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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
./testutil, ./testblockutil, ../research/simutils,
../beacon_chain/spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest, validator, state_transition,
helpers, beaconstate, presets],
../beacon_chain/[beacon_node_types, attestation_pool, extras],
../beacon_chain/fork_choice/[fork_choice_types, fork_choice],
../beacon_chain/block_pools/[chain_dag, clearance]
template wrappedTimedTest(name: string, body: untyped) =
# `check` macro takes a copy of whatever it's checking, on the stack!
block: # Symbol namespacing
proc wrappedTest() =
timedTest name:
suiteReport "Attestation pool processing" & preset():
## For now just test that we can compile and execute block processing with
## mock data.
# Genesis state that results in 3 members per committee
chainDag = newClone(init(ChainDAGRef, defaultRuntimePreset, makeTestDB(SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 3)))
quarantine = newClone(QuarantineRef())
pool = newClone(AttestationPool.init(chainDag, quarantine))
state = newClone(loadTailState(chainDag))
# Slot 0 is a finalized slot - won't be making attestations for it..
process_slots(state.data, state.data.data.slot + 1)
timedTest "Can add and retrieve simple attestation" & preset():
var cache = StateCache()
# Create an attestation for slot 1!
beacon_committee = get_beacon_committee(
state.data.data, state.data.data.slot, 0.CommitteeIndex, cache)
attestation = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, beacon_committee[0], cache)
pool[].addAttestation(attestation, attestation.data.slot)
process_slots(state.data, MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY.Slot + 1)
let attestations = pool[].getAttestationsForBlock(state.data.data)
attestations.len == 1
timedTest "Attestations may arrive in any order" & preset():
var cache = StateCache()
# Create an attestation for slot 1!
bc0 = get_beacon_committee(
state.data.data, state.data.data.slot, 0.CommitteeIndex, cache)
attestation0 = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, bc0[0], cache)
process_slots(state.data, state.data.data.slot + 1)
bc1 = get_beacon_committee(state.data.data,
state.data.data.slot, 0.CommitteeIndex, cache)
attestation1 = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, bc1[0], cache)
# test reverse order
pool[].addAttestation(attestation1, attestation1.data.slot)
pool[].addAttestation(attestation0, attestation1.data.slot)
discard process_slots(state.data, MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY.Slot + 1)
let attestations = pool[].getAttestationsForBlock(state.data.data)
attestations.len == 1
timedTest "Attestations should be combined" & preset():
var cache = StateCache()
# Create an attestation for slot 1!
bc0 = get_beacon_committee(
state.data.data, state.data.data.slot, 0.CommitteeIndex, cache)
attestation0 = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, bc0[0], cache)
attestation1 = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, bc0[1], cache)
pool[].addAttestation(attestation0, attestation0.data.slot)
pool[].addAttestation(attestation1, attestation1.data.slot)
process_slots(state.data, MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY.Slot + 1)
let attestations = pool[].getAttestationsForBlock(state.data.data)
attestations.len == 1
timedTest "Attestations may overlap, bigger first" & preset():
var cache = StateCache()
# Create an attestation for slot 1!
bc0 = get_beacon_committee(
state.data.data, state.data.data.slot, 0.CommitteeIndex, cache)
attestation0 = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, bc0[0], cache)
attestation1 = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, bc0[1], cache)
attestation0.combine(attestation1, {})
pool[].addAttestation(attestation0, attestation0.data.slot)
pool[].addAttestation(attestation1, attestation1.data.slot)
process_slots(state.data, MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY.Slot + 1)
let attestations = pool[].getAttestationsForBlock(state.data.data)
attestations.len == 1
timedTest "Attestations may overlap, smaller first" & preset():
var cache = StateCache()
# Create an attestation for slot 1!
bc0 = get_beacon_committee(state.data.data,
state.data.data.slot, 0.CommitteeIndex, cache)
attestation0 = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, bc0[0], cache)
attestation1 = makeAttestation(
state.data.data, state.blck.root, bc0[1], cache)
attestation0.combine(attestation1, {})
pool[].addAttestation(attestation1, attestation1.data.slot)
pool[].addAttestation(attestation0, attestation0.data.slot)
process_slots(state.data, MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY.Slot + 1)
let attestations = pool[].getAttestationsForBlock(state.data.data)
attestations.len == 1
timedTest "Fork choice returns latest block with no attestations":
var cache = StateCache()
b1 = addTestBlock(state.data, chainDag.tail.root, cache)
b1Add = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, b1) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
let head = pool[].selectHead(b1Add[].slot)
head == b1Add[]
b2 = addTestBlock(state.data, b1.root, cache)
b2Add = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, b2) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
let head2 = pool[].selectHead(b2Add[].slot)
head2 == b2Add[]
timedTest "Fork choice returns block with attestation":
var cache = StateCache()
b10 = makeTestBlock(state.data, chainDag.tail.root, cache)
b10Add = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, b10) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
let head = pool[].selectHead(b10Add[].slot)
head == b10Add[]
b11 = makeTestBlock(state.data, chainDag.tail.root, cache,
graffiti = GraffitiBytes [1'u8, 0, 0, 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
b11Add = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, b11) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
bc1 = get_beacon_committee(
state.data.data, state.data.data.slot, 1.CommitteeIndex, cache)
attestation0 = makeAttestation(state.data.data, b10.root, bc1[0], cache)
pool[].addAttestation(attestation0, attestation0.data.slot)
let head2 = pool[].selectHead(b10Add[].slot)
# Single vote for b10 and no votes for b11
head2 == b10Add[]
attestation1 = makeAttestation(state.data.data, b11.root, bc1[1], cache)
attestation2 = makeAttestation(state.data.data, b11.root, bc1[2], cache)
pool[].addAttestation(attestation1, attestation1.data.slot)
let head3 = pool[].selectHead(b10Add[].slot)
let bigger = if b11.root.data < b10.root.data: b10Add else: b11Add
# Ties broken lexicographically in spec -> ?
head3 == bigger[]
pool[].addAttestation(attestation2, attestation2.data.slot)
let head4 = pool[].selectHead(b11Add[].slot)
# Two votes for b11
head4 == b11Add[]
timedTest "Trying to add a block twice tags the second as an error":
var cache = StateCache()
b10 = makeTestBlock(state.data, chainDag.tail.root, cache)
b10Add = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, b10) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
let head = pool[].selectHead(b10Add[].slot)
head == b10Add[]
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Add back the old block to ensure we have a duplicate error
let b10_clone = b10 # Assumes deep copy
let b10Add_clone = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, b10_clone) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
doAssert: b10Add_clone.error == Duplicate
wrappedTimedTest "Trying to add a duplicate block from an old pruned epoch is tagged as an error":
chainDag.updateFlags.incl {skipBLSValidation}
pool.forkChoice.backend.proto_array.prune_threshold = 1
var cache = StateCache()
b10 = makeTestBlock(state.data, chainDag.tail.root, cache)
b10Add = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, b10) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
let head = pool[].selectHead(b10Add[].slot)
doAssert: head == b10Add[]
let block_ok = state_transition(defaultRuntimePreset, state.data, b10, {}, noRollback)
doAssert: block_ok
# -------------------------------------------------------------
let b10_clone = b10 # Assumes deep copy
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Pass an epoch
var block_root = b10.root
var attestations: seq[Attestation]
for epoch in 0 ..< 5:
let start_slot = compute_start_slot_at_epoch(Epoch epoch)
let committees_per_slot =
get_committee_count_per_slot(state.data.data, Epoch epoch, cache)
for slot in start_slot ..< start_slot + SLOTS_PER_EPOCH:
let new_block = makeTestBlock(
state.data, block_root, cache, attestations = attestations)
let block_ok = state_transition(
defaultRuntimePreset, state.data, new_block, {skipBLSValidation}, noRollback)
doAssert: block_ok
block_root = new_block.root
let blockRef = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, new_block) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
let head = pool[].selectHead(blockRef[].slot)
doassert: head == blockRef[]
for index in 0'u64 ..< committees_per_slot:
let committee = get_beacon_committee(
state.data.data, state.data.data.slot, index.CommitteeIndex, cache)
# Create a bitfield filled with the given count per attestation,
# exactly on the right-most part of the committee field.
var aggregation_bits = init(CommitteeValidatorsBits, committee.len)
for v in 0 ..< committee.len * 2 div 3 + 1:
aggregation_bits[v] = true
attestations.add Attestation(
aggregation_bits: aggregation_bits,
data: makeAttestationData(
state.data.data, state.data.data.slot,
index, blockroot
# signature: ValidatorSig()
cache = StateCache()
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Prune
doAssert: chainDag.finalizedHead.slot != 0
doAssert: b10.root notin pool.forkChoice.backend
# Add back the old block to ensure we have a duplicate error
let b10Add_clone = chainDag.addRawBlock(quarantine, b10_clone) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
pool[].addForkChoice(state.data, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot)
doAssert: b10Add_clone.error == Duplicate