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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
chronicles, sequtils, tables,
metrics, stew/results,
../ssz/merkleization, ../extras,
../spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest, helpers, signatures, state_transition],
block_pools_types, candidate_chains, quarantine
export results
# Clearance
# ---------------------------------------------
# This module is in charge of making the
# "quarantined" network blocks
# pass the firewall and be stored in the blockpool
topics = "clearance"
func getOrResolve*(dag: CandidateChains, quarantine: var Quarantine, root: Eth2Digest): BlockRef =
## Fetch a block ref, or nil if not found (will be added to list of
## blocks-to-resolve)
result = dag.getRef(root)
if result.isNil:
quarantine.missing[root] = MissingBlock()
proc add*(
dag: var CandidateChains, quarantine: var Quarantine,
blockRoot: Eth2Digest,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock): Result[BlockRef, BlockError] {.gcsafe.}
proc addResolvedBlock(
dag: var CandidateChains, quarantine: var Quarantine,
state: BeaconState, blockRoot: Eth2Digest,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock, parent: BlockRef): BlockRef =
logScope: pcs = "block_resolution"
doAssert state.slot == signedBlock.message.slot, "state must match block"
let blockRef = BlockRef.init(blockRoot, signedBlock.message)
blockRef.epochsInfo = filterIt(parent.epochsInfo,
it.epoch + 1 >= state.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot)
link(parent, blockRef)
dag.blocks[blockRoot] = blockRef
trace "Populating block dag", key = blockRoot, val = blockRef
# Resolved blocks should be stored in database
dag.putBlock(blockRoot, signedBlock)
# This block *might* have caused a justification - make sure we stow away
# that information:
let justifiedSlot =
var foundHead: Option[Head]
for head in dag.heads.mitems():
if head.blck.isAncestorOf(blockRef):
if head.justified.slot != justifiedSlot:
head.justified = blockRef.atSlot(justifiedSlot)
head.blck = blockRef
foundHead = some(head)
if foundHead.isNone():
foundHead = some(Head(
blck: blockRef,
justified: blockRef.atSlot(justifiedSlot)))
info "Block resolved",
blck = shortLog(signedBlock.message),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
justifiedHead = foundHead.get().justified,
heads = dag.heads.len(),
cat = "filtering"
# Now that we have the new block, we should see if any of the previously
# unresolved blocks magically become resolved
# TODO there are more efficient ways of doing this that don't risk
# running out of stack etc
# TODO This code is convoluted because when there are more than ~1.5k
# blocks being synced, there's a stack overflow as `add` gets called
# for the whole chain of blocks. Instead we use this ugly field in `dag`
# which could be avoided by refactoring the code
if not quarantine.inAdd:
quarantine.inAdd = true
defer: quarantine.inAdd = false
var keepGoing = true
while keepGoing:
let retries = quarantine.orphans
for k, v in retries:
discard add(dag, quarantine, k, v)
# Keep going for as long as the pending dag is shrinking
# TODO inefficient! so what?
keepGoing = quarantine.orphans.len < retries.len
proc add*(
dag: var CandidateChains, quarantine: var Quarantine,
blockRoot: Eth2Digest,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock): Result[BlockRef, BlockError] {.gcsafe.} =
## return the block, if resolved...
## the state parameter may be updated to include the given block, if
## everything checks out
# TODO reevaluate passing the state in like this
# TODO: to facilitate adding the block to the attestation pool
# this should also return justified and finalized epoch corresponding
# to each block.
# This would be easy apart from the "Block already exists"
# early return.
let blck = signedBlock.message
doAssert blockRoot == hash_tree_root(blck)
logScope: pcs = "block_addition"
# Already seen this block??
dag.blocks.withValue(blockRoot, blockRef):
debug "Block already exists",
blck = shortLog(blck),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
cat = "filtering"
return ok blockRef[]
# If the block we get is older than what we finalized already, we drop it.
# One way this can happen is that we start resolving a block and finalization
# happens in the meantime - the block we requested will then be stale
# by the time it gets here.
if blck.slot <= dag.finalizedHead.slot:
debug "Old block, dropping",
blck = shortLog(blck),
finalizedHead = shortLog(dag.finalizedHead),
tail = shortLog(dag.tail),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
cat = "filtering"
return err Old
let parent = dag.blocks.getOrDefault(blck.parent_root)
if parent != nil:
if parent.slot >= blck.slot:
# TODO Malicious block? inform peer dag?
notice "Invalid block slot",
blck = shortLog(blck),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
parentBlock = shortLog(parent)
return err Invalid
# The block might have been in either of `orphans` or `missing` - we don't
# want any more work done on its behalf
# The block is resolved, now it's time to validate it to ensure that the
# blocks we add to the database are clean for the given state
# TODO if the block is from the future, we should not be resolving it (yet),
# but maybe we should use it as a hint that our clock is wrong?
dag, dag.tmpState, BlockSlot(blck: parent, slot: blck.slot - 1))
poolPtr = unsafeAddr dag # safe because restore is short-lived
func restore(v: var HashedBeaconState) =
# TODO address this ugly workaround - there should probably be a
# `state_transition` that takes a `StateData` instead and updates
# the block as well
doAssert v.addr == addr poolPtr.tmpState.data
assign(poolPtr.tmpState, poolPtr.headState)
var stateCache = getEpochCache(parent, dag.tmpState.data.data)
if not state_transition(
dag.tmpState.data, signedBlock, stateCache, dag.updateFlags, restore):
# TODO find a better way to log all this block data
notice "Invalid block",
blck = shortLog(blck),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
cat = "filtering"
return err Invalid
# Careful, tmpState.data has been updated but not blck - we need to create
# the BlockRef first!
dag.tmpState.blck = addResolvedBlock(
dag, quarantine,
dag.tmpState.data.data, blockRoot, signedBlock, parent)
dag.putState(dag.tmpState.data, dag.tmpState.blck)
return ok dag.tmpState.blck
# TODO already checked hash though? main reason to keep this is because
# the pending dag calls this function back later in a loop, so as long
# as dag.add(...) requires a SignedBeaconBlock, easier to keep them in
# pending too.
quarantine.add(dag, signedBlock, some(blockRoot))
# TODO possibly, it makes sense to check the database - that would allow sync
# to simply fill up the database with random blocks the other clients
# think are useful - but, it would also risk filling the database with
# junk that's not part of the block graph
if blck.parent_root in quarantine.missing or
blck.parent_root in quarantine.orphans:
return err MissingParent
# This is an unresolved block - put its parent on the missing list for now...
# TODO if we receive spam blocks, one heurestic to implement might be to wait
# for a couple of attestations to appear before fetching parents - this
# would help prevent using up network resources for spam - this serves
# two purposes: one is that attestations are likely to appear for the
# block only if it's valid / not spam - the other is that malicious
# validators that are not proposers can sign invalid blocks and send
# them out without penalty - but signing invalid attestations carries
# a risk of being slashed, making attestations a more valuable spam
# filter.
# TODO when we receive the block, we don't know how many others we're missing
# from that branch, so right now, we'll just do a blind guess
debug "Unresolved block (parent missing)",
blck = shortLog(blck),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
orphans = quarantine.orphans.len,
missing = quarantine.missing.len,
cat = "filtering"
return err MissingParent
# https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.11.1/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#global-topics
proc isValidBeaconBlock*(
dag: CandidateChains, quarantine: var Quarantine,
signed_beacon_block: SignedBeaconBlock, current_slot: Slot,
flags: UpdateFlags): Result[void, BlockError] =
topics = "clearance valid_blck"
received_block = shortLog(signed_beacon_block.message)
# In general, checks are ordered from cheap to expensive. Especially, crypto
# verification could be quite a bit more expensive than the rest. This is an
# externally easy-to-invoke function by tossing network packets at the node.
# The block is not from a future slot
# TODO allow `MAXIMUM_GOSSIP_CLOCK_DISPARITY` leniency, especially towards
# seemingly future slots.
# TODO using +1 here while this is being sorted - should queue these until
# they're within the DISPARITY limit
if not (signed_beacon_block.message.slot <= current_slot + 1):
debug "block is from a future slot",
return err(Invalid)
# The block is from a slot greater than the latest finalized slot (with a
# MAXIMUM_GOSSIP_CLOCK_DISPARITY allowance) -- i.e. validate that
# signed_beacon_block.message.slot >
# compute_start_slot_at_epoch(state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch)
if not (signed_beacon_block.message.slot > dag.finalizedHead.slot):
debug "block is not from a slot greater than the latest finalized slot"
return err(Invalid)
# The block is the first block with valid signature received for the proposer
# for the slot, signed_beacon_block.message.slot.
# While this condition is similar to the proposer slashing condition at
# https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/validator.md#proposer-slashing
# it's not identical, and this check does not address slashing:
# (1) The beacon blocks must be conflicting, i.e. different, for the same
# slot and proposer. This check also catches identical blocks.
# (2) By this point in the function, it's not been checked whether they're
# signed yet. As in general, expensive checks should be deferred, this
# would add complexity not directly relevant this function.
# (3) As evidenced by point (1), the similarity in the validation condition
# and slashing condition, while not coincidental, aren't similar enough
# to combine, as one or the other might drift.
# (4) Furthermore, this function, as much as possible, simply returns a yes
# or no answer, without modifying other state for p2p network interface
# validation. Complicating this interface, for the sake of sharing only
# couple lines of code, wouldn't be worthwhile.
# TODO might check unresolved/orphaned blocks too, and this might not see all
# blocks at a given slot (though, in theory, those get checked elsewhere), or
# adding metrics that count how often these conditions occur.
slotBlockRef = getBlockBySlot(dag, signed_beacon_block.message.slot)
if not slotBlockRef.isNil:
let blck = dag.get(slotBlockRef).data
if blck.message.proposer_index ==
signed_beacon_block.message.proposer_index and
blck.message.slot == signed_beacon_block.message.slot and
blck.signature.toRaw() != signed_beacon_block.signature.toRaw():
debug "block isn't first block with valid signature received for the proposer",
blckRef = slotBlockRef,
existing_block = shortLog(blck.message)
return err(Invalid)
# If this block doesn't have a parent we know about, we can't/don't really
# trace it back to a known-good state/checkpoint to verify its prevenance;
# while one could getOrResolve to queue up searching for missing parent it
# might not be the best place. As much as feasible, this function aims for
# answering yes/no, not queuing other action or otherwise altering state.
let parent_ref = dag.getRef(signed_beacon_block.message.parent_root)
if parent_ref.isNil:
# This doesn't mean a block is forever invalid, only that we haven't seen
# its ancestor blocks yet. While that means for now it should be blocked,
# at least, from libp2p propagation, it shouldn't be ignored. TODO, if in
# the future this block moves from pending to being resolved, consider if
# it's worth broadcasting it then.
# Pending dag gets checked via `CandidateChains.add(...)` later, and relevant
# checks are performed there. In usual paths beacon_node adds blocks via
# CandidateChains.add(...) directly, with no additional validity checks. TODO,
# not specific to this, but by the pending dag keying on the htr of the
# BeaconBlock, not SignedBeaconBlock, opens up certain spoofing attacks.
debug "parent unknown, putting block in quarantine"
quarantine.add(dag, signed_beacon_block)
return err(MissingParent)
# The proposer signature, signed_beacon_block.signature, is valid with
# respect to the proposer_index pubkey.
proposer = getProposer(dag, parent_ref, signed_beacon_block.message.slot)
if proposer.isNone:
notice "cannot compute proposer for message"
return err(Invalid)
if proposer.get()[0] !=
debug "block had unexpected proposer",
expected_proposer = proposer.get()[0]
return err(Invalid)
if not verify_block_signature(
debug "block failed signature verification",
signature = shortLog(signed_beacon_block.signature)
return err(Invalid)