366 lines
13 KiB
366 lines
13 KiB
bitops, chronicles, options, sequtils, sets, tables,
ssz, beacon_chain_db, state_transition, extras,
spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest, helpers],
proc link(parent, child: BlockRef) =
doAssert (not (parent.root == Eth2Digest() or child.root == Eth2Digest())),
"blocks missing root!"
doAssert parent.root != child.root, "self-references not allowed"
child.parent = parent
proc init*(T: type BlockPool, db: BeaconChainDB): BlockPool =
# TODO we require that the db contains both a head and a tail block -
# asserting here doesn't seem like the right way to go about it however..
# TODO head is updated outside of block pool but read here - ugly.
tail = db.getTailBlock()
head = db.getHeadBlock()
doAssert tail.isSome(), "Missing tail block, database corrupt?"
doAssert head.isSome(), "Missing head block, database corrupt?"
headRoot = head.get()
tailRoot = tail.get()
tailRef = BlockRef(root: tailRoot)
var blocks = {tailRef.root: tailRef}.toTable()
if headRoot != tailRoot:
var curRef: BlockRef
for root, _ in db.getAncestors(headRoot):
if root == tailRef.root:
assert(not curRef.isNil)
link(tailRef, curRef)
curRef = curRef.parent
if curRef == nil:
curRef = BlockRef(root: root)
link(BlockRef(root: root), curRef)
curRef = curRef.parent
blocks[curRef.root] = curRef
doAssert curRef == tailRef,
"head block does not lead to tail, database corrupt?"
var blocksBySlot = initTable[uint64, seq[BlockRef]]()
for _, b in tables.pairs(blocks):
let slot = db.getBlock(b.root).get().slot
blocksBySlot.mgetOrPut(slot, @[]).add(b)
pending: initTable[Eth2Digest, BeaconBlock](),
unresolved: initTable[Eth2Digest, UnresolvedBlock](),
blocks: blocks,
blocksBySlot: blocksBySlot,
tail: BlockData(
data: db.getBlock(tailRef.root).get(),
refs: tailRef,
db: db
proc addSlotMapping(pool: BlockPool, slot: uint64, br: BlockRef) =
proc addIfMissing(s: var seq[BlockRef], v: BlockRef) =
if v notin s:
pool.blocksBySlot.mgetOrPut(slot, @[]).addIfMissing(br)
proc updateState*(
pool: BlockPool, state: var StateData, blck: BlockRef) {.gcsafe.}
proc add*(
pool: var BlockPool, state: var StateData, blockRoot: Eth2Digest,
blck: BeaconBlock): bool {.gcsafe.} =
## return false indicates that the block parent was missing and should be
## fetched
## the state parameter may be updated to include the given block, if
## everything checks out
# TODO reevaluate passing the state in like this
# TODO reevaluate this API - it's pretty ugly with the bool return
doAssert blockRoot == hash_tree_root_final(blck)
# Already seen this block??
if blockRoot in pool.blocks:
debug "Block already exists",
slot = humaneSlotNum(blck.slot),
stateRoot = shortLog(blck.state_root),
parentRoot = shortLog(blck.parent_root),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot)
return true
# The tail block points to a cutoff time beyond which we don't store blocks -
# if we receive a block with an earlier slot, there's no hope of ever
# resolving it
if blck.slot <= pool.tail.data.slot:
debug "Old block, dropping",
slot = humaneSlotNum(blck.slot),
tailSlot = humaneSlotNum(pool.tail.data.slot),
stateRoot = shortLog(blck.state_root),
parentRoot = shortLog(blck.parent_root),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot)
return true
let parent = pool.blocks.getOrDefault(blck.parent_root)
if parent != nil:
# The block might have been in either of these - we don't want any more
# work done on its behalf
# The block is resolved, now it's time to validate it to ensure that the
# blocks we add to the database are clean for the given state
updateState(pool, state, parent)
skipSlots(state.data, parent.root, blck.slot - 1)
if not updateState(state.data, parent.root, blck, {}):
# TODO find a better way to log all this block data
notice "Invalid block",
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
slot = humaneSlotNum(blck.slot),
stateRoot = shortLog(blck.state_root),
parentRoot = shortLog(blck.parent_root),
signature = shortLog(blck.signature),
proposer_slashings = blck.body.proposer_slashings.len,
attester_slashings = blck.body.attester_slashings.len,
attestations = blck.body.attestations.len,
deposits = blck.body.deposits.len,
voluntary_exits = blck.body.voluntary_exits.len,
transfers = blck.body.transfers.len
let blockRef = BlockRef(
root: blockRoot
link(parent, blockRef)
pool.blocks[blockRoot] = blockRef
pool.addSlotMapping(blck.slot, blockRef)
# Resolved blocks should be stored in database
pool.db.putBlock(blockRoot, blck)
info "Block resolved",
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
slot = humaneSlotNum(blck.slot),
stateRoot = shortLog(blck.state_root),
parentRoot = shortLog(blck.parent_root),
signature = shortLog(blck.signature),
proposer_slashings = blck.body.proposer_slashings.len,
attester_slashings = blck.body.attester_slashings.len,
attestations = blck.body.attestations.len,
deposits = blck.body.deposits.len,
voluntary_exits = blck.body.voluntary_exits.len,
transfers = blck.body.transfers.len
# Now that we have the new block, we should see if any of the previously
# unresolved blocks magically become resolved
# TODO there are more efficient ways of doing this, that also don't risk
# running out of stack etc
let retries = pool.pending
for k, v in retries:
discard pool.add(state, k, v)
return true
# TODO possibly, it makes sense to check the database - that would allow sync
# to simply fill up the database with random blocks the other clients
# think are useful - but, it would also risk filling the database with
# junk that's not part of the block graph
if blck.parent_root in pool.unresolved:
return true
# This is an unresolved block - put it on the unresolved list for now...
# TODO if we receive spam blocks, one heurestic to implement might be to wait
# for a couple of attestations to appear before fetching parents - this
# would help prevent using up network resources for spam - this serves
# two purposes: one is that attestations are likely to appear for the
# block only if it's valid / not spam - the other is that malicious
# validators that are not proposers can sign invalid blocks and send
# them out without penalty - but signing invalid attestations carries
# a risk of being slashed, making attestations a more valuable spam
# filter.
debug "Unresolved block",
slot = humaneSlotNum(blck.slot),
stateRoot = shortLog(blck.state_root),
parentRoot = shortLog(blck.parent_root),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot)
pool.unresolved[blck.parent_root] = UnresolvedBlock()
pool.pending[blockRoot] = blck
proc get*(pool: BlockPool, blck: BlockRef): BlockData =
## Retrieve the associated block body of a block reference
doAssert (not blck.isNil), "Trying to get nil BlockRef"
let data = pool.db.getBlock(blck.root)
doAssert data.isSome, "BlockRef without backing data, database corrupt?"
BlockData(data: data.get(), refs: blck)
proc get*(pool: BlockPool, root: Eth2Digest): Option[BlockData] =
## Retrieve a resolved block reference and its associated body, if available
let refs = pool.blocks.getOrDefault(root)
if not refs.isNil:
proc getOrResolve*(pool: var BlockPool, root: Eth2Digest): BlockRef =
## Fetch a block ref, or nil if not found (will be added to list of
## blocks-to-resolve)
result = pool.blocks.getOrDefault(root)
if result.isNil:
pool.unresolved[root] = UnresolvedBlock()
iterator blockRootsForSlot*(pool: BlockPool, slot: uint64): Eth2Digest =
for br in pool.blocksBySlot.getOrDefault(slot, @[]):
yield br.root
proc checkUnresolved*(pool: var BlockPool): seq[Eth2Digest] =
## Return a list of blocks that we should try to resolve from other client -
## to be called periodically but not too often (once per slot?)
var done: seq[Eth2Digest]
for k, v in pool.unresolved.mpairs():
if v.tries > 8:
inc v.tries
for k in done:
# TODO Need to potentially remove from pool.pending - this is currently a
# memory leak here!
# simple (simplistic?) exponential backoff for retries..
for k, v in pool.unresolved.pairs():
if v.tries.popcount() == 1:
proc skipAndUpdateState(
state: var BeaconState, blck: BeaconBlock, flags: UpdateFlags,
afterUpdate: proc (state: BeaconState)): bool =
skipSlots(state, blck.parent_root, blck.slot - 1, afterUpdate)
let ok = updateState(state, blck.parent_root, blck, flags)
proc maybePutState(pool: BlockPool, state: BeaconState) =
# TODO we save state at every epoch start but never remove them - we also
# potentially save multiple states per slot if reorgs happen, meaning
# we could easily see a state explosion
if state.slot mod SLOTS_PER_EPOCH == 0:
info "Storing state",
stateSlot = humaneSlotNum(state.slot),
stateRoot = shortLog(hash_tree_root_final(state)) # TODO cache?
proc updateState*(
pool: BlockPool, state: var StateData, blck: BlockRef) =
# Rewind or advance state such that it matches the given block - this may
# include replaying from an earlier snapshot if blck is on a different branch
# or has advanced to a higher slot number than blck
var ancestors = @[pool.get(blck)]
# We need to check the slot because the state might have moved forwards
# without blocks
if state.blck.root == blck.root and state.data.slot == ancestors[0].data.slot:
return # State already at the right spot
# Common case: blck points to a block that is one step ahead of state
if state.blck.root == ancestors[0].data.parent_root and
state.data.slot + 1 == ancestors[0].data.slot:
let ok = skipAndUpdateState(
state.data, ancestors[0].data, {skipValidation}) do (state: BeaconState):
doAssert ok, "Blocks in database should never fail to apply.."
state.blck = blck
state.root = ancestors[0].data.state_root
# It appears that the parent root of the proposed new block is different from
# what we expected. We will have to rewind the state to a point along the
# chain of ancestors of the new block. We will do this by loading each
# successive parent block and checking if we can find the corresponding state
# in the database.
while not ancestors[^1].refs.parent.isNil:
let parent = pool.get(ancestors[^1].refs.parent)
ancestors.add parent
if pool.db.containsState(parent.data.state_root): break
ancestor = ancestors[^1]
ancestorState = pool.db.getState(ancestor.data.state_root)
if ancestorState.isNone():
# TODO this should only happen if the database is corrupt - we walked the
# list of parent blocks and couldn't find a corresponding state in the
# database, which should never happen (at least we should have the
# tail state in there!)
error "Couldn't find ancestor state or block parent missing!",
blockRoot = shortLog(blck.root)
doAssert false, "Oh noes, we passed big bang!"
notice "Replaying state transitions",
stateSlot = humaneSlotNum(state.data.slot),
stateRoot = shortLog(ancestor.data.state_root),
prevStateSlot = humaneSlotNum(ancestorState.get().slot),
ancestors = ancestors.len
state.data = ancestorState.get()
# If we come this far, we found the state root. The last block on the stack
# is the one that produced this particular state, so we can pop it
# TODO it might be possible to use the latest block hashes from the state to
# do this more efficiently.. whatever!
# Time to replay all the blocks between then and now. We skip the one because
# it's the one that we found the state with, and it has already been
# applied
for i in countdown(ancestors.len - 2, 0):
let last = ancestors[i]
state.data, last.data.parent_root,
last.data.slot - 1) do(state: BeaconState):
let ok = updateState(
state.data, last.data.parent_root, last.data, {skipValidation})
doAssert ok,
"We only keep validated blocks in the database, should never fail"
state.blck = blck
state.root = ancestors[0].data.state_root
proc loadTailState*(pool: BlockPool): StateData =
## Load the state associated with the current tail in the pool
data: pool.db.getState(pool.tail.data.state_root).get(),
root: pool.tail.data.state_root,
blck: pool.tail.refs