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synced 2025-03-03 23:51:22 +00:00
* reorder ssz * split into hash_trees and ssz_serialization, roughly, for hashing and IO * move bitseqs into ssz (from stew) * clean up imports * docs, imports
101 lines
3.2 KiB
101 lines
3.2 KiB
stats, os, strformat, times,
../beacon_chain/ssz/[merkleization, ssz_serialization],
../beacon_chain/spec/[beaconstate, datatypes, digest, helpers]
template withTimer*(stats: var RunningStat, body: untyped) =
# TODO unify timing somehow
let start = cpuTime()
let stop = cpuTime()
stats.push stop - start
template withTimerRet*(stats: var RunningStat, body: untyped): untyped =
let start = cpuTime()
let tmp = block:
let stop = cpuTime()
stats.push stop - start
func verifyConsensus*(state: BeaconState, attesterRatio: auto) =
if attesterRatio < 0.63:
doAssert state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch == 0
doAssert state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch == 0
# Quorum is 2/3 of validators, and at low numbers, quantization effects
# can dominate, so allow for play above/below attesterRatio of 2/3.
if attesterRatio < 0.72:
let current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
if current_epoch >= 3:
doAssert state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 1 >= current_epoch
if current_epoch >= 4:
doAssert state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch + 2 >= current_epoch
proc loadGenesis*(validators: int, validate: bool): ref HashedBeaconState =
let fn = &"genesim_{const_preset}_{validators}.ssz"
let res = (ref HashedBeaconState)()
if fileExists(fn):
res.data = SSZ.loadFile(fn, BeaconState)
res.root = hash_tree_root(res.data)
if res.data.slot != GENESIS_SLOT:
echo "Can only start from genesis state"
quit 1
if res.data.validators.len != validators:
echo &"Supplied genesis file has {res.data.validators.len} validators, while {validators} where requested, running anyway"
echo &"Loaded {fn}..."
# TODO check that the private keys are interop keys
echo "Genesis file not found, making one up (use beacon_node createTestnet to make one)"
echo "Preparing validators..."
flags = if validate: {} else: {skipBlsValidation}
deposits = makeInitialDeposits(validators, flags)
echo "Generating Genesis..."
res.data =
initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1(Eth2Digest(), 0, deposits, flags)[]
res.root = hash_tree_root(res.data)
echo &"Saving to {fn}..."
SSZ.saveFile(fn, res.data)
proc printTimers*[Timers: enum](
validate: bool,
timers: array[Timers, RunningStat]
) =
proc fmtTime(t: float): string = &"{t * 1000 :>12.3f}, "
echo "All time are ms"
echo &"{\"Average\" :>12}, {\"StdDev\" :>12}, {\"Min\" :>12}, " &
&"{\"Max\" :>12}, {\"Samples\" :>12}, {\"Test\" :>12}"
if not validate:
echo "Validation is turned off meaning that no BLS operations are performed"
for t in Timers:
echo fmtTime(timers[t].mean), fmtTime(timers[t].standardDeviationS),
fmtTime(timers[t].min), fmtTime(timers[t].max), &"{timers[t].n :>12}, ",
proc printTimers*[Timers: enum](
state: BeaconState, attesters: RunningStat, validate: bool,
timers: array[Timers, RunningStat]) =
echo "Validators: ", state.validators.len, ", epoch length: ", SLOTS_PER_EPOCH
echo "Validators per attestation (mean): ", attesters.mean
printTimers(validate, timers)