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synced 2025-03-04 08:00:59 +00:00
1144 lines
39 KiB
1144 lines
39 KiB
# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
std/[tables, sequtils, json, times, streams, os, strutils, options, typetraits],
confutils, chronicles, json_serialization
from stew/io2 import IoErrorCode
StartUpCommand* {.pure.} = enum
pubsub, asl, asr, aggasr, scmsr, csr, lat, traceAll, localSimChecks
LogTraceConf* = object
logFiles* {.
desc: "Specifies one or more log files",
abbr: "f",
name: "log-file" .}: seq[string]
simDir* {.
desc: "Specifies path to eth2_network_simulation directory",
defaultValue: "",
name: "sim-dir" .}: string
netDir* {.
desc: "Specifies path to network build directory",
defaultValue: "",
name: "net-dir" .}: string
logDir* {.
desc: "Specifies path with bunch of logs",
defaultValue: "",
name: "log-dir" .}: string
ignoreSerializationErrors* {.
desc: "Ignore serialization errors while parsing log files",
defaultValue: true,
name: "ignore-errors" .}: bool
dumpSerializationErrors* {.
desc: "Dump full serialization errors while parsing log files",
defaultValue: false ,
name: "dump-errors" .}: bool
nodes* {.
desc: "Specifies node names which logs will be used",
name: "nodes" .}: seq[string]
allowedLag* {.
desc: "Allowed latency lag multiplier",
defaultValue: 2.0,
name: "lag" .}: float
constPreset* {.
desc: "The const preset being used"
defaultValue: "mainnet"
name: "const-preset" .}: string
case cmd* {.command.}: StartUpCommand
of pubsub:
of asl:
of asr:
of aggasr:
of scmsr:
of csr:
of lat:
of traceAll:
of localSimChecks:
IssuesGroup = ref object
name: string
fatalIssues: seq[string]
warnings: seq[string]
FileReport = object
categories: seq[IssuesGroup]
LogVisitor = object
visitLine: proc(msg, fullLine: string) {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
produceReport: proc(): FileReport {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
LogVisitorFactory = proc(): LogVisitor {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
LogTracer = object
enabledVisitors: seq[LogVisitorFactory]
GossipDirection = enum
None, Incoming, Outgoing
NodeDirectory = object
name: string
path: string
logs: seq[string]
LogMessage = object of RootObj
level {.serializedFieldName: "lvl" .}: string
timestamp {.serializedFieldName: "ts" .}: DateTime
msg: string
topics: string
tid: int
SlotStartMessage = object of LogMessage
beaconTime: uint64
finalizedEpoch: uint64
finalizedRoot: string
finalizedSlot: uint64
headEpoch: uint64
headRoot: string
headSlot: uint64
lastSlot: uint64
peers: uint64
scheduledSlot: uint64
AttestationDataObject = object
slot: uint64
index: uint64
beaconBlockRoot {.serializedFieldName: "beacon_block_root".}: string
sourceEpoch {.serializedFieldName: "source_epoch".}: uint64
sourceRoot {.serializedFieldName: "source_root".}: string
targetEpoch {.serializedFieldName: "target_epoch".}: uint64
targetRoot {.serializedFieldName: "target_root".}: string
AttestationObject = object
aggregationBits {.serializedFieldName: "aggregation_bits".}: string
data: AttestationDataObject
signature: string
AttestationSentMessage = object of LogMessage
attestation: AttestationObject
AttestationReceivedMessage = object of LogMessage
attestation: AttestationObject
head: string
wallSlot: uint64
pcs: string
AggregatedAttestationSentMessage = object of LogMessage
attestation: AttestationObject
signature: string
AggregatedAttestationReceivedMessage = object of LogMessage
aggregate: AttestationObject
wallSlot: uint64
signature: string
BlockSentMessage = object
# The message structure is as follows:
"lvl": "NTC",
"ts": "2022-11-21 23:02:37.032+02:00",
"msg": "Block sent",
"topics": "beacval",
"blockRoot": "7a0836e4",
"blck": {
"slot": 15,
"proposer_index": 96,
"parent_root": "487372dc",
"state_root": "06699625",
"eth1data": {
"deposit_root": "6c3ff67871b79b7aecc7a125e7ec9ff857879a1c83e50513be113103acf8ca3f",
"deposit_count": 1024,
"block_hash": "4242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242"
"graffiti": "Nimbus/v22.10.1-eb6615-stateofus",
"proposer_slashings_len": 0,
"attester_slashings_len": 0,
"attestations_len": 4,
"deposits_len": 0,
"voluntary_exits_len": 0,
"sync_committee_participants": 32,
"block_number": 0,
"fee_recipient": "",
"bls_to_execution_changes_len": 0,
"blob_kzg_commitments_len": 0
"signature": "b544f144",
"delay": "32ms3us"
# So far, logtrace needs only a single property of the block object.
# Feel free to add additional fields to be parsed as necessary.
blck: BlockShortLog
BlockShortLog = object
sync_committee_participants: int
SyncCommitteeMessageObject = object
slot: uint64
beaconBlockRoot {.serializedFieldName: "beacon_block_root".}: string
validatorIndex {.serializedFieldName: "validator_index".}: uint64
signature: string
ContributionObject = object
slot: uint64
beaconBlockRoot {.serializedFieldName: "beacon_block_root".}: string
subcommittee_index: uint64
aggregationBits {.serializedFieldName: "aggregation_bits".}: string
ContributionSentObject = object
contribution: ContributionObject
aggregatorIndex {.serializedFieldName: "aggregator_index".}: uint64
signature: string
SCMSentMessage = object of LogMessage
message: SyncCommitteeMessageObject
SCMReceivedMessage = object of LogMessage
wallSlot: uint64
syncCommitteeMsg: SyncCommitteeMessageObject
subcommitteeIdx: uint64
ContributionSentMessage = object of LogMessage
contribution: ContributionSentObject
ContributionReceivedMessage = object of LogMessage
contribution: ContributionObject
wallSlot: uint64
aggregatorIndex {.serializedFieldName: "aggregator_index".}: uint64
signature: string
selectionProof {.serializedFieldName: "selection_proof".}: string
GossipMessage = object
kind: GossipDirection
id: string
datetime: DateTime
processed: bool
SMessageType {.pure.} = enum
AttestationSent, SCMSent, SlotStart
SlotMessage = object
case kind: SMessageType
of SMessageType.AttestationSent:
asmsg: AttestationSentMessage
of SMessageType.SCMSent:
scmsmsg: SCMSentMessage
of SMessageType.SlotStart:
ssmsg: SlotStartMessage
# SlotMessage = object
# case kind: SMessageType
# of SMessageType.SCMSent:
# scmsmsg: SCMSentMessage
# of SMessageType.SlotStart:
# ssmsg: SlotStartMessage
SRANode = object
directory: NodeDirectory
sends: seq[AttestationSentMessage]
recvs: TableRef[string, AttestationReceivedMessage]
aggSends: seq[AggregatedAttestationSentMessage]
aggRecvs: TableRef[string, AggregatedAttestationReceivedMessage]
SRSCNode = object
directory: NodeDirectory
sends: seq[SCMSentMessage]
recvs: TableRef[string, SCMReceivedMessage]
contributionSends: seq[ContributionSentMessage]
contributionRecvs: TableRef[string, ContributionReceivedMessage]
template noIssues: FileReport =
template hasIssues(issuesCategories: varargs[IssuesGroup]): FileReport =
FileReport(categories: @issuesCategories)
proc copyEntriesTo(src: FileReport, dst: var FileReport) =
for c in src.categories:
dst.categories.add c
func isEmpty(r: FileReport): bool =
r.categories.len == 0
proc printCategory(severityLevel: string, issues: openArray[string]) =
if issues.len > 0:
echo ""
echo severityLevel, ":"
for issue in issues:
echo "* ", issue
proc print(r: FileReport) =
for category in r.categories:
echo "### ", category.name
printCategory "Fatal Issues", category.fatalIssues
printCategory "Warnings", category.warnings
echo ""
template fatal(issuesGroup: IssuesGroup, msg: string) =
issuesGroup.fatalIssues.add msg
proc new(T: type IssuesGroup, name: string): T =
T(name: name)
# TODO These definition can be moved to a more widely accessible module.
# It's needed when we compile logtrace itself with JSON logging.
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: DateTime) =
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var DateTime) =
let s = reader.readValue(string)
value = parse(s, "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fffzzz", utc())
except CatchableError:
raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Invalid date time")
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: IoErrorCode) =
writer.writeValue(distinctBase value)
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var IoErrorCode) =
IoErrorCode reader.readValue(distinctBase IoErrorCode)
proc init(t: typedesc[GossipMessage], kind: GossipDirection, id,
datestr: string): GossipMessage =
kind: kind,
id: id,
datetime: parse(datestr, "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fffzzz")
func `$`(msg: GossipMessage): string =
proc readLogFile(file: string): seq[JsonNode] =
var res = newSeq[JsonNode]()
var stream = newFileStream(file)
while not(stream.atEnd()):
var line = stream.readLine()
let node = parseJson(line)
result = res
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error reading JSON data from file", file = file,
errorMsg = exc.msg
proc readLogFileForAttsMessages(file: string,
ignoreErrors = true,
dumpErrors = false): seq[SlotMessage] =
var res = newSeq[SlotMessage]()
var stream = newFileStream(file)
var line: string
var counter = 0
while not(stream.atEnd()):
line = stream.readLine()
var m: LogMessage
m = Json.decode(line, LogMessage, allowUnknownFields = true)
except SerializationError as exc:
if dumpErrors:
error "Serialization error while reading file, ignoring", file = file,
line_number = counter, errorMsg = exc.formatMsg(line)
error "Serialization error while reading file, ignoring", file = file,
line_number = counter
if not(ignoreErrors):
raise exc
if m.msg == "Attestation sent":
let am = Json.decode(line, AttestationSentMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
let m = SlotMessage(kind: SMessageType.AttestationSent,
asmsg: am)
elif m.msg == "Slot start":
let sm = Json.decode(line, SlotStartMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
let m = SlotMessage(kind: SMessageType.SlotStart,
ssmsg: sm)
if counter mod 10_000 == 0:
info "Processing file", file = extractFilename(file),
lines_processed = counter,
lines_filtered = len(res)
result = res
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error reading data from file", file = file, errorMsg = exc.msg
proc readLogFileForASRMessages(file: string, srnode: var SRANode,
ignoreErrors = true, dumpErrors = false) =
var stream = newFileStream(file)
var line: string
var counter = 0
while not(stream.atEnd()):
var m: LogMessage
line = stream.readLine()
m = Json.decode(line, LogMessage, allowUnknownFields = true)
except SerializationError as exc:
if dumpErrors:
error "Serialization error while reading file, ignoring", file = file,
line_number = counter, errorMsg = exc.formatMsg(line)
error "Serialization error while reading file, ignoring", file = file,
line_number = counter
if not(ignoreErrors):
raise exc
if m.msg == "Attestation sent":
let sm = Json.decode(line, AttestationSentMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
elif m.msg == "Attestation received":
let rm = Json.decode(line, AttestationReceivedMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
discard srnode.recvs.hasKeyOrPut(rm.attestation.signature, rm)
elif m.msg == "Aggregate received":
let rm = Json.decode(line, AggregatedAttestationReceivedMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
discard srnode.aggRecvs.hasKeyOrPut(rm.signature, rm)
elif m.msg == "Aggregated attestation sent":
let sm = Json.decode(line, AggregatedAttestationSentMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
if counter mod 10_000 == 0:
info "Processing file", file = extractFilename(file),
lines_processed = counter,
sends_filtered = len(srnode.sends),
recvs_filtered = len(srnode.recvs)
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error reading data from file", file = file, errorMsg = exc.msg
proc readLogFileForSCMSRMessages(file: string, srnode: var SRSCNode,
ignoreErrors = true, dumpErrors = false) =
var stream = newFileStream(file)
var line: string
var counter = 0
while not(stream.atEnd()):
var m: LogMessage
line = stream.readLine()
m = Json.decode(line, LogMessage, allowUnknownFields = true)
except SerializationError as exc:
if dumpErrors:
error "Serialization error while reading file, ignoring", file = file,
line_number = counter, errorMsg = exc.formatMsg(line)
error "Serialization error while reading file, ignoring", file = file,
line_number = counter
if not(ignoreErrors):
raise exc
if m.msg == "Sync committee message sent":
let sm = Json.decode(line, SCMSentMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
elif m.msg == "Sync committee message received":
let rm = Json.decode(line, SCMReceivedMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
discard srnode.recvs.hasKeyOrPut(rm.syncCommitteeMsg.signature, rm)
elif m.msg == "Contribution received":
let rm = Json.decode(line, ContributionReceivedMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
discard srnode.contributionRecvs.hasKeyOrPut(rm.signature, rm)
elif m.msg == "Contribution sent":
let sm = Json.decode(line, ContributionSentMessage,
allowUnknownFields = true)
if counter mod 10_000 == 0:
info "Processing file", file = extractFilename(file),
lines_processed = counter,
sends_filtered = len(srnode.sends),
recvs_filtered = len(srnode.recvs)
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error reading data from file", file = file, errorMsg = exc.msg
proc processFile(tracer: LogTracer, file: string): FileReport =
var stream = newFileStream(file)
let visitors = mapIt(tracer.enabledVisitors, it())
while not (stream.atEnd()):
let line = stream.readLine()
var reader = JsonReader[DefaultFlavor].init(memoryInput(line))
for fieldName in reader.readObjectFields:
if fieldName == "msg":
let msg = reader.readValue(string)
for visitor in visitors:
visitor.visitLine(msg, line)
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error reading data from file", file = file, errorMsg = exc.msg
for vistor in visitors:
let report = vistor.produceReport()
if not report.isEmpty:
report.copyEntriesTo result
proc failedValidationsChecker: LogVisitorFactory =
return proc (): LogVisitor =
var failedValidations = initCountTable[string]()
visitLine: proc (msg, line: string) =
if msg.endsWith("failed validation"):
failedValidations.inc msg
produceReport: proc (): FileReport =
if failedValidations.len > 0:
let issues = IssuesGroup.new "Failed Validations"
for msg, count in failedValidations:
issues.fatal(msg & " " & $count & " times")
return hasIssues(issues)
return noIssues()
proc syncAggregateChecker(constPreset: string): LogVisitorFactory =
return proc (): LogVisitor =
var totalBlocks = 0
var minSyncAggregate = 512
var syncAggregatesCombinedSize = 0
let minExpectedAggregateSize = if constPreset == "mainnet":
visitLine: proc (msgLabel, line: string) =
if msgLabel == "Block sent":
let msg = try:
Json.decode(line, BlockSentMessage, allowUnknownFields = true)
except SerializationError as err:
echo "Failure to parse a 'Block sent' message:"
echo err.formatMsg("<msg>")
quit 1
let syncAggregateSize = msg.blck.sync_committee_participants
if syncAggregateSize != -1:
inc totalBlocks
syncAggregatesCombinedSize += syncAggregateSize
if minSyncAggregate > syncAggregateSize:
minSyncAggregate = syncAggregateSize
produceReport: proc (): FileReport =
let avgSyncAggregateSize = syncAggregatesCombinedSize div totalBlocks
if avgSyncAggregateSize < minExpectedAggregateSize:
let issues = IssuesGroup.new "SyncAggregate Stats"
issues.fatal("Minimal sync aggregate size: " & $minSyncAggregate)
issues.fatal("Average sync aggregate size: " & $avgSyncAggregateSize)
return hasIssues(issues)
return noIssues()
proc readLogFileForSecondMessages(file: string, ignoreErrors = true,
dumpErrors = false): seq[LogMessage] =
var stream = newFileStream(file)
var line: string
var counter = 0
while not (stream.atEnd()):
var m: LogMessage
line = stream.readLine()
m = Json.decode(line, LogMessage, allowUnknownFields = true)
except SerializationError as exc:
if dumpErrors:
error "Serialization error while reading file, ignoring", file = file,
line_number = counter, errorMsg = exc.formatMsg(line)
error "Serialization error while reading file, ignoring", file = file,
line_number = counter
if not(ignoreErrors):
raise exc
if m.msg == "onSecond task completed":
if counter mod 10_000 == 0:
info "Processing file", file = extractFilename(file),
lines_processed = counter,
seconds_filtered = len(result)
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error reading data from file", file = file, errorMsg = exc.msg
proc filterGossipMessages(log: seq[JsonNode]): seq[GossipMessage] =
# Because of times.DateTime object we forced to turn off [ProveInit] warnings
# You can remove this pragmas when Nim compiler or times.nim will be fixed.
{.push warning[ProveInit]: off.}
result = newSeq[GossipMessage]()
for node in log:
if ("msg" in node) and ("message_id" in node) and ("ts" in node):
let message = node["msg"].getStr()
if message == "Incoming pubsub message received":
let msg = GossipMessage.init(Incoming, node["message_id"].getStr(),
elif message == "Outgoing pubsub message has been sent":
let msg = GossipMessage.init(Outgoing, node["message_id"].getStr(),
iterator simDirectoryLogFiles(simdir: string): string =
let absPath = absolutePath(simdir)
let dataPath = absPath & DirSep & "data"
if not dirExists(dataPath):
error "Invalid `eth2_network_simulation` data directory structure",
path = dataPath
var index = 0
while true:
let path = dataPath & DirSep & "node-" & $index & DirSep
let simplePath = path & "beacon_node.log"
let bootPath = path & "bootstrap_node.log"
if fileExists(simplePath):
yield simplePath
elif fileExists(bootPath):
yield bootPath
proc getDirectoryLogFiles(builddir: string,
filter: seq[string]): seq[NodeDirectory] =
var res = newSeq[NodeDirectory]()
let absPath = absolutePath(builddir)
let dataPath = absPath & DirSep & "data"
if not dirExists(dataPath):
error "Invalid `network` data directory structure",
path = dataPath
for dirPath in walkDirs(dataPath & DirSep & "*"):
let name = extractFilename(dirPath)
if (len(filter) == 0) or (name in filter):
var nodeDir = NodeDirectory(name: extractFilename(dirPath),
path: dirPath)
for filePath in walkFiles(dirPath & DirSep & "*.log"):
if len(nodeDir.logs) > 0:
return res
proc getLogFiles(builddir: string,
filter: seq[string]): seq[NodeDirectory] =
var res = newSeq[NodeDirectory]()
let dataPath = absolutePath(builddir)
if not dirExists(dataPath):
error "Logs directory did not exist", path = dataPath
for filePath in walkFiles(dataPath & DirSep & "*.*"):
let name = extractFilename(filePath)
if (len(filter) == 0) or (name in filter):
let nodeDir = NodeDirectory(name: extractFilename(filePath),
path: dataPath,
logs: @[extractFilename(filePath)])
return res
func getMessage(logs: seq[GossipMessage],
msg: GossipMessage): Option[GossipMessage] =
{.push warning[ProveInit]: off.}
result = none[GossipMessage]()
for i in 0 ..< len(logs):
if logs[i].kind == Incoming and logs[i].id == msg.id:
{.push warning[ProveInit]: off.}
result = some(logs[i])
proc runPubsub(logConf: LogTraceConf, logFiles: seq[string]) =
var logs = newSeq[tuple[name: string, data: seq[GossipMessage]]]()
if len(logFiles) < 2:
error "Number of log files insufficient to process pubsub messages",
logs_count = len(logFiles)
for item in logFiles:
let data = filterGossipMessages(readLogFile(item))
logs.add((name: item, data: data))
info "Loaded log file", logfile = item, lines_count = len(data)
{.push warning[ProveInit]: off.}
var checks = newSeq[Option[GossipMessage]](len(logs))
var misses = 0
for i in 0 ..< len(logs):
info "Processing log file", logfile = logs[i].name
for k in 0 ..< len(logs[i].data):
let item = logs[i].data[k]
if item.kind == Outgoing:
info "Searching message", message_id = $item, logfile = logs[i].name
checks[i] = some(item)
for z in 1 ..< len(logs):
let index = (i + z) mod len(logs)
checks[index] = getMessage(logs[index].data, item)
for z in 1 ..< len(checks):
let index = (i + z) mod len(logs)
if not(checks[index].isSome()):
warn "Message not found in log", logfile = logs[index].name,
message_id = $item
if misses == 0:
info "No missing messages found"
warn "Number of missing messages found", count = $misses
proc runAttSend(logConf: LogTraceConf, logFiles: seq[string]) =
info "Check for late `attestation sent` messages"
if len(logFiles) < 1:
error "Number of log files insufficient to process pubsub messages",
logs_count = len(logFiles)
let minDuration = initDuration(seconds = 4)
var slotMessagesCount = 0
var attsMessagesCount = 0
var lateAttsMessagesCount = 0
for item in logFiles:
info "Processing log file", logFile = item
let data = readLogFileForAttsMessages(item,
var currentSlot: Option[SlotStartMessage]
for item in data:
if item.kind == SMessageType.SlotStart:
currentSlot = some(item.ssmsg)
elif item.kind == SMessageType.AttestationSent:
if currentSlot.isSome():
let attestationTime = currentSlot.get().timestamp -
if attestationTime > minDuration:
warn "Found an attestation that was sent later than necessary",
lateness = $attestationTime, slot = currentSlot.get(),
attestation = item.asmsg
warn "`Attestation sent` message appears before `Start slot` message",
attestation = item.asmsg
info "Check finished", attestation_sent_messages = attsMessagesCount,
slot_messages = slotMessagesCount,
late_attestation_messages = lateAttsMessagesCount
func toSimple(s: seq[string]): string =
"[" & s.mapIt("'" & it & "'").join(", ") & "]"
proc runAttSendReceive(logConf: LogTraceConf, nodes: seq[NodeDirectory]) =
info "Check for attestation sent/received messages"
if len(nodes) < 2:
error "Number of nodes' log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
var srnodes = newSeq[SRANode]()
for node in nodes:
var srnode = SRANode(
directory: node,
sends: newSeq[AttestationSentMessage](),
recvs: newTable[string, AttestationReceivedMessage](),
aggSends: newSeq[AggregatedAttestationSentMessage](),
aggRecvs: newTable[string, AggregatedAttestationReceivedMessage]()
info "Processing node", node = node.name
for logfile in node.logs:
let path = node.path & DirSep & logfile
info "Processing node's logfile", node = node.name, logfile = path
readLogFileForASRMessages(path, srnode,
if len(nodes) < 2:
error "Number of nodes' log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
for i in 0 ..< len(srnodes):
var success = 0
var failed = 0
for item in srnodes[i].sends:
var k = (i + 1) mod len(srnodes)
var misses = newSeq[string]()
while k != i:
if item.attestation.signature notin srnodes[k].recvs:
k = (k + 1) mod len(srnodes)
if len(misses) == 0:
info "Attestation was not received", sender = srnodes[i].directory.name,
signature = item.attestation.signature,
receivers = misses.toSimple(), send_stamp = item.timestamp
info "Statistics for sender node", sender = srnodes[i].directory.name,
successful_broadcasts = success, failed_broadcasts = failed,
total_broadcasts = len(srnodes[i].sends)
proc runAggAttSendReceive(logConf: LogTraceConf, nodes: seq[NodeDirectory]) =
info "Check for aggregate attestation sent/received messages"
if len(nodes) < 2:
error "Number of nodes' log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
var srnodes = newSeq[SRANode]()
for node in nodes:
var srnode = SRANode(
directory: node,
sends: newSeq[AttestationSentMessage](),
recvs: newTable[string, AttestationReceivedMessage](),
aggSends: newSeq[AggregatedAttestationSentMessage](),
aggRecvs: newTable[string, AggregatedAttestationReceivedMessage]()
info "Processing node", node = node.name
for logfile in node.logs:
let path = node.path & DirSep & logfile
info "Processing node's logfile", node = node.name, logfile = path
readLogFileForASRMessages(path, srnode,
if len(nodes) < 2:
error "Number of nodes' log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
for i in 0 ..< len(srnodes):
var success = 0
var failed = 0
for item in srnodes[i].aggSends:
var k = (i + 1) mod len(srnodes)
var misses = newSeq[string]()
while k != i:
if item.signature notin srnodes[k].aggRecvs:
k = (k + 1) mod len(srnodes)
if len(misses) == 0:
info "Aggregate attestation was not received",
sender = srnodes[i].directory.name,
signature = item.signature,
receivers = misses.toSimple(), send_stamp = item.timestamp
info "Statistics for sender node", sender = srnodes[i].directory.name,
successful_broadcasts = success, failed_broadcasts = failed,
total_broadcasts = len(srnodes[i].aggSends)
proc runSCMSendReceive(logConf: LogTraceConf, nodes: seq[NodeDirectory]) =
info "Check for Sync Committee Message sent/received messages"
if len(nodes) < 2:
error "Number of nodes' log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
var srnodes = newSeq[SRSCNode]()
for node in nodes:
var srnode = SRSCNode(
directory: node,
sends: newSeq[SCMSentMessage](),
recvs: newTable[string, SCMReceivedMessage](),
contributionSends: newSeq[ContributionSentMessage](),
contributionRecvs: newTable[string, ContributionReceivedMessage]()
info "Processing node", node = node.name
for logfile in node.logs:
let path = node.path & DirSep & logfile
info "Processing node's logfile", node = node.name, logfile = path
readLogFileForSCMSRMessages(path, srnode,
if len(nodes) < 2:
error "Number of nodes' log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
for i in 0 ..< len(srnodes):
var success = 0
var failed = 0
for item in srnodes[i].sends:
var k = (i + 1) mod len(srnodes)
var misses = newSeq[string]()
while k != i:
if item.message.signature notin srnodes[k].recvs:
k = (k + 1) mod len(srnodes)
if len(misses) == 0:
info "Sync committee message was not received", sender = srnodes[i].directory.name,
signature = item.message.signature,
receivers = misses.toSimple(), send_stamp = item.timestamp
info "Statistics for sender node", sender = srnodes[i].directory.name,
successful_broadcasts = success, failed_broadcasts = failed,
total_broadcasts = len(srnodes[i].sends)
proc runContributionSendReceive(logConf: LogTraceConf, nodes: seq[NodeDirectory]) =
info "Check for contribution sent/received messages"
if len(nodes) < 2:
error "Number of nodes' log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
var srnodes = newSeq[SRSCNode]()
for node in nodes:
var srnode = SRSCNode(
directory: node,
sends: newSeq[SCMSentMessage](),
recvs: newTable[string, SCMReceivedMessage](),
contributionSends: newSeq[ContributionSentMessage](),
contributionRecvs: newTable[string, ContributionReceivedMessage]()
info "Processing node", node = node.name
for logfile in node.logs:
let path = node.path & DirSep & logfile
info "Processing node's logfile", node = node.name, logfile = path
readLogFileForSCMSRMessages(path, srnode,
if len(nodes) < 2:
error "Number of nodes' log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
for i in 0 ..< len(srnodes):
var success = 0
var failed = 0
for item in srnodes[i].contributionSends:
var k = (i + 1) mod len(srnodes)
var misses = newSeq[string]()
while k != i:
if item.contribution.signature notin srnodes[k].contributionRecvs:
k = (k + 1) mod len(srnodes)
if len(misses) == 0:
info "Contribution was not received",
sender = srnodes[i].directory.name,
signature = item.contribution.signature,
receivers = misses.toSimple(), send_stamp = item.timestamp
info "Statistics for sender node", sender = srnodes[i].directory.name,
successful_broadcasts = success, failed_broadcasts = failed,
total_broadcasts = len(srnodes[i].contributionSends)
proc runLatencyCheck(logConf: LogTraceConf, logFiles: seq[string],
nodes: seq[NodeDirectory]) =
info "Check for async responsiveness"
if len(nodes) == 0 and len(logFiles) == 0:
error "Number of log files insufficient", nodes_count = len(nodes)
let allowedTime = int64(float(initDuration(seconds = 1).inMilliseconds()) *
for logFile in logFiles:
info "Processing log file", logfile = logFile
let msgs = readLogFileForSecondMessages(logFile,
var lastSecond: Option[LogMessage]
var minEntry: Option[LogMessage]
var maxEntry: Option[LogMessage]
var minTime: times.Duration = initDuration(days = 1)
var maxTime: times.Duration
var sumMilliseconds: int64
for item in msgs:
if lastSecond.isNone():
lastSecond = some(item)
let time = item.timestamp - lastSecond.get().timestamp
let start_time = lastSecond.get().timestamp
let finish_time = item.timestamp
if time.inMilliseconds() > allowedTime:
info "Found time lag ",
start_time = start_time.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fff"),
finish_time = finish_time.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fff"),
lag_time = time
if time < minTime:
minTime = time
minEntry = some(item)
if time > maxTime:
maxTime = time
maxEntry = some(item)
sumMilliseconds += time.inMilliseconds()
lastSecond = some(item)
let avgTime = initDuration(milliseconds = sumMilliseconds div len(msgs))
info "Latency statistics", min_time = minTime, max_time = maxTime,
avg_time = avgTime, seconds_count = len(msgs)
proc run*(conf: LogTraceConf) =
var logFiles: seq[string]
var logNodes: seq[NodeDirectory]
if len(conf.logFiles) > 0:
for item in conf.logFiles:
let absPath = absolutePath(item)
if fileExists(absPath):
if len(conf.simDir) > 0:
for item in simDirectoryLogFiles(conf.simDir):
logNodes = getDirectoryLogFiles(conf.simDir, conf.nodes)
if len(conf.netDir) > 0:
logNodes = getDirectoryLogFiles(conf.netDir, conf.nodes)
if len(conf.logDir) > 0:
logNodes = getLogFiles(conf.logDir, conf.nodes)
if len(logFiles) == 0 and len(logNodes) == 0:
error "Log file sources not specified or not enough log files found"
case conf.cmd
of StartUpCommand.pubsub:
runPubsub(conf, logFiles)
of StartUpCommand.asl:
runAttSend(conf, logFiles)
of StartUpCommand.asr:
runAttSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
of StartUpCommand.aggasr:
runAggAttSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
of StartUpCommand.scmsr:
runSCMSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
of StartUpCommand.csr:
runContributionSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
of StartUpCommand.lat:
runLatencyCheck(conf, logFiles, logNodes)
of StartUpCommand.traceAll:
runContributionSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
runSCMSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
runAggAttSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
runAttSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
runLatencyCheck(conf, logFiles, logNodes)
runPubsub(conf, logFiles)
runAttSend(conf, logFiles)
of StartUpCommand.localSimChecks:
runAggAttSendReceive(conf, logNodes)
# TODO All analysis types can be converted to the more efficient
# LogVisitor style, so they can enabled together here.
# See the discussion below for some potential caveats:
# https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2/pull/3583#pullrequestreview-941934055
var tracer = LogTracer()
tracer.enabledVisitors.add failedValidationsChecker()
tracer.enabledVisitors.add syncAggregateChecker(conf.constPreset)
var issuesDetected = false
for node in logNodes:
for logFile in node.logs:
let report = tracer.processFile(node.path / logFile)
if not report.isEmpty:
if not issuesDetected:
issuesDetected = true
echo "# Logtrace Report"
echo ""
echo "## ", logFile
echo ""
print report
quit ord(issuesDetected)
when isMainModule:
LogTraceName = "Beacon-Chain LogTrace Tool"
LogTraceMajor: int = 0
LogTraceMinor: int = 0
LogTracePatch: int = 4
LogTraceVersion = $LogTraceMajor & "." & $LogTraceMinor & "." &
LogTraceCopyright = "Copyright(C) 2021-2023" &
" Status Research & Development GmbH"
LogTraceHeader = LogTraceName & ", Version " & LogTraceVersion &
" [" & hostOS & ": " & hostCPU & "]\r\n" &
LogTraceCopyright & "\r\n"
echo LogTraceHeader
var conf = LogTraceConf.load(version = LogTraceVersion)