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2019-05-22 13:53:21 +00:00
# Nimbus Docs Suite
This a documentation generator for Nimbus Libraries at []( It's made to auto-regenerate from master on all the repos you want documented but at the same time supports custom content and theming. It uses [Vuepress]( behind the scenes.
## Dependencies
You need:
- a fairly recent [version of NodeJS]( ([Windows Version](
- [yarn](
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- [vuepress globally installed]( or locally but for use via npx.
2019-05-22 13:53:21 +00:00
## Building
git clone
cd nimbus-docs-suite
cd docgen && yarn install
vuepress build
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The results of the build process will be in `docgen/.vuepress/dist`.
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2019-08-14 09:50:59 +00:00
> Note: You might have to run `vuepress build` twice, because the first run writes the temporary MD files, while the second run builds HTML from them. We're working on making all that happen in one go and there's a [pending issue in Vuepress](
2019-05-22 13:53:21 +00:00
## What's behind the build command
When you run `vuepress build`, the builder:
- reads `config.json` for the repos it should process.
- uses the information there to build the homepage by constructing library cards for each repo.
- for every repo with `update: true`, grabs their `README` file and strips their header and footer (above `Introduction` and below `Contributing`).
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- changes image URLs to match raw ones from Github if they are hosted on Github.
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- generates frontmatter from the data in `config.json`, combines it with the README and generates a homepage for each library that way.
- if a `Guides` folder exists in library's subfolder, it will generate a sidebar navigation from its contents.
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The logic responsible for this is in a custom plugin in `.vuepress/docgen/plugin.js`.
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## Modifying for your use case
To generate docs in the same way for your own repos:
1. Modify `config.json` to contain the repos you want process
- `name`: slug, URL-friendly name of the project and will be the folder name where the lib's docs are stored
- `label`: human readable label and title to be placed at the top of the homepage
- `location`: the Github URL of the repo. Must be public. Gitlab and private repos coming soon.
- `update`: when false, only generates content from local MD content, does not try to fetch from online master
- `tags`: a JS array of tags applying to this lib. Purely aesthetic for now, for the homepage - colored badges will appear next to the lib's name. Add tags into the `tags` object as desired.
- `description`: description for the homepage
- `frontmatter`: frontmatter to generate. Key value pairs. Values are same as [documented in Vuepress](
2. Also in `config.json`, set up the start and end separators. This indicates where your README's body begins, and where it ends. Useful for avoiding licensing information or CI badges in your human-readable docs. `separators[0]` is the starting point of the readme's body, `separators[1]` is the ending point of the readme's body, and `separators[2]` lets you specify several separators for start and end if your READMEs across projects aren't standardized. The string of each separator will be exploded with `separators[2]` and the first of those which is found in a README is considered the valid separator.
3. Modify styles in `.vuepress/styles` and theme configuration in `.vuepress/config.js` as desired. Use the Vuepress docs.
4. Run `vuepress build` inside `docgen`.
## Enhancing the docs further
To further enhance the docs, please consult the [Vuepress docs]( as underneath it's all just a [Vue]( app built by Vuepress.
## License
Licensed and distributed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHEv2](LICENSE-APACHEv2) or
at your option. These files may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.