
1169 lines
45 KiB

# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
../spec/eth2_apis/[eth2_rest_serialization, rest_light_client_calls],
../spec/[helpers, light_client_sync],
{.pragma: exported, cdecl, exportc, dynlib, raises: [].}
{.pragma: exportedConst, exportc, dynlib.}
proc toUnmanagedPtr[T](x: ref T): ptr T =
addr x[]
func asRef[T](x: ptr T): ref T =
cast[ref T](x)
proc destroy[T](x: ptr T) =
proc ETHRandomNumberCreate(): ptr HmacDrbgContext {.exported.} =
## Creates a new cryptographically secure random number generator.
## * The cryptographically secure random number generator must be destroyed
## with `ETHRandomNumberDestroy` once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to an initialized cryptographically secure random number
## generator context - If successful.
## * `NULL` - If an error occurred.
proc ETHRandomNumberDestroy(rng: ptr HmacDrbgContext) {.exported.} =
## Destroys a cryptographically secure random number generator.
## * The cryptographically secure random number generator
## must no longer be used after destruction.
## Parameters:
## * `rng` - Cryptographically secure random number generator.
proc ETHConsensusConfigCreateFromYaml(
configFileContent: cstring): ptr RuntimeConfig {.exported.} =
## Creates a new Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration
## based on the given `config.yaml` file content from an
## Ethereum network definition.
## * The Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration must be destroyed with
## `ETHConsensusConfigDestroy` once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Parameters:
## * `configFileContent` - `config.yaml` file content. NULL-terminated.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to an initialized Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration
## based on the given `config.yaml` file content - If successful.
## * `NULL` - If the given `config.yaml` is malformed or incompatible.
## See:
## *
let cfg =
cfg[] = readRuntimeConfig($configFileContent, "config.yaml")[0]
except IOError, PresetFileError, PresetIncompatibleError:
return nil
proc ETHConsensusConfigDestroy(cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig) {.exported.} =
## Destroys an Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## * The Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration
## must no longer be used after destruction.
## Parameters:
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
func ETHConsensusConfigGetConsensusVersionAtEpoch(
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig, epoch: cint): cstring {.exported.} =
## Returns the expected `Eth-Consensus-Version` for a given `epoch`.
## * The returned `Eth-Consensus-Version` is statically allocated.
## It must neither be released nor written to.
## Parameters:
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## * `epoch` - Epoch number for which to obtain `Eth-Consensus-Version`
## Returns:
## * Expected `Eth-Consensus-Version` for the given `epoch`. NULL-terminated.
## See:
## *
const consensusVersion: cstring = consensusFork.toString()
proc ETHBeaconStateCreateFromSsz(
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig,
consensusVersion: cstring,
sszBytes: ptr UncheckedArray[byte],
numSszBytes: cint): ptr ForkedHashedBeaconState {.exported.} =
## Creates a new beacon state based on its SSZ encoded representation.
## * The beacon state must be destroyed with `ETHBeaconStateDestroy`
## once no longer needed, to release memory.
## * When loading a `genesis.ssz` file from an Ethereum network definition,
## use `ETHConsensusConfigGetConsensusVersionAtEpoch` with `epoch = 0`
## to determine the correct `consensusVersion`.
## Parameters:
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## * `consensusVersion` - `Eth-Consensus-Version` for the given `sszBytes`.
## * `sszBytes` - Buffer with SSZ encoded beacon state representation.
## * `numSszBytes` - Length of buffer.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to an initialized beacon state based on the given SSZ encoded
## representation - If successful.
## * `NULL` - If the given `sszBytes` is malformed.
## See:
## *
## *
## *
## *
## *
consensusFork = decodeEthConsensusVersion($consensusVersion).valueOr:
return nil
state =
state[] = consensusFork.readSszForkedHashedBeaconState(
sszBytes.toOpenArray(0, numSszBytes - 1))
except SszError:
return nil
if cfg[].consensusForkAtEpoch( != state.kind:
return nil
proc ETHBeaconStateDestroy(state: ptr ForkedHashedBeaconState) {.exported.} =
## Destroys a beacon state.
## * The beacon state must no longer be used after destruction.
## Parameters:
## * `state` - Beacon state.
proc ETHBeaconStateCopyGenesisValidatorsRoot(
state: ptr ForkedHashedBeaconState): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Copies the `genesis_validators_root` field from a beacon state.
## * The genesis validators root must be destroyed with `ETHRootDestroy`
## once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Parameters:
## * `state` - Beacon state.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to a copy of the given beacon state's genesis validators root.
let genesisValRoot =
genesisValRoot[] = getStateField(state[], genesis_validators_root)
proc ETHRootDestroy(root: ptr Eth2Digest) {.exported.} =
## Destroys a Merkle root.
## * The Merkle root must no longer be used after destruction.
## Parameters:
## * `root` - Merkle root.
## See:
## *
proc ETHForkDigestsCreateFromState(
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig,
state: ptr ForkedHashedBeaconState): ptr ForkDigests {.exported.} =
## Creates a fork digests cache for a given beacon state.
## * The fork digests cache must be destroyed with `ETHForkDigestsDestroy`
## once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Parameters:
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## * `state` - Beacon state.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to an initialized fork digests cache based on the beacon state.
## See:
## *
let forkDigests =
forkDigests[] = ForkDigests.init(
cfg[], getStateField(state[], genesis_validators_root))
proc ETHForkDigestsDestroy(forkDigests: ptr ForkDigests) {.exported.} =
## Destroys a fork digests cache.
## * The fork digests cache must no longer be used after destruction.
## Parameters:
## * `forkDigests` - Fork digests cache.
proc ETHBeaconClockCreateFromState(
state: ptr ForkedHashedBeaconState): ptr BeaconClock {.exported.} =
## Creates a beacon clock for a given beacon state's `genesis_time` field.
## * The beacon clock must be destroyed with `ETHBeaconClockDestroy`
## once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Parameters:
## * `state` - Beacon state.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to an initialized beacon clock based on the beacon state.
let beaconClock =
beaconClock[] = BeaconClock.init(getStateField(state[], genesis_time))
proc ETHBeaconClockDestroy(beaconClock: ptr BeaconClock) {.exported.} =
## Destroys a beacon clock.
## * The beacon clock must no longer be used after destruction.
## Parameters:
## * `beaconClock` - Beacon clock.
proc ETHBeaconClockGetSlot(beaconClock: ptr BeaconClock): cint {.exported.} =
## Indicates the slot number for the current wall clock time.
## Parameters:
## * `beaconClock` - Beacon clock.
## Returns:
## * Slot number for the current wall clock time - If genesis has occurred.
## * `0` - If genesis is still pending.
## See:
## *
const lcDataFork = LightClientDataFork.high
proc ETHLightClientStoreCreateFromBootstrap(
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig,
trustedBlockRoot: ptr Eth2Digest,
mediaType: cstring,
consensusVersion: cstring,
bootstrapBytes: ptr UncheckedArray[byte],
numBootstrapBytes: cint
): ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore {.exported.} =
## Creates a light client store from light client bootstrap data.
## The light client store is the primary object for syncing with
## an Ethereum network.
## * To create a light client store, the Ethereum network definition
## including the fork schedule, `genesis_time` and `genesis_validators_root`
## must be known. Furthermore, a beacon block root must be assumed trusted.
## The trusted block root should be within the weak subjectivity period,
## and its root should be from a finalized `Checkpoint`.
## * The REST `/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/bootstrap/{block_root}` beacon API
## may be used to obtain light client bootstrap data for a given
## trusted block root. Setting the `Accept: application/octet-stream`
## HTTP header in the request selects the more compact SSZ representation.
## * After creating a light client store, `ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask`
## may be used to determine what further REST beacon API requests to perform
## for keeping the light client store in sync with the Ethereum network.
## * Once synced the REST `/eth/v1/events?topics=light_client_finality_update`
## `&topics=light_client_optimistic_update` beacon API provides the most
## recent light client data. Data from this endpoint is always JSON encoded
## and may be processed with `ETHLightClientStoreProcessFinalityUpdate` and
## `ETHLightClientStoreProcessOptimisticUpdate`.
## * The light client store must be destroyed with
## `ETHLightClientStoreDestroy` once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Parameters:
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## * `trustedBlockRoot` - Trusted block root.
## * `mediaType` - HTTP `Content-Type` associated with `bootstrapBytes`;
## `application/json` for JSON, `application/octet-stream` for SSZ.
## * `consensusVersion` - HTTP `Eth-Consensus-Version` response header
## associated with `bootstrapBytes`.
## * `bootstrapBytes` - Buffer with encoded light client bootstrap data.
## * `numBootstrapBytes` - Length of buffer.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to an initialized light client store based on the given
## light client bootstrap data - If successful.
## * `NULL` - If the given `bootstrapBytes` is malformed or incompatible.
## See:
## *
## *
## *
## *
mediaType = MediaType.init($mediaType)
consensusFork = decodeEthConsensusVersion($consensusVersion).valueOr:
return nil
var bootstrap =
bootstrapBytes.toOpenArray(0, numBootstrapBytes - 1),
mediaType, consensusFork, cfg[])
except RestError:
return nil
doAssert bootstrap.kind > LightClientDataFork.None
let store =
store[] = initialize_light_client_store(
trustedBlockRoot[], bootstrap.forky(lcDataFork), cfg[]).valueOr:
return nil
proc ETHLightClientStoreDestroy(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore) {.exported.} =
## Destroys a light client store.
## * The light client store must no longer be used after destruction.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## Sync task to fulfill using `/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/updates`.
kETHLcSyncKind_UpdatesByRange {.exportedConst.} =
## Sync task to fulfill using `/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/finality_update`.
kETHLcSyncKind_FinalityUpdate {.exportedConst.} =
## Sync task to fulfill using `/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/optimistic_update`.
kETHLcSyncKind_OptimisticUpdate {.exportedConst.} =
proc ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore,
beaconClock: ptr BeaconClock,
startPeriod #[out]#: ptr cint,
count #[out]#: ptr cint): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the next task for keeping a light client store in sync
## with the Ethereum network.
## * When using the REST beacon API to fulfill a sync task, setting the
## `Accept: application/octet-stream` HTTP header in the request
## selects the more compact SSZ representation.
## * After fetching the requested light client data and processing it with the
## appropriate handler, `ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask`
## may be used to obtain a delay until a new sync task becomes available.
## Once the delay is reached, call `ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask`
## again to obtain the next sync task.
## * Once synced the REST `/eth/v1/events?topics=light_client_finality_update`
## `&topics=light_client_optimistic_update` beacon API provides the most
## recent light client data. Data from this endpoint is always JSON encoded
## and may be processed with `ETHLightClientStoreProcessFinalityUpdate` and
## `ETHLightClientStoreProcessOptimisticUpdate`. Events may be processed at
## any time and do not require re-computing the delay until next sync task
## with `ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask`.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## * `beaconClock` - Beacon clock.
## * `startPeriod` [out] - `start_period` query parameter, if applicable.
## * `count` [out] - `count` query parameter, if applicable.
## Returns:
## * `kETHLcSyncKind_UpdatesByRange` - If the next sync task is fulfillable
## using REST `/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/updates` beacon API.
## The `startPeriod` and `count` parameters are filled, and to be passed to
## `/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/updates?start_period={startPeriod}`
## `&count={count}`.
## Process the response with `ETHLightClientStoreProcessUpdatesByRange`.
## * `kETHLcSyncKind_FinalityUpdate` - If the next sync task is fulfillable
## using REST `/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/finality_update` beacon API.
## Process the response with `ETHLightClientStoreProcessFinalityUpdate`.
## The `startPeriod` and `count` parameters are unused for this sync task.
## * `kETHLcSyncKind_OptimisticUpdate` - If the next sync task is fulfillable
## using REST `/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/optimistic_update` beacon API.
## Process the response with `ETHLightClientStoreProcessOptimisticUpdate`.
## The `startPeriod` and `count` parameters are unused for this sync task.
## See:
## *
## *
## *
## *
let syncTask = nextLightClientSyncTask(
current = beaconClock[].now().slotOrZero().sync_committee_period,
finalized = store[].finalized_header.beacon.slot.sync_committee_period,
optimistic = store[].optimistic_header.beacon.slot.sync_committee_period,
isNextSyncCommitteeKnown = store[].is_next_sync_committee_known)
case syncTask.kind
of LcSyncKind.UpdatesByRange:
startPeriod[] = syncTask.startPeriod.cint
count[] = syncTask.count.cint
of LcSyncKind.FinalityUpdate:
startPeriod[] = 0
count[] = 0
of LcSyncKind.OptimisticUpdate:
startPeriod[] = 0
count[] = 0
proc ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore,
rng: ptr HmacDrbgContext,
beaconClock: ptr BeaconClock,
latestProcessResult: cint): cint {.exported.} =
## Indicates the delay until a new light client sync task becomes available.
## Once the delay is reached, call `ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask`
## to obtain the next sync task.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## * `rng` - Cryptographically secure random number generator.
## * `beaconClock` - Beacon clock.
## * `latestProcessResult` - Latest sync task processing result, i.e.,
## the return value of `ETHLightClientStoreProcessUpdatesByRange`,
## `ETHLightClientStoreProcessFinalityUpdate`, or
## `ETHLightClientStoreProcessOptimisticUpdate`, for latest task.
## If the data for the sync task could not be fetched, set to `1`.
## Returns:
## * Number of milliseconds until `ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask`
## should be called again to obtain the next light client sync task.
wallTime = beaconClock[].now(),
finalized = store[].finalized_header.beacon.slot.sync_committee_period,
optimistic = store[].optimistic_header.beacon.slot.sync_committee_period,
isNextSyncCommitteeKnown = store[].is_next_sync_committee_known,
didLatestSyncTaskProgress = (latestProcessResult == 0)).milliseconds.cint
proc ETHLightClientStoreProcessUpdatesByRange(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore,
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig,
forkDigests: ptr ForkDigests,
genesisValRoot: ptr Eth2Digest,
beaconClock: ptr BeaconClock,
startPeriod: cint,
count: cint,
mediaType: cstring,
updatesBytes: ptr UncheckedArray[byte],
numUpdatesBytes: cint): cint {.exported.} =
## Processes light client update data.
## * This processes the response data for a sync task of kind
## `kETHLcSyncKind_UpdatesByRange`, as indicated by
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask`. After processing, call
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask` to obtain a delay
## until a new sync task becomes available.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## * `forkDigests` - Fork digests cache.
## * `genesisValRoot` - Genesis validators root.
## * `beaconClock` - Beacon clock.
## * `startPeriod` - `startPeriod` parameter associated with the sync task.
## * `count` - `count` parameter associated with the sync task.
## * `mediaType` - HTTP `Content-Type` associated with `updatesBytes`;
## `application/json` for JSON, `application/octet-stream` for SSZ.
## * `updatesBytes` - Buffer with encoded light client update data.
## * `numUpdatesBytes` - Length of buffer.
## Returns:
## * `0` - If the given `updatesBytes` is valid and sync did progress.
## * `1` - If the given `updatesBytes` is malformed or incompatible.
## * `2` - If the given `updatesBytes` did not advance sync progress.
## See:
## *
wallTime = beaconClock[].now()
currentSlot = wallTime.slotOrZero()
mediaType = MediaType.init($mediaType)
var updates =
updatesBytes.toOpenArray(0, numUpdatesBytes - 1),
mediaType, cfg[], asRef(forkDigests))
except RestError:
return 1
let e = updates.checkLightClientUpdates(
startPeriod.SyncCommitteePeriod, count.uint64)
if e.isErr:
return 1
var didProgress = false
for i in 0 ..< updates.len:
doAssert updates[i].kind > LightClientDataFork.None
let res = process_light_client_update(
store[], updates[i].forky(lcDataFork),
currentSlot, cfg[], genesisValRoot[])
if res.isOk:
didProgress = true
case res.error
of VerifierError.MissingParent:
of VerifierError.Duplicate:
of VerifierError.UnviableFork:
of VerifierError.Invalid:
return 1
if not didProgress:
return 2
proc ETHLightClientStoreProcessFinalityUpdate(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore,
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig,
forkDigests: ptr ForkDigests,
genesisValRoot: ptr Eth2Digest,
beaconClock: ptr BeaconClock,
mediaType: cstring,
consensusVersion #[optional]#: cstring,
finUpdateBytes: ptr UncheckedArray[byte],
numFinUpdateBytes: cint): cint {.exported.} =
## Processes light client finality update data.
## * This processes the response data for a sync task of kind
## `kETHLcSyncKind_FinalityUpdate`, as indicated by
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask`. After processing, call
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask` to obtain a delay
## until a new sync task becomes available.
## * This also processes event data from the REST
## `/eth/v1/events?topics=light_client_finality_update` beacon API.
## Set `mediaType` to `application/json`, and `consensusVersion` to `NULL`.
## Events may be processed at any time, it is not necessary to call
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask`.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## * `forkDigests` - Fork digests cache.
## * `genesisValRoot` - Genesis validators root.
## * `beaconClock` - Beacon clock.
## * `mediaType` - HTTP `Content-Type` associated with `finUpdateBytes`;
## `application/json` for JSON, `application/octet-stream` for SSZ.
## * `consensusVersion` - HTTP `Eth-Consensus-Version` response header
## associated with `finUpdateBytes`. `NULL` when processing event.
## * `finUpdateBytes` - Buffer with encoded finality update data.
## * `numFinUpdateBytes` - Length of buffer.
## Returns:
## * `0` - If the given `finUpdateBytes` is valid and sync did progress.
## * `1` - If the given `finUpdateBytes` is malformed or incompatible.
## * `2` - If the given `finUpdateBytes` did not advance sync progress.
## See:
## *
## *
wallTime = beaconClock[].now()
currentSlot = wallTime.slotOrZero()
mediaType = MediaType.init($mediaType)
var finalityUpdate =
if consensusVersion == nil:
if mediaType != ApplicationJsonMediaType:
return 1
finUpdateBytes.toOpenArray(0, numFinUpdateBytes - 1),
Opt.none(ConsensusFork), cfg[])
let consensusFork = decodeEthConsensusVersion(
return 1
finUpdateBytes.toOpenArray(0, numFinUpdateBytes - 1),
mediaType, consensusFork, cfg[])
except RestError:
return 1
doAssert finalityUpdate.kind > LightClientDataFork.None
let res = process_light_client_update(
store[], finalityUpdate.forky(lcDataFork),
currentSlot, cfg[], genesisValRoot[])
if res.isOk:
case res.error
of VerifierError.MissingParent:
of VerifierError.Duplicate:
of VerifierError.UnviableFork:
of VerifierError.Invalid:
proc ETHLightClientStoreProcessOptimisticUpdate(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore,
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig,
forkDigests: ptr ForkDigests,
genesisValRoot: ptr Eth2Digest,
beaconClock: ptr BeaconClock,
mediaType: cstring,
consensusVersion #[optional]#: cstring,
optUpdateBytes: ptr UncheckedArray[byte],
numOptUpdateBytes: cint): cint {.exported.} =
## Processes light client optimistic update data.
## * This processes the response data for a sync task of kind
## `kETHLcSyncKind_OptimisticUpdate`, as indicated by
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask`. After processing, call
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask` to obtain a delay
## until a new sync task becomes available.
## * This also processes event data from the REST
## `/eth/v1/events?topics=light_client_optimistic_update` beacon API.
## Set `mediaType` to `application/json`, and `consensusVersion` to `NULL`.
## Events may be processed at any time, it is not necessary to call
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask`.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## * `forkDigests` - Fork digests cache.
## * `genesisValRoot` - Genesis validators root.
## * `beaconClock` - Beacon clock.
## * `mediaType` - HTTP `Content-Type` associated with `optUpdateBytes`;
## `application/json` for JSON, `application/octet-stream` for SSZ.
## * `consensusVersion` - HTTP `Eth-Consensus-Version` response header
## associated with `optUpdateBytes`. `NULL` when processing event.
## * `optUpdateBytes` - Buffer with encoded optimistic update data.
## * `numOptUpdateBytes` - Length of buffer.
## Returns:
## * `0` - If the given `optUpdateBytes` is valid and sync did progress.
## * `1` - If the given `optUpdateBytes` is malformed or incompatible.
## * `2` - If the given `optUpdateBytes` did not advance sync progress.
## See:
## *
## *
wallTime = beaconClock[].now()
currentSlot = wallTime.slotOrZero()
mediaType = MediaType.init($mediaType)
var optimisticUpdate =
if consensusVersion == nil:
if mediaType != ApplicationJsonMediaType:
return 1
optUpdateBytes.toOpenArray(0, numOptUpdateBytes - 1),
Opt.none(ConsensusFork), cfg[])
let consensusFork = decodeEthConsensusVersion(
return 1
optUpdateBytes.toOpenArray(0, numOptUpdateBytes - 1),
mediaType, consensusFork, cfg[])
except RestError:
return 1
doAssert optimisticUpdate.kind > LightClientDataFork.None
let res = process_light_client_update(
store[], optimisticUpdate.forky(lcDataFork),
currentSlot, cfg[], genesisValRoot[])
if res.isOk:
case res.error
of VerifierError.MissingParent:
of VerifierError.Duplicate:
of VerifierError.UnviableFork:
of VerifierError.Invalid:
func ETHLightClientStoreGetFinalizedHeader(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore
): ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader {.exported.} =
## Obtains the latest finalized header of a given light client store.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given light client store.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the light client store
## must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## Returns:
## * Latest finalized header.
## See:
## *
addr store[].finalized_header
func ETHLightClientStoreIsNextSyncCommitteeKnown(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore): bool {.exported.} =
## Indicates whether or not the next sync committee is currently known.
## * The light client sync process ensures that the next sync committee
## is obtained in time, before it starts signing light client data.
## To stay in sync, use `ETHLightClientStoreGetNextSyncTask` and
## `ETHLightClientStoreGetMillisecondsToNextSyncTask`.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## Returns:
## * Whether or not the next sync committee is currently known.
## See:
## *
## *
func ETHLightClientStoreGetOptimisticHeader(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore
): ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader {.exported.} =
## Obtains the latest optimistic header of a given light client store.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given light client store.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the light client store
## must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## Returns:
## * Latest optimistic header.
## See:
## *
addr store[].optimistic_header
func ETHLightClientStoreGetSafetyThreshold(
store: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientStore): cint {.exported.} =
## Calculates the safety threshold for a given light client store.
## * Light client data can only update the optimistic header if it is signed
## by more sync committee participants than the safety threshold indicates.
## * The finalized header is not affected by the safety threshold;
## light client data can only update the finalized header if it is signed
## by a supermajority of the sync committee, regardless of safety threshold.
## Parameters:
## * `store` - Light client store.
## Returns:
## * Light client store safety threshold.
## See:
## *
proc ETHLightClientHeaderCreateCopy(
header: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader
): ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader {.exported.} =
## Creates a shallow copy of a given light client header.
## * The copy must be destroyed with `ETHLightClientHeaderDestroy`
## once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Parameters:
## * `header` - Light client header.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to a shallow copy of the given header.
let copy =
copy[] = header[]
proc ETHLightClientHeaderDestroy(
header: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader) {.exported.} =
## Destroys a light client header.
## * The light client header must no longer be used after destruction.
## Parameters:
## * `header` - Light client header.
proc ETHLightClientHeaderCopyBeaconRoot(
header: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader,
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Computes the beacon block Merkle root for a given light client header.
## * The Merkle root must be destroyed with `ETHRootDestroy`
## once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Parameters:
## * `header` - Light client header.
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to a copy of the given header's beacon block root.
## See:
## *
discard cfg # Future-proof against new fields, see `get_lc_execution_root`.
let root =
root[] = header[].beacon.hash_tree_root()
func ETHLightClientHeaderGetBeacon(
header: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader
): ptr BeaconBlockHeader {.exported.} =
## Obtains the beacon block header of a given light client header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given light client header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the light client header
## must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `header` - Light client header.
## Returns:
## * Beacon block header.
## See:
## *
addr header[].beacon
func ETHBeaconBlockHeaderGetSlot(
beacon: ptr BeaconBlockHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the slot number of a given beacon block header.
## Parameters:
## * `beacon` - Beacon block header.
## Returns:
## * Slot number.
func ETHBeaconBlockHeaderGetProposerIndex(
beacon: ptr BeaconBlockHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the proposer validator registry index
## of a given beacon block header.
## Parameters:
## * `beacon` - Beacon block header.
## Returns:
## * Proposer validator registry index.
func ETHBeaconBlockHeaderGetParentRoot(
beacon: ptr BeaconBlockHeader): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Obtains the parent beacon block Merkle root of a given beacon block header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given beacon block header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the beacon block header
## must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `beacon` - Beacon block header.
## Returns:
## * Parent beacon block root.
addr beacon[].parent_root
func ETHBeaconBlockHeaderGetStateRoot(
beacon: ptr BeaconBlockHeader): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Obtains the beacon state Merkle root of a given beacon block header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given beacon block header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the beacon block header
## must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `beacon` - Beacon block header.
## Returns:
## * Beacon state root.
addr beacon[].state_root
func ETHBeaconBlockHeaderGetBodyRoot(
beacon: ptr BeaconBlockHeader): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Obtains the beacon block body Merkle root of a given beacon block header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given beacon block header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the beacon block header
## must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `beacon` - Beacon block header.
## Returns:
## * Beacon block body root.
addr beacon[].body_root
proc ETHLightClientHeaderCopyExecutionHash(
header: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader,
cfg: ptr RuntimeConfig
): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Computes the execution block hash for a given light client header.
## * The hash must be destroyed with `ETHRootDestroy`
## once no longer needed, to release memory.
## Parameters:
## * `header` - Light client header.
## * `cfg` - Ethereum Consensus Layer network configuration.
## Returns:
## * Pointer to a copy of the given header's execution block hash.
## See:
## *
discard cfg # Future-proof against SSZ execution block header, EIP-6404ff.
let root =
root[] = header[].execution.block_hash
type ExecutionPayloadHeader =
func ETHLightClientHeaderGetExecution(
header: ptr lcDataFork.LightClientHeader
): ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader {.exported.} =
## Obtains the execution payload header of a given light client header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given light client header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the light client header
## must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `header` - Light client header.
## Returns:
## * Execution payload header.
## See:
## *
addr header[].execution
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetParentHash(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Obtains the parent execution block hash of a given
## execution payload header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given execution payload header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the execution payload
## header must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Parent execution block hash.
addr execution[].parent_hash
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetFeeRecipient(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): ptr ExecutionAddress {.exported.} =
## Obtains the fee recipient address of a given execution payload header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given execution payload header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the execution payload
## header must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Fee recipient execution address.
addr execution[].fee_recipient
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetStateRoot(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Obtains the state MPT root of a given execution payload header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given execution payload header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the execution payload
## header must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Execution state root.
addr execution[].state_root
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetReceiptsRoot(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Obtains the receipts MPT root of a given execution payload header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given execution payload header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the execution payload
## header must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Execution receipts root.
addr execution[].receipts_root
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetLogsBloom(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): ptr BloomLogs {.exported.} =
## Obtains the logs bloom of a given execution payload header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given execution payload header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the execution payload
## header must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Execution logs bloom.
addr execution[].logs_bloom
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetPrevRandao(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): ptr Eth2Digest {.exported.} =
## Obtains the previous randao mix of a given execution payload header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given execution payload header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the execution payload
## header must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Previous randao mix.
addr execution[].prev_randao
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetBlockNumber(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the execution block number of a given execution payload header.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Execution block number.
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetGasLimit(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the gas limit of a given execution payload header.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Gas limit.
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetGasUsed(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the gas used of a given execution payload header.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Gas used.
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetTimestamp(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the timestamp of a given execution payload header.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Execution block timestamp.
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetExtraDataBytes(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader
): ptr UncheckedArray[byte] {.exported.} =
## Obtains the extra data buffer of a given execution payload header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given execution payload header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the execution payload
## header must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## * Use `ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetNumExtraDataBytes`
## to obtain the length of the buffer.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Buffer with execution block extra data.
cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](addr execution[].extra_data[0])
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetNumExtraDataBytes(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the extra data buffer's length of a given execution payload header.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Length of execution block extra data.
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetBaseFeePerGas(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): ptr UInt256 {.exported.} =
## Obtains the base fee per gas of a given execution payload header.
## * The returned value is allocated in the given execution payload header.
## It must neither be released nor written to, and the execution payload
## header must not be released while the returned value is in use.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Base fee per gas.
addr execution[].base_fee_per_gas
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetBlobGasUsed(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the data gas used of a given execution payload header.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Data gas used.
func ETHExecutionPayloadHeaderGetExcessBlobGas(
execution: ptr ExecutionPayloadHeader): cint {.exported.} =
## Obtains the excess data gas of a given execution payload header.
## Parameters:
## * `execution` - Execution payload header.
## Returns:
## * Excess data gas.