/** * Asserts that a case in a switch statement is unreachable. * * @example * // Exhaustively checks `user.role` type ("admin" | "user") and will not compile * // if a new role is added without adding a case to the switch statement. * switch (user.role) { * case "admin": * break; * case "user": * break; * default: * assertUnreachable(user.role); * } */ import { DateRange } from 'react-day-picker' export function assertUnreachable(value: never): never { throw new Error(`Unreachable case: ${value}`) } export const convertSecondsToTimerFormat = (seconds: number) => { const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60) const remainingSeconds = seconds % 60 return `${String(minutes).padStart(2, '0')}:${String( remainingSeconds, ).padStart(2, '0')}` } export const formatNumbersWithComa = (n: number): string => { const parts = n.toString().split('.') parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',') return parts.join('.') } export const getMonthIndicesFromRange = (range: DateRange) => { if (!range.from || !range.to) return [0, 11] return [range.from.getMonth(), range.to.getMonth()] } export const getFormattedValidatorAddress = (address: string) => { // zQ3asdf9d4Gs0 -> zQ3...9d4Gs0 const start = address.slice(0, 3) const end = address.slice(-6) return `${start}...${end}` } export const getFormattedWalletAddress = (address: string) => { // 0xb9dasdfc35 -> 0xb9d...c35 return `${address.slice(0, 5)}...${address.slice(-3)}` } export const formatToFixed4 = (value: string) => { const decimalPart = value.split('.')[1] const decimalLength = decimalPart ? decimalPart.length : 0 if (decimalLength > 4) { return Number(value).toFixed(4) } return value } export const getHeightPercentages = (amountOfElements: number) => { let percentages = 100 if (amountOfElements > 1) { percentages = 100 / amountOfElements } return `${percentages}%` } export const isAddressValid = (address: string) => { return address.length > 0 } export const isPortValid = (port: string) => { if (port.length === 0) { return false } return !isNaN(Number(port)) } export const copyFunction = (text: string) => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(text) }