
773 lines
29 KiB

net, sequtils, options, tables, osproc, random, strutils, times,
std_shims/[os_shims, objects],
chronos, chronicles, confutils, serialization/errors,
spec/[bitfield, datatypes, digest, crypto, beaconstate, helpers, validator],
conf, time,
state_transition, fork_choice, ssz, beacon_chain_db, validator_pool, extras,
attestation_pool, block_pool, eth2_network, beacon_node_types,
mainchain_monitor, trusted_state_snapshots, version,
eth/trie/db, eth/trie/backends/rocksdb_backend
topicBeaconBlocks = "ethereum/2.1/beacon_chain/blocks"
topicAttestations = "ethereum/2.1/beacon_chain/attestations"
topicfetchBlocks = "ethereum/2.1/beacon_chain/fetch"
dataDirValidators = "validators"
networkMetadataFile = "network.json"
genesisFile = "genesis.json"
testnetsBaseUrl = ""
# #################################################
# Careful handling of beacon_node <-> sync_protocol
# to avoid recursive dependencies
proc onBeaconBlock*(node: BeaconNode, blck: BeaconBlock) {.gcsafe.}
# Forward decl for sync_protocol
import sync_protocol
# #################################################
func shortValidatorKey(node: BeaconNode, validatorIdx: int): string =
func localValidatorsDir(conf: BeaconNodeConf): string =
conf.dataDir / "validators"
func databaseDir(conf: BeaconNodeConf): string =
conf.dataDir / "db"
template `//`(url, fragment: string): string =
url & "/" & fragment
proc downloadFile(url: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
let (fileContents, errorCode) = execCmdEx("curl --fail " & url, options = {poUsePath})
if errorCode != 0:
raise newException(IOError, "Failed to download URL: " & url & "\n" & fileContents)
return fileContents
proc updateTestnetMetadata(conf: BeaconNodeConf): Future[NetworkMetadata] {.async.} =
let latestMetadata = await downloadFile(testnetsBaseUrl // $ //
netBackendName & "-" & networkMetadataFile)
result = Json.decode(latestMetadata, NetworkMetadata)
let localMetadataFile = conf.dataDir / networkMetadataFile
if fileExists(localMetadataFile) and readFile(localMetadataFile).string == latestMetadata:
info "New testnet genesis data received. Starting with a fresh database."
removeDir conf.databaseDir
writeFile localMetadataFile, latestMetadata
let newGenesis = await downloadFile(testnetsBaseUrl // $ // genesisFile)
writeFile conf.dataDir / genesisFile, newGenesis
proc obtainTestnetKey(conf: BeaconNodeConf): Future[(string, string)] {.async.} =
metadata = await updateTestnetMetadata(conf)
privKeyName = validatorFileBaseName(rand(metadata.userValidatorsRange)) & ".privkey"
privKeyContent = strip await downloadFile(testnetsBaseUrl // $ // privKeyName)
let key = ValidatorPrivKey.init(privKeyContent)
return (privKeyName, privKeyContent)
proc saveValidatorKey(keyName, key: string, conf: BeaconNodeConf) =
let validatorsDir = conf.dataDir / dataDirValidators
let outputFile = validatorsDir / keyName
createDir validatorsDir
writeFile(outputFile, key)
info "Imported validator key", file = outputFile
proc persistentNodeId*(conf: BeaconNodeConf): string =
proc init*(T: type BeaconNode, conf: BeaconNodeConf): Future[BeaconNode] {.async.} =
new result
result.config = conf
result.nickname = if conf.nodename == "auto": persistentNodeId(conf)
else: conf.nodename
template fail(args: varargs[untyped]) =
stderr.write args, "\n"
quit 1
of "mainnet":
fail "The Serenity mainnet hasn't been launched yet"
of "testnet0", "testnet1":
result.networkMetadata = await updateTestnetMetadata(conf)
result.networkMetadata = Json.loadFile(, NetworkMetadata)
fail "Failed to load network metadata: ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()
var metadataErrorMsg = ""
template checkCompatibility(metadataField, LOCAL_CONSTANT) =
let metadataValue = metadataField
if metadataValue != LOCAL_CONSTANT:
if metadataErrorMsg.len > 0: metadataErrorMsg.add " and"
metadataErrorMsg.add " -d:" & astToStr(LOCAL_CONSTANT) & "=" & $metadataValue &
" (instead of " & $LOCAL_CONSTANT & ")"
checkCompatibility result.networkMetadata.numShards , SHARD_COUNT
checkCompatibility result.networkMetadata.slotDuration , SECONDS_PER_SLOT
checkCompatibility result.networkMetadata.slotsPerEpoch , SLOTS_PER_EPOCH
if metadataErrorMsg.len > 0:
fail "To connect to the ",, " network, please compile with", metadataErrorMsg
result.attachedValidators = ValidatorPool.init
init result.mainchainMonitor, "", Port(0) # TODO: specify geth address and port
let trieDB = trieDB newChainDb(string conf.databaseDir)
result.db = BeaconChainDB.init(trieDB)
# TODO this is problably not the right place to ensure that db is sane..
# TODO does it really make sense to load from DB if a state snapshot has been
# specified on command line? potentially, this should be the other way
# around...
let headBlock = result.db.getHeadBlock()
if headBlock.isNone():
var snapshotFile = conf.dataDir / genesisFile
if conf.stateSnapshot.isSome:
snapshotFile = conf.stateSnapshot.get.string
elif not fileExists(snapshotFile):
error "Nimbus database not initialized. Please specify the initial state snapshot file."
quit 1
info "Importing snapshot file", path = snapshotFile
tailState = Json.loadFile(snapshotFile, BeaconState)
tailBlock = get_initial_beacon_block(tailState)
blockRoot = signed_root(tailBlock)
notice "Creating new database from snapshot",
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
stateRoot = shortLog(tailBlock.state_root),
fork = tailState.fork,
validators = tailState.validator_registry.len()
except SerializationError as err:
stderr.write "Failed to import ", snapshotFile, "\n"
stderr.write err.formatMsg(snapshotFile), "\n"
quit 1
stderr.write "Failed to initialize database\n"
stderr.write getCurrentExceptionMsg(), "\n"
quit 1
result.blockPool = BlockPool.init(result.db)
result.attestationPool = AttestationPool.init(result.blockPool) = await createEth2Node(conf)
# TODO sync is called when a remote peer is connected - is that the right
# time to do so?
let sync =
sync.networkId = result.networkMetadata.networkId
sync.node = result
sync.db = result.db
let head = result.blockPool.get(result.db.getHeadBlock().get())
result.state = result.blockPool.loadTailState()
result.justifiedStateCache = result.state
let addressFile = string(conf.dataDir) / "beacon_node.address"
result.beaconClock = BeaconClock.init(
proc connectToNetwork(node: BeaconNode) {.async.} =
let localKeys = ensureNetworkKeys(node.config)
var bootstrapNodes = newSeq[BootstrapAddr]()
for bootNode in node.networkMetadata.bootstrapNodes:
if bootNode.pubkey == localKeys.pubKey:
node.isBootstrapNode = true
bootstrapNodes.add bootNode
for bootNode in node.config.bootstrapNodes:
bootstrapNodes.add BootstrapAddr.init(bootNode)
let bootstrapFile = string node.config.bootstrapNodesFile
if bootstrapFile.len > 0:
for ln in lines(bootstrapFile):
bootstrapNodes.add BootstrapAddr.init(string ln)
if bootstrapNodes.len > 0:
info "Connecting to bootstrap nodes", bootstrapNodes
info "Waiting for connections"
template findIt(s: openarray, predicate: untyped): int =
var res = -1
for i, it {.inject.} in s:
if predicate:
res = i
proc addLocalValidator(node: BeaconNode, validatorKey: ValidatorPrivKey) =
let pubKey = validatorKey.pubKey()
let idx = == pubKey)
if idx == -1:
warn "Validator not in registry", pubKey
debug "Attaching validator", validator = shortValidatorKey(node, idx),
idx, pubKey
node.attachedValidators.addLocalValidator(idx, pubKey, validatorKey)
proc addLocalValidators(node: BeaconNode) =
for validatorKeyFile in node.config.validators:
node.addLocalValidator validatorKeyFile.load
for kind, file in walkDir(node.config.localValidatorsDir):
if kind in {pcFile, pcLinkToFile}:
node.addLocalValidator ValidatorPrivKey.init(readFile(file).string)
info "Local validators attached ", count = node.attachedValidators.count
proc getAttachedValidator(node: BeaconNode, idx: int): AttachedValidator =
let validatorKey =[idx].pubkey
return node.attachedValidators.getValidator(validatorKey)
proc updateHead(node: BeaconNode, slot: Slot): BlockRef =
# Use head state for attestation resolution below
# TODO do we need to resolve attestations using all available head states?
node.blockPool.updateState(node.state, node.blockPool.head, slot)
# Check pending attestations - maybe we found some blocks for them
# TODO move all of this logic to BlockPool
debug "Preparing for fork choice",
currentHeadBlock = shortLog(node.state.root),
connectedPeers =,
stateSlot = humaneSlotNum(,
stateEpoch = humaneEpochNum(
justifiedHead = node.blockPool.latestJustifiedBlock()
# TODO slot number is wrong here, it should be the start of the epoch that
# got finalized:
node.justifiedStateCache, justifiedHead, justifiedHead.slot)
let newHead = lmdGhost(
node.attestationPool,, justifiedHead)
info "Fork chosen",
newHeadSlot = humaneSlotNum(newHead.slot),
newHeadEpoch = humaneEpochNum(newHead.slot.slotToEpoch),
newHeadBlockRoot = shortLog(newHead.root)
node.blockPool.updateHead(node.state, newHead)
proc makeAttestation(node: BeaconNode,
validator: AttachedValidator,
state: BeaconState,
head: BlockRef,
shard: uint64,
committeeLen: int,
indexInCommittee: int) {.async.} =
# TODO - move that to "updateState"
# Epoch underflow -
doAssert != GENESIS_EPOCH - 1,
"Underflow in justified epoch field before making attestation"
attestationData = makeAttestationData(state, shard, head.root)
# Careful - after await. node.state (etc) might have changed in async race
validatorSignature = await validator.signAttestation(attestationData)
var aggregationBitfield = BitField.init(committeeLen)
set_bitfield_bit(aggregationBitfield, indexInCommittee)
var attestation = Attestation(
data: attestationData,
aggregate_signature: validatorSignature,
aggregation_bitfield: aggregationBitfield,
# Stub in phase0
custody_bitfield: BitField.init(committeeLen)
# TODO what are we waiting for here? broadcast should never block, and never
# fail...
await, attestation)
info "Attestation sent",
attestationData = shortLog(attestationData),
validator = shortValidatorKey(node, validator.idx),
signature = shortLog(validatorSignature)
proc proposeBlock(node: BeaconNode,
validator: AttachedValidator,
head: BlockRef,
slot: Slot): Future[BlockRef] {.async.} =
if head.slot > slot:
notice "Skipping proposal, we've already selected a newer head",
headSlot = humaneSlotNum(head.slot),
headBlockRoot = shortLog(head.root),
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot)
return head
if head.slot == slot:
# Weird, we should never see as head the same slot as we're proposing a
# block for - did someone else steal our slot? why didn't we discard it?
warn "Found head at same slot as we're supposed to propose for!",
headSlot = humaneSlotNum(head.slot),
headBlockRoot = shortLog(head.root)
# TODO investigate how and when this happens.. maybe it shouldn't be an
# assert?
doAssert false, "head slot matches proposal slot (!)"
# return
node.blockPool.updateState(node.state, head, slot - 1)
# To create a block, we'll first apply a partial block to the state, skipping
# some validations.
blockBody = BeaconBlockBody(
randao_reveal: validator.genRandaoReveal(, slot),
eth1_data: node.mainchainMonitor.getBeaconBlockRef(),
attestations: node.attestationPool.getAttestationsForBlock(slot))
newBlock = BeaconBlock(
slot: slot,
previous_block_root: head.root,
body: blockBody,
signature: ValidatorSig(), # we need the rest of the block first!
let ok =
updateState(, newBlock, {skipValidation})
doAssert ok # TODO: err, could this fail somehow?
node.state.root = hash_tree_root(
newBlock.state_root = node.state.root
newBlock.signature =
await validator.signBlockProposal(, newBlock)
let blockRoot = signed_root(newBlock)
# TODO return new BlockRef from add?
let newBlockRef = node.blockPool.add(node.state, blockRoot, newBlock)
info "Block proposed",
blck = shortLog(newBlock),
blockRoot = shortLog(newBlockRef.root),
validator = shortValidatorKey(node, validator.idx),
idx = validator.idx
# TODO what are we waiting for here? broadcast should never block, and never
# fail...
await, newBlock)
return newBlockRef
proc fetchBlocks(node: BeaconNode, roots: seq[Eth2Digest]) =
if roots.len == 0: return
# TODO shouldn't send to all!
# TODO should never fail - asyncCheck is wrong here..
asyncCheck, roots)
proc onFetchBlocks(node: BeaconNode, roots: seq[Eth2Digest]) =
# TODO placeholder logic for block recovery
debug "fetchBlocks received",
roots = roots.len
for root in roots:
if (let blck = node.db.getBlock(root); blck.isSome()):
# TODO should never fail - asyncCheck is wrong here..
# TODO should obviously not spam, but rather send it back to the requester
asyncCheck, blck.get())
proc onAttestation(node: BeaconNode, attestation: Attestation) =
# We received an attestation from the network but don't know much about it
# yet - in particular, we haven't verified that it belongs to particular chain
# we're on, or that it follows the rules of the protocol
debug "Attestation received",
attestationData = shortLog(,
signature = shortLog(attestation.aggregate_signature)
node.attestationPool.add(, attestation)
proc onBeaconBlock(node: BeaconNode, blck: BeaconBlock) =
# We received a block but don't know much about it yet - in particular, we
# don't know if it's part of the chain we're currently building.
let blockRoot = signed_root(blck)
debug "Block received",
blck = shortLog(blck),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot)
if node.blockPool.add(node.state, blockRoot, blck).isNil:
# TODO this will cause us to fetch parent, even for invalid blocks.. fix
# The block we received contains attestations, and we might not yet know about
# all of them. Let's add them to the attestation pool - in case they block
# is not yet resolved, neither will the attestations be!
for attestation in blck.body.attestations:
# TODO attestation pool needs to be taught to deal with overlapping
# attestations!
discard # node.onAttestation(attestation)
proc handleAttestations(node: BeaconNode, head: BlockRef, slot: Slot) =
## Perform all attestations that the validators attached to this node should
## perform during the given slot
if slot + SLOTS_PER_EPOCH < head.slot:
# The latest block we know about is a lot newer than the slot we're being
# asked to attest to - this makes it unlikely that it will be included
# at all.
# TODO the oldest attestations allowed are those that are older than the
# finalized epoch.. also, it seems that posting very old attestations
# is risky from a slashing perspective. More work is needed here.
notice "Skipping attestation, head is too recent",
headSlot = humaneSlotNum(head.slot),
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot)
let attestationHead = head.findAncestorBySlot(slot)
if head != attestationHead:
# In rare cases, such as when we're busy syncing or just slow, we'll be
# attesting to a past state - we must then recreate the world as it looked
# like back then
notice "Attesting to a state in the past, falling behind?",
headSlot = humaneSlotNum(head.slot),
attestationHeadSlot = humaneSlotNum(attestationHead.slot),
attestationSlot = humaneSlotNum(slot)
# We need to run attestations exactly for the slot that we're attesting to.
# In case blocks went missing, this means advancing past the latest block
# using empty slots as fillers.
node.blockPool.updateState(node.state, attestationHead, slot)
for crosslink_committee in get_crosslink_committees_at_slot(, slot):
for i, validatorIdx in crosslink_committee.committee:
let validator = node.getAttachedValidator(validatorIdx)
if validator != nil:
asyncDiscard makeAttestation(node, validator,, head,
crosslink_committee.committee.len, i)
proc handleProposal(node: BeaconNode, head: BlockRef, slot: Slot):
Future[BlockRef] {.async.} =
## Perform the proposal for the given slot, iff we have a validator attached
## that is supposed to do so, given the shuffling in head
# TODO here we advanced the state to the new slot, but later we'll be
# proposing for it - basically, we're selecting proposer based on an
# empty slot.. wait for the committee selection to settle, then
# revisit this - we should be able to advance behind
node.blockPool.updateState(node.state, head, slot)
let proposerIdx = get_beacon_proposer_index(, slot)
let validator = node.getAttachedValidator(proposerIdx)
if validator != nil:
# Warm-up the proposer earlier to try to obtain previous
# missing blocks if necessary
return await proposeBlock(node, validator, head, slot)
debug "Expecting proposal",
headRoot = shortLog(head.root),
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
proposer = shortValidatorKey(, proposerIdx)
return head
proc onSlotStart(node: BeaconNode, lastSlot, scheduledSlot: Slot) {.gcsafe, async.} =
## Called at the beginning of a slot - usually every slot, but sometimes might
## skip a few in case we're running late.
## lastSlot: the last slot that we sucessfully processed, so we know where to
## start work from
## scheduledSlot: the slot that we were aiming for, in terms of timing
# The slot we should be at, according to the clock
slot =
nextSlot = slot + 1
debug "Slot start",
lastSlot = humaneSlotNum(lastSlot),
scheduledSlot = humaneSlotNum(scheduledSlot),
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot)
# TODO in this setup, we retry fetching blocks at the beginning of every slot,
# hoping that we'll get some before it's time to attest or propose - is
# there a better time to do this?
let missingBlocks = node.blockPool.checkUnresolved()
if slot < lastSlot:
# This can happen if the system clock changes time for example, and it's
# pretty bad
# TODO shut down? time either was or is bad, and PoS relies on accuracy..
warn "Beacon clock time moved back, rescheduling slot actions",
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
scheduledSlot = humaneSlotNum(scheduledSlot)
addTimer(saturate(node.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot))) do (p: pointer):
asyncCheck node.onSlotStart(slot, nextSlot)
if slot > lastSlot + SLOTS_PER_EPOCH:
# We've fallen behind more than an epoch - there's nothing clever we can
# do here really, except skip all the work and try again later.
# TODO how long should the period be? Using an epoch because that's roughly
# how long attestations remain interesting
# TODO should we shut down instead? clearly we're unable to keep up
warn "Unable to keep up, skipping ahead without doing work",
lastSlot = humaneSlotNum(lastSlot),
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
scheduledSlot = humaneSlotNum(scheduledSlot)
addTimer(saturate(node.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot))) do (p: pointer):
# We pass the current slot here to indicate that work should be skipped!
asyncCheck node.onSlotStart(slot, nextSlot)
# Whatever we do during the slot, we need to know the head, because this will
# give us a state to work with and thus a shuffling.
# TODO typically, what consitutes correct actions stays constant between slot
# updates and is stable across some epoch transitions as well - see how
# we can avoid recalculating everything here
var head = node.updateHead(slot)
# TODO if the head is very old, that is indicative of something being very
# wrong - us being out of sync or disconnected from the network - need
# to consider what to do in that case:
# * nothing - the other parts of the application will reconnect and
# start listening to broadcasts, learn a new head etc..
# risky, because the network might stall if everyone does
# this, because no blocks will be produced
# * shut down - this allows the user to notice and take action, but is
# kind of harsh
# * keep going - we create blocks and attestations as usual and send them
# out - if network conditions improve, fork choice should
# eventually select the correct head and the rest will
# disappear naturally - risky because user is not aware,
# and might lose stake on canonical chain but "just works"
# when reconnected..
# Right now, we keep going
var curSlot = lastSlot + 1
while curSlot < slot:
# Timers may be delayed because we're busy processing, and we might have
# more work to do. We'll try to do so in an expedited way.
# TODO maybe even collect all work synchronously to avoid unnecessary
# state rewinds while waiting for async operations like validator
# signature..
notice "Catching up",
curSlot = humaneSlotNum(curSlot),
lastSlot = humaneSlotNum(lastSlot),
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot)
# For every slot we're catching up, we'll propose then send
# attestations - head should normally be advancing along the same branch
# in this case
# TODO what if we receive blocks / attestations while doing this work?
head = await handleProposal(node, head, curSlot)
# For each slot we missed, we need to send out attestations - if we were
# proposing during this time, we'll use the newly proposed head, else just
# keep reusing the same - the attestation that goes out will actually
# rewind the state to what it looked like at the time of that slot
# TODO smells like there's an optimization opportunity here
handleAttestations(node, head, curSlot)
curSlot += 1
head = await handleProposal(node, head, slot)
# We've been doing lots of work up until now which took time. Normally, we
# send out attestations at the slot mid-point, so we go back to the clock
# to see how much time we need to wait.
# TODO the beacon clock might jump here also. It's probably easier to complete
# the work for the whole slot using a monotonic clock instead, then deal
# with any clock discrepancies once only, at the start of slot timer
# processing..
attestationStart = node.beaconClock.fromNow(slot)
halfSlot = seconds(int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT div 2))
if attestationStart.inFuture or attestationStart.offset <= halfSlot:
debug "Waiting to send attestations",
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
fromNow = shortLog(attestationStart.offset + halfSlot)
await sleepAsync(attestationStart.offset + halfSlot)
# Time passed - we might need to select a new head in that case
head = node.updateHead(slot)
handleAttestations(node, head, slot)
# TODO ... and beacon clock might jump here also. sigh.
nextSlotStart = saturate(node.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot))
info "Scheduling slot actions",
lastSlot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
nextSlot = humaneSlotNum(nextSlot),
fromNow = shortLog(nextSlotStart)
addTimer(nextSlotStart) do (p: pointer):
asyncCheck node.onSlotStart(slot, nextSlot)
proc run*(node: BeaconNode) =
waitFor do (blck: BeaconBlock):
waitFor do (attestation: Attestation):
waitFor do (roots: seq[Eth2Digest]):
slot =
startSlot =
if slot >= GENESIS_SLOT: slot + 1
else: GENESIS_SLOT + 1
fromNow = saturate(node.beaconClock.fromNow(startSlot))
info "Scheduling first slot action",
nextSlot = humaneSlotNum(startSlot),
fromNow = shortLog(fromNow)
addTimer(fromNow) do (p: pointer):
asyncCheck node.onSlotStart(startSlot - 1, startSlot)
var gPidFile: string
proc createPidFile(filename: string) =
createDir splitFile(filename).dir
writeFile filename, $getCurrentProcessId()
gPidFile = filename
addQuitProc proc {.noconv.} = removeFile gPidFile
proc start(node: BeaconNode) =
# TODO: while it's nice to cheat by waiting for connections here, we
# actually need to make this part of normal application flow -
# losing all connections might happen at any time and we should be
# prepared to handle it.
waitFor node.connectToNetwork()
info "Starting beacon node",
slotsSinceFinalization =
int64(node.blockPool.finalizedHead.slot) -
stateSlot = humaneSlotNum(,
when isMainModule:
let config = BeaconNodeConf.load(version = fullVersionStr())
if config.logLevel != LogLevel.NONE:
case config.cmd
of createTestnet:
var deposits: seq[Deposit]
for i in ..<
let depositFile = config.validatorsDir /
validatorFileBaseName(i) & ".deposit.json"
deposits.add Json.loadFile(depositFile, Deposit)
let initialState = get_genesis_beacon_state(
uint64(times.toUnix(times.getTime()) + config.genesisOffset),
Eth1Data(), {})
Json.saveFile(config.outputGenesis.string, initialState, pretty = true)
echo "Wrote ", config.outputGenesis.string
bootstrapAddress = getPersistenBootstrapAddr(
config, parseIpAddress(config.bootstrapAddress), Port config.bootstrapPort)
testnetMetadata = NetworkMetadata(
networkId: config.networkId,
genesisRoot: hash_tree_root(initialState),
bootstrapNodes: @[bootstrapAddress],
numShards: SHARD_COUNT,
slotDuration: SECONDS_PER_SLOT,
slotsPerEpoch: SLOTS_PER_EPOCH,
totalValidators: config.numValidators,
firstUserValidator: config.firstUserValidator)
Json.saveFile(config.outputNetwork.string, testnetMetadata, pretty = true)
echo "Wrote ", config.outputNetwork.string
of updateTestnet:
discard waitFor updateTestnetMetadata(config)
of importValidator:
template reportFailureFor(keyExpr) =
error "Failed to import validator key", key = keyExpr
programResult = 1
for keyFile in config.keyFiles:
readFile(keyFile.string), config)
reportFailureFor keyFile.string
if config.keyFiles.len == 0:
if in ["testnet0", "testnet1"]:
let (keyName, key) = waitFor obtainTestnetKey(config)
saveValidatorKey(keyName, key, config)
stderr.write "Failed to download key\n", getCurrentExceptionMsg()
quit 1
echo "Validator keys can be downloaded only for testnets"
quit 1
of noCommand:
createPidFile(config.dataDir.string / "")
var node = waitFor BeaconNode.init(config)
if node.nickname != "":
dynamicLogScope(node = node.nickname): node.start()