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synced 2025-03-03 15:40:55 +00:00
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205 lines
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options, tables, sets, macros,
chronicles, chronos, stew/ranges/bitranges, libp2p/switch,
spec/[datatypes, crypto, digest, helpers],
beacon_node_types, eth2_network, block_pool, ssz
topics = "sync"
StatusMsg* = object
forkDigest*: ForkDigest
finalizedRoot*: Eth2Digest
finalizedEpoch*: Epoch
headRoot*: Eth2Digest
headSlot*: Slot
ValidatorSetDeltaFlags {.pure.} = enum
Activation = 0
Exit = 1
ValidatorChangeLogEntry* = object
case kind*: ValidatorSetDeltaFlags
of Activation:
pubkey: ValidatorPubKey
index: uint32
BeaconBlockCallback* = proc(signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock) {.gcsafe.}
BeaconSyncNetworkState* = ref object
blockPool*: BlockPool
forkDigest*: ForkDigest
onBeaconBlock*: BeaconBlockCallback
BeaconSyncPeerState* = ref object
initialStatusReceived*: bool
statusMsg*: StatusMsg
BlockRootSlot* = object
blockRoot: Eth2Digest
slot: Slot
# A boundary on the number of blocks we'll allow in any single block
# request - typically clients will ask for an epoch or so at a time, but we
# allow a little bit more in case they want to stream blocks faster
proc importBlocks(state: BeaconSyncNetworkState,
blocks: openarray[SignedBeaconBlock]) {.gcsafe.} =
for blk in blocks:
info "Forward sync imported blocks", len = blocks.len
proc getCurrentStatus(state: BeaconSyncNetworkState): StatusMsg {.gcsafe.} =
blockPool = state.blockPool
finalizedHead = blockPool.finalizedHead
headBlock = blockPool.head.blck
headRoot = headBlock.root
headSlot = headBlock.slot
finalizedEpoch = finalizedHead.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot()
forkDigest: state.forkDigest,
finalizedRoot: finalizedHead.blck.root,
finalizedEpoch: finalizedEpoch,
headRoot: headRoot,
headSlot: headSlot)
proc handleInitialStatus(peer: Peer,
state: BeaconSyncNetworkState,
ourStatus: StatusMsg,
theirStatus: StatusMsg): Future[bool] {.async, gcsafe.}
p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1,
rlpxName = "bcs",
networkState = BeaconSyncNetworkState,
peerState = BeaconSyncPeerState):
onPeerConnected do (peer: Peer):
if peer.wasDialed:
ourStatus = peer.networkState.getCurrentStatus()
# TODO: The timeout here is so high only because we fail to
# respond in time due to high CPU load in our single thread.
theirStatus = await peer.status(ourStatus, timeout = 60.seconds)
if theirStatus.isSome:
let tstatus = theirStatus.get()
let res = await peer.handleInitialStatus(peer.networkState,
ourStatus, tstatus)
if res:
peer.state(BeaconSync).statusMsg = tstatus
warn "Status response not received in time"
proc status(peer: Peer, theirStatus: StatusMsg) {.libp2pProtocol("status", 1).} =
ourStatus = peer.networkState.getCurrentStatus()
trace "Sending status msg", ourStatus
await response.send(ourStatus)
if not peer.state.initialStatusReceived:
peer.state.initialStatusReceived = true
let res = await peer.handleInitialStatus(peer.networkState,
ourStatus, theirStatus)
if res:
peer.state(BeaconSync).statusMsg = theirStatus
proc statusResp(peer: Peer, msg: StatusMsg)
proc goodbye(peer: Peer, reason: DisconnectionReason) {.libp2pProtocol("goodbye", 1).}
proc ping(peer: Peer, value: uint64) {.libp2pProtocol("ping", 1).} =
await response.write(peer.network.metadata.seq_number)
proc pingResp(peer: Peer, value: uint64)
proc getMetadata(peer: Peer) {.libp2pProtocol("metadata", 1).} =
await response.write(peer.network.metadata)
proc metadataReps(peer: Peer, metadata: Eth2Metadata)
proc beaconBlocksByRange(
peer: Peer,
startSlot: Slot,
count: uint64,
step: uint64) {.
libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_range", 1).} =
trace "got range request", peer, startSlot, count, step
if count > 0'u64:
var blocks: array[MAX_REQUESTED_BLOCKS, BlockRef]
pool = peer.networkState.blockPool
# Limit number of blocks in response
count = min(count.Natural, blocks.len)
endIndex = count - 1
startIndex =
pool.getBlockRange(startSlot, step, blocks.toOpenArray(0, endIndex))
for b in blocks[startIndex..endIndex]:
doAssert not b.isNil, "getBlockRange should return non-nil blocks only"
trace "wrote response block", slot = b.slot, roor = shortLog(b.root)
await response.write(pool.get(b).data)
debug "Block range request done",
peer, startSlot, count, step, found = count - startIndex
proc beaconBlocksByRoot(
peer: Peer,
blockRoots: openarray[Eth2Digest]) {.
libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_root", 1).} =
pool = peer.networkState.blockPool
count = min(blockRoots.len, MAX_REQUESTED_BLOCKS)
var found = 0
for root in blockRoots[0..<count]:
let blockRef = pool.getRef(root)
if not isNil(blockRef):
await response.write(pool.get(blockRef).data)
inc found
debug "Block root request done",
peer, roots = blockRoots.len, count, found
proc beaconBlocks(
peer: Peer,
blocks: openarray[SignedBeaconBlock])
proc handleInitialStatus(peer: Peer,
state: BeaconSyncNetworkState,
ourStatus: StatusMsg,
theirStatus: StatusMsg): Future[bool] {.async, gcsafe.} =
if theirStatus.forkDigest != state.forkDigest:
notice "Irrelevant peer",
peer, theirFork = theirStatus.forkDigest, ourFork = state.forkDigest
await peer.disconnect(IrrelevantNetwork)
return false
debug "Peer connected", peer,
localHeadSlot = ourStatus.headSlot,
remoteHeadSlot = theirStatus.headSlot,
remoteHeadRoot = theirStatus.headRoot
return true
proc initBeaconSync*(network: Eth2Node,
blockPool: BlockPool,
forkDigest: ForkDigest,
onBeaconBlock: BeaconBlockCallback) =
var networkState = network.protocolState(BeaconSync)
networkState.blockPool = blockPool
networkState.forkDigest = forkDigest
networkState.onBeaconBlock = onBeaconBlock