Etan Kissling 0e32ed0cc0
cancel non-started finalization testnets on cancel (#4334)
When cancelling the `minimal` CI finalization testnet on Jenkins, the
internal Jenkins cancellation exception is being caught by `catchError`
and the `mainnet` CI finalization testnet will still run. Replacing the
logic with `try` / `finally` instead, and moving the `archiveArtifacts`
step to the post-build (to run that even on cancellation / failure).
2022-11-18 16:08:56 +00:00

131 lines
3.3 KiB

pipeline {
/* This way we run the same Jenkinsfile on different platforms. */
agent { label params.AGENT_LABEL }
parameters {
name: 'AGENT_LABEL',
description: 'Label for targetted CI slave host: linux/macos',
defaultValue: params.AGENT_LABEL ?: getAgentLabel(),
options {
/* This also includes wait time in the queue. */
timeout(time: 24, unit: 'HOURS')
/* Limit builds retained. */
numToKeepStr: '5',
daysToKeepStr: '30',
artifactNumToKeepStr: '3',
/* Throttle number of concurrent builds. */
throttleEnabled: true,
throttleOption: 'category',
categories: ['nimbus-eth2'],
maxConcurrentPerNode: 1,
maxConcurrentTotal: 6
/* Abort old builds for non-main branches. */
abortPrevious: !isMainBranch()
environment {
NPROC = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
MAKEFLAGS = "-j${env.NPROC}"
stages {
stage('Deps') {
steps { timeout(20) {
/* To allow the following parallel stages. */
sh 'make QUICK_AND_DIRTY_COMPILER=1 update'
/* Allow the following parallel stages. */
sh 'make deps'
/* Download test vectors. */
sh './scripts/'
} }
stage('Build') {
steps { timeout(40) {
} }
stage('Tests') {
parallel {
stage('General') {
steps { timeout(60) {
} }
stage('REST') {
steps { timeout(5) {
sh 'make restapi-test'
} }
stage('Finalizations') {
stages { /* parallel builds of minimal / mainnet not yet supported */
stage('minimal') {
steps { timeout(26) {
sh 'make local-testnet-minimal'
} }
post { always {
sh 'tar cjf local-testnet-minimal.tar.gz local-testnet-minimal/*.txt'
} }
stage('mainnet') {
steps { timeout(62) {
sh 'make local-testnet-mainnet'
} }
post { always {
sh 'tar cjf local-testnet-mainnet.tar.gz local-testnet-mainnet/*.txt'
} }
post { always { timeout(5) {
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: '*.tar.gz', allowEmptyArchive: true)
} } }
post {
always {
disableDeferredWipeout: true,
deleteDirs: true
def isMainBranch() {
return ['stable', 'testing', 'unstable'].contains(env.BRANCH_NAME)
/* This allows us to use one Jenkinsfile and run
* jobs on different platforms based on job name. */
def getAgentLabel() {
if (params.AGENT_LABEL) { return params.AGENT_LABEL }
/* We extract the name of the job from currentThread because
* before an agent is picket env is not available. */
def tokens = Thread.currentThread().getName().split('/')
def labels = []
/* Check if the job path contains any of the valid labels. */
['linux', 'macos', 'x86_64', 'aarch64', 'arm64'].each {
if (tokens.contains(it)) { labels.add(it) }
return labels.join(' && ')