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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
import strutils, os, tables, options
import confutils, chronicles, chronos
import libp2p/[switch, standard_setup, connection, multiaddress, multicodec,
peer, peerinfo, peer]
import libp2p/crypto/crypto as lcrypto
import libp2p/crypto/secp as lsecp
import eth/p2p/discoveryv5/enr as enr
import eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[protocol, discovery_db, node]
import eth/keys as ethkeys, eth/trie/db
import stew/[results, objects]
import stew/byteutils as bu
import stew/shims/net
import nimcrypto/[hash, keccak]
import secp256k1 as s
import stint
import snappy
import spec/[crypto, datatypes, network, digest], ssz/ssz_serialization
InspectorName* = "Beacon-Chain Network Inspector"
InspectorMajor*: int = 0
InspectorMinor*: int = 0
InspectorPatch*: int = 3
InspectorVersion* = $InspectorMajor & "." & $InspectorMinor & "." &
InspectorIdent* = "Inspector/$1 ($2/$3)" % [InspectorVersion,
hostCPU, hostOS]
InspectorCopyright* = "Copyright(C) 2020" &
" Status Research & Development GmbH"
InspectorHeader* = InspectorName & ", Version " & InspectorVersion &
" [" & hostOS & ": " & hostCPU & "]\r\n" &
InspectorCopyright & "\r\n"
DISCV5BN* = mapAnd(UDP, mapEq("p2p"))
ETH2BN* = mapAnd(TCP, mapEq("p2p"))
DiscoveryProtocol* = protocol.Protocol
ENRFieldPair* = object
eth2: seq[byte]
attnets: seq[byte]
ENRForkID* = object
fork_digest*: ForkDigest
next_fork_version*: Version
next_fork_epoch*: Epoch
# TODO remove InteropAttestations when Altona launches
TopicFilter* {.pure.} = enum
Blocks, Attestations, Exits, ProposerSlashing, AttesterSlashings,
BootstrapKind* {.pure.} = enum
Enr, MultiAddr
StartUpCommand* {.pure.} = enum
BootstrapAddress* = object
case kind*: BootstrapKind
of BootstrapKind.Enr:
addressRec: enr.Record
of BootstrapKind.MultiAddr:
addressMa: MultiAddress
InspectorConf* = object
logLevel* {.
defaultValue: LogLevel.TRACE
desc: "Sets the inspector's verbosity log level"
abbr: "v"
name: "verbosity" }: LogLevel
fullPeerId* {.
defaultValue: false
desc: "Sets the inspector full PeerID output"
abbr: "p"
name: "fullpeerid" }: bool
floodSub* {.
defaultValue: true
desc: "Sets inspector engine to FloodSub"
abbr: "f"
name: "floodsub" }: bool
gossipSub* {.
defaultValue: false
desc: "Sets inspector engine to GossipSub"
abbr: "g"
name: "gossipsub" }: bool
forkDigest* {.
defaultValue: "",
desc: "Sets the fork-digest value used to construct all topic names"
name: "forkdigest"}: string
signFlag* {.
defaultValue: false
desc: "Sets the inspector's to send/verify signatures in pubsub messages"
abbr: "s"
name: "sign" }: bool
topics* {.
desc: "Sets monitored topics, where `*` - all, " &
"[a]ttestations, [b]locks, [e]xits, " &
"[ps]roposer slashings, [as]ttester slashings"
abbr: "t"
name: "topics" }: seq[string]
customTopics* {.
desc: "Sets custom monitored topics"
abbr: "c"
name: "custom" }: seq[string]
bootstrapFile* {.
defaultValue: ""
desc: "Specifies file which holds bootstrap nodes multiaddresses " &
"delimeted by CRLF"
abbr: "l"
name: "bootfile" }: string
bootstrapNodes* {.
desc: "Specifies one or more bootstrap nodes" &
" to use when connecting to the network"
abbr: "b"
name: "bootnodes" }: seq[string]
decode* {.
desc: "Try to decode message using SSZ"
abbr: "d"
defaultValue: false }: bool
discoveryPort* {.
desc: "DiscoveryV5 UDP port number"
defaultValue: 9000 }: int
ethPort* {.
desc: "Ethereum2 TCP port number",
defaultValue: 9000 }: int
bindAddress* {.
desc: "Bind Discovery to MultiAddress",
defaultValue: "/ip4/".}: string
maxPeers* {.
desc: "Maximum number of peers",
defaultValue: 100.}: int
noDiscovery* {.
desc: "Disable discovery",
defaultValue: false.}: bool
StrRes[T] = Result[T, string]
proc `==`*(a, b: ENRFieldPair): bool {.inline.} =
result = (a.eth2 == b.eth2)
proc shortLog*(a: PeerInfo): string =
for ma in a.addrs:
if TCP.match(ma):
return $ma & "/" & $a.peerId
for ma in a.addrs:
if UDP.match(ma):
return $ma & "/" & $a.peerId
result = $a
proc hasTCP(a: PeerInfo): bool =
for ma in a.addrs:
if TCP.match(ma):
return true
proc toNodeId(a: PeerID): Option[NodeId] =
var buffer: array[64, byte]
if a.hasPublicKey():
var pubkey: lcrypto.PublicKey
if extractPublicKey(a, pubkey):
if pubkey.scheme == PKScheme.Secp256k1:
let tmp = s.SkPublicKey(pubkey.skkey).toRaw()
copyMem(addr buffer[0], unsafeAddr tmp[1], 64)
result = some(readUintBE[256](keccak256.digest(buffer).data))
chronicles.formatIt PeerInfo: it.shortLog
chronicles.formatIt seq[PeerInfo]:
var res = newSeq[string]()
for item in it.items(): res.add(item.shortLog())
"[" & res.join(", ") & "]"
func getTopics(forkDigest: ForkDigest,
filter: TopicFilter): seq[string] {.inline.} =
case filter
of TopicFilter.Blocks:
let topic = getBeaconBlocksTopic(forkDigest)
@[topic, topic & "_snappy"]
of TopicFilter.Exits:
let topic = getVoluntaryExitsTopic(forkDigest)
@[topic, topic & "_snappy"]
of TopicFilter.ProposerSlashing:
let topic = getProposerSlashingsTopic(forkDigest)
@[topic, topic & "_snappy"]
of TopicFilter.AttesterSlashings:
let topic = getAttesterSlashingsTopic(forkDigest)
@[topic, topic & "_snappy"]
of TopicFilter.InteropAttestations:
when ETH2_SPEC == "v0.11.3":
let topic = getInteropAttestationTopic(forkDigest)
@[topic, topic & "_snappy"]
of TopicFilter.Attestations:
var topics = newSeq[string](ATTESTATION_SUBNET_COUNT * 2)
var offset = 0
for i in 0'u64 ..< ATTESTATION_SUBNET_COUNT.uint64:
topics[offset] = getMainnetAttestationTopic(forkDigest, i)
topics[offset + 1] = getMainnetAttestationTopic(forkDigest, i) & "_snappy"
offset += 2
proc loadBootFile(name: string): seq[string] =
result = readFile(name).splitLines()
proc unpackYmlLine(line: string): string =
result = line
let stripped = line.strip()
var parts = stripped.split({'"'})
if len(parts) == 3:
if parts[0].startsWith("-") and len(parts[2]) == 0:
result = parts[1]
proc getBootstrapAddress(bootnode: string): Option[BootstrapAddress] =
var rec: enr.Record
var stripped = bootnode.strip()
if stripped.startsWith("-"):
stripped = unpackYmlLine(stripped)
if len(stripped) > 0:
if stripped.startsWith("enr:"):
if fromURI(rec, EnrUri(stripped)):
let res = BootstrapAddress(kind: BootstrapKind.Enr, addressRec: rec)
return some(res)
warn "Incorrect or empty ENR bootstrap address", address = stripped
let maRes = MultiAddress.init(stripped)
let ma = if maRes.isOk: maRes.get
else: return
if ETH2BN.match(ma) or DISCV5BN.match(ma):
let res = BootstrapAddress(kind: BootstrapKind.MultiAddr,
addressMa: ma)
return some(res)
warn "Incorrect MultiAddress bootstrap address", address = stripped
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Incorrect bootstrap address", address = bootnode, errMsg = exc.msg
proc tryGetForkDigest(bootnode: enr.Record): Option[ForkDigest] =
var forkId: ENRForkID
var sszForkData = bootnode.tryGet("eth2", seq[byte])
if sszForkData.isSome():
forkId = SSZ.decode(sszForkData.get(), ENRForkID)
result = some(forkId.fork_digest)
except CatchableError:
proc tryGetFieldPairs(bootnode: enr.Record): Option[ENRFieldPair] =
var sszEth2 = bootnode.tryGet("eth2", seq[byte])
var sszAttnets = bootnode.tryGet("attnets", seq[byte])
if sszEth2.isSome() and sszAttnets.isSome():
result = some(ENRFieldPair(eth2: sszEth2.get(),
attnets: sszAttnets.get()))
proc tryGetForkDigest(hexdigest: string): Option[ForkDigest] =
var res: ForkDigest
if len(hexdigest) > 0:
hexToByteArray(hexdigest, array[4 ,byte](res))
result = some(res)
except CatchableError:
proc tryGetMultiAddress(address: string): Option[MultiAddress] =
let maRes = MultiAddress.init(address)
let ma = if maRes.isOk: maRes.get
else: return
if IP4.match(ma) or IP6.match(ma):
result = some(ma)
proc loadBootstrapNodes(conf: InspectorConf): seq[BootstrapAddress] =
result = newSeq[BootstrapAddress]()
if len(conf.bootstrapFile) > 0:
info "Loading bootstrap nodes from file", filename = conf.bootstrapFile
var nodes = loadBootFile(conf.bootstrapFile)
for nodeString in nodes:
let res = getBootstrapAddress(nodeString)
if res.isSome():
for nodeString in conf.bootstrapNodes:
let res = getBootstrapAddress(nodeString)
if res.isSome():
proc init*(p: typedesc[PeerInfo],
maddr: MultiAddress): StrRes[PeerInfo] {.inline.} =
## Initialize PeerInfo using address which includes PeerID.
if IPFS.match(maddr):
let peerid = ? protoAddress(? maddr[2])
result = ok(PeerInfo.init(PeerID.init(peerid), [(? maddr[0]) & (? maddr[1])]))
proc init*(p: typedesc[PeerInfo],
enraddr: enr.Record): StrRes[PeerInfo] =
var trec: enr.TypedRecord
let trecOpt = enraddr.toTypedRecord()
if trecOpt.isOk():
trec = trecOpt.get()
if trec.secp256k1.isSome():
let skpubkey = ethkeys.PublicKey.fromRaw(trec.secp256k1.get())
if skpubkey.isOk():
let peerid = PeerID.init(
PublicKey(scheme: Secp256k1,
skkey: lsecp.SkPublicKey(skpubkey.get())))
var mas = newSeq[MultiAddress]()
if trec.ip.isSome() and trec.tcp.isSome():
let ma = (? MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("ip4"), trec.ip.get())) &
(? MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("tcp"), trec.tcp.get()))
if trec.ip6.isSome() and trec.tcp6.isSome():
let ma = (? MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("ip6"), trec.ip6.get())) &
(? MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("tcp"), trec.tcp6.get()))
if trec.ip.isSome() and trec.udp.isSome():
let ma = (? MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("ip4"), trec.ip.get())) &
(? MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("udp"), trec.udp.get()))
if trec.ip6.isSome() and trec.udp6.isSome():
let ma = (? MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("ip6"), trec.ip6.get())) &
(? MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("udp"), trec.udp6.get()))
result = ok PeerInfo.init(peerid, mas)
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error", errMsg = exc.msg, record = enraddr.toUri()
proc connectToNetwork(switch: Switch, nodes: seq[PeerInfo],
timeout: Duration): Future[seq[PeerInfo]] {.async.} =
var pending = newSeq[Future[void]]()
var res = newSeq[PeerInfo]()
var timed, succeed, failed: int
for pinfo in nodes:
debug "Connecting to peers", count = $len(pending), peers = nodes
if len(pending) > 0:
var timer = sleepAsync(timeout)
discard await one(timer, allFutures(pending))
for i in 0 ..< len(pending):
let fut = pending[i]
if fut.finished():
if fut.failed():
warn "Unable to connect to node", address = nodes[i],
errMsg = fut.readError().msg
info "Connected to node", address = nodes[i]
warn "Connection to node timed out", address = nodes[i]
debug "Connection statistics", succeed = succeed, failed = failed,
timeout = timed, count = $len(pending)
result = res
proc connectLoop*(switch: Switch,
peerQueue: AsyncQueue[PeerInfo],
peerTable: TableRef[PeerID, PeerInfo],
timeout: Duration): Future[void] {.async.} =
var addresses = newSeq[PeerInfo]()
trace "Starting connection loop", queue_size = len(peerQueue),
table_size = len(peerTable),
timeout = timeout
while true:
if len(addresses) > 0:
let ma = await peerQueue.popFirst()
while not(peerQueue.empty()):
trace "Got new peers", count = len(addresses)
var infos = await switch.connectToNetwork(addresses, timeout)
for item in infos:
peerTable[item.peerId] = item
proc toIpAddress*(ma: MultiAddress): Option[ValidIpAddress] =
if IP4.match(ma):
let addressRes = ma.protoAddress()
let address = if addressRes.isOk: addressRes.get
else: return
result = some(ipv4 toArray(4, address))
elif IP6.match(ma):
let addressRes = ma.protoAddress()
let address = if addressRes.isOk: addressRes.get
else: return
result = some(ipv6 toArray(16, address))
proc bootstrapDiscovery(conf: InspectorConf,
host: MultiAddress,
privkey: lcrypto.PrivateKey,
bootnodes: seq[enr.Record],
enrFields: Option[ENRFieldPair]): DiscoveryProtocol =
var pk = ethkeys.PrivateKey(privkey.skkey)
var db = DiscoveryDB.init(newMemoryDB())
let udpPort = Port(conf.discoveryPort)
let tcpPort = Port(conf.ethPort)
let host = host.toIpAddress()
var pairs: seq[FieldPair]
if enrFields.isSome():
let fields = enrFields.get()
pairs = @[toFieldPair("eth2", fields.eth2),
toFieldPair("attnets", fields.attnets)]
pairs = @[]
result = newProtocol(pk, db, host, tcpPort, udpPort, pairs, bootnodes)
proc logEnrAddress(address: string) =
rec: enr.Record
trec: enr.TypedRecord
eth2fork_digest, eth2next_fork_version, eth2next_fork_epoch: string
attnets: string
if fromURI(rec, EnrUri(address)):
var eth2Data = rec.tryGet("eth2", seq[byte])
var attnData = rec.tryGet("attnets", seq[byte])
var optrec = rec.toTypedRecord()
if optrec.isOk():
trec = optrec.get()
if eth2Data.isSome():
var forkid = SSZ.decode(eth2Data.get(), ENRForkID)
eth2fork_digest = $forkid.fork_digest
eth2next_fork_version = $forkid.next_fork_version
eth2next_fork_epoch = strutils.toHex(cast[uint64](forkid.next_fork_epoch))
except CatchableError:
eth2fork_digest = "Error"
eth2next_fork_version = "Error"
eth2next_fork_epoch = "Error"
eth2fork_digest = "None"
eth2next_fork_version = "None"
eth2next_fork_epoch = "None"
if attnData.isSome():
var attn = SSZ.decode(attnData.get(), List[byte, 9999999]) # TODO: what's the limit on that list?
attnets = bu.toHex(attn.asSeq)
attnets = "None"
info "ENR bootstrap address fileds",
enr_uri = address,
enr_id = trec.id,
secp256k1 = if trec.secp256k1.isSome():
ip4 = if trec.ip.isSome():
$MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("ip4"), trec.ip.get())
ip6 = if trec.ip6.isSome():
$MultiAddress.init(multiCodec("ip6"), trec.ip6.get())
tcp = if trec.tcp.isSome(): $trec.tcp.get() else: "None",
udp = if trec.udp.isSome(): $trec.udp.get() else: "None",
tcp6 = if trec.tcp6.isSome(): $trec.tcp6.get() else: "None",
udp6 = if trec.udp6.isSome(): $trec.udp6.get() else: "None",
eth2_fork_digest = eth2fork_digest,
eth2_next_fork_version = eth2next_fork_version,
eth2_next_fork_epoch = eth2next_fork_epoch,
eth2_attnets = attnets
info "ENR bootstrap address is wrong or incomplete", enr_uri = address
info "ENR bootstrap address is wrong or incomplete", enr_uri = address
proc init*(p: typedesc[PeerInfo],
enruri: EnrUri): Option[PeerInfo] {.inline.} =
var rec: enr.Record
if fromURI(rec, enruri):
result = PeerInfo.init(rec)
proc pubsubLogger(conf: InspectorConf, switch: Switch,
resolveQueue: AsyncQueue[PeerID], topic: string,
data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} =
info "Received pubsub message", size = len(data),
topic = topic,
message = bu.toHex(data)
var buffer: seq[byte]
if conf.decode:
if topic.endsWith("_snappy"):
buffer = snappy.decode(data)
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Unable to decompress message", errMsg = exc.msg
buffer = data
if topic.endsWith(topicBeaconBlocksSuffix) or
topic.endsWith(topicBeaconBlocksSuffix & "_snappy"):
info "SignedBeaconBlock", msg = SSZ.decode(buffer, SignedBeaconBlock)
elif topic.endsWith(topicMainnetAttestationsSuffix) or
topic.endsWith(topicMainnetAttestationsSuffix & "_snappy"):
info "Attestation", msg = SSZ.decode(buffer, Attestation)
elif topic.endsWith(topicVoluntaryExitsSuffix) or
topic.endsWith(topicVoluntaryExitsSuffix & "_snappy"):
info "SignedVoluntaryExit", msg = SSZ.decode(buffer,
elif topic.endsWith(topicProposerSlashingsSuffix) or
topic.endsWith(topicProposerSlashingsSuffix & "_snappy"):
info "ProposerSlashing", msg = SSZ.decode(buffer, ProposerSlashing)
elif topic.endsWith(topicAttesterSlashingsSuffix) or
topic.endsWith(topicAttesterSlashingsSuffix & "_snappy"):
info "AttesterSlashing", msg = SSZ.decode(buffer, AttesterSlashing)
elif topic.endsWith(topicAggregateAndProofsSuffix) or
topic.endsWith(topicAggregateAndProofsSuffix & "_snappy"):
info "AggregateAndProof", msg = SSZ.decode(buffer, AggregateAndProof)
when ETH2_SPEC == "v0.11.3":
if topic.endsWith(topicInteropAttestationSuffix) or
topic.endsWith(topicInteropAttestationSuffix & "_snappy"):
info "Attestation", msg = SSZ.decode(buffer, Attestation)
except CatchableError as exc:
info "Unable to decode message", errMsg = exc.msg
proc resolveLoop(conf: InspectorConf,
discovery: DiscoveryProtocol,
switch: Switch,
peerQueue: AsyncQueue[PeerID],
peers: TableRef[PeerID, PeerInfo]) {.async.} =
debug "Starting resolution loop"
while true:
let peerId = await peerQueue.popFirst()
let idOpt = peerId.toNodeId()
if idOpt.isSome():
let nodeOpt = await discovery.resolve(idOpt.get())
if nodeOpt.isSome():
let peerOpt = PeerInfo.init(nodeOpt.get().record)
if peerOpt.isOk():
let peer = peerOpt.get()
trace "Peer resolved", peer_id = peerId,
node_id = idOpt.get(),
peer_info = peer
peers[peerId] = peer
warn "Peer's record is invalid", peer_id = peerId,
node_id = idOpt.get(),
peer_record = nodeOpt.get().record
trace "Node resolution returns empty answer", peer_id = peerId,
node_id = idOpt.get()
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Node address resolution failed", errMsg = exc.msg,
peer_id = peerId,
node_id = idOpt.get()
proc discoveryLoop(conf: InspectorConf,
discovery: DiscoveryProtocol,
switch: Switch,
connQueue: AsyncQueue[PeerInfo],
peers: TableRef[PeerID, PeerInfo]) {.async.} =
debug "Starting discovery loop"
let wantedPeers = conf.maxPeers
while true:
let discoveredPeers = discovery.randomNodes(wantedPeers - len(peers))
for peer in discoveredPeers:
let pinfoOpt = PeerInfo.init(peer.record)
if pinfoOpt.isOk():
let pinfo = pinfoOpt.get()
if pinfo.hasTCP():
if pinfo.id() notin switch.connections:
debug "Discovered new peer", peer = pinfo,
peers_count = len(peers)
await connQueue.addLast(pinfo)
debug "Found discovery only peer", peer = pinfo
except CatchableError as exc:
debug "Error in discovery", errMsg = exc.msg
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
proc run(conf: InspectorConf) {.async.} =
topics: set[TopicFilter] = {}
forkDigest: Option[ForkDigest]
enrFields: Option[ENRFieldPair]
var pubsubPeers = newTable[PeerID, PeerInfo]()
var resolveQueue = newAsyncQueue[PeerID](10)
var connectQueue = newAsyncQueue[PeerInfo](10)
let bootnodes = loadBootstrapNodes(conf)
if len(bootnodes) == 0:
error "Not enough bootnodes to establish connection with network"
var eth2bootnodes = newSeq[PeerInfo]()
var disc5bootnodes = newSeq[enr.Record]()
for item in bootnodes:
if item.kind == BootstrapKind.Enr:
let pinfoOpt = PeerInfo.init(item.addressRec)
if pinfoOpt.isOk():
let pinfo = pinfoOpt.get()
for ma in pinfo.addrs:
if TCP.match(ma):
for ma in pinfo.addrs:
if UDP.match(ma):
let forkOpt = tryGetForkDigest(item.addressRec)
if forkOpt.isSome():
if forkDigest.isSome():
if forkDigest.get() != forkOpt.get():
warn "Bootstrap node address has different forkDigest",
address = item.addressRec.toUri(),
address_fork_digest = $(forkOpt.get()),
stored_fork_digest = $(forkDigest.get())
forkDigest = forkOpt
let enrFieldsOpt = tryGetFieldPairs(item.addressRec)
if enrFieldsOpt.isSome():
if enrFields.isSome():
if enrFields.get() != enrFieldsOpt.get():
warn "Bootstrap node address has different eth2 values",
address = item.addressRec.toUri(),
eth2_field_stored = bu.toHex(enrFields.get().eth2),
eth2_field_address = bu.toHex(enrFieldsOpt.get().eth2)
enrFields = enrFieldsOpt
elif item.kind == BootstrapKind.MultiAddr:
if ETH2BN.match(item.addressMa):
if len(eth2bootnodes) == 0:
error "Not enough Ethereum2 bootnodes to establish connection with network"
if len(disc5bootnodes) == 0:
warn "Not enough DiscoveryV5 bootnodes, discovery will be disabled"
var argForkDigest = tryGetForkDigest(conf.forkDigest)
if forkDigest.isNone():
if argForkDigest.isNone():
error "forkDigest argument and bootstrap forkDigest are missing"
forkDigest = argForkDigest
if argForkDigest.isSome():
if forkDigest.isSome() != argForkDigest.isSome():
warn "forkDigest argument value is different, using argument value",
argument_fork_digest = argForkDigest.get(),
bootstrap_fork_digest = forkDigest.get()
forkDigest = argForkDigest
let seckey = lcrypto.PrivateKey.random(PKScheme.Secp256k1).tryGet()
# let pubkey = seckey.getKey()
let hostAddress = tryGetMultiAddress(conf.bindAddress)
if hostAddress.isNone():
error "Bind address is incorrect MultiAddress", address = conf.bindAddress
var switch = newStandardSwitch(some(seckey), hostAddress.get(),
triggerSelf = true, gossip = true,
sign = false, verifySignature = false)
if len(conf.topics) > 0:
for item in conf.topics:
let lcitem = item.toLowerAscii()
if lcitem == "*":
topics.incl({TopicFilter.Blocks, TopicFilter.Attestations,
TopicFilter.Exits, TopicFilter.ProposerSlashing,
when ETH2_SPEC == "v0.11.3":
elif lcitem == "a":
elif lcitem == "b":
elif lcitem == "e":
elif lcitem == "ps":
elif lcitem == "as":
when ETH2_SPEC == "v0.11.3":
if lcitem == "ia":
topics.incl({TopicFilter.Blocks, TopicFilter.Attestations,
TopicFilter.Exits, TopicFilter.ProposerSlashing,
when ETH2_SPEC == "v0.11.3":
proc pubsubTrampoline(topic: string,
data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
result = pubsubLogger(conf, switch, resolveQueue, topic, data)
discard switch.start()
var topicFilters = newSeq[string]()
for filter in topics:
for topic in getTopics(forkDigest.get(), filter):
await switch.subscribe(topic, pubsubTrampoline)
trace "Subscribed to topic", topic = topic
for filter in conf.customTopics:
await switch.subscribe(filter, pubsubTrampoline)
trace "Subscribed to custom topic", topic = filter
except CatchableError as exc:
error "Could not subscribe to topics", errMsg = exc.msg
info InspectorIdent & " starting", topic_filters = topicFilters,
eth2_bootnodes = eth2bootnodes,
disc5_bootnodes = disc5bootnodes
asyncCheck connectLoop(switch, connectQueue,
pubsubPeers, 10.seconds)
for node in eth2bootnodes:
await connectQueue.addLast(node)
if len(disc5bootnodes) > 0:
var proto = bootstrapDiscovery(conf, hostAddress.get(), seckey,
disc5bootnodes, enrFields)
if not(conf.noDiscovery):
asyncCheck discoveryLoop(conf, proto, switch, connectQueue,
asyncCheck resolveLoop(conf, proto, switch, resolveQueue,
# We are not going to exit from this procedure
var emptyFut = newFuture[void]()
await emptyFut
when isMainModule:
echo InspectorHeader
var conf = InspectorConf.load(version = InspectorVersion)
waitFor run(conf)