mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:51:22 +00:00
* Introduce new mocking proc to replace:
- makeFakeValidatorPrivKey
- hackPrivKey
- getNextBeaconProposerIndex
- addBlock
- makeBlock
* Add comments on datastructure unsynced with the spec
* Add merkle tree constructor and initial mocking for deposits (missing merkle proofs)
* [Mock] Implement sparse merkle tree and merkle proof builder
* [Mocking] Genesis deposits
* Add compact_committees_roots init + mock genesis state
* [Tests] Add first deposit test using the new mocking procedures
* [Tests -deposits] add at and over 32 ETH deposit tests
* [Tests - deposits] Add test for validator top-up
* [Tests -deposits] Mention the TODO to test for invalid conditions
* [Tests] Add stub to test "is_valid_genesis_state"
* [Merkle proofs] Implement round-trip checks
* Deactivate roundtrips test
* SSZ - use EF convention for hash_tree_root / hashTreeRoot
* [Tests - Attestation] Attestation mocking + initial test
* Add mocking + 3 new tests for valid attestations + mention future invalid attestation tests
* Add crosslinks test (1 failing to attestations in block being duplicated in state transition)
* Single attestation crosslink test - workaround https://github.com/status-im/nim-beacon-chain/issues/361
* Add test for failed crosslink penalty
* Rebase fixes + add refactored tests to test suite
* justif-finalization helpers first batch
* Add 234 finalization tests
* Fix justif test, Rule I 234 finalization does not happen with sufficient support.
(Also unittest check template does not fail properly in some cases)
* Add tests for all finalization rules
* Properly delete nim-byteutils following c91727e7e5 (diff-7c3613dba5171cb6027c67835dd3b9d4)
* use digest helper for deposit root
188 lines
6.5 KiB
188 lines
6.5 KiB
# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Merkle tree helpers
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Specs
../../beacon_chain/spec/[datatypes, digest, beaconstate, helpers],
# shims
func round_step_down*(x: Natural, step: static Natural): int {.inline.} =
## Round the input to the previous multiple of "step"
when (step and (step - 1)) == 0:
# Step is a power of 2. (If compiler cannot prove that x>0 it does not make the optim)
result = x and not(step - 1)
result = x - x mod step
let ZeroHashes = block:
# hashes for a merkle tree full of zeros for leafs
var zh = @[Eth2Digest()]
let nodehash = withEth2Hash:
h.update zh[i-1]
h.update zh[i-1]
zh.add nodehash
type SparseMerkleTree*[Depth: static int] = object
## Sparse Merkle tree
# There is an extra "depth" layer to store leaf nodes
# This stores leaves at depth = 0
# and the root hash at the last depth
nnznodes: array[Depth+1, seq[Eth2Digest]] # nodes that leads to non-zero leaves
proc merkleTreeFromLeaves*(
values: openarray[Eth2Digest],
): SparseMerkleTree[Depth] =
## Depth should be the same as
## verify_merkle_branch / is_valid_merkle_branch
result.nnznodes[0] = @values
for depth in 1 .. Depth: # Inclusive range
let prev_depth_len = result.nnznodes[depth-1].len
let stop = round_step_down(prev_depth_len, 2)
for i in countup(0, stop-1, 2):
# hash by pair of previous nodes
let nodeHash = withEth2Hash:
h.update result.nnznodes[depth-1][i]
h.update result.nnznodes[depth-1][i+1]
result.nnznodes[depth].add nodeHash
if prev_depth_len != stop:
# If length is odd, the last one was skipped,
# we need to combine it
# with the zeroHash corresponding to the current depth
let nodeHash = withEth2Hash:
h.update result.nnznodes[depth-1][^1]
h.update ZeroHashes[depth-1]
result.nnznodes[depth].add nodeHash
proc getMerkleProof*[Depth: static int](
tree: SparseMerkleTree[Depth],
index: int,
): array[Depth, Eth2Digest] =
# Descend down the tree according to the bit representation
# of the index:
# - 0 --> go left
# - 1 --> go right
let path = uint32(index)
for depth in 0 ..< Depth:
let nodeIdx = int((path shr depth) xor 1)
if nodeIdx < tree.nnznodes[depth].len:
result[depth] = tree.nnznodes[depth][nodeIdx]
result[depth] = ZeroHashes[depth]
when isMainModule: # Checks
import strutils, macros, bitops
proc toDigest[N: static int](x: array[N, byte]): Eth2Digest =
result.data[0 .. N-1] = x
let a = [byte 0x01, 0x02, 0x03].toDigest
let b = [byte 0x04, 0x05, 0x06].toDigest
let c = [byte 0x07, 0x08, 0x09].toDigest
block: # SSZ Sanity checks vs Python impl
block: # 3 leaves
let leaves = sszList(@[a, b, c], 3'i64)
let root = hash_tree_root(leaves)
doAssert $root == "9ff412e827b7c9d40fc7df2725021fd579ab762581d1ff5c270316682868456e".toUpperAscii
block: # 2^3 leaves
let leaves = sszList(@[a, b, c], int64(1 shl 3))
let root = hash_tree_root(leaves)
doAssert $root == "5248085b588fab1dd1e03f3cd62201602b12e6560665935964f46e805977e8c5".toUpperAscii
block: # 2^10 leaves
let leaves = sszList(@[a, b, c], int64(1 shl 10))
let root = hash_tree_root(leaves)
doAssert $root == "9fb7d518368dc14e8cc588fb3fd2749beef9f493fef70ae34af5721543c67173".toUpperAscii
block: # Round-trips
# TODO: there is an issue (also in EF specs?)
# using hash_tree_root([a, b, c])
# doesn't give the same hash as
# - hash_tree_root(@[a, b, c])
# - sszList(@[a, b, c], int64(nleaves))
# which both have the same hash.
# hash_tree_root([a, b, c]) gives the same hash as
# the last hash of merkleTreeFromLeaves
# Running tests with hash_tree_root([a, b, c])
# works for depth 2 (3 or 4 leaves)
when false:
macro roundTrips(): untyped =
result = newStmtList()
# Unsure why sszList ident is undeclared in "quote do"
let list = bindSym"sszList"
# compile-time unrolled test
for nleaves in [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 1 shl 10, 1 shl 32]:
let depth = fastLog2(nleaves-1) + 1
result.add quote do:
let tree = merkleTreeFromLeaves([a, b, c], Depth = `depth`)
echo "Tree: ", tree
let leaves = `list`(@[a, b, c], int64(`nleaves`))
let root = hash_tree_root(leaves)
echo "Root: ", root
block: # proof for a
let index = 0
let proof = getMerkleProof(tree, index)
echo "Proof: ", proof
doAssert verify_merkle_branch(
a, get_merkle_proof(tree, index = index),
depth = `depth`,
index = index.uint64,
root = root
), "Failed (depth: " & $`depth` &
", nleaves: " & $`nleaves` & ')'
block: # proof for b
let index = 1
let proof = getMerkleProof(tree, index)
# echo "Proof: ", proof
doAssert verify_merkle_branch(
b, get_merkle_proof(tree, index = index),
depth = `depth`,
index = index.uint64,
root = root
), "Failed (depth: " & $`depth` &
", nleaves: " & $`nleaves` & ')'
block: # proof for c
let index = 2
let proof = getMerkleProof(tree, index)
# echo "Proof: ", proof
doAssert verify_merkle_branch(
c, get_merkle_proof(tree, index = index),
depth = `depth`,
index = index.uint64,
root = root
), "Failed (depth: " & $`depth` &
", nleaves: " & $`nleaves` & ')'