
474 lines
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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# At the time of writing, the exact definitions of what should be used for
# cryptography in the spec is in flux, with sizes and test vectors still being
# hashed out. This layer helps isolate those chagnes.
# BLS signatures can be combined such that multiple signatures are aggregated.
# Each time a new signature is added, the corresponding public key must be
# added to the verification key as well - if a key signs twice, it must be added
# twice to the verification key. Aggregated signatures can be combined
# arbitrarily (like addition) as long as public keys are aggregated in the same
# way.
# In eth2, we use a single bit to record which keys have signed, thus we cannot
# combined overlapping aggregates - ie if we have an aggregate of signatures of
# A, B and C, and another with B, C and D, we cannot practically combine them
# even if in theory it is possible to allow this in BLS.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
# Standard library
std/[options, hashes, sequtils, tables],
# Internal
# Status
stew/[endians2, objects, results, byteutils],
nimcrypto/utils as ncrutils
export results, json_serialization, blscurve
# Type definitions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
RawSigSize* = 96
RawPubKeySize* = 48
UncompressedPubKeySize* = 96
# RawPrivKeySize* = 48 for Miracl / 32 for BLST
ValidatorPubKey* = object ##\
## Compressed raw serialized key bytes - this type is used in so as to not
## eagerly load keys - deserialization is slow, as are equality checks -
## however, it is not guaranteed that the key is valid (except in some
## cases, like the database state)
blob*: array[RawPubKeySize, byte]
UncompressedPubKey* = object
## Uncompressed variation of ValidatorPubKey - this type is faster to
## deserialize but doubles the storage footprint
blob*: array[UncompressedPubKeySize, byte]
CookedPubKey* = distinct blscurve.PublicKey ## Valid deserialized key
ValidatorSig* = object
blob*: array[RawSigSize, byte]
ValidatorPrivKey* = distinct blscurve.SecretKey
BlsCurveType* = ValidatorPrivKey | ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig
BlsResult*[T] = Result[T, cstring]
TrustedSig* = object
data*: array[RawSigSize, byte]
SomeSig* = TrustedSig | ValidatorSig
CookedSig* = distinct blscurve.Signature ## \
## Cooked signatures are those that have been loaded successfully from a
## ValidatorSig and are used to avoid expensive reloading as well as error
## checking
export AggregateSignature
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
func toPubKey*(privkey: ValidatorPrivKey): CookedPubKey =
## Derive a public key from a private key
# Un-specced in either hash-to-curve or Eth2
var pubKey: blscurve.PublicKey
let ok = publicFromSecret(pubKey, SecretKey privkey)
doAssert ok, "The validator private key was a zero key. This should never happen."
template toRaw*(x: CookedPubKey): auto =
template toUncompressed*(x: CookedPubKey): auto =
UncompressedPubKey(blob: PublicKey(x).exportUncompressed())
func toPubKey*(pubKey: CookedPubKey): ValidatorPubKey =
## Derive a public key from a private key
# Un-specced in either hash-to-curve or Eth2
ValidatorPubKey(blob: pubKey.toRaw())
proc load*(v: ValidatorPubKey): Option[CookedPubKey] =
## Parse signature blob - this may fail
var val: blscurve.PublicKey
if fromBytes(val, v.blob):
some CookedPubKey(val)
none CookedPubKey
proc load*(v: UncompressedPubKey): Option[CookedPubKey] =
## Parse signature blob - this may fail
var val: blscurve.PublicKey
if fromBytes(val, v.blob):
some CookedPubKey(val)
none CookedPubKey
func loadValid*(v: UncompressedPubKey | ValidatorPubKey): CookedPubKey {.noinit.} =
## Parse known-to-be-valid key - this is the case for any key that's passed
## parsing once and is the output of serialization, such as those keys we
## keep in the database or state.
var val: blscurve.PublicKey
let ok = fromBytesKnownOnCurve(val, v.blob)
doAssert ok, "Valid key no longer parses, data corrupt? " & $v
proc loadWithCache*(v: ValidatorPubKey): Option[CookedPubKey] =
## Parse public key blob - this may fail - this function uses a cache to
## avoid the expensive deserialization - for now, external public keys only
## come from deposits in blocks - when more sources are added, the memory
## usage of the cache should be considered
var cache {.threadvar.}: Table[typeof(v.blob), CookedPubKey]
# Try to get parse value from cache - if it's not in there, try to parse it -
# if that's not possible, it's broken
cache.withValue(v.blob, key) do:
return some key[]
# Only valid keys are cached
let cooked = v.load()
if cooked.isSome():
cache[v.blob] = cooked.get()
return cooked
proc load*(v: ValidatorSig): Option[CookedSig] =
## Parse signature blob - this may fail
var parsed: blscurve.Signature
if fromBytes(parsed, v.blob):
func init*(agg: var AggregatePublicKey, pubkey: CookedPubKey) {.inline.}=
## Initializes an aggregate signature context
func init*(T: type AggregatePublicKey, pubkey: CookedPubKey): T =
proc aggregate*(agg: var AggregatePublicKey, pubkey: CookedPubKey) {.inline.}=
## Aggregate two valid Validator Public Keys
func finish*(agg: AggregatePublicKey): CookedPubKey {.inline.} =
## Canonicalize an AggregatePublicKey into a signature
var pubkey: blscurve.PublicKey
func init*(agg: var AggregateSignature, sig: CookedSig) {.inline.}=
## Initializes an aggregate signature context
func init*(T: type AggregateSignature, sig: CookedSig): T =
proc aggregate*(agg: var AggregateSignature, sig: CookedSig) {.inline.}=
## Aggregate two valid Validator Signatures
func finish*(agg: AggregateSignature): CookedSig {.inline.} =
## Canonicalize an AggregateSignature into a signature
var sig: blscurve.Signature
proc blsVerify*(
pubkey: CookedPubKey, message: openArray[byte],
signature: CookedSig): bool =
## Check that a signature is valid for a message
## under the provided public key.
## returns `true` if the signature is valid, `false` otherwise.
## The proof-of-possession MUST be verified before calling this function.
## It is recommended to use the overload that accepts a proof-of-possession
## to enforce correct usage.
PublicKey(pubkey).verify(message, blscurve.Signature(signature))
proc blsVerify*(
pubkey: ValidatorPubKey, message: openArray[byte],
signature: CookedSig): bool =
## Check that a signature is valid for a message
## under the provided public key.
## returns `true` if the signature and the pubkey is valid, `false` otherwise.
## The proof-of-possession MUST be verified before calling this function.
## It is recommended to use the overload that accepts a proof-of-possession
## to enforce correct usage.
parsedKey = pubkey.loadWithCache()
# Guard against invalid signature blobs that fail to parse
parsedKey.isSome() and blsVerify(parsedKey.get(), message, signature)
proc blsVerify*(
pubkey: ValidatorPubKey | CookedPubKey, message: openArray[byte],
signature: ValidatorSig): bool =
parsedSig = signature.load()
# Guard against invalid signature blobs that fail to parse
parsedSig.isSome() and blsVerify(pubkey, message, parsedSig.get())
proc blsVerify*(sigSet: SignatureSet): bool =
## Unbatched verification
## of 1 SignatureSet
## tuple[pubkey: blscurve.PublicKey, message: array[32, byte], blscurve.signature: Signature]
func blsSign*(privkey: ValidatorPrivKey, message: openArray[byte]): CookedSig =
## Computes a signature from a secret key and a message
proc blsFastAggregateVerify*(
publicKeys: openArray[CookedPubKey],
message: openArray[byte],
signature: CookedSig
): bool =
## Verify the aggregate of multiple signatures on the same message
## This function is faster than AggregateVerify
## The proof-of-possession MUST be verified before calling this function.
## It is recommended to use the overload that accepts a proof-of-possession
## to enforce correct usage.
# TODO: Note: `invalid` in the following paragraph means invalid by construction
# The keys/signatures are not even points on the elliptic curves.
# To respect both the IETF API and the fact that
# we can have invalid public keys (as in not point on the elliptic curve),
# requiring a wrapper indirection,
# we need a first pass to extract keys from the wrapper
# and then call fastAggregateVerify.
# Instead:
# - either we expose a new API: context + init-update-finish
# in blscurve which already exists internally
# - or at network/databases/serialization boundaries we do not
# allow invalid BLS objects to pollute consensus routines
let keys = mapIt(publicKeys, PublicKey(it))
fastAggregateVerify(keys, message, blscurve.Signature(signature))
proc blsFastAggregateVerify*(
publicKeys: openArray[ValidatorPubKey],
message: openArray[byte],
signature: CookedSig
): bool =
var unwrapped: seq[PublicKey]
for pubkey in publicKeys:
let realkey = pubkey.loadWithCache()
if realkey.isNone:
return false
unwrapped.add PublicKey(realkey.get)
fastAggregateVerify(unwrapped, message, blscurve.Signature(signature))
proc blsFastAggregateVerify*(
publicKeys: openArray[CookedPubKey],
message: openArray[byte],
signature: ValidatorSig
): bool =
let parsedSig = signature.load()
parsedSig.isSome and blsFastAggregateVerify(publicKeys, message, parsedSig.get())
proc blsFastAggregateVerify*(
publicKeys: openArray[ValidatorPubKey],
message: openArray[byte],
signature: ValidatorSig
): bool =
let parsedSig = signature.load()
parsedSig.isSome and blsFastAggregateVerify(publicKeys, message, parsedSig.get())
proc toGaugeValue*(hash: Eth2Digest): int64 =
# Only the last 8 bytes are taken into consideration in accordance
# to the ETH2 metrics spec:
cast[int64](uint64.fromBytesLE(, 31)))
# Codecs
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
func `$`*(x: ValidatorPrivKey): string =
"<private key>"
func `$`*(x: ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig): string =
func toRaw*(x: ValidatorPrivKey): array[32, byte] =
# TODO: distinct type - see
result = SecretKey(x).exportRaw()
# Miracl exports to 384-bit arrays, but Curve order is 256-bit
let raw = SecretKey(x).exportRaw()
result[0..32-1] = raw.toOpenArray(48-32, 48-1)
template toRaw*(x: ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig): auto =
template toRaw*(x: TrustedSig): auto =
func toHex*(x: BlsCurveType): string =
func toHex*(x: CookedPubKey): string =
func `$`*(x: CookedPubKey): string =
func toValidatorSig*(x: CookedSig): ValidatorSig =
ValidatorSig(blob: blscurve.Signature(x).exportRaw())
func fromRaw*(T: type ValidatorPrivKey, bytes: openArray[byte]): BlsResult[T] =
var val: SecretKey
if val.fromBytes(bytes):
ok ValidatorPrivKey(val)
err "bls: invalid private key"
func fromRaw*(BT: type[ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig], bytes: openArray[byte]): BlsResult[BT] =
# Signatures and keys are deserialized lazily
if bytes.len() != sizeof(BT):
err "bls: invalid bls length"
ok BT(blob: toArray(sizeof(BT), bytes))
func fromHex*(T: type BlsCurveType, hexStr: string): BlsResult[T] {.inline.} =
## Initialize a BLSValue from its hex representation
except ValueError:
err "bls: cannot parse value"
func `==`*(a, b: ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig): bool =
equalMem(unsafeAddr a.blob[0], unsafeAddr b.blob[0], sizeof(a.blob))
# Hashing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
template hash*(x: ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig): Hash =
static: doAssert sizeof(Hash) <= x.blob.len div 2
# We use rough "middle" of blob for the hash, assuming this is where most of
# the entropy is found
cast[ptr Hash](unsafeAddr x.blob[x.blob.len div 2])[]
# Serialization
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{.pragma: serializationRaises, raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].}
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: ValidatorPubKey | CookedPubKey) {.
inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var ValidatorPubKey)
{.serializationRaises.} =
let key = ValidatorPubKey.fromHex(reader.readValue(string))
if key.isOk:
value = key.get
# TODO: Can we provide better diagnostic?
raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Valid hex-encoded public key expected")
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: ValidatorSig) {.
inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
# Workaround:
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var ValidatorSig)
{.serializationRaises.} =
let sig = ValidatorSig.fromHex(reader.readValue(string))
if sig.isOk:
value = sig.get
# TODO: Can we provide better diagnostic?
raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Valid hex-encoded signature expected")
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: ValidatorPrivKey) {.
inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var ValidatorPrivKey)
{.serializationRaises.} =
let key = ValidatorPrivKey.fromHex(reader.readValue(string))
if key.isOk:
value = key.get
# TODO: Can we provide better diagnostic?
raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Valid hex-encoded private key expected")
template fromSszBytes*(T: type[ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig], bytes: openArray[byte]): auto =
let v = fromRaw(T, bytes)
if v.isErr:
raise newException(MalformedSszError, $v.error)
# Logging
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
func shortLog*(x: ValidatorPubKey | ValidatorSig): string =
## Logging for wrapped BLS types
## that may contain valid or non-validated data
byteutils.toHex(x.blob.toOpenArray(0, 3))
func shortLog*(x: CookedPubKey): string =
let raw = x.toRaw()
byteutils.toHex(raw.toOpenArray(0, 3))
func shortLog*(x: ValidatorPrivKey): string =
## Logging for raw unwrapped BLS types
"<private key>"
func shortLog*(x: TrustedSig): string =
byteutils.toHex(, 3))
# Initialization
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO more specific exceptions? don't raise?
# For confutils
func init*(T: typedesc[ValidatorPrivKey], hex: string): T {.noInit, raises: [ValueError, Defect].} =
let v = T.fromHex(hex)
if v.isErr:
raise (ref ValueError)(msg: $v.error)
# For mainchain monitor
func init*(T: typedesc[ValidatorPubKey], data: array[RawPubKeySize, byte]): T {.noInit, raises: [ValueError, Defect].} =
let v = T.fromRaw(data)
if v.isErr:
raise (ref ValueError)(msg: $v.error)
# For mainchain monitor
func init*(T: typedesc[ValidatorSig], data: array[RawSigSize, byte]): T {.noInit, raises: [ValueError, Defect].} =
let v = T.fromRaw(data)
if v.isErr:
raise (ref ValueError)(msg: $v.error)
proc burnMem*(key: var ValidatorPrivKey) =
ncrutils.burnMem(addr key, sizeof(ValidatorPrivKey))