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synced 2025-03-03 07:30:56 +00:00
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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[strutils, parseutils, sequtils, terminal, colors]
ContentFragments = seq[tuple[kind: InterpolatedKind, value: string]]
StatusBarCell = object
label, content: string
contentFragments: ContentFragments
Layout = object
cellsLeft: seq[StatusBarCell]
cellsRight: seq[StatusBarCell]
DataItemResolver* = proc (dataItem: string): string {.
gcsafe, raises: [].}
StatusBarView* = object
model: DataItemResolver
layout: Layout
consumedLines: int
sepLeft = "❯"
sepRight = "❮"
# sepLeft = "|"
# sepRight = "|"
backgroundColor = rgb(36, 36, 36)
foregroundColor = colWhiteSmoke
func loadFragmentsLayout(contentLayout: string): ContentFragments {.
raises: [ValueError].} =
toSeq(interpolatedFragments(strip contentLayout))
func loadCellsLayout(cellsLayout: string): seq[StatusBarCell] {.
raises: [ValueError].} =
let cells = cellsLayout.split(';')
for cell in cells:
let columns = cell.split(':', maxSplit = 1)
if columns.len == 2:
result.add StatusBarCell(
label: strip(columns[0]),
contentFragments: loadFragmentsLayout(columns[1]))
result.add StatusBarCell(
contentFragments: loadFragmentsLayout(columns[0]))
func loadLayout(layout: string): Layout {.raises: [ValueError].} =
let sections = layout.split('|', maxSplit = 1)
result.cellsLeft = loadCellsLayout(sections[0])
if sections.len == 2: result.cellsRight = loadCellsLayout(sections[1])
proc updateContent(cell: var StatusBarCell, model: DataItemResolver) =
cell.content.setLen 0
for fragment in cell.contentFragments:
case fragment[0]
of ikStr, ikDollar:
cell.content.add fragment[1]
of ikExpr, ikVar:
cell.content.add model(fragment[1])
proc updateCells(cells: var seq[StatusBarCell], model: DataItemResolver) =
for cell in mitems(cells):
proc update*(s: var StatusBarView) =
updateCells s.layout.cellsLeft, s.model
updateCells s.layout.cellsRight, s.model
func width(cell: StatusBarCell): int =
cell.label.len + cell.content.len + 4 # separator + pading
func width(cells: seq[StatusBarCell]): int =
result = max(0, cells.len - 1) # the number of separators
for cell in cells: result += cell.width
var complained = false
template ignoreException(body: untyped) =
except Exception as exc:
if not complained:
# TODO terminal.nim exception leak
echo "Unable to update status bar: ", exc.msg
complained = true
proc renderCells(cells: seq[StatusBarCell], sep: string) =
for i, cell in cells:
stdout.setBackgroundColor backgroundColor
stdout.setForegroundColor foregroundColor
stdout.setStyle {styleDim}
if i > 0: stdout.write sep
stdout.write " ", cell.label, ": "
stdout.setStyle {styleBright}
stdout.write cell.content, " "
proc render*(s: var StatusBarView) {.raises: [ValueError].} =
doAssert s.consumedLines == 0
termWidth = terminalWidth()
allCellsWidth = s.layout.cellsLeft.width + s.layout.cellsRight.width
if allCellsWidth > 0:
renderCells(s.layout.cellsLeft, sepLeft)
stdout.setBackgroundColor backgroundColor
if termWidth > allCellsWidth:
stdout.write spaces(termWidth - allCellsWidth)
s.consumedLines = 1
stdout.write spaces(max(0, termWidth - s.layout.cellsLeft.width)), "\p"
s.consumedLines = 2
renderCells(s.layout.cellsRight, sepRight)
proc erase*(s: var StatusBarView) =
for i in 1 ..< s.consumedLines: cursorUp()
for i in 0 ..< s.consumedLines: eraseLine()
s.consumedLines = 0
func init*(T: type StatusBarView,
layout: string,
model: DataItemResolver): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
StatusBarView(model: model, consumedLines: 1, layout: loadLayout(layout))