--- id: building title: Getting Started with Nimbus --- This document explains how to install, test, and run Nimbus on your local machine. To learn about what Nimbus is, see our original [intro post](https://our.status.im/nimbus-for-newbies/). To dig deeper, see the Nimbus [Ethereum 1.0](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth1) and [Ethereum 2.0](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2) repositories. ### Building and running Nimbus To run Nimbus in [Ethereum 1.0 mode](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth1), first [install the prerequisites](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth1#prerequisites). Then: ```bash git clone https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth1 cd nimbus-eth1 make update # >>> WINDOWS ONLY <<< make fetch-dlls # WINDOWS ONLY # >>> WINDOWS ONLY <<< make nimbus ./build/nimbus ``` Nimbus will now run and attempt to synchronize with the Ethereum 1.0 blockchain. It can currently reach block 1.5 million. ### Building and running the Ethereum 2.0 local beacon chain simulation The beacon chain simulation runs several beacon nodes on the local machine, attaches several local validators to each, and builds a beacon chain between them. **Prerequisites:** At the moment, Nimbus has to be built from source, and has the following external dependencies -- developer tools (C compiler, Make, Bash, Git), [PCRE](https://www.pcre.org/); follow the instructions outlined [here](https://github.com/status-im/nim-beacon-chain#prerequisites-for-everyone) to install them. Once you've installed the prerequisites, you're ready to enter the Ethereum 2.0 realm of Nimbus: ```bash git clone https://github.com/status-im/nim-beacon-chain cd nim-beacon-chain make make test ``` To run the simulation: ```bash make eth2_network_simulation ``` If you'd like to clean the previous run's data: ```bash make clean_eth2_network_simulation_all ``` To change the number of validators and nodes: ```bash # Clear data files from your last run and start the simulation with a new genesis block: make VALIDATORS=192 NODES=6 USER_NODES=1 eth2_network_simulation ``` If you’d like to see the nodes running on separated sub-terminals inside one big window, install [Multitail](https://www.vanheusden.com/multitail/index.php) (if you're on a Mac, follow the instructions [here](https://brewinstall.org/Install-multitail-on-Mac-with-Brew/)), then: ``` USE_MULTITAIL="yes" make eth2_network_simulation ``` You’ll get something like this (click for full size): [![](https://i.imgur.com/Pc99VDO.png)](https://i.imgur.com/Pc99VDO.png) You can find out more about the beacon node simulation [here](https://our.status.im/nimbus-development-update-03/#beaconsimulation). ### Building and running the Ethereum 2.0 local state transition simulation This simulation is primarily designed for researchers, but we'll cover it briefly here in case you're curious :) The [state transition](https://github.com/ethereum/annotated-spec/blob/master/phase0/beacon-chain.md#beacon-chain-state-transition-function) simulation quickly runs the beacon chain state transition function in isolation and outputs JSON snapshots of the state (directly to the `nim-beacon-chain` directory). It runs without networking and blocks are processed without slot time delays. ```bash # build the state simulator, then display its help ("-d:release" speeds it # up substantially, allowing the simulation of longer runs in reasonable time) make NIMFLAGS="-d:release" state_sim build/state_sim --help ``` Use the output of the `help` command to pass desired values to the simulator - experiment with changing the number of slots, validators, , etc. to get different results. The most important options are: - `slots` : the number of slots to run the simulation for (default 192) - `validators`: the number of validators (default 6400) - `attesterRatio`: the expected fraction of attesters that actually do their work for every slot (default 0.73) - `json_interval`: how often JSON snapshots of the state are outputted (default every 32 slots -- or once per epoch) For example, to run the state simulator for 384 slots, with 20,000 validators, and an average of 66% of attesters doing their work every slot, while outputting snapshots of the state twice per epoch, run: ``` build/state_sim --slots=384 --validators=20000 --attesterRatio=0.66 --json_interval=16 ``` ### Medalla Ethereum 2.0 Testnet There is a publicly available [Ethereum 2.0](https://our.status.im/tag/two-point-oh) multi-client testnet running until at least October. Read all about it [here](https://blog.ethereum.org/2020/08/03/eth2-quick-update-no-14/), and learn how you can join it in [the Nimbus beacon chain book](https://status-im.github.io/nimbus-eth2/medalla.html) 💛