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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
math, strutils, strformat, typetraits, bearssl,
stew/[results, byteutils, bitseqs, bitops2], stew/shims/macros,
eth/keyfile/uuid, blscurve, faststreams/textio, json_serialization,
nimcrypto/[sha2, rijndael, pbkdf2, bcmode, hash, utils, scrypt],
./datatypes, ./crypto, ./digest, ./signatures
results, burnMem, writeValue, readValue
{.push raises: [Defect].}
ChecksumFunctionKind* = enum
sha256Checksum = "sha256"
Sha256Params* = object
Sha256Digest* = MDigest[256]
ChecksumBytes* = distinct seq[byte]
Checksum* = object
case function*: ChecksumFunctionKind
of sha256Checksum:
params*: Sha256Params
message*: Sha256Digest
Aes128CtrIv* = distinct seq[byte]
Aes128CtrParams* = object
iv*: Aes128CtrIv
CipherFunctionKind* = enum
aes128CtrCipher = "aes-128-ctr"
CipherBytes* = distinct seq[byte]
Cipher* = object
case function*: CipherFunctionKind
of aes128ctrCipher:
params*: Aes128CtrParams
message*: CipherBytes
KdfKind* = enum
kdfPbkdf2 = "pbkdf2"
kdfScrypt = "scrypt"
ScryptSalt* = distinct seq[byte]
ScryptParams* = object
dklen: int
n, p, r: int
salt: ScryptSalt
Pbkdf2Salt* = distinct seq[byte]
PrfKind* = enum # Pseudo-random-function Kind
HmacSha256 = "hmac-sha256"
Pbkdf2Params* = object
dklen*: int
c*: int
prf*: PrfKind
salt*: Pbkdf2Salt
# https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/4494da0966afa7318ec0157948821b19c4248805/EIPS/eip-2386.md#specification
Wallet* = object
uuid*: UUID
name*: WalletName
version*: uint
walletType* {.serializedFieldName: "type"}: string
# TODO: The use of `JsonString` can be removed once we
# solve the serialization problem for `Crypto[T]`
crypto*: Crypto
nextAccount* {.serializedFieldName: "nextaccount".}: Natural
Kdf* = object
case function*: KdfKind
of kdfPbkdf2:
pbkdf2Params* {.serializedFieldName: "params".}: Pbkdf2Params
of kdfScrypt:
scryptParams* {.serializedFieldName: "params".}: ScryptParams
message*: string
Crypto* = object
kdf*: Kdf
checksum*: Checksum
cipher*: Cipher
Keystore* = object
crypto*: Crypto
description*: string
pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey
path*: KeyPath
uuid*: string
version*: int
KsResult*[T] = Result[T, string]
Eth2KeyKind* = enum
signingKeyKind # Also known as voting key
UUID* = distinct string
WalletName* = distinct string
Mnemonic* = distinct string
KeyPath* = distinct string
KeystorePass* = distinct string
KeySeed* = distinct seq[byte]
Credentials* = object
mnemonic*: Mnemonic
keystore*: Keystore
signingKey*: ValidatorPrivKey
withdrawalKey*: ValidatorPrivKey
SensitiveData = Mnemonic|KeystorePass|KeySeed
SimpleHexEncodedTypes = ScryptSalt|ChecksumBytes|CipherBytes
keyLen = 32
scryptParams = ScryptParams(
dklen: keyLen,
n: 2^18,
p: 1,
r: 8
pbkdf2Params = Pbkdf2Params(
dklen: keyLen,
c: 2^18,
prf: HmacSha256
# https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2334
eth2KeyPurpose = 12381
eth2CoinType* = 3600
# https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md
wordListLen = 2048
UUID.serializesAsBaseIn Json
KeyPath.serializesAsBaseIn Json
WalletName.serializesAsBaseIn Json
template `$`*(m: Mnemonic): string =
template `==`*(lhs, rhs: WalletName): bool =
string(lhs) == string(rhs)
template `$`*(x: WalletName): string =
template burnMem*(m: var (SensitiveData|TaintedString)) =
# TODO: `burnMem` in nimcrypto could use distinctBase
# to make its usage less error-prone.
utils.burnMem(string m)
proc getRandomBytes*(rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext, n: Natural): seq[byte]
{.raises: [Defect].} =
result = newSeq[byte](n)
brHmacDrbgGenerate(rng, result)
macro wordListArray*(filename: static string,
maxWords: static int = 0,
minWordLength: static int = 0): untyped =
result = newTree(nnkBracket)
var words = slurp(filename).split()
for word in words:
if word.len >= minWordLength:
result.add newCall("cstring", newLit(word))
if maxWords > 0 and result.len >= maxWords:
englishWords = wordListArray("english_word_list.txt",
maxWords = wordListLen)
iterator pathNodesImpl(path: string): Natural
{.raises: [ValueError].} =
for elem in path.split("/"):
if elem == "m": continue
yield parseInt(elem)
func append*(path: KeyPath, pathNode: Natural): KeyPath =
KeyPath(path.string & "/" & $pathNode)
func validateKeyPath*(path: TaintedString): KeyPath
{.raises: [ValueError].} =
for elem in pathNodesImpl(path.string): discard elem
KeyPath path
iterator pathNodes(path: KeyPath): Natural =
for elem in pathNodesImpl(path.string):
yield elem
except ValueError:
doAssert false, "Make sure you've validated the key path with `validateKeyPath`"
func makeKeyPath*(validatorIdx: Natural,
keyType: Eth2KeyKind): KeyPath =
# https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2334
let use = case keyType
of withdrawalKeyKind: "0"
of signingKeyKind: "0/0"
KeyPath &"m/{eth2KeyPurpose}/{eth2CoinType}/{validatorIdx}/{use}"
except ValueError:
raiseAssert "All values above can be converted successfully to strings"
func getSeed*(mnemonic: Mnemonic, password: KeystorePass): KeySeed =
# https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki#from-mnemonic-to-seed
let salt = "mnemonic-" & password.string
KeySeed sha512.pbkdf2(mnemonic.string, salt, 2048, 64)
proc generateMnemonic*(
rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext,
words: openarray[cstring] = englishWords,
entropyParam: openarray[byte] = @[]): Mnemonic =
# https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki#generating-the-mnemonic
doAssert words.len == wordListLen
var entropy: seq[byte]
if entropyParam.len == 0:
setLen(entropy, 32)
brHmacDrbgGenerate(rng, entropy)
doAssert entropyParam.len >= 128 and
entropyParam.len <= 256 and
entropyParam.len mod 32 == 0
entropy = @entropyParam
checksumBits = entropy.len div 4 # ranges from 4 to 8
mnemonicWordCount = 12 + (checksumBits - 4) * 3
checksum = sha256.digest(entropy)
entropy.add byte(checksum.data.getBitsBE(0 ..< checksumBits))
var res = ""
res.add words[entropy.getBitsBE(0..10)]
for i in 1 ..< mnemonicWordCount:
firstBit = i*11
lastBit = firstBit + 10
res.add " "
res.add words[entropy.getBitsBE(firstBit..lastBit)]
Mnemonic res
proc deriveChildKey*(parentKey: ValidatorPrivKey,
index: Natural): ValidatorPrivKey =
let success = derive_child_secretKey(SecretKey result,
SecretKey parentKey,
uint32 index)
# TODO `derive_child_secretKey` is reporting pre-condition
# failures with return values. We should turn the checks
# into asserts inside the function.
doAssert success
proc deriveMasterKey*(seed: KeySeed): ValidatorPrivKey =
let success = derive_master_secretKey(SecretKey result,
seq[byte] seed)
# TODO `derive_master_secretKey` is reporting pre-condition
# failures with return values. We should turn the checks
# into asserts inside the function.
doAssert success
proc deriveMasterKey*(mnemonic: Mnemonic,
password: KeystorePass): ValidatorPrivKey =
deriveMasterKey(getSeed(mnemonic, password))
proc deriveChildKey*(masterKey: ValidatorPrivKey,
path: KeyPath): ValidatorPrivKey =
result = masterKey
for idx in pathNodes(path):
result = deriveChildKey(result, idx)
proc keyFromPath*(mnemonic: Mnemonic,
password: KeystorePass,
path: KeyPath): ValidatorPrivKey =
deriveChildKey(deriveMasterKey(mnemonic, password), path)
proc shaChecksum(key, cipher: openarray[byte]): Sha256Digest =
var ctx: sha256
result = ctx.finish()
template hexToBytes(data, name: string): untyped =
except ValueError:
return err "ks: failed to parse " & name
proc writeJsonHexString(s: OutputStream, data: openarray[byte])
{.raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
s.write '"'
s.writeHex data
s.write '"'
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var Pbkdf2Salt)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
var s = r.readValue(string)
if s.len == 0 or s.len mod 16 != 0:
"The Pbkdf2Salt salf must have a non-zero length divisible by 16")
value = Pbkdf2Salt hexToSeqByte(s)
except ValueError:
"The Pbkdf2Salt must be a valid hex string")
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var Aes128CtrIv)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
var s = r.readValue(string)
if s.len != 32:
"The aes-128-ctr IV must be a string of length 32")
value = Aes128CtrIv hexToSeqByte(s)
except ValueError:
"The aes-128-ctr IV must be a valid hex string")
proc readValue*[T: SimpleHexEncodedTypes](r: var JsonReader, value: var T)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
value = T hexToSeqByte(r.readValue(string))
except ValueError:
r.raiseUnexpectedValue("Valid hex string expected")
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var Kdf)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
functionSpecified = false
paramsSpecified = false
for fieldName in readObjectFields(r):
case fieldName
of "function":
value.function = r.readValue(KdfKind)
functionSpecified = true
of "params":
if functionSpecified:
case value.function
of kdfPbkdf2:
of kdfScrypt:
"The 'params' field must be specified after the 'function' field")
paramsSpecified = true
of "message":
r.raiseUnexpectedField(fieldName, "Kdf")
if not (functionSpecified and paramsSpecified):
"The Kdf value should have sub-fields named 'function' and 'params'")
template writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter,
value: Pbkdf2Salt|SimpleHexEncodedTypes|Aes128CtrIv) =
writeJsonHexString(w.stream, distinctBase value)
template bytes(value: Pbkdf2Salt|SimpleHexEncodedTypes|Aes128CtrIv): seq[byte] =
distinctBase value
func scrypt(password: openArray[char], salt: openArray[byte],
N, r, p, keyLen: static[int]): array[keyLen, byte] =
let (xyvLen, bLen) = scryptCalc(N, r, p)
var xyv = newSeq[uint32](xyvLen)
var b = newSeq[byte](bLen)
discard scrypt(password, salt, N, r, p, xyv, b, result)
proc decryptCryptoField*(crypto: Crypto, password: KeystorePass): seq[byte] =
## Returns 0 bytes if the supplied password is incorrect
let decKey = case crypto.kdf.function
of kdfPbkdf2:
template params: auto = crypto.kdf.pbkdf2Params
sha256.pbkdf2(password.string, params.salt.bytes, params.c, params.dklen)
of kdfScrypt:
template params: auto = crypto.kdf.scryptParams
if params.dklen != scryptParams.dklen or
params.n != scryptParams.n or
params.r != scryptParams.r or
params.p != scryptParams.p:
# TODO This should be reported in a better way
let derivedChecksum = shaChecksum(decKey.toOpenArray(16, 31),
if derivedChecksum != crypto.checksum.message:
aesCipher: CTR[aes128]
secret = newSeq[byte](crypto.cipher.message.bytes.len)
aesCipher.init(decKey.toOpenArray(0, 15), crypto.cipher.params.iv.bytes)
aesCipher.decrypt(crypto.cipher.message.bytes, secret)
return secret
func cstringToStr(v: cstring): string = $v
proc decryptKeystore*(keystore: Keystore,
password: KeystorePass): KsResult[ValidatorPrivKey] =
let decryptedBytes = decryptCryptoField(keystore.crypto, password)
if decryptedBytes.len > 0:
return ValidatorPrivKey.fromRaw(decryptedBytes).mapErr(cstringToStr)
proc decryptKeystore*(keystore: JsonString,
password: KeystorePass): KsResult[ValidatorPrivKey] =
let keystore = try: Json.decode(keystore.string, Keystore)
except SerializationError as e:
return err e.formatMsg("<keystore>")
decryptKeystore(keystore, password)
proc createCryptoField(kdfKind: KdfKind,
rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext,
secret: openarray[byte],
password = KeystorePass "",
salt: openarray[byte] = @[],
iv: openarray[byte] = @[]): Crypto =
type AES = aes128
let kdfSalt =
if salt.len > 0:
doAssert salt.len == keyLen
getRandomBytes(rng, keyLen)
let aesIv = if iv.len > 0:
doAssert iv.len == AES.sizeBlock
getRandomBytes(rng, AES.sizeBlock)
var decKey: seq[byte]
let kdf = case kdfKind
of kdfPbkdf2:
decKey = sha256.pbkdf2(password.string,
var params = pbkdf2Params
params.salt = Pbkdf2Salt kdfSalt
Kdf(function: kdfPbkdf2, pbkdf2Params: params, message: "")
of kdfScrypt:
decKey = @(scrypt(password.string, kdfSalt,
scryptParams.n, scryptParams.r, scryptParams.p, keyLen))
var params = scryptParams
params.salt = ScryptSalt kdfSalt
Kdf(function: kdfScrypt, scryptParams: params, message: "")
aesCipher: CTR[AES]
cipherMsg = newSeq[byte](secret.len)
aesCipher.init(decKey.toOpenArray(0, 15), aesIv)
aesCipher.encrypt(secret, cipherMsg)
let sum = shaChecksum(decKey.toOpenArray(16, 31), cipherMsg)
kdf: kdf,
checksum: Checksum(
function: sha256Checksum,
message: sum),
cipher: Cipher(
function: aes128CtrCipher,
params: Aes128CtrParams(iv: Aes128CtrIv aesIv),
message: CipherBytes cipherMsg))
proc createKeystore*(kdfKind: KdfKind,
rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext,
privKey: ValidatorPrivkey,
password = KeystorePass "",
path = KeyPath "",
description = "",
salt: openarray[byte] = @[],
iv: openarray[byte] = @[]): Keystore =
secret = privKey.toRaw[^32..^1]
cryptoField = createCryptoField(kdfKind, rng, secret, password, salt, iv)
pubkey = privKey.toPubKey()
uuid = uuidGenerate().expect("Random bytes should be available")
crypto: cryptoField,
pubkey: pubkey,
path: path,
description: description,
uuid: $uuid,
version: 4)
proc createWallet*(kdfKind: KdfKind,
rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext,
mnemonic: Mnemonic,
name = WalletName "",
salt: openarray[byte] = @[],
iv: openarray[byte] = @[],
password = KeystorePass "",
nextAccount = none(Natural),
pretty = true): Wallet =
uuid = UUID $(uuidGenerate().expect("Random bytes should be available"))
# Please note that we are passing an empty password here because
# we want the wallet restoration procedure to depend only on the
# mnemonic (the user is asked to treat the mnemonic as a password).
seed = getSeed(mnemonic, KeystorePass"")
crypto = createCryptoField(kdfKind, rng, distinctBase seed,
password, salt, iv)
uuid: uuid,
name: if name.string.len > 0: name
else: WalletName(uuid),
version: 1,
walletType: "hierarchical deterministic",
crypto: crypto,
nextAccount: nextAccount.get(0))
# https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.12.2/specs/phase0/deposit-contract.md#withdrawal-credentials
proc makeWithdrawalCredentials*(k: ValidatorPubKey): Eth2Digest =
var bytes = eth2digest(k.toRaw())
bytes.data[0] = BLS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX.uint8
proc prepareDeposit*(preset: RuntimePreset,
withdrawalPubKey: ValidatorPubKey,
signingKey: ValidatorPrivKey, signingPubKey: ValidatorPubKey,
amount = MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE.Gwei): DepositData =
var res = DepositData(
amount: amount,
pubkey: signingPubKey,
withdrawal_credentials: makeWithdrawalCredentials(withdrawalPubKey))
res.signature = preset.get_deposit_signature(res, signingKey)
return res