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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[options, tables],
export tables, forks
MaxMissingItems = 1024
## Arbitrary
MaxOrphans = SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 3
## Enough for finalization in an alternative fork
## Arbitrary
MaxUnviables = 16 * 1024
## About a day of blocks - most likely not needed but it's quite cheap..
MissingBlock* = object
tries*: int
FetchRecord* = object
root*: Eth2Digest
Quarantine* = object
## Keeps track of unvalidated blocks coming from the network
## and that cannot yet be added to the chain
## This only stores blocks that cannot be linked to the
## ChainDAGRef DAG due to missing ancestor(s).
## Trivially invalid blocks may be dropped before reaching this stage.
orphans*: Table[(Eth2Digest, ValidatorSig), ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]
## Blocks that we don't have a parent for - when we resolve the
## parent, we can proceed to resolving the block as well - we
## index this by root and signature such that a block with
## invalid signature won't cause a block with a valid signature
## to be dropped. An orphan block may also be "blobless" (see
## below) - if so, upon resolving the parent, it should be
## added to the blobless table, after verifying its signature.
blobless*: Table[Eth2Digest, deneb.SignedBeaconBlock]
## Blocks that we don't have blobs for. When we have received
## all blobs for this block, we can proceed to resolving the
## block as well. A blobless block inserted into this table must
## have a resolved parent (i.e., it is not an orphan).
unviable*: OrderedTable[Eth2Digest, tuple[]]
## Unviable blocks are those that come from a history that does not
## include the finalized checkpoint we're currently following, and can
## therefore never be included in our canonical chain - we keep their hash
## around so that we can avoid cluttering the orphans table with their
## descendants - the ChainDAG only keeps track blocks that make up the
## valid and canonical history.
## Entries are evicted in FIFO order - recent entries are more likely to
## appear again in attestations and blocks - however, the unviable block
## table is not a complete directory of all unviable blocks circulating -
## only those we have observed, been able to verify as unviable and fit
## in this cache.
missing*: Table[Eth2Digest, MissingBlock]
## Roots of blocks that we would like to have (either parent_root of
## unresolved blocks or block roots of attestations)
func init*(T: type Quarantine): T =
func checkMissing*(quarantine: var Quarantine, max: int): seq[FetchRecord] =
## Return a list of blocks that we should try to resolve from other client -
## to be called periodically but not too often (once per slot?)
var done: seq[Eth2Digest]
for k, v in quarantine.missing.mpairs():
if v.tries > 8:
for k in done:
# simple (simplistic?) exponential backoff for retries..
for k, v in quarantine.missing.mpairs:
v.tries += 1
if countOnes(v.tries.uint64) == 1:
result.add(FetchRecord(root: k))
if result.len >= max:
# TODO stew/sequtils2
template anyIt(s, pred: untyped): bool =
# without the items(...)
var result = false
for it {.inject.} in s:
if pred:
result = true
func addMissing*(quarantine: var Quarantine, root: Eth2Digest) =
## Schedule the download a the given block
if quarantine.missing.len >= MaxMissingItems:
if root in quarantine.unviable:
# Won't get anywhere with this block
# It's not really missing if we're keeping it in the quarantine
if anyIt(quarantine.orphans.keys, it[0] == root):
# Add if it's not there, but don't update missing counter
discard quarantine.missing.hasKeyOrPut(root, MissingBlock())
func removeOrphan*(
quarantine: var Quarantine, signedBlock: ForkySignedBeaconBlock) =
quarantine.orphans.del((signedBlock.root, signedBlock.signature))
func removeBlobless*(
quarantine: var Quarantine, signedBlock: ForkySignedBeaconBlock) =
func isViable(
finalizedSlot: Slot, slot: Slot): bool =
# The orphan must be newer than the finalization point so that its parent
# either is the finalized block or more recent
slot > finalizedSlot
func cleanupUnviable(quarantine: var Quarantine) =
while quarantine.unviable.len() >= MaxUnviables:
var toDel: Eth2Digest
for k in quarantine.unviable.keys():
toDel = k
break # Cannot modify while for-looping
func removeUnviableOrphanTree(quarantine: var Quarantine,
toCheck: var seq[Eth2Digest],
tbl: var Table[(Eth2Digest, ValidatorSig),
seq[Eth2Digest] =
# Remove the tree of orphans whose ancestor is unviable - they are now also
# unviable! This helps avoiding junk in the quarantine, because we don't keep
# unviable parents in the DAG and there's no way to tell an orphan from an
# unviable block without the parent.
toRemove: seq[(Eth2Digest, ValidatorSig)] # Can't modify while iterating
checked: seq[Eth2Digest]
while toCheck.len > 0:
let root = toCheck.pop()
if root notin checked:
for k, v in tbl.mpairs():
let blockRoot = getForkedBlockField(v, parent_root)
if blockRoot == root:
elif k[0] == root:
for k in toRemove:
tbl.del k
quarantine.unviable[k[0]] = ()
func removeUnviableBloblessTree(quarantine: var Quarantine,
toCheck: var seq[Eth2Digest],
tbl: var Table[Eth2Digest,
deneb.SignedBeaconBlock]) =
toRemove: seq[Eth2Digest] # Can't modify while iterating
while toCheck.len > 0:
let root = toCheck.pop()
for k, v in tbl.mpairs():
let blockRoot = v.message.parent_root
if blockRoot == root:
elif k == root:
for k in toRemove:
tbl.del k
quarantine.unviable[k] = ()
func addUnviable*(quarantine: var Quarantine, root: Eth2Digest) =
if root in quarantine.unviable:
var toCheck = @[root]
var checked = quarantine.removeUnviableOrphanTree(toCheck, quarantine.orphans)
quarantine.removeUnviableBloblessTree(checked, quarantine.blobless)
quarantine.unviable[root] = ()
func cleanupOrphans(quarantine: var Quarantine, finalizedSlot: Slot) =
var toDel: seq[(Eth2Digest, ValidatorSig)]
for k, v in quarantine.orphans:
if not isViable(finalizedSlot, getForkedBlockField(v, slot)):
toDel.add k
for k in toDel:
quarantine.addUnviable k[0]
quarantine.orphans.del k
func cleanupBlobless(quarantine: var Quarantine, finalizedSlot: Slot) =
var toDel: seq[Eth2Digest]
for k, v in quarantine.blobless:
if not isViable(finalizedSlot, v.message.slot):
toDel.add k
for k in toDel:
quarantine.addUnviable k
quarantine.blobless.del k
func clearAfterReorg*(quarantine: var Quarantine) =
## Clear missing and orphans to start with a fresh slate in case of a reorg
## Unviables remain unviable and are not cleared.
# Typically, blocks will arrive in mostly topological order, with some
# out-of-order block pairs. Therefore, it is unhelpful to use either a
# FIFO or LIFO discpline, and since by definition each block gets used
# either 0 or 1 times it's not a cache either. Instead, stop accepting
# new blocks, and rely on syncing to cache up again if necessary.
# For typical use cases, this need not be large, as they're two or three
# blocks arriving out of order due to variable network delays. As blocks
# for future slots are rejected before reaching quarantine, this usually
# will be a block for the last couple of slots for which the parent is a
# likely imminent arrival.
func addOrphan*(
quarantine: var Quarantine, finalizedSlot: Slot,
signedBlock: ForkedSignedBeaconBlock): Result[void, cstring] =
## Adds block to quarantine's `orphans` and `missing` lists.
if not isViable(finalizedSlot, getForkedBlockField(signedBlock, slot)):
return err("block unviable")
let parent_root = getForkedBlockField(signedBlock, parent_root)
if parent_root in quarantine.unviable:
quarantine.unviable[signedBlock.root] = ()
return err("block parent unviable")
# Even if the quarantine is full, we need to schedule its parent for
# downloading or we'll never get to the bottom of things
if quarantine.orphans.lenu64 >= MaxOrphans:
return err("block quarantine full")
quarantine.orphans[(signedBlock.root, signedBlock.signature)] = signedBlock
iterator pop*(quarantine: var Quarantine, root: Eth2Digest):
ForkedSignedBeaconBlock =
# Pop orphans whose parent is the block identified by `root`
var toRemove: seq[(Eth2Digest, ValidatorSig)]
defer: # Run even if iterator is not carried to termination
for k in toRemove:
quarantine.orphans.del k
for k, v in quarantine.orphans.mpairs():
if getForkedBlockField(v, parent_root) == root:
yield v
proc addBlobless*(
quarantine: var Quarantine, finalizedSlot: Slot,
signedBlock: deneb.SignedBeaconBlock): bool =
if not isViable(finalizedSlot, signedBlock.message.slot):
return false
if quarantine.blobless.lenu64 >= MaxBlobless:
return false
debug "block quarantine: Adding blobless", blck = shortLog(signedBlock)
quarantine.blobless[signedBlock.root] = signedBlock
func popBlobless*(quarantine: var Quarantine, root: Eth2Digest):
Opt[deneb.SignedBeaconBlock] =
var blck: deneb.SignedBeaconBlock
if quarantine.blobless.pop(root, blck):
iterator peekBlobless*(quarantine: var Quarantine): deneb.SignedBeaconBlock =
for k, v in quarantine.blobless.mpairs():
yield v