
258 lines
7.8 KiB

os, sequtils, strutils, options, json, terminal, random,
chronos, chronicles, confutils, stint, json_serialization,
web3, web3/confutils_defs, eth/keys,
spec/[datatypes, crypto, presets], ssz/merkleization, keystore_management
# Compiled version of /scripts/ in this repo
# The contract was compiled in Remix ( with vyper (remote) compiler.
const contractCode = staticRead "deposit_contract_code.txt"
Eth1Address = web3.Address
StartUpCommand {.pure.} = enum
CliConfig = object
web3Url* {.
defaultValue: "",
desc: "URL of the Web3 server to observe Eth1"
name: "web3-url" }: string
privateKey* {.
defaultValue: ""
desc: "Private key of the controlling account"
name: "private-key" }: string
askForKey {.
defaultValue: false
desc: "Ask for an Eth1 private key interactively"
name: "ask-for-key" }: bool
case cmd* {.command.}: StartUpCommand
of deploy:
of drain:
drainedContractAddress* {.
desc: "Address of the contract to drain"
name: "deposit-contract" }: Eth1Address
of sendEth:
toAddress {.name: "to".}: Eth1Address
valueEth {.name: "eth".}: string
of generateSimulationDeposits:
simulationDepositsCount {.
desc: "The number of validator keystores to generate"
name: "count" }: Natural
outValidatorsDir {.
desc: "A directory to store the generated validator keystores"
name: "out-validators-dir" }: OutDir
outSecretsDir {.
desc: "A directory to store the generated keystore password files"
name: "out-secrets-dir" }: OutDir
outDepositsFile {.
desc: "A LaunchPad deposits file to write"
name: "out-deposits-file" }: OutFile
of sendDeposits:
depositsFile {.
desc: "A LaunchPad deposits file"
name: "deposits-file" }: InputFile
depositContractAddress {.
desc: "Address of the deposit contract"
name: "deposit-contract" }: Eth1Address
minDelay {.
defaultValue: 0.0
desc: "Minimum possible delay between making two deposits (in seconds)"
name: "min-delay" }: float
maxDelay {.
defaultValue: 0.0
desc: "Maximum possible delay between making two deposits (in seconds)"
name: "max-delay" }: float
proc deposit(pubkey: Bytes48,
withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32,
signature: Bytes96,
deposit_data_root: FixedBytes[32])
proc drain()
proc deployContract*(web3: Web3, code: string): Future[ReceiptObject] {.async.} =
var code = code
if code[1] notin {'x', 'X'}:
code = "0x" & code
let tr = EthSend(
source: web3.defaultAccount,
data: code,
gas: Quantity(3000000).some,
gasPrice: 1.some)
let r = await web3.send(tr)
result = await web3.getMinedTransactionReceipt(r)
proc sendEth(web3: Web3, to: Eth1Address, valueEth: int): Future[TxHash] =
let tr = EthSend(
source: web3.defaultAccount,
gas: Quantity(3000000).some,
gasPrice: 1.some,
value: some(valueEth.u256 * 1000000000000000000.u256),
to: some(to))
DelayGenerator* = proc(): chronos.Duration {.closure, gcsafe.}
proc ethToWei(eth: UInt256): UInt256 =
eth * 1000000000000000000.u256
proc initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey: string): Future[Web3] {.async.} =
result = await newWeb3(web3Url)
if privateKey.len != 0:
result.privateKey = some(PrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey)[])
let accounts = await result.provider.eth_accounts()
doAssert(accounts.len > 0)
result.defaultAccount = accounts[0]
# TODO: async functions should note take `seq` inputs because
# this leads to full copies.
proc sendDeposits*(deposits: seq[LaunchPadDeposit],
web3Url, privateKey: string,
depositContractAddress: Eth1Address,
delayGenerator: DelayGenerator = nil) {.async.} =
info "Sending deposits",
web3 = web3Url,
depositContract = depositContractAddress
var web3 = await initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey)
let depositContract = web3.contractSender(DepositContract,
Address depositContractAddress)
for i, launchPadDeposit in deposits:
let dp = launchPadDeposit as DepositData
while true:
let tx = depositContract.deposit(
let status = await tx.send(value = 32.u256.ethToWei, gasPrice = 1)
info "Deposit sent", status = $status
if delayGenerator != nil:
await sleepAsync(delayGenerator())
except CatchableError as err:
await sleepAsync(60.seconds)
web3 = await initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey)
proc main() {.async.} =
var cfg = CliConfig.load()
let rng = keys.newRng()
if cfg.cmd == StartUpCommand.generateSimulationDeposits:
mnemonic = generateMnemonic(rng[])
runtimePreset = defaultRuntimePreset
createDir(string cfg.outValidatorsDir)
createDir(string cfg.outSecretsDir)
let deposits = generateDeposits(
0, cfg.simulationDepositsCount,
string cfg.outValidatorsDir,
string cfg.outSecretsDir)
if deposits.isErr:
fatal "Failed to generate deposits", err = deposits.error
quit 1
let launchPadDeposits =
mapIt(deposits.value, LaunchPadDeposit.init(runtimePreset, it))
Json.saveFile(string cfg.outDepositsFile, launchPadDeposits)
info "Deposit data written", filename = cfg.outDepositsFile
quit 0
var deposits: seq[LaunchPadDeposit]
if cfg.cmd == StartUpCommand.sendDeposits:
deposits = Json.loadFile(string cfg.depositsFile, seq[LaunchPadDeposit])
if cfg.askForKey:
privateKey: TaintedString
reasonForKey = ""
if cfg.cmd == StartUpCommand.sendDeposits:
depositsWord = if deposits.len > 1: "deposits" else: "deposit"
totalEthNeeded = 32 * deposits.len
reasonForKey = " in order to make your $1 (you'll need access to $2 ETH)" %
[depositsWord, $totalEthNeeded]
echo "Please enter your Goerli Eth1 private key in hex form (e.g. 0x1a2...f3c)" &
if not readPasswordFromStdin("> ", privateKey):
error "Failed to read an Eth1 private key from standard input"
if privateKey.len > 0:
cfg.privateKey = privateKey.string
let web3 = await initWeb3(cfg.web3Url, cfg.privateKey)
case cfg.cmd
of StartUpCommand.deploy:
let receipt = await web3.deployContract(contractCode)
echo receipt.contractAddress.get, ";", receipt.blockHash
of StartUpCommand.drain:
let sender = web3.contractSender(DepositContract,
discard await sender.drain().send(gasPrice = 1)
of StartUpCommand.sendEth:
echo await sendEth(web3, cfg.toAddress, cfg.valueEth.parseInt)
of StartUpCommand.sendDeposits:
var delayGenerator: DelayGenerator
if not (cfg.maxDelay > 0.0):
cfg.maxDelay = cfg.minDelay
elif cfg.minDelay > cfg.maxDelay:
echo "The minimum delay should not be larger than the maximum delay"
quit 1
if cfg.maxDelay > 0.0:
delayGenerator = proc (): chronos.Duration {.gcsafe.} =
chronos.milliseconds (rand(cfg.minDelay..cfg.maxDelay)*1000).int
await sendDeposits(deposits, cfg.web3Url, cfg.privateKey,
cfg.depositContractAddress, delayGenerator)
of StartUpCommand.generateSimulationDeposits:
# This is handled above before the case statement
when isMainModule: waitFor main()