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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
std/[tables, options],
../spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest],
export options, block_pools_types
topics = "quarant"
func init*(T: type QuarantineRef, rng: ref BrHmacDrbgContext): T =
result = T()
result.rng = rng
func checkMissing*(quarantine: var QuarantineRef): seq[FetchRecord] =
## Return a list of blocks that we should try to resolve from other client -
## to be called periodically but not too often (once per slot?)
var done: seq[Eth2Digest]
for k, v in quarantine.missing.mpairs():
if v.tries > 8:
inc v.tries
for k in done:
# simple (simplistic?) exponential backoff for retries..
for k, v in quarantine.missing.pairs():
if countOnes(v.tries.uint64) == 1:
result.add(FetchRecord(root: k))
# TODO stew/sequtils2
template anyIt(s, pred: untyped): bool =
# without the items(...)
var result = false
for it {.inject.} in s:
if pred:
result = true
func containsOrphan*(
quarantine: QuarantineRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock): bool =
(signedBlock.root, signedBlock.signature) in quarantine.orphans
func addMissing*(quarantine: var QuarantineRef, root: Eth2Digest) =
## Schedule the download a the given block
# Can only request by root, not by signature, so partial match suffices
if not anyIt(quarantine.orphans.keys, it[0] == root):
# If the block is in orphans, we no longer need it
discard quarantine.missing.hasKeyOrPut(root, MissingBlock())
func removeOrphan*(
quarantine: var QuarantineRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock) =
quarantine.orphans.del((signedBlock.root, signedBlock.signature))
func isViableOrphan(dag: ChainDAGRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock): bool =
# The orphan must be newer than the finalization point so that its parent
# either is the finalized block or more recent
signedBlock.message.slot > dag.finalizedHead.slot
func removeOldBlocks(quarantine: var QuarantineRef, dag: ChainDAGRef) =
var oldBlocks: seq[(Eth2Digest, ValidatorSig)]
for k, v in quarantine.orphans.pairs():
if not isViableOrphan(dag, v):
oldBlocks.add k
for k in oldBlocks:
quarantine.orphans.del k
func clearQuarantine*(quarantine: var QuarantineRef) =
func add*(quarantine: var QuarantineRef, dag: ChainDAGRef,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock): bool =
## Adds block to quarantine's `orphans` and `missing` lists.
# Typically, blocks will arrive in mostly topological order, with some
# out-of-order block pairs. Therefore, it is unhelpful to use either a
# FIFO or LIFO discpline, and since by definition each block gets used
# either 0 or 1 times it's not a cache either. Instead, stop accepting
# new blocks, and rely on syncing to cache up again if necessary. When
# using forward sync, blocks only arrive in an order not requiring the
# quarantine.
# For typical use cases, this need not be large, as they're two or three
# blocks arriving out of order due to variable network delays. As blocks
# for future slots are rejected before reaching quarantine, this usually
# will be a block for the last couple of slots for which the parent is a
# likely imminent arrival.
# Since we start forward sync when about one epoch is missing, that's as
# good a number as any.
if not isViableOrphan(dag, signedBlock):
return false
# Even if the quarantine is full, we need to schedule its parent for
# downloading or we'll never get to the bottom of things
if quarantine.orphans.lenu64 >= MAX_QUARANTINE_ORPHANS:
return false
quarantine.orphans[(signedBlock.root, signedBlock.signature)] = signedBlock