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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Note: this is also inspired by
# The official spec at is not fully
# defining the state transitions.
# Note that the ethresearch impl is using "block_vote_cache" field, which is a dictionary mapping hashes
# to the following sub-dictionary:
# {
# 'voter_indices': set(),
# 'total_voter_deposits': 0
# }
# It should not be needed anymore with the new AttestationRecord type
{.warning: "The official spec at is not fully defining state transitions.".}
import ./datatypes, ./private/helpers
func process_block(active_state: ActiveState, crystallized_state: CrystallizedState, blck: BeaconBlock, slot: int64) =
# TODO: unfinished spec
for attestation in blck.attestations:
# Verify that slot < block.slot_number and slot >= max(block.slot_number - CYCLE_LENGTH, 0)
doAssert slot < blck.slot_number
doAssert slot >= max(blck.slot_number - CYCLE_LENGTH, 0)
# Compute parent_hashes = [get_block_hash(active_state, block, slot - CYCLE_LENGTH + i) for i in range(CYCLE_LENGTH - len(oblique_parent_hashes))] + oblique_parent_hashes
# TODO - don't allocate in tight loop
var parent_hashes = newSeq[Blake2_256_Digest](CYCLE_LENGTH - attestation.oblique_parent_hashes.len)
for idx, val in parent_hashes.mpairs:
val = get_block_hash(active_state, blck, slot - CYCLE_LENGTH + idx)
parent_hashes.add attestation.oblique_parent_hashes
# Let attestation_indices be get_indices_for_slot(crystallized_state, slot)[x], choosing x so that attestation_indices.shard_id equals the shard_id value provided to find the set of validators that is creating this attestation record.
let attestation_indices = block:
let shard_and_committees = get_indices_for_slot(crystallized_state, slot)
x = 1
record_creator = shard_and_committees[0]
while record_creator.shard_id != attestation.shard_id:
record_creator = shard_and_committees[x]
inc x
# Verify that len(attester_bitfield) == ceil_div8(len(attestation_indices)), where ceil_div8 = (x + 7) // 8. Verify that bits len(attestation_indices).... and higher, if present (i.e. len(attestation_indices) is not a multiple of 8), are all zero
doAssert attestation.attester_bitfield.len == attestation_indices.committee.len
# Derive a group public key by adding the public keys of all of the attesters in attestation_indices for whom the corresponding bit in attester_bitfield (the ith bit is (attester_bitfield[i // 8] >> (7 - (i %8))) % 2) equals 1
# Verify that aggregate_sig verifies using the group pubkey generated and hash((slot % CYCLE_LENGTH).to_bytes(8, 'big') + parent_hashes + shard_id + shard_block_hash) as the message.
# Extend the list of AttestationRecord objects in the active_state, ordering the new additions in the same order as they came in the block.
# Verify that the slot % len(get_indices_for_slot(crystallized_state, slot-1)[0])'th attester in get_indices_for_slot(crystallized_state, slot-1)[0]is part of at least one of the AttestationRecord objects; this attester can be considered to be the proposer of the block.