title: Nimbus subtitle: "Light clients for everyone!" description: "Nimbus is a research project and a client implementation for Ethereum 2.0 designed to perform well on embedded systems and personal mobile devices, including older smartphones with resource-restricted hardware." author: Nimbus language: en timezone: UTC url: https://dev-nimbus.status.im/ root: / permalink: news/:year/:month/:day/:title/ archive_dir: news code_dir: downloads/code new_post_name: :year-:month-:day-:title.md # File name of new posts post_asset_folder: true per_page: 0 theme: navy deploy: type: git branch: gh-pages name: status-im-auto repo: git@github.com:status-im/nimbus.status.im.git theme_config: favicon: img/logo-32.png highlight: enable: true line_number: false disqus_shortname: hexojs twitter: ethstatus github: status-im