
438 lines
15 KiB

std_shims/[os_shims, objects], net, sequtils, options, tables,
chronos, chronicles, confutils, eth/[p2p, keys],
spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto, beaconstate, helpers, validator], conf, time,
state_transition, fork_choice, ssz, beacon_chain_db, validator_pool, extras,
mainchain_monitor, sync_protocol, gossipsub_protocol, trusted_state_snapshots,
eth/trie/db, eth/trie/backends/rocksdb_backend
BeaconNode* = ref object
beaconState*: BeaconState
network*: EthereumNode
db*: BeaconChainDB
config*: BeaconNodeConf
keys*: KeyPair
attachedValidators: ValidatorPool
attestationPool: AttestationPool
mainchainMonitor: MainchainMonitor
lastScheduledEpoch: uint64
headBlock: BeaconBlock
headBlockRoot: Eth2Digest
blocksChildren: Table[Eth2Digest, seq[Eth2Digest]]
version = "v0.1" # TODO: read this from the nimble file
clientId = "nimbus beacon node " & version
topicBeaconBlocks = "ethereum/2.1/beacon_chain/blocks"
topicAttestations = "ethereum/2.1/beacon_chain/attestations"
stateStoragePeriod = EPOCH_LENGTH * 10 # Save states once per this number of slots. TODO: Find a good number.
func shortHash(x: auto): string =
func shortValidatorKey(node: BeaconNode, validatorIdx: int): string =
proc ensureNetworkKeys*(dataDir: string): KeyPair =
# 1. Check if keys already exist in the data dir
# 2. Generate new ones and save them in the directory
# if necessary
return newKeyPair()
proc init*(T: type BeaconNode, conf: BeaconNodeConf): T =
new result
result.config = conf
result.attachedValidators = ValidatorPool.init
init result.attestationPool, GENESIS_SLOT
init result.mainchainMonitor, "", Port(0) # TODO: specify geth address and port
let trieDB = trieDB newChainDb(string conf.dataDir)
result.db = BeaconChainDB.init(trieDB)
if not result.db.isInitialized:
# Use stateSnapshot as genesis
info "Initializing DB"
result.keys = ensureNetworkKeys(string conf.dataDir)
var address: Address
address.ip = parseIpAddress("")
address.tcpPort = Port(conf.tcpPort)
address.udpPort = Port(conf.udpPort) = newEthereumNode(result.keys, address, 0, nil, clientId, minPeers = 1)
writeFile(string(conf.dataDir) / "beacon_node.address",
proc connectToNetwork(node: BeaconNode) {.async.} =
var bootstrapNodes = newSeq[ENode]()
for node in node.config.bootstrapNodes:
bootstrapNodes.add initENode(node)
let bootstrapFile = string node.config.bootstrapNodesFile
if bootstrapFile.len > 0:
for ln in lines(bootstrapFile):
bootstrapNodes.add initENode(string ln)
if bootstrapNodes.len > 0:
info "Connecting to bootstrap nodes", bootstrapNodes
info "Waiting for connections"
proc sync*(node: BeaconNode): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let persistedState = node.db.lastFinalizedState()
if persistedState.slotDistanceFromNow() > WEAK_SUBJECTVITY_PERIOD.int64:
node.beaconState = await obtainTrustedStateSnapshot(node.db)
node.beaconState = persistedState
var targetSlot = node.beaconState.getSlotFromTime()
let t = now()
if t < node.beaconState.genesisTime * 1000:
await sleepAsync int(node.beaconState.genesisTime * 1000 - t)
while node.beaconState.finalized_epoch < targetSlot.slot_to_epoch:
var (peer, changeLog) = await
if peer == nil:
error "Failed to sync with any peer"
return false
if applyValidatorChangeLog(changeLog, node.beaconState):
warn "Ignoring invalid validator change log", sentFrom = peer
return true
template findIt(s: openarray, predicate: untyped): int =
var res = -1
for i, it {.inject.} in s:
if predicate:
res = i
proc addLocalValidators*(node: BeaconNode) =
for validator in node.config.validators:
privKey = validator.privKey
pubKey = privKey.pubKey()
randao = validator.randao
let idx = node.beaconState.validator_registry.findIt(it.pubKey == pubKey)
if idx == -1:
warn "Validator not in registry", pubKey
debug "Attaching validator", validator = shortValidatorKey(node, idx),
idx, pubKey
node.attachedValidators.addLocalValidator(idx, pubKey, privKey, randao)
info "Local validators attached ", count = node.attachedValidators.count
proc getAttachedValidator(node: BeaconNode, idx: int): AttachedValidator =
let validatorKey = node.beaconState.validator_registry[idx].pubkey
return node.attachedValidators.getValidator(validatorKey)
proc makeAttestation(node: BeaconNode,
validator: AttachedValidator,
slot: uint64,
shard: uint64,
committeeLen: int,
indexInCommittee: int) {.async.} =
doAssert node != nil
doAssert validator != nil
if get_current_epoch(node.beaconState) == node.beaconState.justified_epoch:
let justifiedBlockRoot =
var attestationData = AttestationData(
slot: slot,
shard: shard,
beacon_block_root: node.headBlockRoot,
epoch_boundary_root: Eth2Digest(), # TODO
shard_block_root: Eth2Digest(), # TODO
latest_crosslink: Crosslink(), # TODO
justified_epoch: node.beaconState.justified_epoch,
justified_block_root: justifiedBlockRoot)
let validatorSignature = await validator.signAttestation(attestationData)
var participationBitfield = repeat(0'u8, ceil_div8(committeeLen))
bitSet(participationBitfield, indexInCommittee)
var attestation = Attestation(
data: attestationData,
aggregate_signature: validatorSignature,
aggregation_bitfield: participationBitfield)
await, attestation)
info "Attestation sent", slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
shard = shard,
validator = shortValidatorKey(node, validator.idx),
signature = shortHash(validatorSignature)
proc proposeBlock(node: BeaconNode,
validator: AttachedValidator,
slot: uint64) {.async.} =
doAssert node != nil
doAssert validator != nil
doAssert validator.idx < node.beaconState.validator_registry.len
var state = node.beaconState
if node.beaconState.slot + 1 < slot:
info "Proposing block after slot gap",
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
stateSlot = node.beaconState.slot
for s in node.beaconState.slot + 1 ..< slot:
let ok = updateState(state, node.headBlockRoot, none[BeaconBlock](), {})
doAssert ok
var blockBody = BeaconBlockBody(
attestations: node.attestationPool.getAttestationsForBlock(node.beaconState, slot))
var newBlock = BeaconBlock(
slot: slot,
parent_root: node.headBlockRoot,
randao_reveal: validator.genRandaoReveal(state),
eth1_data: node.mainchainMonitor.getBeaconBlockRef(),
signature: ValidatorSig(), # we need the rest of the block first!
body: blockBody)
let ok = updateState(state, node.headBlockRoot, some(newBlock), {skipValidation})
doAssert ok # TODO: err, could this fail somehow?
newBlock.state_root = Eth2Digest(data: hash_tree_root(state))
var signedData = ProposalSignedData(
slot: slot,
blockRoot: hash_tree_root_final(newBlock))
newBlock.signature = await validator.signBlockProposal(node.beaconState.fork, signedData)
await, newBlock)
info "Block proposed", slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
stateRoot = shortHash(newBlock.state_root),
validator = shortValidatorKey(node, validator.idx),
idx = validator.idx
proc scheduleBlockProposal(node: BeaconNode,
slot: uint64,
validator: AttachedValidator) =
# This function exists only to hide a bug with Nim's closures.
# If you inline it in `scheduleEpochActions`, you'll see the
# internal `doAssert` starting to fail.
doAssert validator != nil
let at = node.beaconState.slotStart(slot)
info "Scheduling block proposal",
validator = shortValidatorKey(node, validator.idx),
idx = validator.idx,
slot = humaneSlotNum(slot),
fromNow = (at - fastEpochTime()) div 1000
addTimer(node.beaconState.slotStart(slot)) do (x: pointer) {.gcsafe.}:
# TODO timers are generally not accurate / guaranteed to fire at the right
# time - need to guard here against early / late firings
doAssert validator != nil
asyncCheck proposeBlock(node, validator, slot.uint64)
proc scheduleAttestation(node: BeaconNode,
validator: AttachedValidator,
slot: uint64,
shard: uint64,
committeeLen: int,
indexInCommittee: int) =
# This function exists only to hide a bug with Nim's closures.
# If you inline it in `scheduleEpochActions`, you'll see the
# internal `doAssert` starting to fail.
doAssert validator != nil
addTimer(node.beaconState.slotMiddle(slot)) do (p: pointer) {.gcsafe.}:
doAssert validator != nil
asyncCheck makeAttestation(node, validator, slot.uint64,
shard, committeeLen, indexInCommittee)
proc scheduleEpochActions(node: BeaconNode, epoch: uint64) =
## This schedules the required block proposals and
## attestations from our attached validators.
doAssert node != nil
debug "Scheduling epoch actions", epoch
# TODO: this copy of the state shouldn't be necessary, but please
# see the comments in `get_beacon_proposer_index`
var nextState = node.beaconState
let start = if epoch == GENESIS_EPOCH: 1.uint64 else: 0.uint64
for i in start ..< EPOCH_LENGTH:
# Schedule block proposals
let slot = epoch * EPOCH_LENGTH + i
nextState.slot = slot
let proposerIdx = get_beacon_proposer_index(nextState, slot)
let validator = node.getAttachedValidator(proposerIdx)
if validator != nil:
# Warm-up the proposer earlier to try to obtain previous
# missing blocks if necessary
scheduleBlockProposal(node, slot, validator)
# Schedule attestations
for crosslink_committee in get_crosslink_committees_at_slot(
node.beaconState, slot):
#for i, validatorIdx in shard.committee:
for i, validatorIdx in crosslink_committee.committee:
let validator = node.getAttachedValidator(validatorIdx)
if validator != nil:
#scheduleAttestation(node, validator, slot, shard.shard, shard.committee.len, i)
node, validator, slot, crosslink_committee.shard,
crosslink_committee.committee.len, i)
node.lastScheduledEpoch = epoch
nextEpoch = epoch + 1
at = node.beaconState.slotMiddle(nextEpoch * EPOCH_LENGTH)
info "Scheduling next epoch update",
fromNow = (at - fastEpochTime()) div 1000,
addTimer(at) do (p: pointer):
if node.lastScheduledEpoch != nextEpoch:
proc stateNeedsSaving(s: BeaconState): bool =
# TODO: Come up with a better predicate logic
s.slot mod stateStoragePeriod == 0
proc processBlocks*(node: BeaconNode) = do (newBlock: BeaconBlock):
let stateSlot = node.beaconState.slot
info "Block received", slot = humaneSlotNum(newBlock.slot),
stateRoot = shortHash(newBlock.state_root),
# TODO: This should be replaced with the real fork-choice rule
if newBlock.slot <= stateSlot:
debug "Ignoring block"
let newBlockRoot = hash_tree_root_final(newBlock)
var state = node.beaconState
if stateSlot + 1 < newBlock.slot:
info "Advancing state past slot gap",
blockSlot = humaneSlotNum(newBlock.slot),
for slot in stateSlot + 1 ..< newBlock.slot:
let ok = updateState(state, node.headBlockRoot, none[BeaconBlock](), {})
doAssert ok
let ok = updateState(state, node.headBlockRoot, some(newBlock), {})
if not ok:
debug "Ignoring non-validating block"
node.headBlock = newBlock
node.headBlockRoot = newBlockRoot
node.beaconState = state
if stateNeedsSaving(node.beaconState):
# 1. Check for missing blocks and obtain them
# 2. Apply fork-choice rule (update node.headBlock)
# 3. Peform block processing / state recalculation / etc
let epoch = newBlock.slot.epoch
if epoch != node.lastScheduledEpoch:
node.scheduleEpochActions(epoch) do (a: Attestation):
let participants = get_attestation_participants(
node.beaconState,, a.aggregation_bitfield).
mapIt(shortValidatorKey(node, it))
info "Attestation received", slot = humaneSlotNum(,
shard =,
signature = shortHash(a.aggregate_signature),
node.attestationPool.add(a, node.beaconState)
let epoch = node.beaconState.getSlotFromTime div EPOCH_LENGTH
var gPidFile: string
proc createPidFile(filename: string) =
createDir splitFile(filename).dir
writeFile filename, $getCurrentProcessId()
gPidFile = filename
addQuitProc proc {.noconv.} = removeFile gPidFile
when isMainModule:
let config = load BeaconNodeConf
if config.logLevel != LogLevel.NONE:
case config.cmd
of createChain:
createStateSnapshot(config.chainStartupData, config.outputStateFile.string)
quit 0
of noCommand:
waitFor synchronizeClock()
createPidFile(config.dataDir.string / "")
var node = BeaconNode.init config
dynamicLogScope(node = node.config.tcpPort - 50000):
waitFor node.connectToNetwork()
if not waitFor node.sync():
quit 1
info "Starting beacon node",
slotsSinceFinalization = node.beaconState.slotDistanceFromNow(),
stateSlot = humaneSlotNum(node.beaconState.slot)