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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# SSZ Serialization (simple serialize)
# See
endians, typetraits, options, algorithm,
faststreams/input_stream, serialization, eth/common, nimcrypto/keccak,
./spec/[bitfield, crypto, datatypes, digest]
# ################### Helper functions ###################################
SszReader* = object
stream: ByteStreamVar
SszWriter* = object
stream: OutputStreamVar
SszError* = object of SerializationError
CorruptedDataError* = object of SszError
RecordWritingMemo = object
initialStreamPos: int
sizePrefixCursor: DelayedWriteCursor
serializationFormat SSZ,
Reader = SszReader,
Writer = SszWriter,
PreferedOutput = seq[byte]
proc init*(T: type SszReader, stream: ByteStreamVar): T = = stream
# toBytesSSZ convert simple fixed-length types to their SSZ wire representation
func toBytesSSZ(x: SomeInteger): array[sizeof(x), byte] =
## Convert directly to bytes the size of the int. (e.g. ``uint16 = 2 bytes``)
## All integers are serialized as **little endian**.
when x.sizeof == 8: littleEndian64(result.addr, x.unsafeAddr)
elif x.sizeof == 4: littleEndian32(result.addr, x.unsafeAddr)
elif x.sizeof == 2: littleEndian16(result.addr, x.unsafeAddr)
elif x.sizeof == 1: copyMem(result.addr, x.unsafeAddr, sizeof(result))
else: {.fatal: "Unsupported type serialization: " & $(type(x)).name.}
func toBytesSSZ(x: ValidatorIndex): array[3, byte] =
## Integers are all encoded as little endian and not padded
let v = x.uint32
result[0] = byte(v and 0xff)
result[1] = byte((v shr 8) and 0xff)
result[2] = byte((v shr 16) and 0xff)
func toBytesSSZ(x: bool): array[1, byte] =
[if x: 1'u8 else: 0'u8]
func toBytesSSZ(x: EthAddress): array[sizeof(x), byte] = x
func toBytesSSZ(x: Eth2Digest): array[32, byte] =
# TODO these two are still being debated:
func toBytesSSZ(x: ValidatorPubKey|ValidatorSig): auto = x.getBytes()
TrivialType =
# Types that serialize down to a fixed-length array - most importantly,
# these values don't carry a length prefix in the final encoding. toBytesSSZ
# provides the actual nim-type-to-bytes conversion.
# TODO think about this for a bit - depends where the serialization of
# validator keys ends up going..
# TODO can't put ranges like ValidatorIndex in here:
SomeInteger | EthAddress | Eth2Digest | ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig |
func sszLen(v: TrivialType): int = toBytesSSZ(v).len
func sszLen(v: ValidatorIndex): int = toBytesSSZ(v).len
func sszLen(v: object | tuple): int =
result = 4 # Length
for field in v.fields:
result += sszLen(type field)
func sszLen(v: seq | array): int =
result = 4 # Length
for i in v:
result += sszLen(i)
func sszLen(v: BitField): int =
# fromBytesSSZ copies the wire representation to a Nim variable,
# assuming there's enough data in the buffer
func fromBytesSSZ(T: type SomeInteger, data: openarray[byte]): T =
## Convert directly to bytes the size of the int. (e.g. ``uint16 = 2 bytes``)
## All integers are serialized as **little endian**.
## TODO: Assumes data points to a sufficiently large buffer
doAssert data.len == sizeof(result)
# TODO: any better way to get a suitably aligned buffer in nim???
# see also:
var tmp: uint64
var alignedBuf = cast[ptr byte](tmp.addr)
copyMem(alignedBuf, unsafeAddr data[0], result.sizeof)
when result.sizeof == 8: littleEndian64(result.addr, alignedBuf)
elif result.sizeof == 4: littleEndian32(result.addr, alignedBuf)
elif result.sizeof == 2: littleEndian16(result.addr, alignedBuf)
elif result.sizeof == 1: copyMem(result.addr, alignedBuf, sizeof(result))
else: {.fatal: "Unsupported type deserialization: " & $(type(result)).name.}
func fromBytesSSZ(T: type bool, data: openarray[byte]): T =
# TODO: spec doesn't say what to do if the value is >1 - we'll use the C
# definition for now, but maybe this should be a parse error instead?
fromBytesSSZ(uint8, data) != 0
func fromBytesSSZ(T: type ValidatorIndex, data: openarray[byte]): T =
## Integers are all encoded as littleendian and not padded
doAssert data.len == 3
var tmp: uint32
tmp = tmp or uint32(data[0])
tmp = tmp or uint32(data[1]) shl 8
tmp = tmp or uint32(data[2]) shl 16
result = tmp.ValidatorIndex
func fromBytesSSZ(T: type EthAddress, data: openarray[byte]): T =
doAssert data.len == sizeof(result)
copyMem(result.addr, unsafeAddr data[0], sizeof(result))
func fromBytesSSZ(T: type Eth2Digest, data: openarray[byte]): T =
doAssert data.len == sizeof(
copyMem(, unsafeAddr data[0], sizeof(
proc init*(T: type SszWriter, stream: OutputStreamVar): T = = stream
proc writeValue*(w: var SszWriter, obj: auto)
# This is an alternative lower-level API useful for RPC
# frameworks that can simulate the serialization of an
# object without constructing an actual instance:
proc beginRecord*(w: var SszWriter, T: type): RecordWritingMemo =
result.initialStreamPos =
result.sizePrefixCursor = sizeof(uint32)
template writeField*(w: var SszWriter, name: string, value: auto) =
proc endRecord*(w: var SszWriter, memo: RecordWritingMemo) =
let finalSize = uint32( - memo.initialStreamPos - 4)
func toSSZType(x: Slot|Epoch): auto = x.uint64
func toSSZType(x: auto): auto = x
proc writeValue*(w: var SszWriter, obj: auto) =
# We are not using overloads here, because this leads to
# slightly better error messages when the user provides
# additional overloads for `writeValue`.
mixin writeValue
when obj is ValidatorIndex|TrivialType: obj.toBytesSSZ
elif obj is enum: uint64(obj).toBytesSSZ
let memo = w.beginRecord(obj.type)
when obj is seq|array|openarray:
# If you get an error here that looks like:
# type mismatch: got <type range 0..8191(uint64)>
# you just used an unsigned int for an array index thinking you'd get
# away with it (surprise, surprise: you can't, uints are crippled!)
for elem in obj:
w.writeValue elem
elif obj is BitField:
for elem in obj.bits:
w.writeValue elem
obj.serializeFields(fieldName, field):
# for research/serialized_sizes, remove when appropriate
when defined(debugFieldSizes) and obj is (BeaconState|BeaconBlock):
let start =
w.writeValue field.toSSZType
debugEcho fieldName, ": ", - start
w.writeValue field.toSSZType
proc readValue*(r: var SszReader, result: var auto) =
# We are not using overloads here, because this leads to
# slightly better error messages when the user provides
# additional overloads for `readValue`.
type T = result.type
mixin readValue
template checkEof(n: int) =
if not[].ensureBytes(n):
raise newException(UnexpectedEofError, "SSZ has insufficient number of bytes")
when result is ValidatorIndex|TrivialType:
let bytesToRead = result.sszLen;
checkEof bytesToRead
when result is ValidatorPubKey|ValidatorSig:
if not result.init(
raise newException(CorruptedDataError, "Failed to load a BLS key or signature")
result = T.fromBytesSSZ(
elif result is enum:
# TODO what to do with out-of-range values?? rejecting means breaking
# forwards compatibility..
result = cast[T](r.readValue(uint64))
elif result is string:
{.error: "The SSZ format doesn't support the string type yet".}
let totalLen = int r.readValue(uint32)
checkEof totalLen
let endPos =[].pos + totalLen
when T is seq:
type ElemType = type(result[0])
# Items are of homogenous type, but not necessarily homogenous length,
# cannot pre-allocate item list generically
while[].pos < endPos:
result.add r.readValue(ElemType)
elif T is BitField:
type ElemType = type(result.bits[0])
while[].pos < endPos:
result.bits.add r.readValue(ElemType)
elif T is array:
type ElemType = type(result[0])
var i = 0
while[].pos < endPos:
if i > result.len:
raise newException(CorruptedDataError, "SSZ includes unexpected bytes past the end of an array")
result[i] = r.readValue(ElemType)
i += 1
result.deserializeFields(fieldName, field):
# TODO This hardcoding's ugly; generalize & abstract.
when field is Slot:
field = r.readValue(uint64).Slot
elif field is Epoch:
field = r.readValue(uint64).Epoch
field = r.readValue(field.type)
if[].pos != endPos:
raise newException(CorruptedDataError, "SSZ includes unexpected bytes past the end of the deserialized object")
# ################### Hashing ###################################
# Sample hash_tree_root implementation based on:
# TODO Probably wrong - the spec is pretty bare-bones and no test vectors yet
const CHUNK_SIZE = 128
# ################### Hashing helpers ###################################
# TODO varargs openarray, anyone?
template withHash(body: untyped): array[32, byte] =
let tmp = withEth2Hash: body
toBytesSSZ tmp
func hash(a: openArray[byte]): array[32, byte] =
func hash(a, b: openArray[byte]): array[32, byte] =
# TODO: er, how is this _actually_ done?
# Mandatory bug:
func empty(T: type): T = discard
const emptyChunk = empty(array[CHUNK_SIZE, byte])
func merkleHash[T](lst: openArray[T]): array[32, byte]
# ################### Hashing interface ###################################
func hash_tree_root*(x: SomeInteger | bool): array[sizeof(x), byte] =
## Convert directly to bytes the size of the int. (e.g. ``uint16 = 2 bytes``)
## All integers are serialized as **little endian**.
func hash_tree_root*(x: ValidatorIndex): array[3, byte] =
## Convert directly to bytes the size of the int. (e.g. ``uint16 = 2 bytes``)
## All integers are serialized as **little endian**.
func hash_tree_root*(x: EthAddress): array[sizeof(x), byte] =
## Addresses copied as-is
func hash_tree_root*(x: Eth2Digest): array[32, byte] =
## Hash32 copied as-is
func hash_tree_root*(x: openArray[byte]): array[32, byte] =
## Blobs are hashed
func hash_tree_root*[T: seq|array](x: T): array[32, byte] =
## Sequences are tree-hashed
func hash_tree_root*[T: BitField](x: T): array[32, byte] =
## Sequences are tree-hashed
func hash_tree_root*[T: object|tuple](x: T): array[32, byte] =
## Containers have their fields recursively hashed, concatenated and hashed
for field in x.fields:
h.update hash_tree_root(field.toSSZType)
func signed_root*[T: object](x: T): array[32, byte] =
# TODO write tests for this (check vs hash_tree_root)
var found_field_name = false
## TODO this isn't how 0.5 defines signed_root, but works well enough
## for now.
for name, field in x.fieldPairs:
if name == "signature":
found_field_name = true
h.update hash_tree_root(field.toSSZType)
doAssert found_field_name
# #################################
# hash_tree_root not part of official spec
func hash_tree_root*(x: enum): array[8, byte] =
## TODO - Warning ⚠️: not part of the spec
## as of
## This is a "stub" needed for BeaconBlock hashing
static: doAssert x.sizeof == 1 # Check that the enum fits in 1 byte
# TODO We've put enums where the spec uses `uint64` - maybe we should not be
# using enums?
func hash_tree_root*(x: ValidatorPubKey): array[32, byte] =
## TODO - Warning ⚠️: not part of the spec
## as of
## This is a "stub" needed for BeaconBlock hashing
func hash_tree_root*(x: ValidatorSig): array[32, byte] =
## TODO - Warning ⚠️: not part of the spec
## as of
## This is a "stub" needed for BeaconBlock hashing
func hash_tree_root_final*(x: object|tuple): Eth2Digest =
# TODO suggested for spec:
# only for objects now, else the padding would have to be implemented - not
# needed yet..
Eth2Digest(data: hash_tree_root(x))
# ################### Tree hash ###################################
func merkleHash[T](lst: openArray[T]): array[32, byte] =
## Merkle tree hash of a list of homogenous, non-empty items
# TODO: the heap allocations here can be avoided by computing the merkle tree
# recursively, but for now keep things simple and aligned with upstream
# Store length of list (to compensate for non-bijectiveness of padding)
var dataLen: array[32, byte]
var lstLen = uint64(len(lst))
littleEndian64(dataLen[32-8].addr, lstLen.addr)
# Divide into chunks
var chunkz: seq[seq[byte]]
if len(lst) == 0:
chunkz.add @emptyChunk
elif sizeof(hash_tree_root(lst[0])) < CHUNK_SIZE:
# See how many items fit in a chunk
let itemsPerChunk = CHUNK_SIZE div sizeof(hash_tree_root(lst[0]))
chunkz.setLen((len(lst) + itemsPerChunk - 1) div itemsPerChunk)
# Build a list of chunks based on the number of items in the chunk
for i in 0..<chunkz.len:
for j in 0..<itemsPerChunk:
if i == chunkz.len - 1:
let idx = i * itemsPerChunk + j
if idx >= lst.len: break # Last chunk may be partial!
chunkz[i].add hash_tree_root(lst[i * itemsPerChunk + j])
# Leave large items alone
for i in 0..<len(lst):
chunkz[i].add hash_tree_root(lst[i])
while chunkz.len() > 1:
if chunkz.len() mod 2 == 1:
chunkz.add @emptyChunk
for i in 0..<(chunkz.len div 2):
# As tradition dictates - one feature, at least one nim bug:
let tmp = @(hash(chunkz[i * 2], chunkz[i * 2 + 1]))
chunkz[i] = tmp
chunkz.setLen(chunkz.len div 2)
hash(chunkz[0], dataLen)