// App export const apiKey = '1730eff0-9d50-4382-a3fe-89f0d34a2070' const INFURA_KEY = 'f25e905e25a545dcaad2c939530b91db' const rpcUrl = `https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/${INFURA_KEY}` export const wcV2InitOptions = { projectId: '4f6c353926c22973029147b9d85c4485', requiredChains: [1, 56], dappUrl: 'http://localhost:5173/', } export const ethereumRopsten = { id: '0x3', token: 'rETH', label: 'Ethereum Ropsten', rpcUrl, } // Device Health Check export const GOOD_STORAGE_TEXT = 'You have plenty of storage available for additional node services.' export const GOOD_CPU_CLOCK_RATE_TEXT = '2.4GHz is recommended for CPU.' export const GOOD_RAM_MEMORY_TEXT = 'There is sufficient RAM required for selected services.' export const GOOD_NETWORK_TEXT = 'Network Latency is low.' export const BAD_STORAGE_TEXT = 'Your storage is running low as required for additional node services.' export const BAD_CPU_CLOCK_RATE_TEXT = 'Your CPU clock rate is below the recommended 2.4GHz.' export const BAD_RAM_MEMORY_TEXT = 'There is insufficient RAM required for selected services.' export const BAD_NETWORK_TEXT = 'Network Latency is high.' // Validator Onboarding export const KEYSTORE_FILES = 'KeystoreFiles' export const RECOVERY_PHRASE = 'Recovery Phrase' export const BOTH_KEY_AND_RECOVERY = 'Both KeystoreFiles & Recovery Phrase' export const ETH_PER_VALIDATOR = 32 export const MAC = 'Mac' export const WINDOWS = 'Windows' export const LINUX = 'Linux' // for now, this will be constant values export const CURRENCIES = { USD: 1583.42, EUR: 1323.61, } export const DEPOSIT_SUBTITLE = 'Connect you Wallet to stake required ETH for new validators' export const CLIENT_SETUP_SUBTITLE = 'How many Validators would you like to run?' /* Dashboard */ export const years = [ 'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEPT', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC', ]