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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# State transition, as described in
# The entry point is `state_transition` which is at the bottom of the file!
# General notes about the code:
# * Weird styling - the sections taken from the spec use python styling while
# the others use NEP-1 - helps grepping identifiers in spec
# * When updating the code, add TODO sections to mark where there are clear
# improvements to be made - other than that, keep things similar to spec unless
# motivated by security or performance considerations
# Performance notes:
# * The state transition is used in two contexts: to verify that incoming blocks
# are correct and to replay existing blocks from database. Incoming blocks
# are processed one-by-one while replay happens multiple blocks at a time.
# * Although signature verification is the slowest operation in the state
# state transition, we skip it during replay - this is also when we repeatedly
# call the state transition, making the non-signature part of the code
# important from a performance point of view.
# * It's important to start with a prefilled cache - generating the shuffled
# list of active validators is generally very slow.
# * Throughout, the code is affected by inefficient for loop codegen, meaning
# that we have to iterate over indices and pick out the value manually:
# * Throughout, we're affected by inefficient `let` borrowing, meaning we
# often have to take the address of a sequence item due to the above - look
# for `let ... = unsafeAddr sequence[idx]`
# * Throughout, we're affected by the overloading rules that prefer a `var`
# overload to a non-var overload - look for `asSeq()` - when the `var`
# overload is used, the hash tree cache is cleared, which, aside from being
# slow itself, causes additional processing to recalculate the merkle tree.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
../extras, ../ssz/merkleization, metrics,
./datatypes, ./crypto, ./digest, ./helpers, ./signatures, ./validator,
./state_transition_block, ./state_transition_epoch,
proc verify_block_signature*(
state: BeaconState, signed_block: SomeSignedBeaconBlock): bool {.nbench.} =
proposer_index = signed_block.message.proposer_index
if proposer_index >= state.validators.lenu64:
notice "Invalid proposer index in block",
blck = shortLog(signed_block.message)
return false
if not verify_block_signature(
state.fork, state.genesis_validators_root, signed_block.message.slot,
signed_block.message, state.validators[proposer_index].pubkey,
notice "Block: signature verification failed",
blck = shortLog(signedBlock)
return false
proc verifyStateRoot(state: BeaconState, blck: BeaconBlock or SigVerifiedBeaconBlock): bool =
# This is inlined in state_transition(...) in spec.
let state_root = hash_tree_root(state)
if state_root != blck.state_root:
notice "Block: root verification failed",
block_state_root = shortLog(blck.state_root), state_root = shortLog(state_root)
proc verifyStateRoot(state: BeaconState, blck: TrustedBeaconBlock): bool =
# This is inlined in state_transition(...) in spec.
RollbackProc* = proc(v: var BeaconState) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
proc noRollback*(state: var BeaconState) =
trace "Skipping rollback of broken state"
RollbackHashedProc* = proc(state: var HashedBeaconState) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
# Hashed-state transition functions
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
func process_slot*(
state: var BeaconState, pre_state_root: Eth2Digest) {.nbench.} =
# `process_slot` is the first stage of per-slot processing - it is run for
# every slot, including epoch slots - it does not however update the slot
# number! `pre_state_root` refers to the state root of the incoming
# state before any slot processing has been done.
# Cache state root
state.state_roots[state.slot mod SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT] = pre_state_root
# Cache latest block header state root
if state.latest_block_header.state_root == ZERO_HASH:
state.latest_block_header.state_root = pre_state_root
# Cache block root
state.block_roots[state.slot mod SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT] =
func clear_epoch_from_cache(cache: var StateCache, epoch: Epoch) =
cache.shuffled_active_validator_indices.del epoch
start_slot = epoch.compute_start_slot_at_epoch
end_slot = (epoch + 1).compute_start_slot_at_epoch
for i in start_slot ..< end_slot:
cache.beacon_proposer_indices.del i
proc advance_slot(
state: var BeaconState, previous_slot_state_root: Eth2Digest,
flags: UpdateFlags, cache: var StateCache) {.nbench.} =
# Do the per-slot and potentially the per-epoch processing, then bump the
# slot number - we've now arrived at the slot state on top of which a block
# optionally can be applied.
process_slot(state, previous_slot_state_root)
let is_epoch_transition = (state.slot + 1).isEpoch
if is_epoch_transition:
# Note: Genesis epoch = 0, no need to test if before Genesis
process_epoch(state, flags, cache)
clear_epoch_from_cache(cache, (state.slot + 1).compute_epoch_at_slot)
state.slot += 1
proc process_slots*(state: var HashedBeaconState, slot: Slot,
cache: var StateCache, flags: UpdateFlags = {}): bool {.nbench.} =
if not ( < slot):
if slotProcessed notin flags or != slot:
"Unusual request for a slot in the past",
state_root = shortLog(state.root),
current_slot =,
target_slot = slot
return false
# Catch up to the target slot
while < slot:
advance_slot(, state.root, flags, cache)
# The root must be updated on every slot update, or the next `process_slot`
# will be incorrect
state.root = hash_tree_root(
proc noRollback*(state: var HashedBeaconState) =
trace "Skipping rollback of broken state"
proc state_transition*(
preset: RuntimePreset,
state: var HashedBeaconState, signedBlock: SomeSignedBeaconBlock,
cache: var StateCache, flags: UpdateFlags,
rollback: RollbackHashedProc): bool {.nbench.} =
## Apply a block to the state, advancing the slot counter as necessary. The
## given state must be of a lower slot, or, in case the `slotProcessed` flag
## is set, can be the slot state of the same slot as the block (where the
## slot state is the state without any block applied). To create a slot state,
## advance the state corresponding to the the parent block using
## `process_slots`.
## To run the state transition function in preparation for block production,
## use `makeBeaconBlock` instead.
## `rollback` is called if the transition fails and the given state has been
## partially changed. If a temporary state was given to `state_transition`,
## it is safe to use `noRollback` and leave it broken, else the state
## object should be rolled back to a consistent state. If the transition fails
## before the state has been updated, `rollback` will not be called.
doAssert not rollback.isNil, "use noRollback if it's ok to mess up state"
let slot = signedBlock.message.slot
if not ( < slot):
if slotProcessed notin flags or != slot:
notice "State must precede block",
state_root = shortLog(state.root),
current_slot =,
blck = shortLog(signedBlock)
return false
# Update the state so its slot matches that of the block
while < slot:
advance_slot(, state.root, flags, cache)
if < slot:
# Don't update state root for the slot of the block
state.root = hash_tree_root(
# Block updates - these happen when there's a new block being suggested
# by the block proposer. Every actor in the network will update its state
# according to the contents of this block - but first they will validate
# that the block is sane.
if not (skipBLSValidation in flags or
verify_block_signature(, signedBlock)):
return false
trace "state_transition: processing block, signature passed",
signature = shortLog(signedBlock.signature),
blockRoot = shortLog(signedBlock.root)
let res = process_block(preset,, signedBlock.message, flags, cache)
if not res.isOk():
debug "state_transition: process_block failed",
blck = shortLog(signedBlock.message),
slot =,
eth1_deposit_index =,
deposit_root = shortLog(,
error = res.error
return false
if not (skipStateRootValidation in flags or
verifyStateRoot(, signedBlock.message)):
return false
# only blocks currently being produced have an empty state root - we use a
# separate function for those
doAssert signedBlock.message.state_root != Eth2Digest(),
"see makeBeaconBlock for block production"
state.root = signedBlock.message.state_root
proc makeBeaconBlock*(
preset: RuntimePreset,
state: var HashedBeaconState,
proposer_index: ValidatorIndex,
parent_root: Eth2Digest,
randao_reveal: ValidatorSig,
eth1_data: Eth1Data,
graffiti: GraffitiBytes,
attestations: seq[Attestation],
deposits: seq[Deposit],
proposerSlashings: seq[ProposerSlashing],
attesterSlashings: seq[AttesterSlashing],
voluntaryExits: seq[SignedVoluntaryExit],
rollback: RollbackHashedProc,
cache: var StateCache): Option[BeaconBlock] =
## Create a block for the given state. The last block applied to it must be
## the one identified by parent_root and process_slots must be called up to
## the slot for which a block is to be created.
# To create a block, we'll first apply a partial block to the state, skipping
# some validations.
var blck = BeaconBlock(
proposer_index: proposer_index.uint64,
parent_root: parent_root,
body: BeaconBlockBody(
randao_reveal: randao_reveal,
eth1_data: eth1data,
graffiti: graffiti,
proposer_slashings: List[ProposerSlashing, Limit MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS](
attester_slashings: List[AttesterSlashing, Limit MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS](
attestations: List[Attestation, Limit MAX_ATTESTATIONS](attestations),
deposits: List[Deposit, Limit MAX_DEPOSITS](deposits),
List[SignedVoluntaryExit, Limit MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS](voluntaryExits)))
let res = process_block(preset,, blck, {skipBlsValidation}, cache)
if res.isErr:
warn "Unable to apply new block to state",
blck = shortLog(blck),
slot =,
eth1_deposit_index =,
deposit_root = shortLog(,
error = res.error
state.root = hash_tree_root(
blck.state_root = state.root