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synced 2025-02-09 05:04:17 +00:00
The validator client was only able to connect to beacon nodes exposing the exact same set of spec constants that are locally known via their config/spec REST API. However, that set of spec constants is dynamic. As the validator client only requires a subset of relevant constants, this may lead to compatible specs being rejected. This patch widens the allowed specs by only verifying that the required set of constants are present in the spec response, ignoring any spec constants that are not locally known, and ignoring missing spec constants that are locally known but not included by the remote beacon node when not relevant for operation of the validator client.
255 lines
8.6 KiB
255 lines
8.6 KiB
import std/[tables, os, sets, sequtils, strutils]
import chronos, presto, presto/client as presto_client, chronicles, confutils,
json_serialization/std/[options, net],
stew/[base10, results, byteutils]
# Local modules
../spec/datatypes/[phase0, altair],
../spec/[eth2_merkleization, helpers, signatures,
../spec/eth2_apis/[eth2_rest_serialization, rest_beacon_client],
../validators/[keystore_management, validator_pool, slashing_protection],
".."/[conf, beacon_clock, version, nimbus_binary_common]
export os, sets, sequtils, sequtils, chronos, presto, chronicles, confutils,
nimbus_binary_common, version, conf, options, tables, results, base10,
byteutils, presto_client
export eth2_rest_serialization, rest_beacon_client,
phase0, altair, helpers, signatures, validator, eth2_merkleization,
keystore_management, slashing_protection, validator_pool
SLOT_LOOKAHEAD* = 1.seconds
TIME_DELAY_FROM_SLOT* = 79.milliseconds
ServiceState* {.pure.} = enum
Initialized, Running, Error, Closing, Closed
BlockServiceEventRef* = ref object of RootObj
slot*: Slot
proposers*: seq[ValidatorPubKey]
ClientServiceRef* = ref object of RootObj
state*: ServiceState
lifeFut*: Future[void]
client*: ValidatorClientRef
DutiesServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef
FallbackServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef
ForkServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef
AttestationServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef
BlockServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef
DutyAndProof* = object
epoch*: Epoch
dependentRoot*: Eth2Digest
data*: RestAttesterDuty
slotSig*: Option[ValidatorSig]
ProposerTask* = object
duty*: RestProposerDuty
future*: Future[void]
ProposedData* = object
epoch*: Epoch
dependentRoot*: Eth2Digest
duties*: seq[ProposerTask]
BeaconNodeServer* = object
client*: RestClientRef
endpoint*: string
config*: Option[RestSpecVC]
ident*: Option[string]
genesis*: Option[RestGenesis]
syncInfo*: Option[RestSyncInfo]
status*: RestBeaconNodeStatus
EpochDuties* = object
duties*: Table[Epoch, DutyAndProof]
RestBeaconNodeStatus* {.pure.} = enum
Uninitalized, Offline, Incompatible, NotSynced, Online
BeaconNodeServerRef* = ref BeaconNodeServer
AttesterMap* = Table[ValidatorPubKey, EpochDuties]
ProposerMap* = Table[Epoch, ProposedData]
ValidatorClient* = object
config*: ValidatorClientConf
graffitiBytes*: GraffitiBytes
beaconNodes*: seq[BeaconNodeServerRef]
nodesAvailable*: AsyncEvent
fallbackService*: FallbackServiceRef
forkService*: ForkServiceRef
dutiesService*: DutiesServiceRef
attestationService*: AttestationServiceRef
blockService*: BlockServiceRef
runSlotLoop*: Future[void]
beaconClock*: BeaconClock
attachedValidators*: ValidatorPool
fork*: Option[Fork]
attesters*: AttesterMap
proposers*: ProposerMap
beaconGenesis*: RestGenesis
proposerTasks*: Table[Slot, seq[ProposerTask]]
ValidatorClientRef* = ref ValidatorClient
ValidatorClientError* = object of CatchableError
ValidatorApiError* = object of ValidatorClientError
DefaultDutyAndProof* = DutyAndProof(epoch: Epoch(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64))
SlotDuration* = int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT).seconds
EpochDuration* = int64(SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * SECONDS_PER_SLOT).seconds
OneThirdDuration* = int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT div 3).seconds
proc `$`*(bn: BeaconNodeServerRef): string =
if bn.ident.isSome():
bn.client.address.hostname & ":" &
Base10.toString(bn.client.address.port) & " [" & bn.ident.get() & "]"
bn.client.address.hostname & ":" &
chronicles.formatIt BeaconNodeServerRef:
pubkey = shortLog(it.pubkey)
slot = it.slot
validator_index = it.validator_index
committee_index = it.committee_index
committee_length = it.committee_length
committees_at_slot = it.committees_at_slot
validator_committee_index = it.validator_committee_index
proc stop*(csr: ClientServiceRef) {.async.} =
if csr.state == ServiceState.Running:
csr.state = ServiceState.Closing
if not(csr.lifeFut.finished()):
await csr.lifeFut.cancelAndWait()
csr.state = ServiceState.Closed
proc isDefault*(dap: DutyAndProof): bool =
dap.epoch == Epoch(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64)
proc isDefault*(prd: ProposedData): bool =
prd.epoch == Epoch(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64)
proc init*(t: typedesc[DutyAndProof], epoch: Epoch, dependentRoot: Eth2Digest,
duty: RestAttesterDuty,
slotSig: Option[ValidatorSig]): DutyAndProof =
DutyAndProof(epoch: epoch, dependentRoot: dependentRoot, data: duty,
slotSig: slotSig)
proc init*(t: typedesc[ProposedData], epoch: Epoch, dependentRoot: Eth2Digest,
data: openarray[ProposerTask]): ProposedData =
ProposedData(epoch: epoch, dependentRoot: dependentRoot, duties: @data)
proc getCurrentSlot*(vc: ValidatorClientRef): Option[Slot] =
wallTime = vc.beaconClock.now()
wallSlot = wallTime.toSlot()
if not(wallSlot.afterGenesis):
let checkGenesisTime = vc.beaconClock.fromNow(toBeaconTime(Slot(0)))
warn "Jump in time detected, something wrong with wallclock",
wall_time = wallTime, genesisIn = checkGenesisTime.offset
proc getAttesterDutiesForSlot*(vc: ValidatorClientRef,
slot: Slot): seq[DutyAndProof] =
## Returns all `DutyAndPrrof` for the given `slot`.
var res: seq[DutyAndProof]
let epoch = slot.epoch()
for key, item in vc.attesters.pairs():
let duty = item.duties.getOrDefault(epoch, DefaultDutyAndProof)
if not(duty.isDefault()):
if duty.data.slot == slot:
proc getDurationToNextAttestation*(vc: ValidatorClientRef,
slot: Slot): string =
var minimumDuration = InfiniteDuration
let currentSlotTime = Duration(slot.toBeaconTime())
let currentEpoch = slot.epoch()
for epoch in [currentEpoch, currentEpoch + 1'u64]:
for key, item in vc.attesters.pairs():
let duty = item.duties.getOrDefault(epoch, DefaultDutyAndProof)
if not(duty.isDefault()):
let dutySlotTime = Duration(duty.data.slot.toBeaconTime())
if dutySlotTime >= currentSlotTime:
let timeLeft = dutySlotTime - currentSlotTime
if timeLeft < minimumDuration:
minimumDuration = timeLeft
if minimumDuration != InfiniteDuration:
if minimumDuration == InfiniteDuration:
$(minimumDuration + seconds(int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT) div 3))
proc getDurationToNextBlock*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, slot: Slot): string =
var minimumDuration = InfiniteDuration
var currentSlotTime = Duration(slot.toBeaconTime())
let currentEpoch = slot.epoch()
for epoch in [currentEpoch, currentEpoch + 1'u64]:
let data = vc.proposers.getOrDefault(epoch)
if not(data.isDefault()):
for item in data.duties:
if item.duty.pubkey in vc.attachedValidators:
let proposalSlotTime = Duration(item.duty.slot.toBeaconTime())
if proposalSlotTime >= currentSlotTime:
let timeLeft = proposalSlotTime - currentSlotTime
if timeLeft < minimumDuration:
minimumDuration = timeLeft
if minimumDuration != InfiniteDuration:
if minimumDuration == InfiniteDuration:
iterator attesterDutiesForEpoch*(vc: ValidatorClientRef,
epoch: Epoch): DutyAndProof =
for key, item in vc.attesters.pairs():
let epochDuties = item.duties.getOrDefault(epoch)
if not(isDefault(epochDuties)):
yield epochDuties
proc getDelay*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, instant: Duration): Duration =
let currentBeaconTime = vc.beaconClock.now()
let currentTime = Duration(currentBeaconTime)
let slotStartTime = currentBeaconTime.slotOrZero().toBeaconTime()
let idealTime = Duration(slotStartTime) + instant
currentTime - idealTime
proc getValidator*(vc: ValidatorClientRef,
key: ValidatorPubkey): Option[AttachedValidator] =
let validator = vc.attachedValidators.getValidator(key)
if isNil(validator):
warn "Validator not in pool anymore", validator = shortLog(validator)
if validator.index.isNone():
warn "Validator index is missing", validator = shortLog(validator)