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synced 2025-03-01 06:30:52 +00:00
Some upstream repos still need fixes, but this gets us close enough that style hints can be enabled by default. In general, "canonical" spellings are preferred even if they violate nep-1 - this applies in particular to spec-related stuff like `genesis_validators_root` which appears throughout the codebase.
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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
# Stdlib
std/[typetraits, strutils, algorithm],
# Status
stew/[byteutils, results],
# Internal
export serialization, json_serialization # Generic sandwich https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11225
# Slashing Protection Interop
# --------------------------------------------
# We use the SPDIR type as an intermediate representation
# between database versions and to generate
# the serialized interchanged format.
# References: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076
# SPDIR: Nimbus-specific, Slashing Protection Database Intermediate Representation
# SPDIF: Cross-client, json, Slashing Protection Database Interchange Format
SPDIR* = object
## Slashing Protection Database Interchange Format
metadata*: SPDIR_Meta
data*: seq[SPDIR_Validator]
Eth2Digest0x* = distinct Eth2Digest
## The spec mandates "0x" prefix on serialization
## So we need to set custom read/write
PubKeyBytes* = array[RawPubKeySize, byte]
## This is the serialized byte representation
## of a Validator Public Key.
## Portable between Miracl/BLST
## and limits serialization/deserialization call
PubKey0x* = distinct PubKeyBytes
## The spec mandates "0x" prefix on serialization
## So we need to set custom read/write
## We also assume that pubkeys in the database
## are valid points on the BLS12-381 G1 curve
## (so we skip fromRaw/serialization checks)
SlotString* = distinct Slot
## The spec mandates string serialization for wide compatibility (javascript)
EpochString* = distinct Epoch
## The spec mandates string serialization for wide compatibility (javascript)
SPDIR_Meta* = object
interchange_format_version*: string
genesis_validators_root*: Eth2Digest0x
SPDIR_Validator* = object
pubkey*: PubKey0x
signed_blocks*: seq[SPDIR_SignedBlock]
signed_attestations*: seq[SPDIR_SignedAttestation]
SPDIR_SignedBlock* = object
slot*: SlotString
signing_root*: Eth2Digest0x # compute_signing_root(block, domain)
SPDIR_SignedAttestation* = object
source_epoch*: EpochString
target_epoch*: EpochString
signing_root*: Eth2Digest0x # compute_signing_root(attestation, domain)
# Slashing Protection types
# --------------------------------------------
SlashingImportStatus* = enum
BadVoteKind* = enum
## Attestation bad vote kind
# h: height (i.e. epoch for attestation, slot for blocks)
# t: target
# s: source
# 1: existing attestations
# 2: candidate attestation
# Spec slashing condition
DoubleVote # h(t1) == h(t2)
SurroundVote # h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t2) < h(t1) or h(s2) < h(s1) < h(t1) < h(t2)
# Non-spec, should never happen in a well functioning client
TargetPrecedesSource # h(t1) < h(s1) - current epoch precedes last justified epoch
# EIP-3067 (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076)
MinSourceViolation # h(s2) < h(s1) - EIP3067 condition 4 (strict inequality)
MinTargetViolation # h(t2) <= h(t1) - EIP3067 condition 5
DatabaseError # Cannot read/write the slashing protection db
BadVote* {.pure.} = object
case kind*: BadVoteKind
of DoubleVote:
existingAttestation*: Eth2Digest
of SurroundVote:
existingAttestationRoot*: Eth2Digest # Many roots might be in conflict
sourceExisting*, targetExisting*: Epoch
sourceSlashable*, targetSlashable*: Epoch
of TargetPrecedesSource:
of MinSourceViolation:
minSource*: Epoch
candidateSource*: Epoch
of MinTargetViolation:
minTarget*: Epoch
candidateTarget*: Epoch
of BadVoteKind.DatabaseError:
message*: string
BadProposalKind* {.pure.} = enum
# Spec slashing condition
DoubleProposal # h(t1) == h(t2)
# EIP-3067 (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076)
MinSlotViolation # h(t2) <= h(t1)
DatabaseError # Cannot read/write the slashing protection db
BadProposal* = object
case kind*: BadProposalKind
of DoubleProposal:
existingBlock*: Eth2Digest
of MinSlotViolation:
minSlot*: Slot
candidateSlot*: Slot
of BadProposalKind.DatabaseError:
message*: string
func `==`*(a, b: BadVote): bool =
## Comparison operator.
## Used implictily by Result when comparing the
## result of multiple DB versions
if a.kind != b.kind:
case a.kind
of DoubleVote:
a.existingAttestation == b.existingAttestation
of SurroundVote:
(a.existingAttestationRoot == b.existingAttestationRoot) and
(a.sourceExisting == b.sourceExisting) and
(a.targetExisting == b.targetExisting) and
(a.sourceSlashable == b.sourceSlashable) and
(a.targetSlashable == b.targetSlashable)
of TargetPrecedesSource:
of MinSourceViolation:
(a.minSource == b.minSource) and
(a.candidateSource == b.candidateSource)
of MinTargetViolation:
(a.minTarget == b.minTarget) and
(a.candidateTarget == b.candidateTarget)
of BadVoteKind.DatabaseError:
template `==`*(a, b: PubKey0x): bool =
PubKeyBytes(a) == PubKeyBytes(b)
template `<`*(a, b: PubKey0x): bool =
PubKeyBytes(a) < PubKeyBytes(b)
template cmp*(a, b: PubKey0x): bool =
cmp(PubKeyBytes(a), PubKeyBytes(b))
func `==`*(a, b: BadProposal): bool =
## Comparison operator.
## Used implictily by Result when comparing the
## result of multiple DB versions
## Except that V1 doesn't support low-watermark...
if a.kind != b.kind:
elif a.kind == DoubleProposal:
a.existingBlock == b.existingBlock
elif a.kind == MinSlotViolation:
a.minSlot == b.minSlot and
a.candidateSlot == b.candidateSlot
else: # Unreachable
# Serialization
# --------------------------------------------
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: PubKey0x)
{.inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
writer.writeValue("0x" & value.PubKeyBytes.toHex())
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var PubKey0x)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
value = PubKey0x hexToByteArray(reader.readValue(string), RawPubKeySize)
except ValueError:
raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Hex string expected")
proc writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter, a: Eth2Digest0x)
{.inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
w.writeValue "0x" & a.Eth2Digest.data.toHex()
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, a: var Eth2Digest0x)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
a = Eth2Digest0x fromHex(Eth2Digest, r.readValue(string))
except ValueError:
raiseUnexpectedValue(r, "Hex string expected")
proc writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter, a: SlotString or EpochString)
{.inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
w.writeValue $distinctBase(a)
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, a: var (SlotString or EpochString))
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
a = (typeof a)(r.readValue(string).parseBiggestUInt())
except ValueError:
raiseUnexpectedValue(r, "Integer in a string expected")
proc importSlashingInterchange*(
db: auto,
path: string): SlashingImportStatus {.raises: [Defect, IOError, SerializationError].} =
## Import a Slashing Protection Database Interchange Format
## into a Nimbus DB.
## This adds data to already existing data.
let spdir = Json.loadFile(path, SPDIR)
return db.inclSPDIR(spdir)
# Logging
# --------------------------------------------
func shortLog*(v: SPDIR_SignedBlock): auto =
slot: shortLog(v.slot.Slot),
signing_root: shortLog(v.signing_root.Eth2Digest)
func shortLog*(v: SPDIR_SignedAttestation): auto =
source_epoch: shortLog(v.source_epoch.Epoch),
target_epoch: shortLog(v.target_epoch.Epoch),
signing_root: shortLog(v.signing_root.Eth2Digest)
chronicles.formatIt SlotString: it.Slot.shortLog
chronicles.formatIt EpochString: it.Slot.shortLog
chronicles.formatIt Eth2Digest0x: it.Eth2Digest.shortLog
chronicles.formatIt SPDIR_SignedBlock: it.shortLog
chronicles.formatIt SPDIR_SignedAttestation: it.shortLog
# Interchange import
# --------------------------------------------
proc importInterchangeV5Impl*(
db: auto,
spdir: var SPDIR
): SlashingImportStatus
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
## Common implementation of interchange import
## according to https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076
## spdir needs to be `var` as it will be sorted in-place
result = siSuccess
for v in 0 ..< spdir.data.len:
let parsedKey = block:
let key = ValidatorPubKey.fromRaw(spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes)
if key.isErr:
# The bytes does not describe a valid encoding (length error)
error "Invalid public key.",
pubkey = "0x" & spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex()
result = siPartial
if key.get().load().isNone():
# The bytes don't deserialize to a valid BLS G1 elliptic curve point.
# Deserialization is costly but done only once per validator.
# and SlashingDB import is a very rare event.
error "Invalid public key.",
pubkey = "0x" & spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex()
result = siPartial
# TODO: with minification sorting is unnecessary, cleanup
# Sort by ascending minimum slot so that we don't trigger MinSlotViolation
spdir.data[v].signed_blocks.sort do (a, b: SPDIR_SignedBlock) -> int:
result = cmp(a.slot.int, b.slot.int)
spdir.data[v].signed_attestations.sort do (a, b: SPDIR_SignedAttestation) -> int:
result = cmp(a.source_epoch.int, b.source_epoch.int)
if result == 0: # Same epoch
result = cmp(a.target_epoch.int, b.target_epoch.int)
const ZeroDigest = Eth2Digest()
let (dbSlot, dbSource, dbTarget) = db.retrieveLatestValidatorData(parsedKey)
# Blocks
# ---------------------------------------------------
# After import we need to prune the DB from everything
# besides the last imported block slot.
# This ensures that even if 2 slashing DB are imported in the wrong order
# (the last before the earliest) the minSlotViolation check stays consistent.
var maxValidSlotSeen = -1
if dbSlot.isSome():
maxValidSlotSeen = int dbSlot.get()
if spdir.data[v].signed_blocks.len >= 1:
# Minification, to limit Sqlite IO we only import the last block after sorting
template B: untyped = spdir.data[v].signed_blocks[^1]
let status = db.registerBlock(
parsedKey, B.slot.Slot, B.signing_root.Eth2Digest
if status.isErr():
# We might be importing a duplicate which EIP-3076 allows
# there is no reason during normal operation to integrate
# a duplicate so checkSlashableBlockProposal would have rejected it.
# We special-case that for imports.
# Note: rule 2 mentions repeat signing in the MinSlotViolation case
# having 2 blocks with the same signing root and different slots
# would break the blockchain so we only check for exact slot.
if status.error.kind == DoubleProposal and
B.signing_root.Eth2Digest != ZeroDigest and
status.error.existingBlock == B.signing_root.Eth2Digest:
warn "Block already exists in the DB",
pubkey = spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex(),
candidateBlock = B
error "Slashable block. Skipping its import.",
pubkey = spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex(),
candidateBlock = B,
conflict = status.error()
result = siPartial
if B.slot.int > maxValidSlotSeen:
maxValidSlotSeen = int B.slot
# Now prune everything that predates
# this DB or interchange file max slot
# Even if the block is not imported, pruning will keep the latest one.
db.pruneBlocks(parsedKey, Slot maxValidSlotSeen)
# Attestations
# ---------------------------------------------------
# After import we need to prune the DB from everything
# besides the last imported attestation source and target epochs.
# This ensures that even if 2 slashing DB are imported in the wrong order
# (the last before the earliest) the minEpochViolation check stays consistent.
var maxValidSourceEpochSeen = -1
var maxValidTargetEpochSeen = -1
if dbSource.isSome():
maxValidSourceEpochSeen = int dbSource.get()
if dbTarget.isSome():
maxValidTargetEpochSeen = int dbTarget.get()
# We do a first pass over the data to find the max source/target seen
for a in 0 ..< spdir.data[v].signed_attestations.len:
template A: untyped = spdir.data[v].signed_attestations[a]
if A.source_epoch.int > maxValidSourceEpochSeen:
maxValidSourceEpochSeen = A.source_epoch.int
if A.target_epoch.int > maxValidTargetEpochSeen:
maxValidTargetEpochSeen = A.target_epoch.int
if maxValidSourceEpochSeen < 0 or maxValidTargetEpochSeen < 0:
doAssert maxValidSourceEpochSeen == -1 and maxValidTargetEpochSeen == -1
notice "No attestation found in slashing interchange file for validator",
pubkey = spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex()
# See formal proof https://github.com/michaelsproul/slashing-proofs
# of synthetic attestation
if not(maxValidSourceEpochSeen < maxValidTargetEpochSeen) and
not(maxValidSourceEpochSeen == 0 and maxValidTargetEpochSeen == 0):
# Special-case genesis (Slashing prot is deactivated anyway)
warn "Invalid attestation(s), source epochs should be less than target epochs, skipping import",
pubkey = spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex(),
maxValidSourceEpochSeen = maxValidSourceEpochSeen,
maxValidTargetEpochSeen = maxValidTargetEpochSeen
result = siPartial
Epoch maxValidSourceEpochSeen,
Epoch maxValidTargetEpochSeen
db.pruneAttestations(parsedKey, maxValidSourceEpochSeen, maxValidTargetEpochSeen)