
384 lines
14 KiB

# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
# Status libraries
# Beacon chain internals
spec/[eth2_ssz_serialization, helpers],
logScope: topics = "lcdata"
# `lc_altair_current_branches` holds merkle proofs needed to
# construct `LightClientBootstrap` objects.
# SSZ because this data does not compress well, and because this data
# needs to be bundled together with other data to fulfill requests.
# `lc_best_updates` holds full `LightClientUpdate` objects in SSZ form.
# These objects are frequently queried in bulk, but there is only one per
# sync committee period, so storing the full sync committee is acceptable.
# This data could be stored as SZSSZ to avoid on-the-fly compression when a
# libp2p request is handled. However, the space savings are quite small.
# Furthermore, `LightClientUpdate` is consulted on each new block to attempt
# improving it. Continuously decompressing and recompressing seems inefficient.
# Finally, the libp2p context bytes depend on `attested_header.beacon.slot` for
# deriving the fork digest; the `kind` column is not sufficient to derive
# the fork digest, because the same storage format may be used across forks.
# SSZ storage selected due to the small size and reduced logic complexity.
# `lc_sealed_periods` contains the sync committee periods for which
# full light client data was imported. Data for these periods may no longer
# improve regardless of further block processing. The listed periods are skipped
# when restarting the program.
CurrentSyncCommitteeBranchStore = object
containsStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, int64]
getStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, seq[byte]]
putStmt: SqliteStmt[(int64, seq[byte]), void]
keepFromStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, void]
BestLightClientUpdateStore = object
getStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, (int64, seq[byte])]
putStmt: SqliteStmt[(int64, int64, seq[byte]), void]
delStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, void]
delFromStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, void]
keepFromStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, void]
SealedSyncCommitteePeriodStore = object
containsStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, int64]
putStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, void]
delFromStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, void]
keepFromStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, void]
LightClientDataDB* = ref object
backend: SqStoreRef
## SQLite backend
currentBranches: CurrentSyncCommitteeBranchStore
## Slot -> altair.CurrentSyncCommitteeBranch
## Cached data for creating future `LightClientBootstrap` instances.
## Key is the block slot of which the post state was used to get the data.
## Data stored for all finalized epoch boundary blocks.
bestUpdates: BestLightClientUpdateStore
## SyncCommitteePeriod -> (LightClientDataFork, LightClientUpdate)
## Stores the `LightClientUpdate` with the most `sync_committee_bits` per
## `SyncCommitteePeriod`. Sync committee finality gives precedence.
sealedPeriods: SealedSyncCommitteePeriodStore
## {SyncCommitteePeriod}
## Tracks the finalized sync committee periods for which complete data
## has been imported (from `dag.tail.slot`).
proc initCurrentBranchesStore(
backend: SqStoreRef,
name: string): KvResult[CurrentSyncCommitteeBranchStore] =
? backend.exec("""
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `""" & name & """` (
`slot` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- `Slot` (up through 2^63-1)
`branch` BLOB -- `altair.CurrentSyncCommitteeBranch` (SSZ)
containsStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
SELECT 1 AS `exists`
FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `slot` = ?;
""", int64, int64, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
getStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
SELECT `branch`
FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `slot` = ?;
""", int64, seq[byte], managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
putStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
INSERT INTO `""" & name & """` (
`slot`, `branch`
) VALUES (?, ?);
""", (int64, seq[byte]), void, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
keepFromStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
DELETE FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `slot` < ?;
""", int64, void, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
ok CurrentSyncCommitteeBranchStore(
containsStmt: containsStmt,
getStmt: getStmt,
putStmt: putStmt,
keepFromStmt: keepFromStmt)
func close(store: CurrentSyncCommitteeBranchStore) =
func hasCurrentSyncCommitteeBranch*(
db: LightClientDataDB, slot: Slot): bool =
if not slot.isSupportedBySQLite:
return false
var exists: int64
for res in db.currentBranches.containsStmt.exec(slot.int64, exists):
res.expect("SQL query OK")
doAssert exists == 1
return true
proc getCurrentSyncCommitteeBranch*(
db: LightClientDataDB, slot: Slot): altair.CurrentSyncCommitteeBranch =
if not slot.isSupportedBySQLite:
return default(altair.CurrentSyncCommitteeBranch)
var branch: seq[byte]
for res in db.currentBranches.getStmt.exec(slot.int64, branch):
res.expect("SQL query OK")
return SSZ.decode(branch, altair.CurrentSyncCommitteeBranch)
except SszError as exc:
error "LC data store corrupted", store = "currentBranches",
slot, exc = exc.msg
return default(altair.CurrentSyncCommitteeBranch)
func putCurrentSyncCommitteeBranch*(
db: LightClientDataDB, slot: Slot,
branch: altair.CurrentSyncCommitteeBranch) =
if not slot.isSupportedBySQLite:
let res = db.currentBranches.putStmt.exec((slot.int64, SSZ.encode(branch)))
res.expect("SQL query OK")
proc initBestUpdatesStore(
backend: SqStoreRef,
name, legacyAltairName: string,
): KvResult[BestLightClientUpdateStore] =
? backend.exec("""
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `""" & name & """` (
`period` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- `SyncCommitteePeriod`
`kind` INTEGER, -- `LightClientDataFork`
`update` BLOB -- `LightClientUpdate` (SSZ)
if backend.hasTable(legacyAltairName).expect("SQL query OK"):
info "Importing Altair light client data"
# SyncCommitteePeriod -> altair.LightClientUpdate
const legacyKind = Base10.toString(ord(LightClientDataFork.Altair).uint)
? backend.exec("""
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `""" & name & """` (
`period`, `kind`, `update`
SELECT `period`, """ & legacyKind & """ AS `kind`, `update`
FROM `""" & legacyAltairName & """`;
? backend.exec("""
DROP TABLE `""" & legacyAltairName & """`;
getStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
SELECT `kind`, `update`
FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `period` = ?;
""", int64, (int64, seq[byte]), managed = false)
.expect("SQL query OK")
putStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
REPLACE INTO `""" & name & """` (
`period`, `kind`, `update`
) VALUES (?, ?, ?);
""", (int64, int64, seq[byte]), void, managed = false)
.expect("SQL query OK")
delStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
DELETE FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `period` = ?;
""", int64, void, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
delFromStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
DELETE FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `period` >= ?;
""", int64, void, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
keepFromStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
DELETE FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `period` < ?;
""", int64, void, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
ok BestLightClientUpdateStore(
getStmt: getStmt,
putStmt: putStmt,
delStmt: delStmt,
delFromStmt: delFromStmt,
keepFromStmt: keepFromStmt)
func close(store: BestLightClientUpdateStore) =
proc getBestUpdate*(
db: LightClientDataDB, period: SyncCommitteePeriod
): ForkedLightClientUpdate =
doAssert period.isSupportedBySQLite
var update: (int64, seq[byte])
for res in db.bestUpdates.getStmt.exec(period.int64, update):
res.expect("SQL query OK")
case update[0]
of ord(LightClientDataFork.Altair).int64:
return ForkedLightClientUpdate(
kind: LightClientDataFork.Altair,
altairData: SSZ.decode(update[1], altair.LightClientUpdate))
warn "Unsupported LC data store kind", store = "bestUpdates",
period, kind = update[0]
return default(ForkedLightClientUpdate)
except SszError as exc:
error "LC data store corrupted", store = "bestUpdates",
period, kind = update[0], exc = exc.msg
return default(ForkedLightClientUpdate)
func putBestUpdate*(
db: LightClientDataDB, period: SyncCommitteePeriod,
update: ForkedLightClientUpdate) =
doAssert period.isSupportedBySQLite
when lcDataFork >= LightClientDataFork.Altair:
let numParticipants = forkyUpdate.sync_aggregate.num_active_participants
let res = db.bestUpdates.delStmt.exec(period.int64)
res.expect("SQL query OK")
let res = db.bestUpdates.putStmt.exec(
(period.int64, lcDataFork.int64, SSZ.encode(forkyUpdate)))
res.expect("SQL query OK")
let res = db.bestUpdates.delStmt.exec(period.int64)
res.expect("SQL query OK")
proc putUpdateIfBetter*(
db: LightClientDataDB, period: SyncCommitteePeriod,
update: ForkedLightClientUpdate) =
let existing = db.getBestUpdate(period)
if is_better_update(update, existing):
db.putBestUpdate(period, update)
proc initSealedPeriodsStore(
backend: SqStoreRef,
name: string): KvResult[SealedSyncCommitteePeriodStore] =
? backend.exec("""
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `""" & name & """` (
`period` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY -- `SyncCommitteePeriod`
containsStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
SELECT 1 AS `exists`
FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `period` = ?;
""", int64, int64, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
putStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
INSERT INTO `""" & name & """` (
) VALUES (?);
""", int64, void, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
delFromStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
DELETE FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `period` >= ?;
""", int64, void, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
keepFromStmt = backend.prepareStmt("""
DELETE FROM `""" & name & """`
WHERE `period` < ?;
""", int64, void, managed = false).expect("SQL query OK")
ok SealedSyncCommitteePeriodStore(
containsStmt: containsStmt,
putStmt: putStmt,
delFromStmt: delFromStmt,
keepFromStmt: keepFromStmt)
func close(store: SealedSyncCommitteePeriodStore) =
func isPeriodSealed*(
db: LightClientDataDB, period: SyncCommitteePeriod): bool =
doAssert period.isSupportedBySQLite
var exists: int64
for res in db.sealedPeriods.containsStmt.exec(period.int64, exists):
res.expect("SQL query OK")
doAssert exists == 1
return true
func sealPeriod*(
db: LightClientDataDB, period: SyncCommitteePeriod) =
doAssert period.isSupportedBySQLite
let res = db.sealedPeriods.putStmt.exec(period.int64)
res.expect("SQL query OK")
func delNonFinalizedPeriodsFrom*(
db: LightClientDataDB, minPeriod: SyncCommitteePeriod) =
doAssert minPeriod.isSupportedBySQLite
let res1 = db.sealedPeriods.delFromStmt.exec(minPeriod.int64)
res1.expect("SQL query OK")
let res2 = db.bestUpdates.delFromStmt.exec(minPeriod.int64)
res2.expect("SQL query OK")
# `currentBranches` only has finalized data
func keepPeriodsFrom*(
db: LightClientDataDB, minPeriod: SyncCommitteePeriod) =
doAssert minPeriod.isSupportedBySQLite
let res1 = db.sealedPeriods.keepFromStmt.exec(minPeriod.int64)
res1.expect("SQL query OK")
let res2 = db.bestUpdates.keepFromStmt.exec(minPeriod.int64)
res2.expect("SQL query OK")
minSlot = min(minPeriod.start_slot, int64.high.Slot)
res3 = db.currentBranches.keepFromStmt.exec(minSlot.int64)
res3.expect("SQL query OK")
type LightClientDataDBNames* = object
altairCurrentBranches*: string
legacyAltairBestUpdates*: string
bestUpdates*: string
sealedPeriods*: string
proc initLightClientDataDB*(
backend: SqStoreRef,
names: LightClientDataDBNames): KvResult[LightClientDataDB] =
currentBranches =
? backend.initCurrentBranchesStore(names.altairCurrentBranches)
bestUpdates =
? backend.initBestUpdatesStore(
names.bestUpdates, names.legacyAltairBestUpdates)
sealedPeriods =
? backend.initSealedPeriodsStore(names.sealedPeriods)
ok LightClientDataDB(
backend: backend,
currentBranches: currentBranches,
bestUpdates: bestUpdates,
sealedPeriods: sealedPeriods)
proc close*(db: LightClientDataDB) =
if db.backend != nil: