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synced 2025-02-10 13:36:40 +00:00
* Switched to FloodSub * Testnet0 switched to the minimal preset. All validators deployed on the master node.
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140 lines
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chronos, web3, json,
spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto, beaconstate, helpers],
MainchainMonitor* = ref object
web3Url: string
web3: Web3
depositContractAddress: Address
genesisState: ref BeaconState
genesisStateFut: Future[void]
pendingDeposits: seq[Deposit]
depositCount: uint64
curBlock: uint64
depositQueue: AsyncQueue[QueueElement]
eth1Block: BlockHash
eth1Data*: Eth1Data
QueueElement = (BlockHash, DepositData)
proc init*(T: type MainchainMonitor, web3Url, depositContractAddress: string, startBlock: Eth2Digest): T =
result.web3Url = web3Url
result.depositContractAddress = Address.fromHex(depositContractAddress)
result.depositQueue = newAsyncQueue[QueueElement]()
result.eth1Block = BlockHash(startBlock.data)
proc deposit(pubkey: Bytes48, withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32, signature: Bytes96, deposit_data_root: FixedBytes[32])
proc get_deposit_root(): FixedBytes[32]
proc get_deposit_count(): Bytes8
proc DepositEvent(pubkey: Bytes48, withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32, amount: Bytes8, signature: Bytes96, index: Bytes8) {.event.}
proc updateEth1Data*(m: MainchainMonitor) {.async.} =
let ns = m.web3.contractSender(DepositContract, m.depositContractAddress)
# TODO: use m.eth1Block for web3 calls
let cnt = await ns.get_deposit_count().call()
let htr = await ns.get_deposit_root().call()
m.eth1Data.deposit_count = bytes_to_int(array[8, byte](cnt))
m.eth1Data.deposit_root.data = array[32, byte](htr)
m.eth1Data.block_hash.data = array[32, byte](m.eth1Block)
proc processDeposits(m: MainchainMonitor) {.async.} =
while true:
let (blkHash, data) = await m.depositQueue.popFirst()
let blk = await m.web3.provider.eth_getBlockByHash(blkHash, false)
let dep = datatypes.Deposit(data: data)
inc m.depositCount
m.eth1Block = blkHash
if m.pendingDeposits.len >= SLOTS_PER_EPOCH and m.pendingDeposits.len >= MIN_GENESIS_ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_COUNT and blk.timestamp.uint64 >= MIN_GENESIS_TIME.uint64:
# This block is a genesis candidate
var h: Eth2Digest
h.data = array[32, byte](blkHash)
let startTime = blk.timestamp.uint64
var s = initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1(h, startTime, m.pendingDeposits, {skipValidation})
if is_valid_genesis_state(s):
# https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-pm/tree/6e41fcf383ebeb5125938850d8e9b4e9888389b4/interop/mocked_start#create-genesis-state
s.genesis_time = startTime
m.genesisState[] = s
if not m.genesisStateFut.isNil:
m.genesisStateFut = nil
# TODO: Set curBlock to blk number
# TODO: This should be progressing in more independent way.
# The Eth1 cross-link can advance even when there are no new deposits.
await m.updateEth1Data
proc isRunning*(m: MainchainMonitor): bool =
not m.web3.isNil
proc getGenesis*(m: MainchainMonitor): Future[BeaconState] {.async.} =
if m.genesisState.isNil:
if m.genesisStateFut.isNil:
m.genesisStateFut = newFuture[void]("getGenesis")
await m.genesisStateFut
m.genesisStateFut = nil
doAssert(not m.genesisState.isNil)
return m.genesisState[]
proc run(m: MainchainMonitor) {.async.} =
m.web3 = await newWeb3(m.web3Url)
let ns = m.web3.contractSender(DepositContract, m.depositContractAddress)
let s = await ns.subscribe(DepositEvent, %*{"fromBlock": m.eth1Block}) do(pubkey: Bytes48, withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32, amount: Bytes8, signature: Bytes96, merkleTreeIndex: Bytes8, j: JsonNode):
let blkHash = BlockHash.fromHex(j["blockHash"].getStr())
let amount = bytes_to_int(array[8, byte](amount))
DepositData(pubkey: ValidatorPubKey.init(array[48, byte](pubkey)),
withdrawal_credentials: Eth2Digest(data: array[32, byte](withdrawalCredentials)),
amount: amount,
signature: ValidatorSig.init(array[96, byte](signature)))))
await m.processDeposits()
await s.unsubscribe()
# await m.web3.close()
m.web3 = nil
proc start*(m: MainchainMonitor) =
asyncCheck m.run()
proc getPendingDeposits*(m: MainchainMonitor): seq[Deposit] =
# This should be a simple accessor for the reference kept above
# TODO update after spec change removed Specials
# iterator getValidatorActions*(m: MainchainMonitor,
# fromBlock, toBlock: Eth2Digest): SpecialRecord =
# # It's probably better if this doesn't return a SpecialRecord, but
# # rather a more readable description of the change that can be packed
# # in a SpecialRecord by the client of the API.
# discard
proc getLatestEth1BlockHash*(url: string): Future[Eth2Digest] {.async.} =
let web3 = await newWeb3(url)
let blk = await web3.provider.eth_getBlockByNumber("latest", false)
result.data = array[32, byte](blk.hash)
await web3.close()