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synced 2025-02-19 01:48:27 +00:00
When the connect_to_testnet script is invoked it will first verify that the genesis file of the testnet hasn't changed. If it has changed, any previously created database associated with the testnet will be erased. To facilitate this, the genesis file of each network is written to the data folder of the beacon node. The beacon node will refuse to start if it detects a discrepancy between the data folder and any state snapshot specified on the command-line. Since the testnet sharing spec requires us to use SSZ snapshots, the Json support is now phased out. To help with the transition and to preserve the functionality of the multinet scripts, the beacon node now supports a CLI query command that can extract any data from the genesis state. This is based on new developments in the SSZ navigators.
161 lines
6.0 KiB
161 lines
6.0 KiB
endians, typetraits, options,
stew/[objects, bitseqs], serialization/testing/tracing,
../spec/[digest, datatypes], ./types
template setLen[R, T](a: var array[R, T], length: int) =
if length != a.len:
raise newException(MalformedSszError, "SSZ input of insufficient size")
template assignNullValue(loc: untyped, T: type): auto =
when T is ref|ptr:
loc = nil
elif T is Option:
loc = T()
raise newException(MalformedSszError, "SSZ list element of zero size")
# fromSszBytes copies the wire representation to a Nim variable,
# assuming there's enough data in the buffer
func fromSszBytes*(T: type SomeInteger, data: openarray[byte]): T =
## Convert directly to bytes the size of the int. (e.g. ``uint16 = 2 bytes``)
## All integers are serialized as **little endian**.
## TODO: Assumes data points to a sufficiently large buffer
doAssert data.len == sizeof(result)
# TODO: any better way to get a suitably aligned buffer in nim???
# see also: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/9206
var tmp: uint64
var alignedBuf = cast[ptr byte](tmp.addr)
copyMem(alignedBuf, unsafeAddr data[0], result.sizeof)
when result.sizeof == 8: littleEndian64(result.addr, alignedBuf)
elif result.sizeof == 4: littleEndian32(result.addr, alignedBuf)
elif result.sizeof == 2: littleEndian16(result.addr, alignedBuf)
elif result.sizeof == 1: copyMem(result.addr, alignedBuf, sizeof(result))
else: {.fatal: "Unsupported type deserialization: " & $(type(result)).name.}
func fromSszBytes*(T: type bool, data: openarray[byte]): T =
# TODO: spec doesn't say what to do if the value is >1 - we'll use the C
# definition for now, but maybe this should be a parse error instead?
fromSszBytes(uint8, data) != 0
func fromSszBytes*(T: type Eth2Digest, data: openarray[byte]): T =
doAssert data.len == sizeof(result.data)
copyMem(result.data.addr, unsafeAddr data[0], sizeof(result.data))
template fromSszBytes*(T: type Slot, bytes: openarray[byte]): Slot =
Slot fromSszBytes(uint64, bytes)
template fromSszBytes*(T: type Epoch, bytes: openarray[byte]): Epoch =
Epoch fromSszBytes(uint64, bytes)
template fromSszBytes*(T: type enum, bytes: openarray[byte]): auto =
T fromSszBytes(uint64, bytes)
template fromSszBytes*(T: type BitSeq, bytes: openarray[byte]): auto =
BitSeq @bytes
func fromSszBytes*[N](T: type BitList[N], bytes: openarray[byte]): auto =
BitList[N] @bytes
func readSszValue*(input: openarray[byte], T: type): T =
mixin fromSszBytes, toSszType
type T {.used.}= type(result)
template readOffset(n: int): int {.used.}=
int fromSszBytes(uint32, input[n ..< n + offsetSize])
when useListType and result is List:
type ElemType = type result[0]
result = T readSszValue(input, seq[ElemType])
elif result is ptr|ref:
if input.len > 0:
new result
result[] = readSszValue(input, type(result[]))
elif result is Option:
if input.len > 0:
result = some readSszValue(input, result.T)
elif result is string|seq|openarray|array:
type ElemType = type result[0]
when ElemType is byte|char:
result.setLen input.len
if input.len > 0:
copyMem(addr result[0], unsafeAddr input[0], input.len)
elif isFixedSize(ElemType):
const elemSize = fixedPortionSize(ElemType)
if input.len mod elemSize != 0:
var ex = new SszSizeMismatchError
ex.deserializedType = cstring typetraits.name(T)
ex.actualSszSize = input.len
ex.elementSize = elemSize
raise ex
result.setLen input.len div elemSize
trs "READING LIST WITH LEN ", result.len
for i in 0 ..< result.len:
let offset = i * elemSize
result[i] = readSszValue(input[offset ..< offset+elemSize], ElemType)
if input.len == 0:
# This is an empty list.
# The default initialization of the return value is fine.
var offset = readOffset 0
trs "GOT OFFSET ", offset
let resultLen = offset div offsetSize
trs "LEN ", resultLen
result.setLen resultLen
for i in 1 ..< resultLen:
let nextOffset = readOffset(i * offsetSize)
if nextOffset == offset:
assignNullValue result[i - 1], ElemType
result[i - 1] = readSszValue(input[offset ..< nextOffset], ElemType)
offset = nextOffset
result[resultLen - 1] = readSszValue(input[offset ..< input.len], ElemType)
elif result is object|tuple:
enumInstanceSerializedFields(result, fieldName, field):
const boundingOffsets = T.getFieldBoundingOffsets(fieldName)
trs "BOUNDING OFFSET FOR FIELD ", fieldName, " = ", boundingOffsets
type FieldType = type field
type SszType = type toSszType(default(FieldType))
when isFixedSize(SszType):
startOffset = boundingOffsets[0]
endOffset = boundingOffsets[1]
trs "FIXED FIELD ", startOffset, "-", endOffset
startOffset = readOffset(boundingOffsets[0])
endOffset = if boundingOffsets[1] == -1: input.len
else: readOffset(boundingOffsets[1])
trs "VAR FIELD ", startOffset, "-", endOffset
# TODO The extra type escaping here is a work-around for a Nim issue:
when type(FieldType) is type(SszType):
trs "READING NATIVE ", fieldName, ": ", name(SszType)
field = readSszValue(input[startOffset ..< endOffset], SszType)
trs "READING COMPLETE ", fieldName
elif useListType and FieldType is List:
field = readSszValue(input[startOffset ..< endOffset], FieldType)
trs "READING FOREIGN ", fieldName, ": ", name(SszType)
field = fromSszBytes(FieldType, input[startOffset ..< endOffset])
elif result is SomeInteger|bool|enum:
trs "READING BASIC TYPE ", type(result).name, " input=", input.len
result = fromSszBytes(type(result), input)
trs "RESULT WAS ", repr(result)
unsupported T