
230 lines
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options, tables,
chronos, json_serialization, strutils,
spec/digest, version, conf
clientId = "Nimbus beacon node v" & fullVersionStr()
when networkBackend == rlpxBackend:
eth/[rlp, p2p, keys, net/nat], gossipsub_protocol,
eth/p2p/peer_pool # for log on connected peers
p2p, rlp, gossipsub_protocol
netBackendName* = "rlpx"
IrrelevantNetwork* = UselessPeer
Eth2Node* = EthereumNode
Eth2NodeIdentity* = KeyPair
BootstrapAddr* = ENode
template libp2pProtocol*(name, version: string) {.pragma.}
proc setupNat(conf: BeaconNodeConf): tuple[ip: IpAddress, tcpPort: Port, udpPort: Port] =
# defaults
result.ip = parseIpAddress("")
result.tcpPort = Port(conf.tcpPort)
result.udpPort = Port(conf.udpPort)
var nat: NatStrategy
case conf.nat.toLowerAscii:
of "any":
nat = NatAny
of "none":
nat = NatNone
of "upnp":
nat = NatUpnp
of "pmp":
nat = NatPmp
if conf.nat.startsWith("extip:") and isIpAddress(conf.nat[6..^1]):
# any required port redirection is assumed to be done by hand
result.ip = parseIpAddress(conf.nat[6..^1])
nat = NatNone
error "not a valid NAT mechanism, nor a valid IP address", value = conf.nat
if nat != NatNone:
let extIP = getExternalIP(nat)
if extIP.isSome:
result.ip = extIP.get()
let extPorts = redirectPorts(tcpPort = result.tcpPort,
udpPort = result.udpPort,
description = clientId)
if extPorts.isSome:
(result.tcpPort, result.udpPort) = extPorts.get()
proc getPersistentNetIdentity*(conf: BeaconNodeConf): Eth2NodeIdentity =
let privateKeyFile = conf.dataDir / "network.privkey"
var privKey: PrivateKey
if not fileExists(privateKeyFile):
privKey = newPrivateKey()
createDir conf.dataDir.string
writeFile(privateKeyFile, $privKey)
privKey = initPrivateKey(readFile(privateKeyFile).string)
KeyPair(seckey: privKey, pubkey: privKey.getPublicKey())
proc getPersistenBootstrapAddr*(conf: BeaconNodeConf,
ip: IpAddress, port: Port): BootstrapAddr =
identity = getPersistentNetIdentity(conf)
address = Address(ip: ip, tcpPort: port, udpPort: port)
initENode(identity.pubKey, address)
proc isSameNode*(bootstrapNode: BootstrapAddr, id: Eth2NodeIdentity): bool =
bootstrapNode.pubKey == id.pubKey
proc shortForm*(id: Eth2NodeIdentity): string =
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: BootstrapAddr) {.inline.} =
writer.writeValue $value
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var BootstrapAddr) {.inline.} =
value = initENode reader.readValue(string)
proc createEth2Node*(conf: BeaconNodeConf): Future[EthereumNode] {.async.} =
keys = getPersistentNetIdentity(conf)
(ip, tcpPort, udpPort) = setupNat(conf)
address = Address(ip: ip,
tcpPort: tcpPort,
udpPort: udpPort)
# TODO there are more networking options to add here: local bind ip, ipv6
# etc.
return newEthereumNode(keys, address, 0,
nil, clientId)
proc saveConnectionAddressFile*(node: Eth2Node, filename: string) =
writeFile(filename, $node.listeningAddress)
proc init*(T: type BootstrapAddr, str: string): T =
func peersCount*(node: Eth2Node): int =
libp2p/daemon/daemonapi, eth/async_utils,
when networkBackend == libp2pSpecBackend:
import libp2p_spec_backend
export libp2p_spec_backend
BreachOfProtocol* = FaultOrError
netBackendName* = "libp2p_spec"
import libp2p_backend
export libp2p_backend
netBackendName* = "libp2p_native"
BootstrapAddr* = PeerInfo
Eth2NodeIdentity* = PeerInfo
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: PeerID) {.inline.} =
writer.writeValue value.pretty
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var PeerID) {.inline.} =
value = PeerID.init reader.readValue(string)
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: MultiAddress) {.inline.} =
writer.writeValue $value
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var MultiAddress) {.inline.} =
value = MultiAddress.init reader.readValue(string)
proc init*(T: type BootstrapAddr, str: string): T =
Json.decode(str, PeerInfo)
proc createEth2Node*(conf: BeaconNodeConf): Future[Eth2Node] {.async.} =
var node = new Eth2Node
await node.init()
return node
proc getPersistentNetIdentity*(conf: BeaconNodeConf): Eth2NodeIdentity =
# Using waitFor here is reasonable, because this proc is needed only
# prior to connecting to the network. The RLPx alternative reads from
# file and it's much easier to use if it's not async.
# TODO: revisit in the future when we have our own Lib2P2 implementation.
let daemon = waitFor newDaemonApi()
result = waitFor daemon.identity()
waitFor daemon.close()
proc getPersistenBootstrapAddr*(conf: BeaconNodeConf,
ip: IpAddress, port: Port): BootstrapAddr =
# TODO what about the ports?
proc isSameNode*(bootstrapNode: BootstrapAddr, id: Eth2NodeIdentity): bool =
bootstrapNode == id
proc shortForm*(id: Eth2NodeIdentity): string =
# TODO: Make this shorter
proc connectToNetwork*(node: Eth2Node, bootstrapNodes: seq[PeerInfo]) {.async.} =
# TODO: perhaps we should do these in parallel
for bootstrapNode in bootstrapNodes:
await node.daemon.connect(bootstrapNode.peer, bootstrapNode.addresses)
let peer = node.getPeer(bootstrapNode.peer)
await peer.performProtocolHandshakes()
except PeerDisconnected:
error "Failed to connect to bootstrap node", node = bootstrapNode
proc saveConnectionAddressFile*(node: Eth2Node, filename: string) =
let id = waitFor node.daemon.identity()
Json.saveFile(filename, id, pretty = false)
proc loadConnectionAddressFile*(filename: string): PeerInfo =
Json.loadFile(filename, PeerInfo)
func peersCount*(node: Eth2Node): int =
proc makeMessageHandler[MsgType](msgHandler: proc(msg: MsgType)): P2PPubSubCallback =
result = proc(api: DaemonAPI,
ticket: PubsubTicket,
msg: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} =
msgHandler SSZ.decode(, MsgType)
return true
proc subscribe*[MsgType](node: Eth2Node,
topic: string,
msgHandler: proc(msg: MsgType)) {.async.} =
discard await node.daemon.pubsubSubscribe(topic, makeMessageHandler(msgHandler))
proc broadcast*(node: Eth2Node, topic: string, msg: auto) =
traceAsyncErrors node.daemon.pubsubPublish(topic, SSZ.encode(msg))
# At the moment, this is just a compatiblity shim for the existing RLPx functionality.
# The filtering is not implemented properly yet.
iterator randomPeers*(node: Eth2Node, maxPeers: int, Protocol: type): Peer =
var peers = newSeq[Peer]()
for _, peer in pairs(node.peers): peers.add peer
shuffle peers
if peers.len > maxPeers: peers.setLen(maxPeers)
for p in peers: yield p