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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
stew/[arrayops, endians2, io2]
export io2
E2Version* = [byte 0x65, 0x32]
E2Index* = [byte 0x69, 0x32]
SnappyBeaconBlock* = [byte 0x01, 0x00]
SnappyBeaconState* = [byte 0x02, 0x00]
Type* = array[2, byte]
Header* = object
typ*: Type
len*: int
proc toString*(v: IoErrorCode): string =
try: ioErrorMsg(v)
except Exception as e: raiseAssert e.msg
proc append*(f: IoHandle, data: openArray[byte]): Result[void, string] =
if (? writeFile(f, data).mapErr(toString)) != data.len.uint:
return err("could not write data")
proc appendHeader*(f: IoHandle, typ: Type, dataLen: int): Result[int64, string] =
if dataLen.uint64 > uint32.high:
return err("entry does not fit 32-bit length")
let start = ? getFilePos(f).mapErr(toString)
? append(f, typ)
? append(f, toBytesLE(dataLen.uint32))
? append(f, [0'u8, 0'u8])
proc appendRecord*(
f: IoHandle, typ: Type, data: openArray[byte]): Result[int64, string] =
let start = ? appendHeader(f, typ, data.len())
? append(f, data)
proc checkBytesLeft(f: IoHandle, expected: int64): Result[void, string] =
let size = ? getFileSize(f).mapErr(toString)
if expected > size:
return err("Record extends past end of file")
let pos = ? getFilePos(f).mapErr(toString)
if expected > size - pos:
return err("Record extends past end of file")
proc readFileExact*(f: IoHandle, buf: var openArray[byte]): Result[void, string] =
if (? f.readFile(buf).mapErr(toString)) != buf.len().uint:
return err("missing data")
proc readHeader*(f: IoHandle): Result[Header, string] =
var buf: array[10, byte]
? readFileExact(f, buf.toOpenArray(0, 7))
typ: Type
discard typ.copyFrom(buf)
# Conversion safe because we had only 4 bytes of length data
let len = (uint32.fromBytesLE(buf.toOpenArray(2, 5))).int64
# No point reading these..
if len > int.high(): return err("header length exceeds int.high")
# Must have at least that much data, or header is invalid
? f.checkBytesLeft(len)
ok(Header(typ: typ, len: int(len)))
proc readRecord*(f: IoHandle, data: var seq[byte]): Result[Header, string] =
let header = ? readHeader(f)
if header.len > 0:
? f.checkBytesLeft(header.len)
if data.len != header.len:
data = newSeqUninitialized[byte](header.len)
? readFileExact(f, data)
proc readIndexCount*(f: IoHandle): Result[int, string] =
var bytes: array[8, byte]
? f.readFileExact(bytes)
let count = uint64.fromBytesLE(bytes)
if count > (int.high() div 8) - 3: return err("count: too large")
let size = uint64(? f.getFileSize().mapErr(toString))
# Need to have at least this much data in the file to read an index with
# this count
if count > (size div 8 + 3): return err("count: too large")
ok(int(count)) # Sizes checked against int above
proc findIndexStartOffset*(f: IoHandle): Result[int64, string] =
? f.setFilePos(-8, SeekPosition.SeekCurrent).mapErr(toString)
count = ? f.readIndexCount() # Now we're back at the end of the index
bytes = count.int64 * 8 + 24