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synced 2025-03-03 07:30:56 +00:00
* address issue #1580 * Update beacon_chain/spec/beaconstate.nim Co-authored-by: Jacek Sieka <jacek@status.im>
418 lines
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418 lines
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std/[math, tables],
chronicles, chronicles/chronos_tools, chronos, metrics,
./spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest],
./block_pools/[clearance, chain_dag],
./beacon_node_types, ./attestation_pool,
./time, ./conf, ./sszdump
# Metrics for tracking attestation and beacon block loss
declareCounter beacon_attestations_received,
"Number of beacon chain attestations received by this peer"
declareCounter beacon_aggregates_received,
"Number of beacon chain aggregate attestations received by this peer"
declareCounter beacon_blocks_received,
"Number of beacon chain blocks received by this peer"
const delayBuckets = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, Inf]
declareHistogram beacon_attestation_delay,
"Time(s) between slot start and attestation reception", buckets = delayBuckets
declareHistogram beacon_aggregate_delay,
"Time(s) between slot start and aggregate reception", buckets = delayBuckets
declareHistogram beacon_block_delay,
"Time(s) between slot start and beacon block reception", buckets = delayBuckets
declareHistogram beacon_store_block_duration_seconds,
"storeBlock() duration", buckets = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, Inf]
declareGauge beacon_head_root,
"Root of the head block of the beacon chain"
GetWallTimeFn* = proc(): BeaconTime {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
SyncBlock* = object
blk*: SignedBeaconBlock
resfut*: Future[Result[void, BlockError]]
BlockEntry* = object
v*: SyncBlock
AttestationEntry* = object
v*: Attestation
attesting_indices*: HashSet[ValidatorIndex]
AggregateEntry* = AttestationEntry
Eth2Processor* = object
config*: BeaconNodeConf
getWallTime*: GetWallTimeFn
chainDag*: ChainDAGRef
attestationPool*: ref AttestationPool
quarantine*: QuarantineRef
blocksQueue*: AsyncQueue[BlockEntry]
attestationsQueue*: AsyncQueue[AttestationEntry]
aggregatesQueue*: AsyncQueue[AggregateEntry]
proc updateHead*(self: var Eth2Processor, wallSlot: Slot): BlockRef =
## Trigger fork choice and returns the new head block.
## Can return `nil`
# Grab the new head according to our latest attestation data
let newHead = self.attestationPool[].selectHead(wallSlot)
if newHead.isNil():
return nil
# Store the new head in the chain DAG - this may cause epochs to be
# justified and finalized
let oldFinalized = self.chainDag.finalizedHead.blck
self.chainDag.updateHead(newHead, self.quarantine)
beacon_head_root.set newHead.root.toGaugeValue
# Cleanup the fork choice v2 if we have a finalized head
if oldFinalized != self.chainDag.finalizedHead.blck:
proc dumpBlock[T](
self: Eth2Processor, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
res: Result[T, BlockError]) =
if self.config.dumpEnabled and res.isErr:
case res.error
of Invalid:
self.config.dumpDirInvalid, signedBlock)
of MissingParent:
self.config.dumpDirIncoming, signedBlock)
proc done*(blk: SyncBlock) =
## Send signal to [Sync/Request]Manager that the block ``blk`` has passed
## verification successfully.
if blk.resfut != nil:
blk.resfut.complete(Result[void, BlockError].ok())
proc fail*(blk: SyncBlock, error: BlockError) =
## Send signal to [Sync/Request]Manager that the block ``blk`` has NOT passed
## verification with specific ``error``.
if blk.resfut != nil:
blk.resfut.complete(Result[void, BlockError].err(error))
proc complete*(blk: SyncBlock, res: Result[void, BlockError]) {.inline.} =
## Send signal to [Sync/Request]Manager about result ``res`` of block ``blk``
## verification.
if blk.resfut != nil:
proc storeBlock(
self: var Eth2Processor, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
wallSlot: Slot): Result[void, BlockError] =
start = Moment.now()
attestationPool = self.attestationPool
{.gcsafe.}: # TODO: fork choice and quarantine should sync via messages instead of callbacks
let blck = self.chainDag.addRawBlock(self.quarantine, signedBlock) do (
blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
epochRef: EpochRef, state: HashedBeaconState):
# Callback add to fork choice if valid
epochRef, blckRef, signedBlock.message, wallSlot)
self.dumpBlock(signedBlock, blck)
# There can be a scenario where we receive a block we already received.
# However this block was before the last finalized epoch and so its parent
# was pruned from the ForkChoice.
if blck.isErr:
return err(blck.error)
beacon_store_block_duration_seconds.observe((Moment.now() - start).milliseconds.float64 / 1000)
return ok()
proc processAttestation(
self: var Eth2Processor, entry: AttestationEntry) =
signature = shortLog(entry.v.signature)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
error "Processing attestation before genesis, clock turned back?"
quit 1
trace "Processing attestation"
entry.v, entry.attesting_indices, wallSlot)
proc processAggregate(
self: var Eth2Processor, entry: AggregateEntry) =
signature = shortLog(entry.v.signature)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
error "Processing aggregate before genesis, clock turned back?"
quit 1
trace "Processing aggregate"
entry.v, entry.attesting_indices, wallSlot)
proc processBlock(self: var Eth2Processor, entry: BlockEntry) =
blockRoot = shortLog(entry.v.blk.root)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
error "Processing block before genesis, clock turned back?"
quit 1
start = now(chronos.Moment)
res = self.storeBlock(entry.v.blk, wallSlot)
storeDone = now(chronos.Moment)
if res.isOk():
# Eagerly update head in case the new block gets selected
discard self.updateHead(wallSlot)
let updateDone = now(chronos.Moment)
let storeBlockDuration = storeDone - start
let updateHeadDuration = updateDone - storeDone
let overallDuration = updateDone - start
let storeSpeed =
let secs = float(chronos.seconds(1).nanoseconds)
if not(overallDuration.isZero()):
let v = secs / float(overallDuration.nanoseconds)
round(v * 10_000) / 10_000
debug "Block processed",
local_head_slot = self.chainDag.head.slot,
store_speed = storeSpeed,
block_slot = entry.v.blk.message.slot,
store_block_duration = $storeBlockDuration,
update_head_duration = $updateHeadDuration,
overall_duration = $overallDuration
if entry.v.resFut != nil:
entry.v.resFut.complete(Result[void, BlockError].ok())
elif res.error() in {BlockError.Duplicate, BlockError.Old}:
# These are harmless / valid outcomes - for the purpose of scoring peers,
# they are ok
if entry.v.resFut != nil:
entry.v.resFut.complete(Result[void, BlockError].ok())
if entry.v.resFut != nil:
entry.v.resFut.complete(Result[void, BlockError].err(res.error()))
proc blockValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock): bool =
signedBlock = shortLog(signedBlock.message)
blockRoot = shortLog(signedBlock.root)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
return false
logScope: wallSlot
let delay = wallTime - signedBlock.message.slot.toBeaconTime
if signedBlock.root in self.chainDag.blocks:
# The gossip algorithm itself already does one round of hashing to find
# already-seen data, but it is fairly aggressive about forgetting about
# what it has seen already
debug "Dropping already-seen gossip block", delay
# Potentially use a fast exit here. We only need to check that
# the contents of the incoming message match our previously seen
# version of the block. We don't need to use HTR for this - for
# better efficiency we can use vanilla SHA256 or direct comparison
# if we still have the previous block in memory.
return false
# Start of block processing - in reality, we have already gone through SSZ
# decoding at this stage, which may be significant
debug "Block received", delay
let blck = self.chainDag.isValidBeaconBlock(
self.quarantine, signedBlock, wallSlot, {})
self.dumpBlock(signedBlock, blck)
if not blck.isOk:
return false
beacon_block_delay.observe(float(milliseconds(delay)) / 1000.0)
# Block passed validation - enqueue it for processing. The block processing
# queue is effectively unbounded as we use a freestanding task to enqueue
# the block - this is done so that when blocks arrive concurrently with
# sync, we don't lose the gossip blocks, but also don't block the gossip
# propagation of seemingly good blocks
trace "Block validated"
traceAsyncErrors self.blocksQueue.addLast(
BlockEntry(v: SyncBlock(blk: signedBlock)))
proc attestationValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor,
attestation: Attestation,
committeeIndex: uint64): bool =
attestation = shortLog(attestation)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
notice "Attestation before genesis"
return false
logScope: wallSlot
# Potential under/overflows are fine; would just create odd metrics and logs
let delay = wallTime - attestation.data.slot.toBeaconTime
debug "Attestation received", delay
let v = self.attestationPool[].validateAttestation(
attestation, wallTime, committeeIndex)
if v.isErr():
debug "Dropping attestation", err = v.error()
return false
beacon_attestation_delay.observe(float(milliseconds(delay)) / 1000.0)
while self.attestationsQueue.full():
let dropped = self.attestationsQueue.popFirst()
doAssert dropped.finished, "popFirst sanity"
notice "Queue full, dropping attestation",
dropped = shortLog(dropped.read().v)
trace "Attestation validated"
traceAsyncErrors self.attestationsQueue.addLast(
AttestationEntry(v: attestation, attesting_indices: v.get()))
proc aggregateValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor,
signedAggregateAndProof: SignedAggregateAndProof): bool =
aggregate = shortLog(signedAggregateAndProof.message.aggregate)
signature = shortLog(signedAggregateAndProof.signature)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
notice "Aggregate before genesis"
return false
logScope: wallSlot
# Potential under/overflows are fine; would just create odd logs
let delay =
wallTime - signedAggregateAndProof.message.aggregate.data.slot.toBeaconTime
debug "Aggregate received", delay
let v = self.attestationPool[].validateAggregate(
signedAggregateAndProof, wallTime)
if v.isErr:
debug "Dropping aggregate", err = v.error
return false
beacon_aggregate_delay.observe(float(milliseconds(delay)) / 1000.0)
while self.aggregatesQueue.full():
let dropped = self.aggregatesQueue.popFirst()
doAssert dropped.finished, "popFirst sanity"
notice "Queue full, dropping aggregate",
dropped = shortLog(dropped.read().v)
trace "Aggregate validated"
traceAsyncErrors self.aggregatesQueue.addLast(AggregateEntry(
v: signedAggregateAndProof.message.aggregate,
attesting_indices: v.get()))
proc runQueueProcessingLoop*(self: ref Eth2Processor) {.async.} =
# Blocks in eth2 arrive on a schedule for every slot:
# * Block arrives at time 0
# * Attestations arrives at time 4
# * Aggregate arrives at time 8
blockFut = self[].blocksQueue.popFirst()
aggregateFut = self[].aggregatesQueue.popFirst()
attestationFut = self[].attestationsQueue.popFirst()
while true:
trace "Waiting for processing work"
await blockFut or aggregateFut or attestationFut
while blockFut.finished:
# TODO await here _hopefully_ yields to the event loop allowing another
# queue put to complete
self[].processBlock(await blockFut)
blockFut = self[].blocksQueue.popFirst()
if aggregateFut.finished:
self[].processAggregate(await aggregateFut)
aggregateFut = self[].aggregatesQueue.popFirst()
if attestationFut.finished:
self[].processAttestation(await attestationFut)
attestationFut = self[].attestationsQueue.popFirst()
proc new*(T: type Eth2Processor,
config: BeaconNodeConf,
chainDag: ChainDAGRef,
attestationPool: ref AttestationPool,
quarantine: QuarantineRef,
getWallTime: GetWallTimeFn): ref Eth2Processor =
(ref Eth2Processor)(
config: config,
getWallTime: getWallTime,
chainDag: chainDag,
attestationPool: attestationPool,
quarantine: quarantine,
blocksQueue: newAsyncQueue[BlockEntry](1),
aggregatesQueue: newAsyncQueue[AggregateEntry](MAX_ATTESTATIONS.int),
attestationsQueue: newAsyncQueue[AttestationEntry](TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE.int * 4),