--- id: t1 title: Joining Nimbus Testnet1 --- Testnet1 is a cutting edge highly breakable in-flux testnet we use to test new features. If you do join, please [take the time to report any bugs](https://github.com/status-im/nim-beacon-chain/issues). ## Joining Nimbus Testnet 1 Before following the instructions below, please make sure you have Go installed. Follow [official instructions](https://golang.org/doc/install) and make sure it's above version 1.12. This is required because we build the Libp2p Go daemon. ```bash git clone https://github.com/status-im/nim-beacon-chain cd nim-beacon-chain git fetch git checkout devel make update # >>> WINDOWS ONLY <<< make fetch-dlls # WINDOWS ONLY # >>> WINDOWS ONLY <<< make clean-testnet1 testnet1 ./scripts/testnet1.sh ``` Your node should be connecting to others now: ```bash DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:47+02:00 UPnP topics="nat" tid=8215 msg="Internet Gateway Device found but it's not connected. Trying anyway." DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:47+02:00 UPnP: added port mapping topics="nat" tid=8215 externalPort=9100 internalPort=9100 protocol=TCP DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:47+02:00 UPnP: added port mapping topics="nat" tid=8215 externalPort=9100 internalPort=9100 protocol=UDP INF 2019-07-12 09:39:47+02:00 Starting the LibP2P daemon tid=8215 announcedAddresses=@[/ip4/] hostAddress=/ip4/ keyFile=/home/swader/.cache/nimbus/BeaconNode/testnet1/privkey.protobuf INF 2019-07-12 09:39:48+02:00 Connecting to bootstrap nodes tid=8215 bootstrapNodes="@[{PeerID: '12D3KooWQmdmkcSdRaeLy8dMf9mCMeakJtxgHfX5qGAfqmvu7wTX' Addresses: ['/ip4/']}]" DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:49+02:00 Peer connected. Initiating sync tid=8215 bestSlot=0 peer=12*vu7wTX remoteBestSlot=4552 DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:49+02:00 Waiting for block headers tid=8215 fromPeer=12*vu7wTX peer=12*vu7wTX remoteBestSlot=4552 DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:51+02:00 Block headers received. Requesting block bodies tid=8215 peer=12*vu7wTX DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:57+02:00 Block received tid=8215 blck="(slot: 16, parent_root: \"4EDB527C\", state_root: \"27EEB0FE\", proposer_slashings_len: 0, attester_slashings_len: 0, attestations_len: 0, deposits_len: 0, voluntary_exits_len: 0, transfers_len: 0, signature: \"b5dbe5e4\")" blockRoot=76BE6B5D DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:57+02:00 Advancing state with empty slots tid=8215 stateSlot=0 targetSlot=15 INF 2019-07-12 09:39:57+02:00 Block resolved tid=8215 blck="(slot: 16, parent_root: \"4EDB527C\", state_root: \"27EEB0FE\", proposer_slashings_len: 0, attester_slashings_len: 0, attestations_len: 0, deposits_len: 0, voluntary_exits_len: 0, transfers_len: 0, signature: \"b5dbe5e4\")" blockRoot=76BE6B5D justifiedRoot=4EDB527C justifiedSlot=0 DBG 2019-07-12 09:39:57+02:00 Block received ```