Mamy Ratsimbazafy 3276dfc683
Consolidate modules by areas [part 1] (#2365)
* Move sync in subfolder

* move validator related thingies in validators

* fix binary builds

* update bounds comment [skip ci]
2021-03-02 11:27:45 +01:00

1144 lines
36 KiB
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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Standard library
std/[tables, os],
# Status
eth/db/[kvstore, kvstore_sqlite3],
nimcrypto/[hash, utils],
# Internal
../spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto],
# Requirements
# --------------------------------------------
# Overview of slashing and how it ties in with the rest of Eth2.0
# Phase 0 for humans - Validator responsibilities:
# -
# Phase 0 spec - Honest Validator - how to avoid slashing
# -
# In-depth reading on slashing conditions
# - Detecting slashing conditions
# - Open issue on writing a slashing detector
# - Casper the Friendly Finality Gadget, Vitalik Buterin and Virgil Griffith
# Figure 2
# An individual validator ν MUST NOT publish two distinct votes,
# 〈ν,s1,t1,h(s1),h(t1) AND〈ν,s2,t2,h(s2),h(t2)〉,
# such that either:
# I. h(t1) = h(t2).
# Equivalently, a validator MUST NOT publish two distinct votes for the same target height.
# OR
# II. h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t2) < h(t1).
# Equivalently, a validator MUST NOT vote within the span of its other votes.
# - Vitalik's annotated spec:
# 1. A proposer can get slashed for signing two distinct headers at the same slot.
# 2. An attester can get slashed for signing
# two attestations that together violate
# the Casper FFG slashing conditions.
# -
# The "source" is the current_justified_epoch
# The "target" is the current_epoch
# Reading on weak subjectivity
# -
# -
# -
# Reading of interop serialization format
# - Import/export format:
# - Tests:
# Relaxation for Nimbus
# We are not building a slashing detector but only protecting
# attached validator from slashing, hence we make the following assumptions
# 1. We only need to store specific validators signed blocks and attestations
# 2. We assume that our node is synced past
# the last finalized epoch
# hence we only need to keep track of blocks and attestations
# since the last finalized epoch and we don't need to care
# about the weak subjectivity period.
# i.e. if `Node.isSynced()` returns false
# a node skips its validator duties and doesn't invoke slashing protection.
# and `isSynced` syncs at least up to the blockchain last finalized epoch.
# Hence the database or key-value store should support
# Queries
# 1. db.signedBlockExistsFor(validator, slot) -> bool
# 2. db.attestationExistsFor(validator, target_epoch) -> bool
# 3. db.attestationSurrounds(validator, source_epoch, target_epoch)
# Update
# 1. db.registerBlock(validator, slot, block_root)
# 2. db.registerAttestation(validator, source_epoch, target_epoch, attestation_root)
# Maintenance
# 1. db.prune(finalized_epoch)
# Interop
# 1. db.import(json)
# 2. db.export(json)
# 3. db.export(json, validator)
# 4. db.export(json, seq[validator])
# Technical Discussion
# --------------------------------------------
# TODO: Merge with BeaconChainDB?
# -
# Reasons for merging
# - Single database
# Reasons for not merging
# - BeaconChainDB is about the beacon node itself
# while slashing protection is about validators
# - BeaconChainDB is append-only
# while slashing protection will be pruned
# at each finalization.
# Hence we might want different backend in the future
# - In a VC/BN split configuration the slashing protection
# may be better attached to the VC. (VC: Validator Client, BN: Beacon Node)
# - The slashing protection DB only held cryptographic hashes
# and epoch/slot integers which are uncompressible
# while BeaconChainDB is snappy-compressed.
# TODO: if we enshrine the split we likely want to use
# a relational DB instead of KV-Store,
# for efficient pruning and range queries support
# DB primitives
# --------------------------------------------
# Implementation
# As mentioned in the technical discussion
# we currently use a simple KV-store abstraction
# with no range queries or iterators.
# To support our requirements
# we store block proposals and attestations
# as per-validator linked lists
SlashingProtectionDB_v1* = ref object
## Database storing the blocks attested
## by validators attached to a beacon node
## or validator client.
backend: KvStoreRef
SlotDesc = object
# Using tuple instead of objects, crashes the Nim compiler
# with SSZ serialization
# Making this generic as well
start, stop: Slot
isInit: bool
EpochDesc = object
start, stop: Epoch
isInit: bool
KeysEpochs = object
## Per-validator linked lists start/stop
blockSlots: SlotDesc
sourceEpochs: EpochDesc
targetEpochs: EpochDesc
SlashingKeyKind = enum
# Note: source epochs are not unique
# and so cannot be used to build a key
# Interchange format
BlockNode = object
prev, next: Slot
# TODO distinct type for block root vs all other ETH2Digest
block_root: Eth2Digest
TargetEpochNode = object
prev, next: Epoch
# TODO distinct type for attestation root vs all other ETH2Digest
attestation_root: Eth2Digest
source: Epoch
ValID = array[RawPubKeySize, byte]
## This is the serialized byte representation
## of a Validator Public Key.
## Portable between Miracl/BLST
## and limits serialization/deserialization call
# Internal
# -------------------------------------------------------------
{.push raises: [Defect].}
topics = "antislash"
func subkey(
kind: static SlashingKeyKind,
validator: ValID,
slot: Slot
): array[RawPubKeySize+8, byte] =
static: doAssert kind == kBlock
# Big endian to get a naturally ascending order on slots in sorted indices
result[0..<8] = toBytesBE(slot.uint64)
# .. but 7 bytes should be enough for slots - in return, we get a nicely
# rounded key length
result[0] = byte ord(kBlock)
result[8..<56] = validator
func subkey(
kind: static SlashingKeyKind,
validator: ValID,
epoch: Epoch
): array[RawPubKeySize+8, byte] =
static: doAssert kind == kTargetEpoch, "Got invalid kind " & $kind
# Big endian to get a naturally ascending order on slots in sorted indices
result[0..<8] = toBytesBE(epoch.uint64)
# .. but 7 bytes should be enough for slots - in return, we get a nicely
# rounded key length
result[0] = byte ord(kind)
result[8..<56] = validator
func subkey(
kind: static SlashingKeyKind,
validator: ValID
): array[RawPubKeySize+1, byte] =
static: doAssert kind == kLinkedListMeta
result[0] = byte ord(kLinkedListMeta)
result[1 .. ^1] = validator
func subkey(kind: static SlashingKeyKind): array[1, byte] =
static: doAssert kind in {kNumValidators, kGenesisValidatorsRoot}
result[0] = byte ord(kind)
func subkey(kind: static SlashingKeyKind, valIndex: uint32): array[5, byte] =
static: doAssert kind == kValidator
# Big endian to get a naturally ascending order on slots in sorted indices
result[1..<5] = toBytesBE(valIndex)
result[0] = byte ord(kind)
proc put(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1, key: openArray[byte], v: auto) =
).expect("working database")
proc rawGet(rawdb: KvStoreRef,
key: openArray[byte],
T: typedesc): Opt[T] =
const ExpectedNodeSszSize = block:
when T is BlockNode:
2*sizeof(Epoch) + sizeof(Eth2Digest)
elif T is TargetEpochNode:
2*sizeof(Epoch) + sizeof(Eth2Digest) + sizeof(Epoch)
elif T is KeysEpochs:
2*sizeof(Slot) + 4*sizeof(Epoch) + 3*sizeof(bool)
elif T is Eth2Digest:
elif T is uint32:
elif T is ValidatorPubKey:
elif T is PubKeyBytes:
{.error: "Invalid database node type: " & $T.}
## SSZ serialization is packed
## However in-memory, BlockNode, TargetEpochNode
## might be bigger due to alignment/compiler padding
var res: Opt[T]
proc decode(data: openArray[byte]) =
# We are capturing "result" and "T" from outer scope
# And allocating on the heap which are not ideal
# from a safety and performance point of view.
if data.len == ExpectedNodeSszSize:
when T is ValidatorPubKey:
# symbol resolution bug
# SSZ.decode doesn't see "fromSSZBytes"
res.ok ValidatorPubKey.fromSszBytes(data)
res.ok SSZ.decode(data, T) # captures from `get` scope
# If the data can't be deserialized, it could be because it's from a
# version of the software that uses a different SSZ encoding
warn "Unable to deserialize data, old database?",
typ = $T,
dataLen = data.len,
expectedSize = ExpectedNodeSszSize
except SerializationError:
# If the data can't be deserialized, it could be because it's from a
# version of the software that uses a different SSZ encoding
warn "Unable to deserialize data, old database?",
typ = $T,
dataLen = data.len,
expectedSize = ExpectedNodeSszSize
discard rawdb.get(key, decode).expect("working database")
proc get(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
key: openArray[byte],
T: typedesc): Opt[T] =
db.backend.rawGet(key, T)
proc setGenesis(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest) =
# Workaround SSZ / nim-serialization visibility issue
# "template WriterType(T: type SSZ): type"
# by having a non-generic proc
# DB Multiversioning
# -------------------------------------------------------------
func version*(_: type SlashingProtectionDB_v1): static int =
proc getMetadataTable_DbV1*(rawdb: KvStoreRef): Option[Eth2Digest] =
## Check if the DB has v2 metadata
## and get its genesis root
if rawdb.contains(
return some(
return none(Eth2Digest)
proc checkOrPutGenesis_DbV1*(rawdb: KvStoreRef, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest): bool =
if rawdb.contains(
return genesis_validators_root == rawdb.rawGet(
).expect("working database")
return true
proc fromRawDB*(dst: var SlashingProtectionDB_v1, rawdb: KvStoreRef) =
## Initialize a SlashingProtectionDB_v1 from a raw DB
## For first instantiation, do not forget to call setGenesis
doAssert rawdb.contains(
).get(), "The Slashing DB is missing genesis information"
dst = SlashingProtectionDB_v1(backend: rawdb)
# Resource Management
# -------------------------------------------------------------
proc init*(
T: type SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest,
basePath, dbname: string): T =
result = T(backend: kvStore SqStoreRef.init(basePath, dbname).get())
if not result.backend.checkOrPutGenesis_DbV1(genesis_validators_root):
fatal "The slashing database refers to another chain/mainnet/testnet",
path = basePath/dbname,
genesis_validators_root = genesis_validators_root
proc loadUnchecked*(
T: type SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
basePath, dbname: string, readOnly: bool
): SlashingProtectionDB_v1 {.raises:[Defect, IOError].}=
## Load a slashing protection DB
## Note: This is for conversion usage
## this doesn't check the genesis validator root
let path = basepath/dbname&".sqlite3"
let alreadyExists = fileExists(path)
if not alreadyExists:
raise newException(IOError, "DB '" & path & "' does not exist.")
let backend = kvStore SqStoreRef.init(basePath, dbname, readOnly = false).get()
doAssert backend.contains(
).get(), "The Slashing DB is missing genesis information"
result = T(backend: backend)
proc close*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1) =
discard db.backend.close()
# DB Queries
# --------------------------------------------
proc checkSlashableBlockProposal*(
db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
validator: ValidatorPubKey,
slot: Slot
): Result[void, BadProposal] =
## Returns an error if the specified validator
## already proposed a block for the specified slot.
## This would lead to slashing.
## The error contains the blockroot that was already proposed
## Returns success otherwise
# TODO distinct type for the result block root
let valID = validator.toRaw()
let foundBlock = db.get(
subkey(kBlock, valID, slot),
if foundBlock.isNone():
return ok()
return err(BadProposal(
kind: DoubleProposal,
existing_block: foundBlock.unsafeGet().block_root
proc checkSlashableAttestation*(
db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
validator: ValidatorPubKey,
source: Epoch,
target: Epoch
): Result[void, BadVote] =
## Returns an error if the specified validator
## already voted for the specified slot
## or would vote in a contradiction to previous votes
## (surrounding vote or surrounded vote).
## Returns success otherwise
# TODO distinct type for the result attestation root
let valID = validator.toRaw()
# Sanity
# ---------------------------------
if source > target:
return err(BadVote(kind: TargetPrecedesSource))
# Casper FFG 1st slashing condition
# Detect h(t1) = h(t2)
# ---------------------------------
let foundAttestation = db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, target),
if foundAttestation.isSome():
# Logged by caller
return err(BadVote(
kind: DoubleVote,
existingAttestation: foundAttestation.unsafeGet().attestation_root
# TODO: we hack KV-store range queries
# ---------------------------------
let maybeLL = db.get(
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
if maybeLL.isNone:
info "No slashing protection data - first attestation?",
validator = validator,
attSource = source,
attTarget = target
return ok()
let ll = maybeLL.unsafeGet()
if not ll.targetEpochs.isInit:
info "No attestation slashing protection data - first attestation?",
validator = validator,
attSource = source,
attTarget = target
return ok()
# Chain reorg
# Detect h(s2) < h(s1)
# If the candidate attestation source precedes
# source(s) we have in the SlashingProtectionDB_v1
# we have a chain reorg
# ---------------------------------
if source < ll.sourceEpochs.stop:
warn "Detected a chain reorg",
earliestJustifiedEpoch = ll.sourceEpochs.start,
oldestJustifiedEpoch = ll.sourceEpochs.stop,
reorgJustifiedEpoch = source,
monitoredValidator = validator
# Casper FFG 2nd slashing condition
# -> Surrounded vote
# Detect h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t2) < h(t1)
# ---------------------------------
# Casper FFG 2nd slashing condition
# -> Surrounding vote
# Detect h(s2) < h(s1) < h(t1) < h(t2)
# ---------------------------------
template s2: untyped = source
template t2: untyped = target
# We start from the final target epoch
var t1: Epoch
var t1Node: TargetEpochNode
t1 = ll.targetEpochs.stop
t1Node = db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, t1),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
template s1: untyped = t1Node.source
template ar1: untyped = t1Node.attestation_root
# TODO: optimize so we don't scan the whole linked list
while true:
if s2 < s1 and s1 < t1 and t1 < t2:
# s2 < s1 < t1 < t2
# Logged by caller
return err(BadVote(
kind: SurroundingVote,
existingAttestationRoot: ar1,
sourceExisting: s1,
targetExisting: t1,
sourceSlashable: s2,
targetSlashable: t2
elif s1 < s2 and s2 < t2 and t2 < t1:
# s1 < s2 < t2 < t1
# Logged by caller
return err(BadVote(
kind: SurroundedVote,
existingAttestationRoot: ar1,
sourceExisting: s1,
targetExisting: t1,
sourceSlashable: s2,
targetSlashable: t2
# Next iteration
if t1Node.prev == default(Epoch) or
t1Node.prev == ll.targetEpochs.stop:
return ok()
t1 = t1Node.prev
t1Node = db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, t1Node.prev),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
doAssert false, "Unreachable"
# DB update
# --------------------------------------------
proc registerValidator(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1, validator: ValidatorPubKey) =
## Add a new validator to the database
## Assumes the validator does not exist
let maybeNumVals = db.get(
var valIndex = 0'u32
if maybeNumVals.isNone():
db.put(subkey(kNumValidators), 1'u32)
valIndex = maybeNumVals.unsafeGet()
db.put(subkey(kNumValidators), valIndex + 1)
db.put(subkey(kValidator, valIndex), validator)
proc registerBlock*(
db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
validator: ValidatorPubKey,
slot: Slot, block_root: Eth2Digest) =
## Add a block to the slashing protection DB
## `checkSlashableBlockProposal` MUST be run
## before to ensure no overwrite.
let valID = validator.toRaw()
# We want to keep the linked-list ordered
# to ease pruning.
# TODO: DB instead of KV-store,
# at the very least we should isolate that logic
let maybeLL = db.get(
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
if maybeLL.isNone:
info "No slashing protection data - initiating block tracking for validator",
validator = validator
let node = BlockNode(
block_root: block_root
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, slot), node)
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
blockSlots: SlotDesc(start: slot, stop: slot, isInit: true),
# targetEpochs.isInit will be false
var ll = maybeLL.unsafeGet()
var cur = ll.blockSlots.stop
if not ll.blockSlots.isInit:
let node = BlockNode(
block_root: block_root
ll.blockSlots = SlotDesc(start: slot, stop: slot, isInit: true)
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, slot), node)
# TODO: what if crash here?
db.put(subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID), ll)
if cur < slot:
# Adding a block later than all known blocks
let node = BlockNode(
prev: cur,
block_root: block_root
var prevNode = db.get(
subkey(kBlock, valID, cur),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
).unsafeGet() = slot
ll.blockSlots.stop = slot
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, slot), node)
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, cur), prevNode)
# TODO: what if crash here?
db.put(subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID), ll)
# TODO: we likely want a proper DB or better KV-store high-level API
# in the future.
while true:
var curNode = db.get(
subkey(kBlock, valID, cur),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
if curNode.prev == ll.blockSlots.start:
# Reached the beginning
# Change: Metadata.start <-> cur
# to: Metadata.start <-> new <-> cur
# This should happen only if registerBlock
# is called out-of-order
warn "Validator proposal in the past - out-of-order antislash registration?",
validator = validator,
slot = slot,
blockroot = blockroot,
earliestBlockProposalSlotInDB = ll.blockSlots.start,
latestBlockProposalSlotInDB = ll.blockSlots.stop
var node = BlockNode(
prev: ll.blockSlots.start,
next: cur,
block_root: block_root
ll.blockSlots.start = slot
curNode.prev = slot
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, slot), node)
# TODO: what if crash here?
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, cur), curNode)
db.put(subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID), ll)
elif slot > curNode.prev:
# Reached: prev < slot < cur
# Change: prev <-> cur
# to: prev <-> new <-> cur
let prev = curNode.prev
var node = BlockNode(
prev: prev, next: cur,
block_root: block_root
var prevNode = db.get(
subkey(kBlock, valID, prev),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
).unsafeGet() = slot
curNode.prev = slot
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, slot), node)
# TODO: what if crash here?
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, cur), curNode)
db.put(subkey(kBlock, valID, prev), prevNode)
# Previous
cur = curNode.prev
curNode = db.get(
subkey(kBlock, valID, cur),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
proc registerAttestation*(
db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
validator: ValidatorPubKey,
source, target: Epoch,
attestation_root: Eth2Digest) =
## Add an attestation to the slashing protection DB
## `checkSlashableAttestation` MUST be run
## before to ensure no overwrite.
let valID = validator.toRaw()
# We want to keep the linked-list ordered
# to ease pruning.
# TODO: DB instead of KV-store,
# at the very least we should isolate that logic
let maybeLL = db.get(
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
if maybeLL.isNone:
info "No slashing protection data - initiating attestation tracking for validator",
validator = validator
let node = TargetEpochNode(
source: source,
attestation_root: attestation_root
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, target), node)
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
# blockSlots.isInit will be false
sourceEpochs: EpochDesc(start: source, stop: source, isInit: true),
targetEpochs: EpochDesc(start: target, stop: target, isInit: true)
var ll = maybeLL.unsafeGet()
var cur = ll.targetEpochs.stop
if not ll.targetEpochs.isInit:
let node = TargetEpochNode(
attestation_root: attestation_root,
source: source
ll.targetEpochs = EpochDesc(start: target, stop: target, isInit: true)
ll.sourceEpochs = EpochDesc(start: source, stop: source, isInit: true)
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, target), node)
# TODO: what if crash here?
db.put(subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID), ll)
block: # Update source epoch
if ll.sourceEpochs.stop < source:
ll.sourceEpochs.stop = source
if source < ll.sourceEpochs.start:
ll.sourceEpochs.start = source
if cur < target:
# Adding an attestation later than all known blocks
let node = TargetEpochNode(
prev: cur,
source: source,
attestation_root: attestation_root
var prevNode = db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, cur),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
).unsafeGet() = target
ll.targetEpochs.stop = target
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, target), node)
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, cur), prevNode)
# TODO: what if crash here?
db.put(subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID), ll)
# TODO: we likely want a proper DB or better KV-store high-level API
# in the future.
while true:
var curNode = db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, cur),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
if curNode.prev == ll.targetEpochs.start:
# Reached the beginning
# Change: Metadata.start <-> cur
# to: Metadata.start <-> new <-> cur
# This should happen only if registerAttestation
# is called out-of-order or if the validator
# changes its vote for an earlier fork than its latest vote
warn "Validator vote targeting the past - out-of-order antislash registration or chain reorg?",
validator = validator,
source_epoch = source,
target_epoch = target,
attestation_root = attestation_root
var node = TargetEpochNode(
prev: ll.targetEpochs.start,
next: cur,
source: source,
attestation_root: attestation_root
ll.targetEpochs.start = target
curNode.prev = target
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, target), node)
# TODO: what if crash here?
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, cur), curNode)
db.put(subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID), ll)
elif target > curNode.prev:
# Reached: prev < target < cur
# Change: prev <-> cur
# to: prev <-> new <-> cur
let prev = curNode.prev
var node = TargetEpochNode(
prev: prev, next: cur,
source: source,
attestation_root: attestation_root
var prevNode = db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, prev),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
).unsafeGet() = target
curNode.prev = target
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, target), node)
# TODO: what if crash here?
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, cur), curNode)
db.put(subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, prev), prevNode)
# Previous
cur = curNode.prev
curNode = db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, cur),
# bug in Nim results, ".e" field inaccessible
# ).expect("Consistent linked-list in DB")
# Debug tools
# --------------------------------------------
proc dumpBlocks*(
db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
validator: ValidatorPubKey
): string =
## Dump the linked list of blocks proposd by a validator in a string
var blocks: seq[BlockNode]
let valID = validator.toRaw
let maybeLL = db.get(
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
if maybeLL.isNone:
return "No blocks in slashing protection DB for validator " & $validator
let ll = maybeLL.unsafeGet()
doAssert ll.blockSlots.isInit
var cur = ll.blockSlots.stop
while cur != ll.blockSlots.start:
blocks.add db.get(
subkey(kBlock, valID, cur),
cur = blocks[^1].prev
blocks.add db.get(
subkey(kBlock, valID, ll.blockSlots.start),
return $blocks
proc dumpAttestations*(
db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
validator: ValidatorPubKey
): string =
## Dump the linked list of blocks proposd by a validator in a string
var attestations: seq[TargetEpochNode]
let valID = validator.toRaw
let maybeLL = db.get(
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
if maybeLL.isNone:
return "No blocks in slashing protection DB for validator " & $validator
let ll = maybeLL.unsafeGet()
doAssert ll.targetEpochs.isInit
var cur = ll.targetEpochs.stop
while cur != ll.targetEpochs.start:
attestations.add db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, cur),
cur = attestations[^1].prev
attestations.add db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, ll.targetEpochs.start),
return $attestations
# DB maintenance
# --------------------------------------------
proc pruneBlocks*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1, validator: ValidatorPubkey, newMinSlot: Slot) =
## Prune all blocks from a validator before the specified newMinSlot
## This is intended for interchange import to ensure
## that in case of a gap, we don't allow signing in that gap.
## Note: the Database v1 does not support pruning.
warn "Slashing DB pruning is not supported on the v1 of our database. Request ignored.",
validator = shortLog(validator),
newMinSlot = shortLog(newMinSlot)
proc pruneAttestations*(
db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
validator: ValidatorPubkey,
newMinSourceEpoch: Epoch,
newMinTargetEpoch: Epoch) =
## Prune all blocks from a validator before the specified newMinSlot
## This is intended for interchange import.
## Note: the Database v1 does not support pruning.
warn "Slashing DB pruning is not supported on the v1 of our database. Request ignored.",
validator = shortLog(validator),
newMinSourceEpoch = shortLog(newMinSourceEpoch),
newMinTargetEpoch = shortLog(newMinTargetEpoch)
proc pruneAfterFinalization*(
db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1,
finalizedEpoch: Epoch
) =
warn "Slashing DB pruning is not supported on the v1 of our database. Request ignored.",
finalizedEpoch = shortLog(finalizedEpoch)
# Interchange
# --------------------------------------------
proc toSPDIR_lowWatermark*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1): SPDIR
{.raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
## Export only the low watermark metadata
## to the Nimbus Slashing Protection Database Intermediate Representation
## The full history is lost.
result.metadata.interchange_format_version = "5"
result.metadata.genesis_validators_root = Eth2Digest0x db.get(
subkey(kGenesisValidatorsRoot), ETH2Digest
# Bug in results.nim
# ).expect("Slashing Protection requires genesis_validators_root at init")
let numValidators = db.get(
).get(otherwise = 0'u32)
for i in 0'u32 ..< numValidators:
var validator: SPDIR_Validator
validator.pubkey = PubKey0x db.get(
subkey(kValidator, i),
template valID: untyped = PubKeyBytes validator.pubkey
let ll = db.get(
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
# Create a fake block with the highest slot seen
# to prevent all signing from lower slots
if ll.blockSlots.isInit:
validator.signed_blocks.add SPDIR_SignedBlock(
slot: SlotString ll.blockSlots.stop
# signing_root - empty
# Create a fake attestation with the highest epochs seen
# to prevent all signing from lower epochs.
# In reality, the max source epoch and max target epochs
# may be from different attestations.
if ll.targetEpochs.isInit:
validator.signed_attestations.add SPDIR_SignedAttestation(
source_epoch: EpochString ll.sourceEpochs.stop,
target_epoch: EpochString ll.targetEpochs.stop,
# Update extract without reallocating seqs
# by manually transferring ownership + 1)
shallowCopy([^1], validator)
proc toSPDIR*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1): SPDIR
{.raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
## Export the full slashing protection database
## to the Nimbus Slashing Protection Database Intermediate Representation
## Note: this is slow due to how we implement range queries in a KV-store
result.metadata.interchange_format_version = "5"
result.metadata.genesis_validators_root = Eth2Digest0x db.get(
subkey(kGenesisValidatorsRoot), ETH2Digest
# Bug in results.nim
# ).expect("Slashing Protection requires genesis_validators_root at init")
let numValidators = db.get(
).get(otherwise = 0'u32)
for i in 0'u32 ..< numValidators:
var validator: SPDIR_Validator
validator.pubkey = PubKey0x db.get(
subkey(kValidator, i),
template valID: untyped = PubKeyBytes validator.pubkey
let ll = db.get(
subkey(kLinkedListMeta, valID),
if ll.blockSlots.isInit:
var curSlot = ll.blockSlots.start
while true:
let node = db.get(
subkey(kBlock, valID, curSlot),
validator.signed_blocks.add SPDIR_SignedBlock(
slot: SlotString curSlot,
signing_root: Eth2Digest0x node.block_root
if curSlot == ll.blockSlots.stop:
curSlot =
if ll.targetEpochs.isInit:
var curEpoch = ll.targetEpochs.start
while true:
let node = db.get(
subkey(kTargetEpoch, valID, curEpoch),
validator.signed_attestations.add SPDIR_SignedAttestation(
source_epoch: EpochString node.source,
target_epoch: EpochString curEpoch,
signing_root: Eth2Digest0x node.attestation_root
if curEpoch == ll.targetEpochs.stop:
curEpoch =
# Update extract without reallocating seqs
# by manually transferring ownership + 1)
shallowCopy([^1], validator)
proc inclSPDIR*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v1, spdir: SPDIR): SlashingImportStatus
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
## Import a Slashing Protection Database Intermediate Representation
## file into the specified slashing protection DB
## The database must be initialized.
## The genesis_validators_root must match or
## the DB must have a zero root
doAssert not db.isNil, "The Slashing Protection DB must be initialized."
doAssert not db.backend.isNil, "The Slashing Protection DB must be initialized."
let dbGenValRoot = db.get(
subkey(kGenesisValidatorsRoot), ETH2Digest
if dbGenValRoot != default(Eth2Digest) and
dbGenValRoot != spdir.metadata.genesis_validators_root.Eth2Digest:
error "The slashing protection database and imported file refer to different blockchains.",
DB_genesis_validators_root = dbGenValRoot,
Imported_genesis_validators_root = spdir.metadata.genesis_validators_root.Eth2Digest
return siFailure
if dbGenValRoot == default(Eth2Digest):
# Create a mutable copy for sorting
var spdir = spdir
return db.importInterchangeV5Impl(spdir)
# Sanity check
# --------------------------------------------------------------
static: doAssert SlashingProtectionDB_v1 is SlashingProtectionDB_Concept