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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
math, sequtils,
./datatypes, ./digest, ./helpers, ./validator
func mod_get[T](arr: openarray[T], pos: Natural): T =
arr[pos mod arr.len]
func on_startup*(initial_validator_entries: openArray[InitialValidator],
genesis_time: int,
processed_pow_receipt_root: Eth2Digest): BeaconState =
## BeaconState constructor
## Before the beacon chain starts, validators will register in the Eth1 chain
## and deposit ETH. When enough many validators have registered, a
## `ChainStart` log will be emitted and the beacon chain can start beaconing.
## Because the state root hash is part of the genesis block, the beacon state
## must be calculated before creating the genesis block.
# Induct validators
var validators: seq[ValidatorRecord]
for v in initial_validator_entries:
validators = get_new_validators(
pre_fork_version: 0,
post_fork_version: 0,
fork_slot_number: 0xffffffffffffffff'u64
# Setup state
x = get_new_shuffling(Eth2Digest(), validators, 0)
# x + x in spec, but more ugly
var tmp: array[2 * CYCLE_LENGTH, seq[ShardAndCommittee]]
for i, n in x:
tmp[i] = n
tmp[CYCLE_LENGTH + i] = n
# The spec says to use validators, but it's actually indices..
let validator_indices = get_active_validator_indices(validators)
validators: validators,
shard_and_committee_for_slots: tmp,
persistent_committees: split(
shuffle(validator_indices, Eth2Digest()), SHARD_COUNT),
fork_data: ForkData(
pre_fork_version: INITIAL_FORK_VERSION,
post_fork_version: INITIAL_FORK_VERSION
func get_shard_and_committees_index*(state: BeaconState, slot: uint64): uint64 =
let earliest_slot_in_array =
state.last_state_recalculation_slot - CYCLE_LENGTH
doAssert earliest_slot_in_array <= slot and
slot < earliest_slot_in_array + CYCLE_LENGTH * 2
slot - earliest_slot_in_array
proc get_shards_and_committees_for_slot*(
state: BeaconState, slot: uint64): seq[ShardAndCommittee] =
let index = state.get_shard_and_committees_index(slot)
func get_beacon_proposer_index*(state: BeaconState, slot: uint64): uint64 =
## From Casper RPJ mini-spec:
## When slot i begins, validator Vidx is expected
## to create ("propose") a block, which contains a pointer to some parent block
## that they perceive as the "head of the chain",
## and includes all of the **attestations** that they know about
## that have not yet been included into that chain.
## idx in Vidx == p(i mod N), pi being a random permutation of validators indices (i.e. a committee)
let idx = get_shard_and_committees_index(state, slot)
func get_block_hash*(state: BeaconState,
current_block: BeaconBlock,
slot: int): Eth2Digest =
let earliest_slot_in_array = - state.recent_block_hashes.len
assert earliest_slot_in_array <= slot
assert slot <
state.recent_block_hashes[slot - earliest_slot_in_array]
func append_to_recent_block_hashes*(old_block_hashes: seq[Eth2Digest],
parent_slot, current_slot: uint64,
parent_hash: Eth2Digest): seq[Eth2Digest] =
let d = current_slot - parent_slot
result = old_block_hashes
result.add repeat(parent_hash, d)
proc get_attestation_participants*(state: BeaconState,
attestation_data: AttestationSignedData,
attester_bitfield: seq[byte]): seq[int] =
## Attestation participants in the attestation data are called out in a
## bit field that corresponds to the committee of the shard at the time - this
## function converts it to list of indices in to BeaconState.validators
## Returns empty list if the shard is not found
# XXX Linear search through shard list? borderline ok, it's a small list
# XXX bitfield type needed, once bit order settles down
# XXX iterator candidate
sncs_for_slot = get_shards_and_committees_for_slot(
state, attestation_data.slot)
for snc in sncs_for_slot:
if snc.shard != attestation_data.shard:
# XXX investigate functional library / approach to help avoid loop bugs
assert len(attester_bitfield) == ceil_div8(len(snc.committee))
for i, vindex in snc.committee:
bit = (attester_bitfield[i div 8] shr (7 - (i mod 8))) mod 2
if bit == 1:
return # found the shard, we're done