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synced 2025-03-01 14:40:54 +00:00
* remove one cache, add another This cache removes the need for rewinding in most attestation validation flow since the attestations come from one of two epochs and must be targetting a viable block. Additionally, it also removes all state caches which are less likely to be used over-all - more metrics are needed to track the rewinding. On risk is that when chains don't finalize, we'll have lots of epochrefs in memory meaning lots of validator key databases, most being exactly the same. This can be addressed in any number of ways. Some of the memory usage is mitigated by the fact that we previously had lots of big state caches and now we're keeping only keys instead. * cleanups * doc
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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
# Standard libraries
std/[algorithm, deques, sequtils, sets, tables, options],
# Status libraries
chronicles, stew/[byteutils], json_serialization/std/sets as jsonSets,
# Internal
./spec/[beaconstate, datatypes, crypto, digest, helpers],
./block_pools/[spec_cache, chain_dag, clearance], ./beacon_node_types,
export beacon_node_types, sets
logScope: topics = "attpool"
proc init*(T: type AttestationPool, chainDag: ChainDAGRef, quarantine: QuarantineRef): T =
## Initialize an AttestationPool from the chainDag `headState`
## The `finalized_root` works around the finalized_checkpoint of the genesis block
## holding a zero_root.
# TODO chainDag/quarantine are only used when resolving orphaned attestations - they
# should probably be removed as a dependency of AttestationPool (or some other
# smart refactoring)
let tmpState = newClone(chainDag.headState)
chainDag.withState(tmpState[], chainDag.finalizedHead):
var forkChoice = initForkChoice(tmpState[]).get()
# Feed fork choice with unfinalized history - during startup, block pool only
# keeps track of a single history so we just need to follow it
doAssert chainDag.heads.len == 1, "Init only supports a single history"
var blocks: seq[BlockRef]
var cur = chainDag.head
while cur != chainDag.finalizedHead.blck:
blocks.add cur
cur = cur.parent
debug "Preloading fork choice with blocks", blocks = blocks.len
for blck in reversed(blocks):
epochRef = chainDag.getEpochRef(blck, blck.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot)
status =
chainDag, epochRef, blck, chainDag.get(blck).data.message, blck.slot)
doAssert status.isOk(), "Error in preloading the fork choice: " & $status.error
info "Fork choice initialized",
justified_epoch = chainDag.headState.data.data.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch,
finalized_epoch = chainDag.headState.data.data.finalized_checkpoint.epoch,
finalized_root = shortlog(chainDag.finalizedHead.blck.root)
chainDag: chainDag,
quarantine: quarantine,
unresolved: initTable[Eth2Digest, UnresolvedAttestation](),
forkChoice: forkChoice
func processAttestation(
pool: var AttestationPool, participants: HashSet[ValidatorIndex],
block_root: Eth2Digest, target_epoch: Epoch) =
# Add attestation votes to fork choice
for validator in participants:
pool.forkChoice.process_attestation(validator, block_root, target_epoch)
func addUnresolved*(pool: var AttestationPool, attestation: Attestation) =
pool.unresolved[attestation.data.beacon_block_root] =
attestation: attestation,
func candidateIdx(pool: AttestationPool, slot: Slot): Option[uint64] =
if slot >= pool.startingSlot and
slot < (pool.startingSlot + pool.candidates.lenu64):
some(slot mod pool.candidates.lenu64)
proc updateCurrent(pool: var AttestationPool, wallSlot: Slot) =
if wallSlot + 1 < pool.candidates.lenu64:
if pool.startingSlot + pool.candidates.lenu64 - 1 > wallSlot:
error "Current slot older than attestation pool view, clock reset?",
poolSlot = pool.startingSlot, wallSlot
# As time passes we'll clear out any old attestations as they are no longer
# viable to be included in blocks
let newWallSlot = wallSlot + 1 - pool.candidates.lenu64
for i in pool.startingSlot..newWallSlot:
pool.candidates[i.uint64 mod pool.candidates.lenu64] = AttestationsSeen()
pool.startingSlot = newWallSlot
proc addResolved(
pool: var AttestationPool, blck: BlockRef, attestation: Attestation,
wallSlot: Slot) =
# Add an attestation whose parent we know
attestation = shortLog(attestation)
updateCurrent(pool, wallSlot)
doAssert blck.root == attestation.data.beacon_block_root
let candidateIdx = pool.candidateIdx(attestation.data.slot)
if candidateIdx.isNone:
debug "Attestation slot out of range",
startingSlot = pool.startingSlot
epochRef = pool.chainDag.getEpochRef(blck, attestation.data.target.epoch)
attestationsSeen = addr pool.candidates[candidateIdx.get]
validation = Validation(
aggregation_bits: attestation.aggregation_bits,
aggregate_signature: attestation.signature)
participants = get_attesting_indices(
epochRef, attestation.data, validation.aggregation_bits)
var found = false
for a in attestationsSeen.attestations.mitems():
if a.data == attestation.data:
for v in a.validations:
if validation.aggregation_bits.isSubsetOf(v.aggregation_bits):
# The validations in the new attestation are a subset of one of the
# attestations that we already have on file - no need to add this
# attestation to the database
# TODO what if the new attestation is useful for creating bigger
# sets by virtue of not overlapping with some other attestation
# and therefore being useful after all?
trace "Ignoring subset attestation",
newParticipants = participants
found = true
if not found:
# Attestations in the pool that are a subset of the new attestation
# can now be removed per same logic as above
trace "Removing subset attestations",
newParticipants = participants
not it.aggregation_bits.isSubsetOf(validation.aggregation_bits))
participants, a.blck.root, attestation.data.target.epoch)
info "Attestation resolved",
attestation = shortLog(attestation),
validations = a.validations.len(),
blockSlot = shortLog(blck.slot)
found = true
if not found:
data: attestation.data,
blck: blck,
validations: @[validation]
participants, blck.root, attestation.data.target.epoch)
info "Attestation resolved",
attestation = shortLog(attestation),
validations = 1,
blockSlot = shortLog(blck.slot)
proc addAttestation*(pool: var AttestationPool,
attestation: Attestation,
wallSlot: Slot) =
## Add a verified attestation to the fork choice context
logScope: pcs = "atp_add_attestation"
# Fetch the target block or notify the block pool that it's needed
let blck = pool.chainDag.getOrResolve(
# If the block exist, add it to the fork choice context
# Otherwise delay until it resolves
if blck.isNil:
pool.addResolved(blck, attestation, wallSlot)
proc addForkChoice*(pool: var AttestationPool,
epochRef: EpochRef,
blckRef: BlockRef,
blck: BeaconBlock,
wallSlot: Slot) =
## Add a verified block to the fork choice context
let state = pool.forkChoice.process_block(
pool.chainDag, epochRef, blckRef, blck, wallSlot)
if state.isErr:
# TODO If this happens, it is effectively a bug - the BlockRef structure
# guarantees that the DAG is valid and the state transition should
# guarantee that the justified and finalized epochs are ok! However,
# we'll log it for now to avoid crashes
error "Unexpected error when applying block",
blck = shortLog(blck), err = state.error
proc getAttestationsForSlot*(pool: AttestationPool, newBlockSlot: Slot):
Option[AttestationsSeen] =
debug "Too early for attestations",
newBlockSlot = shortLog(newBlockSlot)
return none(AttestationsSeen)
attestationSlot = newBlockSlot - MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY
candidateIdx = pool.candidateIdx(attestationSlot)
if candidateIdx.isNone:
info "No attestations matching the slot range",
attestationSlot = shortLog(attestationSlot),
startingSlot = shortLog(pool.startingSlot)
return none(AttestationsSeen)
proc getAttestationsForBlock*(pool: AttestationPool,
state: BeaconState): seq[Attestation] =
## Retrieve attestations that may be added to a new block at the slot of the
## given state
logScope: pcs = "retrieve_attestation"
# TODO this shouldn't really need state -- it's to recheck/validate, but that
# should be refactored
let newBlockSlot = state.slot
var attestations: seq[AttestationEntry]
# This isn't maximally efficient -- iterators or other approaches would
# avoid lots of memory allocations -- but this provides a more flexible
# base upon which to experiment with, and isn't yet profiling hot-path,
# while avoiding penalizing slow attesting too much (as, in the spec it
# is supposed to be available two epochs back; it's not meant as). This
# isn't a good solution, either -- see the set-packing comment below as
# one issue. It also creates problems with lots of repeat attestations,
# as a bunch of synchronized beacon_nodes do almost the opposite of the
# intended thing -- sure, _blocks_ have to be popular (via attestation)
# but _attestations_ shouldn't have to be so frequently repeated, as an
# artifact of this state-free, identical-across-clones choice basis. In
# addResolved, too, the new attestations get added to the end, while in
# these functions, it's reading from the beginning, et cetera. This all
# needs a single unified strategy.
for i in max(1, newBlockSlot.int64 - ATTESTATION_LOOKBACK.int64) .. newBlockSlot.int64:
let maybeSlotData = getAttestationsForSlot(pool, i.Slot)
if maybeSlotData.isSome:
insert(attestations, maybeSlotData.get.attestations)
if attestations.len == 0:
var cache = StateCache()
for a in attestations:
# https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.12.2/specs/phase0/validator.md#construct-attestation
attestation = Attestation(
aggregation_bits: a.validations[0].aggregation_bits,
data: a.data,
signature: a.validations[0].aggregate_signature
# TODO what's going on here is that when producing a block, we need to
# include only such attestations that will not cause block validation
# to fail. How this interacts with voting and the acceptance of
# attestations into the pool in general is an open question that needs
# revisiting - for example, when attestations are added, against which
# state should they be validated, if at all?
# TODO we're checking signatures here every time which is very slow and we don't want
# to include a broken attestation
if (let v = check_attestation(state, attestation, {}, cache); v.isErr):
warn "Attestation no longer validates...",
attestation = shortLog(attestation),
err = v.error
for v in a.validations[1..^1]:
# TODO We need to select a set of attestations that maximise profit by
# adding the largest combined attestation set that we can find - this
# unfortunately looks an awful lot like
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_packing - here we just iterate
# and naively add as much as possible in one go, by we could also
# add the same attestation data twice, as long as there's at least
# one new attestation in there
if not attestation.aggregation_bits.overlaps(v.aggregation_bits):
if result.lenu64 >= MAX_ATTESTATIONS:
debug "getAttestationsForBlock: returning early after hitting MAX_ATTESTATIONS",
attestationSlot = newBlockSlot - 1
proc resolve*(pool: var AttestationPool, wallSlot: Slot) =
## Check attestations in our unresolved deque
## if they can be integrated to the fork choice
logScope: pcs = "atp_resolve"
done: seq[Eth2Digest]
resolved: seq[tuple[blck: BlockRef, attestation: Attestation]]
for k, v in pool.unresolved.mpairs():
if (let blck = pool.chainDag.getRef(k); not blck.isNil()):
resolved.add((blck, v.attestation))
elif v.tries > 8:
inc v.tries
for k in done:
for a in resolved:
pool.addResolved(a.blck, a.attestation, wallSlot)
proc selectHead*(pool: var AttestationPool, wallSlot: Slot): BlockRef =
let newHead = pool.forkChoice.find_head(wallSlot)
if newHead.isErr:
error "Couldn't select head", err = newHead.error
proc prune*(pool: var AttestationPool) =
if (let v = pool.forkChoice.prune(); v.isErr):
error "Pruning failed", err = v.error() # TODO should never happen