
326 lines
14 KiB

# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Standard library
os, strutils, json,
# Nimble packages
stew/shims/[tables, macros],
chronos, confutils, metrics, json_rpc/[rpcclient, jsonmarshal],
json_serialization/std/[options, sets, net],
# Local modules
spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto, helpers, network, signatures],
conf, time, version,
eth2_network, eth2_discovery, validator_pool, beacon_node_types,
version, ssz/merkleization,
sync_manager, keystore_management,
eth/db/[kvstore, kvstore_sqlite3]
logScope: topics = "vc"
template sourceDir: string = currentSourcePath.rsplit(DirSep, 1)[0]
## Generate client convenience marshalling wrappers from forward declarations
createRpcSigs(RpcClient, sourceDir / "spec" / "eth2_apis" / "validator_callsigs.nim")
createRpcSigs(RpcClient, sourceDir / "spec" / "eth2_apis" / "beacon_callsigs.nim")
ValidatorClient = ref object
config: ValidatorClientConf
graffitiBytes: GraffitiBytes
client: RpcHttpClient
beaconClock: BeaconClock
attachedValidators: ValidatorPool
fork: Fork
proposalsForCurrentEpoch: Table[Slot, ValidatorPubKey]
attestationsForEpoch: Table[Epoch, Table[Slot, seq[AttesterDuties]]]
beaconGenesis: BeaconGenesisTuple
template attemptUntilSuccess(vc: ValidatorClient, body: untyped) =
while true:
except CatchableError as err:
warn "Caught an unexpected error", err = err.msg
waitFor sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(vc.config.retryDelay))
proc getValidatorDutiesForEpoch(vc: ValidatorClient, epoch: Epoch) {.gcsafe, async.} =
info "Getting validator duties for epoch", epoch = epoch
let proposals = await vc.client.get_v1_validator_duties_proposer(epoch)
# update the block proposal duties this VC should do during this epoch
for curr in proposals:
if vc.attachedValidators.validators.contains curr.public_key:
vc.proposalsForCurrentEpoch.add(curr.slot, curr.public_key)
# couldn't use mapIt in ANY shape or form so reverting to raw loops - sorry Sean Parent :|
var validatorPubkeys: seq[ValidatorPubKey]
for key in vc.attachedValidators.validators.keys:
validatorPubkeys.add key
proc getAttesterDutiesForEpoch(epoch: Epoch) {.gcsafe, async.} =
# make sure there's an entry
if not vc.attestationsForEpoch.contains epoch:
vc.attestationsForEpoch.add(epoch, Table[Slot, seq[AttesterDuties]]())
let attestations = await vc.client.get_v1_validator_duties_attester(
epoch, validatorPubkeys)
for a in attestations:
if vc.attestationsForEpoch[epoch].hasKeyOrPut(a.slot, @[a]):
# clear both for the current epoch and the next because a change of
# fork could invalidate the attester duties even the current epoch
await getAttesterDutiesForEpoch(epoch)
# obtain the attestation duties this VC should do during the next epoch
# TODO currently we aren't making use of this but perhaps we should
await getAttesterDutiesForEpoch(epoch + 1)
# for now we will get the fork each time we update the validator duties for each epoch
# TODO should poll occasionally `/v1/config/fork_schedule`
vc.fork = await vc.client.get_v1_beacon_states_fork("head")
var numAttestationsForEpoch = 0
for _, dutiesForSlot in vc.attestationsForEpoch[epoch]:
numAttestationsForEpoch += dutiesForSlot.len
info "Got validator duties for epoch",
num_proposals = vc.proposalsForCurrentEpoch.len,
num_attestations = numAttestationsForEpoch
proc onSlotStart(vc: ValidatorClient, lastSlot, scheduledSlot: Slot) {.gcsafe, async.} =
# The slot we should be at, according to the clock
beaconTime =
wallSlot = beaconTime.toSlot()
slot = wallSlot.slot # afterGenesis == true!
nextSlot = slot + 1
epoch = slot.compute_epoch_at_slot
info "Slot start",
lastSlot = shortLog(lastSlot),
scheduledSlot = shortLog(scheduledSlot),
beaconTime = shortLog(beaconTime),
portBN = vc.config.rpcPort
# Check before any re-scheduling of onSlotStart()
checkIfShouldStopAtEpoch(scheduledSlot, vc.config.stopAtEpoch)
# at the start of each epoch - request all validator duties
# TODO perhaps call this not on the first slot of each Epoch but perhaps
# 1 slot earlier because there are a few back-and-forth requests which
# could take up time for attesting... Perhaps this should be called more
# than once per epoch because of forks & other events...
if slot.isEpoch:
await getValidatorDutiesForEpoch(vc, epoch)
# check if we have a validator which needs to propose on this slot
if vc.proposalsForCurrentEpoch.contains slot:
let public_key = vc.proposalsForCurrentEpoch[slot]
let notSlashable = vc.attachedValidators
.checkSlashableBlockProposal(public_key, slot)
if notSlashable.isOk:
let validator = vc.attachedValidators.validators[public_key]
info "Proposing block", slot = slot, public_key = public_key
let randao_reveal = await validator.genRandaoReveal(
vc.fork, vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root, slot)
var newBlock = SignedBeaconBlock(
message: await vc.client.get_v1_validator_block(slot, vc.graffitiBytes, randao_reveal)
newBlock.root = hash_tree_root(newBlock.message)
# TODO: signing_root is recomputed in signBlockProposal just after
let signing_root = compute_block_root(vc.fork, vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root, slot, newBlock.root)
.registerBlock(public_key, slot, signing_root)
newBlock.signature = await validator.signBlockProposal(
vc.fork, vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root, slot, newBlock.root)
discard await vc.client.post_v1_validator_block(newBlock)
warn "Slashing protection activated for block proposal",
validator = public_key,
slot = slot,
existingProposal = notSlashable.error
# A validator should create and broadcast the attestation to the associated
# attestation subnet when either (a) the validator has received a valid
# block from the expected block proposer for the assigned slot or
# (b) one-third of the slot has transpired (`SECONDS_PER_SLOT / 3` seconds
# after the start of slot) -- whichever comes first.
discard await vc.beaconClock.sleepToSlotOffset(
seconds(int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT)) div 3, slot, "Waiting to send attestations")
# check if we have validators which need to attest on this slot
if vc.attestationsForEpoch.contains(epoch) and
vc.attestationsForEpoch[epoch].contains slot:
var validatorToAttestationDataRoot: Table[ValidatorPubKey, Eth2Digest]
for a in vc.attestationsForEpoch[epoch][slot]:
info "Attesting", slot = slot, public_key = a.public_key
let validator = vc.attachedValidators.validators[a.public_key]
let ad = await vc.client.get_v1_validator_attestation(slot, a.committee_index)
let notSlashable = vc.attachedValidators
if notSlashable.isOk():
# TODO signing_root is recomputed in produceAndSignAttestation/signAttestation just after
let signing_root = compute_attestation_root(
vc.fork, vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root, ad)
a.public_key, ad.source.epoch,, signing_root)
# TODO I don't like these (u)int64-to-int conversions...
let attestation = await validator.produceAndSignAttestation(
vc.fork, vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root)
discard await vc.client.post_v1_beacon_pool_attestations(attestation)
validatorToAttestationDataRoot[a.public_key] =
warn "Slashing protection activated for attestation",
validator = a.public_key,
badVoteDetails = $notSlashable.error
# If the validator is selected to aggregate (is_aggregator), then they
# broadcast their best aggregate as a SignedAggregateAndProof to the global
# aggregate channel (beacon_aggregate_and_proof) two-thirds of the way
# through the slot-that is, SECONDS_PER_SLOT * 2 / 3 seconds after the start
# of slot.
if slot > 2:
discard await vc.beaconClock.sleepToSlotOffset(
seconds(int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT * 2)) div 3, slot,
"Waiting to aggregate attestations")
# loop again over all of our validators which need to attest on
# this slot and check if we should also aggregate attestations
for a in vc.attestationsForEpoch[epoch][slot]:
let validator = vc.attachedValidators.validators[a.public_key]
let slot_signature = await getSlotSig(validator, vc.fork,
vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root, slot)
if is_aggregator(a.committee_length, slot_signature) and
info "Aggregating", slot = slot, public_key = a.public_key
let aa = await vc.client.get_v1_validator_aggregate_attestation(
slot, validatorToAttestationDataRoot[a.public_key])
let aap = AggregateAndProof(aggregator_index: a.validator_index.uint64,
aggregate: aa, selection_proof: slot_signature)
let sig = await signAggregateAndProof(validator,
aap, vc.fork, vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root)
var signedAP = SignedAggregateAndProof(message: aap, signature: sig)
discard await vc.client.post_v1_validator_aggregate_and_proofs(signedAP)
except CatchableError as err:
warn "Caught an unexpected error", err = err.msg, slot = shortLog(slot)
nextSlotStart = saturate(vc.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot))
info "Slot end",
slot = shortLog(slot),
nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot),
portBN = vc.config.rpcPort
when declared(GC_fullCollect):
# The slots in the validator client work as frames in a game: we want to make
# sure that we're ready for the next one and don't get stuck in lengthy
# garbage collection tasks when time is of essence in the middle of a slot -
# while this does not guarantee that we'll never collect during a slot, it
# makes sure that all the scratch space we used during slot tasks (logging,
# temporary buffers etc) gets recycled for the next slot that is likely to
# need similar amounts of memory.
addTimer(nextSlotStart) do (p: pointer):
asyncCheck vc.onSlotStart(slot, nextSlot)
let config = makeBannerAndConfig("Nimbus validator client v" & fullVersionStr, ValidatorClientConf)
setupLogging(config.logLevel, config.logFile)
case config.cmd
of VCNoCommand:
debug "Launching validator client",
version = fullVersionStr,
cmdParams = commandLineParams(),
var vc = ValidatorClient(
config: config,
client: newRpcHttpClient(),
graffitiBytes: if config.graffiti.isSome: config.graffiti.get
else: defaultGraffitiBytes())
# load all the validators from the data dir into memory
for curr in vc.config.validatorKeys:
vc.attachedValidators.addLocalValidator(curr.toPubKey.initPubKey, curr)
waitFor vc.client.connect($vc.config.rpcAddress, vc.config.rpcPort)
info "Connected to BN",
port = vc.config.rpcPort,
address = vc.config.rpcAddress
# init the beacon clock
vc.beaconGenesis = waitFor vc.client.get_v1_beacon_genesis()
vc.beaconClock = BeaconClock.init(vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_time)
when UseSlashingProtection:
vc.attachedValidators.slashingProtection =
kvStore SqStoreRef.init(config.validatorsDir(), "slashing_protection").tryGet()
curSlot =
nextSlot = curSlot + 1 # No earlier than GENESIS_SLOT + 1
fromNow = saturate(vc.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot))
waitFor vc.getValidatorDutiesForEpoch(curSlot.compute_epoch_at_slot)
info "Scheduling first slot action",
beaconTime = shortLog(,
nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot),
fromNow = shortLog(fromNow)
addTimer(fromNow) do (p: pointer) {.gcsafe.}:
asyncCheck vc.onSlotStart(curSlot, nextSlot)