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Nimbus is a research project and a client implementation for Ethereum 2.0 designed to perform well on embedded systems and personal mobile devices, including older smartphones with resource-restricted hardware.

Future Plans

Nimbus is a research project and a client implementation for Ethereum 2.0 designed to perform well on embedded systems and personal mobile devices, including older smartphones with resource-restricted hardware.

Learn More on Github

Friendly Research

We’re translating the latest Ethereum 2.0 research like BN curves, BLS signatures and RANDAO games into practical, performant and reusable libraries to provide fertile exploration ground for further R&D. Want to run advanced simulations and tests? Get in touch!

See docs

Friendly Licensing

We’re building Nimbus as a common good with liberal licensing to allow the widest deployment of Ethereum 2.0 possible. Want to integrate Nimbus in your product? Get in touch!

See docs

Friendly Networking

We’re translating the latest Ethereum 2.0 research like BN curves, BLS signatures and RANDAO games into practical, performant and reusable libraries to provide fertile exploration ground for further R&D. Want to run advanced simulations and tests? Get in touch!

See docs

Friendly Platform Support

The Nim language delivers safe and performant code on any platform with a C compiler available. Developing the latest RISC-V boards or simply have an old Windows machine lying around? Get in touch!

See docs


Nimbus is an open source initiative in which anyone can get involved. There are a number of ways to contribute:

Join the Team

We are always looking for passionate and talented individuals to join our team.

See list of open roles

Work on Bounties

As an open source project, anyone anywhere can get involved and contribute code.

See open bounties

Join the Conversation

We are an open community and happy to answer your questions and help you learn more about Nimbus.

Join us in Status

Core Contributors

We’re a diverse group of researchers, engineers, and scientists with a passion for web3 technologies. We work primarily in Nim.

Yevhen Kabanov


See Github profile

Jacek Sieka


See Github profile

Mamy Ratsimbazafy


See Github profile

Ryan Lipscombe


See Github profile

Zahary Karadjov


See Github profile

Yuriy Glukhov


See Github profile

Dustin Brody


See Github profile

Read our Blog

Check out the latest Nimbus news and blog posts: