj) >= 3 {
if sender, ok := obj[2].(string); ok {
args.Url = sender
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Url", "not a string")
return nil
type GetContractInfoArgs struct {
Contract string
func (args *GetContractInfoArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) < 1 {
return shared.NewInsufficientParamsError(len(obj), 1)
if len(obj) >= 1 {
if contract, ok := obj[0].(string); ok {
args.Contract = contract
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Contract", "not a string")
return nil
type HttpGetArgs struct {
Uri string
Path string
func (args *HttpGetArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var obj []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())
if len(obj) < 1 {
return shared.NewInsufficientParamsError(len(obj), 1)
if len(obj) >= 1 {
if uri, ok := obj[0].(string); ok {
args.Uri = uri
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Uri", "not a string")
if len(obj) >= 2 && obj[1] != nil {
if path, ok := obj[1].(string); ok {
args.Path = path
} else {
return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("Path", "not a string")
return nil
@ -9,73 +9,128 @@ web3._extend({
name: 'addPeer',
call: 'admin_addPeer',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'exportChain',
call: 'admin_exportChain',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
inputFormatter: [null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'importChain',
call: 'admin_importChain',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
inputFormatter: [null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'sleepBlocks',
call: 'admin_sleepBlocks',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [null, null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'verbosity',
call: 'admin_verbosity',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.fromDecimal]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'setSolc',
call: 'admin_setSolc',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
inputFormatter: [null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'startRPC',
call: 'admin_startRPC',
params: 4,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputString,web3._extend.utils.formatInputInteger,web3._extend.utils.formatInputString,web3._extend.utils.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [null, null, null, null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'stopRPC',
call: 'admin_stopRPC',
params: 0,
inputFormatter: [],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: []
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'setGlobalRegistrar',
call: 'admin_setGlobalRegistrar',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [null,null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'setHashReg',
call: 'admin_setHashReg',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [null,null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'setUrlHint',
call: 'admin_setUrlHint',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [null,null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'saveInfo',
call: 'admin_saveInfo',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [null,null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'register',
call: 'admin_register',
params: 3,
inputFormatter: [null,null,null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'registerUrl',
call: 'admin_registerUrl',
params: 3,
inputFormatter: [null,null,null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'startNatSpec',
call: 'admin_startNatSpec',
params: 0,
inputFormatter: []
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'stopNatSpec',
call: 'admin_stopNatSpec',
params: 0,
inputFormatter: []
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'getContractInfo',
call: 'admin_getContractInfo',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [null],
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'httpGet',
call: 'admin_httpGet',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [null, null]
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'nodeInfo',
getter: 'admin_nodeInfo',
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
getter: 'admin_nodeInfo'
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'peers',
getter: 'admin_peers',
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
getter: 'admin_peers'
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'datadir',
getter: 'admin_datadir',
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
getter: 'admin_datadir'
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'chainSyncStatus',
getter: 'admin_chainSyncStatus',
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
getter: 'admin_chainSyncStatus'
@ -5,34 +5,6 @@ web3._extend({
property: 'db',
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'getString',
call: 'db_getString',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString, web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'putString',
call: 'db_putString',
params: 3,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString, web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString, web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'getHex',
call: 'db_getHex',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString, web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'putHex',
call: 'db_putHex',
params: 3,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString, web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString, web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
@ -9,50 +9,43 @@ web3._extend({
name: 'printBlock',
call: 'debug_printBlock',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputBlockNumberFormatter]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'getBlockRlp',
call: 'debug_getBlockRlp',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputBlockNumberFormatter]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'setHead',
call: 'debug_setHead',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputBlockNumberFormatter]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'processBlock',
call: 'debug_processBlock',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputBlockNumberFormatter]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'seedHash',
call: 'debug_seedHash',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
}) ,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputBlockNumberFormatter]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'dumpBlock',
call: 'debug_dumpBlock',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputBlockNumberFormatter]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'metrics',
call: 'debug_metrics',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputBool],
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
inputFormatter: [null]
@ -12,23 +12,20 @@ web3._extend({
name: 'sign',
call: 'eth_sign',
params: 2,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString,web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.toAddress, null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'resend',
call: 'eth_resend',
params: 3,
inputFormatter: [function(obj) { return obj; },web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString,web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputTransactionFormatter, web3._extend.utils.fromDecimal, web3._extend.utils.fromDecimal]
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'pendingTransactions',
getter: 'eth_pendingTransactions',
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
getter: 'eth_pendingTransactions'
@ -9,50 +9,43 @@ web3._extend({
name: 'start',
call: 'miner_start',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'stop',
call: 'miner_stop',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'setExtra',
call: 'miner_setExtra',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [null]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'setGasPrice',
call: 'miner_setGasPrice',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.fromDecial]
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'startAutoDAG',
call: 'miner_startAutoDAG',
params: 0,
inputFormatter: [],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: []
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'stopAutoDAG',
call: 'miner_stopAutoDAG',
params: 0,
inputFormatter: [],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: []
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'makeDAG',
call: 'miner_makeDAG',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter]
@ -14,10 +14,8 @@ const (
var (
// mapping between methods and handlers
netMapping = map[string]nethandler{
"net_version": (*netApi).Version,
"net_peerCount": (*netApi).PeerCount,
"net_listening": (*netApi).IsListening,
"net_peers": (*netApi).Peers,
@ -70,11 +68,6 @@ func (self *netApi) ApiVersion() string {
return NetApiVersion
// Network version
func (self *netApi) Version(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
return self.xeth.NetworkVersion(), nil
// Number of connected peers
func (self *netApi) PeerCount(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
return newHexNum(self.xeth.PeerCount()), nil
@ -84,6 +77,3 @@ func (self *netApi) IsListening(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
return self.xeth.IsListening(), nil
func (self *netApi) Peers(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
return self.ethereum.PeersInfo(), nil
@ -2,46 +2,18 @@ package api
const Net_JS = `
property: 'network',
property: 'net',
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'addPeer',
call: 'net_addPeer',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.utils.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'getPeerCount',
call: 'net_peerCount',
params: 0,
inputFormatter: [],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
inputFormatter: [null]
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'listening',
getter: 'net_listening',
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'peerCount',
getter: 'net_peerCount',
outputFormatter: web3._extend.utils.toDecimal
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'peers',
getter: 'net_peers',
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'version',
getter: 'net_version',
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
@ -9,23 +9,21 @@ web3._extend({
name: 'newAccount',
call: 'personal_newAccount',
params: 1,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputString
inputFormatter: [null],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.utils.toAddress
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'unlockAccount',
call: 'personal_unlockAccount',
params: 3,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString,web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString,web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
inputFormatter: [null, null, null]
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'listAccounts',
getter: 'personal_listAccounts',
outputFormatter: function(obj) { return obj; }
getter: 'personal_listAccounts'
@ -5,25 +5,13 @@ web3._extend({
property: 'shh',
new web3._extend.Method({
name: 'post',
call: 'shh_post',
params: 6,
inputFormatter: [web3._extend.formatters.formatInputString,
, web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt
, web3._extend.formatters.formatInputInt],
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputBool
new web3._extend.Property({
name: 'version',
getter: 'shh_version',
outputFormatter: web3._extend.formatters.formatOutputInt
getter: 'shh_version'
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ var (
"debug": []string{
@ -44,49 +45,38 @@ var (
"eth": []string{
"miner": []string{
@ -109,13 +99,12 @@ var (
"shh": []string{
"txpool": []string{
@ -203,34 +203,6 @@ func (self *XEth) AtStateNum(num int64) *XEth {
return self.WithState(st)
// applies queued transactions originating from address onto the latest state
// and creates a block
// only used in tests
// - could be removed in favour of mining on testdag (natspec e2e + networking)
// + filters
func (self *XEth) ApplyTestTxs(statedb *state.StateDB, address common.Address, txc uint64) (uint64, *XEth) {
chain := self.backend.ChainManager()
header := chain.CurrentBlock().Header()
coinbase := statedb.GetStateObject(address)
txs := self.backend.TxPool().GetQueuedTransactions()
for i := 0; i < len(txs); i++ {
for _, tx := range txs {
if tx.Nonce() == txc {
_, _, err := core.ApplyMessage(core.NewEnv(statedb, self.backend.ChainManager(), tx, header), tx, coinbase)
if err != nil {
xeth := self.WithState(statedb)
return txc, xeth
func (self *XEth) WithState(statedb *state.StateDB) *XEth {
xeth := &XEth{
backend: self.backend,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user