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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Standard library
std/[deques, strformat, tables, hashes],
# Status libraries
stew/[endians2, byteutils], chronicles,
# Internals
../spec/[datatypes, crypto, digest],
../beacon_chain_db, ../extras
# #############################################
# Quarantine & DAG
# #############################################
# The Quarantine and DagChain data structures
# keep track respectively of unsafe blocks coming from the network
# and blocks that underwent verification and have a resolved path to
# the last finalized block known.
BlockError* = enum
MissingParent ##\
## We don't know the parent of this block so we can't tell if it's valid
## or not - it'll go into the quarantine and be reexamined when the parent
## appears or be discarded if finality obsoletes it
Unviable ##\
## Block is from a different history / fork than the one we're interested
## in (based on our finalized checkpoint)
Invalid ##\
## Block is broken / doesn't apply cleanly - whoever sent it is fishy (or
## we're buggy)
QuarantineRef* = ref object
## Keeps track of unsafe blocks coming from the network
## and that cannot be added to the chain
## This only stores valid blocks that cannot be linked to the
## ChainDAGRef DAG due to missing ancestor(s).
## Invalid blocks are dropped immediately.
orphans*: Table[(Eth2Digest, ValidatorSig), SignedBeaconBlock] ##\
## Blocks that have passed validation but that we lack a link back to tail
## for - when we receive a "missing link", we can use this data to build
## an entire branch
missing*: Table[Eth2Digest, MissingBlock] ##\
## Roots of blocks that we would like to have (either parent_root of
## unresolved blocks or block roots of attestations)
inAdd*: bool
MissingBlock* = object
tries*: int
FetchRecord* = object
root*: Eth2Digest
ChainDAGRef* = ref object
## Pool of blocks responsible for keeping a DAG of resolved blocks.
## It is responsible for the following
## - Handle requests and updates to the "ColdDB" which
## holds the canonical chain.
## - Maintain a direct acyclic graph (DAG) of
## candidate chains from the last
## finalized block.
## When a chain becomes finalized, it is saved in the ColdDB,
## the rejected candidates are discarded and this pool
## is pruned, only keeping the last finalized block.
## The last finalized block is called the tail block.
# -----------------------------------
# ColdDB - Canonical chain
db*: BeaconChainDB ##\
## ColdDB - Stores the canonical chain
# -----------------------------------
# ChainDAGRef - DAG of candidate chains
blocks*: Table[Eth2Digest, BlockRef] ##\
## Directed acyclic graph of blocks pointing back to a finalized block on the chain we're
## interested in - we call that block the tail
tail*: BlockRef ##\
## The earliest finalized block we know about
heads*: seq[BlockRef] ##\
## Candidate heads of candidate chains
head*: BlockRef ##\
## The latest block we know about, that's been chosen as a head by the fork
## choice rule
finalizedHead*: BlockSlot ##\
## The latest block that was finalized according to the block in head
## Ancestors of this block are guaranteed to have 1 child only.
# -----------------------------------
# Rewinder - Mutable state processing
headState*: StateData ##\
## State given by the head block; only update in `updateHead`, not anywhere
## else via `withState`
tmpState*: StateData ## Scratchpad - may be any state
clearanceState*: StateData ##\
## Cached state used during block clearance - should only be used in the
## clearance module to avoid the risk of modifying it in a callback
updateFlags*: UpdateFlags
runtimePreset*: RuntimePreset
EpochRef* = ref object
epoch*: Epoch
current_justified_checkpoint*: Checkpoint
finalized_checkpoint*: Checkpoint
beacon_proposers*: array[
SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, Option[(ValidatorIndex, ValidatorPubKey)]]
shuffled_active_validator_indices*: seq[ValidatorIndex]
# This is an expensive cache that is sometimes shared among epochref
# instances - in particular, validators keep their keys and locations in the
# validator list in each particular history.
validator_key_store*: (Eth2Digest, ref seq[ValidatorPubKey])
# balances, as used in fork choice
effective_balances*: seq[Gwei]
BlockRef* = ref object
## Node in object graph guaranteed to lead back to tail block, and to have
## a corresponding entry in database.
## Block graph should form a tree - in particular, there are no cycles.
root*: Eth2Digest ##\
## Root that can be used to retrieve block data from database
parent*: BlockRef ##\
## Not nil, except for the tail
slot*: Slot # TODO could calculate this by walking to root, but..
epochRefs*: seq[EpochRef] ##\
## Cached information about the epochs starting at this block.
## Could be multiple, since blocks could skip slots, but usually, not many
## Even if competing forks happen later during this epoch, potential empty
## slots beforehand must all be from this fork. find/getEpochRef() are the
## only supported way of accesssing these.
## In particular, epoch refs are only stored with the last block of the
## parent epoch - this way, it's easy to find them from any block in the
## epoch - including when there are forks that skip the epoch slot.
BlockData* = object
## Body and graph in one
data*: TrustedSignedBeaconBlock # We trust all blocks we have a ref for
refs*: BlockRef
StateData* = object
data*: HashedBeaconState
blck*: BlockRef ##\
## The block associated with the state found in data
BlockSlot* = object
## Unique identifier for a particular fork and time in the block chain -
## normally, there's a block for every slot, but in the case a block is not
## produced, the chain progresses anyway, producing a new state for every
## slot.
blck*: BlockRef
slot*: Slot ##\
## Slot time for this BlockSlot which may differ from blck.slot when time
## has advanced without blocks
OnBlockAdded* = proc(
blckRef: BlockRef, blck: SignedBeaconBlock,
epochRef: EpochRef, state: HashedBeaconState) {.raises: [Defect], gcsafe.}
template validator_keys*(e: EpochRef): untyped = e.validator_key_store[1][]
func shortLog*(v: BlockSlot): string =
if v.blck.slot == v.slot:
&"{, 3).toHex()}:{v.blck.slot}"
else: # There was a gap - log it
&"{, 3).toHex()}:{v.blck.slot}@{v.slot}"
func shortLog*(v: BlockRef): string =
if v == nil:
&"{, 3).toHex()}:{v.slot}"
chronicles.formatIt BlockSlot: shortLog(it)
chronicles.formatIt BlockRef: shortLog(it)
func hash*(blockRef: BlockRef): Hash =