# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import std/[tables, os, sets, sequtils, strutils, uri], stew/[base10, results, byteutils], bearssl/rand, chronos, presto, presto/client as presto_client, chronicles, confutils, json_serialization/std/[options, net], metrics, metrics/chronos_httpserver, ".."/spec/datatypes/[phase0, altair], ".."/spec/[eth2_merkleization, helpers, signatures, validator], ".."/spec/eth2_apis/[eth2_rest_serialization, rest_beacon_client, dynamic_fee_recipients], ".."/validators/[keystore_management, validator_pool, slashing_protection], ".."/[conf, beacon_clock, version, nimbus_binary_common] from std/times import Time, toUnix, fromUnix, getTime export os, sets, sequtils, chronos, presto, chronicles, confutils, nimbus_binary_common, version, conf, options, tables, results, base10, byteutils, presto_client, eth2_rest_serialization, rest_beacon_client, phase0, altair, helpers, signatures, validator, eth2_merkleization, beacon_clock, keystore_management, slashing_protection, validator_pool, dynamic_fee_recipients, Time, toUnix, fromUnix, getTime const SYNC_TOLERANCE* = 4'u64 SLOT_LOOKAHEAD* = 1.seconds HISTORICAL_DUTIES_EPOCHS* = 2'u64 TIME_DELAY_FROM_SLOT* = 79.milliseconds SUBSCRIPTION_BUFFER_SLOTS* = 2'u64 EPOCHS_BETWEEN_VALIDATOR_REGISTRATION* = 1 DelayBuckets* = [-Inf, -4.0, -2.0, -1.0, -0.5, -0.1, -0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, Inf] type ServiceState* {.pure.} = enum Initialized, Running, Error, Closing, Closed BlockServiceEventRef* = ref object of RootObj slot*: Slot proposers*: seq[ValidatorPubKey] RegistrationKind* {.pure.} = enum Cached, IncorrectTime, MissingIndex, MissingFee, MissingGasLimit ErrorSignature, NoSignature PendingValidatorRegistration* = object registration*: SignedValidatorRegistrationV1 future*: Future[SignatureResult] ClientServiceRef* = ref object of RootObj name*: string state*: ServiceState lifeFut*: Future[void] client*: ValidatorClientRef DutiesServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef FallbackServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef changesEvent*: AsyncEvent ForkServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef AttestationServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef BlockServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef SyncCommitteeServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef DoppelgangerServiceRef* = ref object of ClientServiceRef enabled*: bool DutyAndProof* = object epoch*: Epoch dependentRoot*: Eth2Digest data*: RestAttesterDuty slotSig*: Option[ValidatorSig] SyncCommitteeDuty* = object pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey validator_index*: ValidatorIndex validator_sync_committee_index*: IndexInSyncCommittee SyncCommitteeSubscriptionInfo* = object validator_index*: ValidatorIndex validator_sync_committee_indices*: seq[IndexInSyncCommittee] ProposerTask* = object duty*: RestProposerDuty future*: Future[void] ProposedData* = object epoch*: Epoch dependentRoot*: Eth2Digest duties*: seq[ProposerTask] BeaconNodeRole* {.pure.} = enum Duties, AttestationData, AttestationPublish, AggregatedData, AggregatedPublish, BlockProposalData, BlockProposalPublish, SyncCommitteeData, SyncCommitteePublish BeaconNodeServer* = object client*: RestClientRef endpoint*: string config*: Option[RestSpecVC] ident*: Option[string] genesis*: Option[RestGenesis] syncInfo*: Option[RestSyncInfo] status*: RestBeaconNodeStatus roles*: set[BeaconNodeRole] logIdent*: string index*: int EpochDuties* = object duties*: Table[Epoch, DutyAndProof] EpochSyncDuties* = object duties*: Table[Epoch, SyncCommitteeDuty] RestBeaconNodeStatus* {.pure.} = enum Offline, ## BN is offline. Online, ## BN is online, passed checkOnline() check. Incompatible, ## BN configuration is NOT compatible with VC configuration. Compatible, ## BN configuration is compatible with VC configuration. NotSynced, ## BN is not in sync. OptSynced, ## BN is optimistically synced (EL is not in sync). Synced ## BN and EL are synced. BeaconNodesCounters* = object data*: array[int(high(RestBeaconNodeStatus)) + 1, int] BeaconNodeServerRef* = ref BeaconNodeServer AttesterMap* = Table[ValidatorPubKey, EpochDuties] SyncCommitteeDutiesMap* = Table[ValidatorPubKey, EpochSyncDuties] ProposerMap* = Table[Epoch, ProposedData] DoppelgangerStatus* {.pure.} = enum None, Checking, Passed DoppelgangerAttempt* {.pure.} = enum None, Failure, SuccessTrue, SuccessFalse ValidatorClient* = object config*: ValidatorClientConf metricsServer*: Option[MetricsHttpServerRef] graffitiBytes*: GraffitiBytes beaconNodes*: seq[BeaconNodeServerRef] fallbackService*: FallbackServiceRef forkService*: ForkServiceRef dutiesService*: DutiesServiceRef attestationService*: AttestationServiceRef blockService*: BlockServiceRef syncCommitteeService*: SyncCommitteeServiceRef doppelgangerService*: DoppelgangerServiceRef runSlotLoopFut*: Future[void] runKeystoreCachePruningLoopFut*: Future[void] sigintHandleFut*: Future[void] sigtermHandleFut*: Future[void] keymanagerHost*: ref KeymanagerHost keymanagerServer*: RestServerRef keystoreCache*: KeystoreCacheRef beaconClock*: BeaconClock attachedValidators*: ref ValidatorPool forks*: seq[Fork] forksAvailable*: AsyncEvent nodesAvailable*: AsyncEvent indicesAvailable*: AsyncEvent doppelExit*: AsyncEvent attesters*: AttesterMap proposers*: ProposerMap syncCommitteeDuties*: SyncCommitteeDutiesMap beaconGenesis*: RestGenesis proposerTasks*: Table[Slot, seq[ProposerTask]] dynamicFeeRecipientsStore*: ref DynamicFeeRecipientsStore validatorsRegCache*: Table[ValidatorPubKey, SignedValidatorRegistrationV1] rng*: ref HmacDrbgContext ApiFailure* {.pure.} = enum Communication, Invalid, NotFound, NotSynced, Internal, Unexpected ApiNodeFailure* = object node*: BeaconNodeServerRef failure*: ApiFailure ValidatorClientRef* = ref ValidatorClient ValidatorClientError* = object of CatchableError ValidatorApiError* = object of ValidatorClientError data*: seq[ApiNodeFailure] const DefaultDutyAndProof* = DutyAndProof(epoch: Epoch(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64)) SlotDuration* = int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT).seconds OneThirdDuration* = int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT).seconds div INTERVALS_PER_SLOT AllBeaconNodeRoles* = { BeaconNodeRole.Duties, BeaconNodeRole.AttestationData, BeaconNodeRole.AttestationPublish, BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedData, BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedPublish, BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalData, BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalPublish, BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteeData, BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteePublish, } proc `$`*(roles: set[BeaconNodeRole]): string = if card(roles) > 0: if roles != AllBeaconNodeRoles: var res: seq[string] if BeaconNodeRole.Duties in roles: res.add("duties") if BeaconNodeRole.AttestationData in roles: res.add("attestation-data") if BeaconNodeRole.AttestationPublish in roles: res.add("attestation-publish") if BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedData in roles: res.add("aggregated-data") if BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedPublish in roles: res.add("aggregated-publish") if BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalData in roles: res.add("block-data") if BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalPublish in roles: res.add("block-publish") if BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteeData in roles: res.add("sync-data") if BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteePublish in roles: res.add("sync-publish") res.join(",") else: "{all}" else: "{}" proc `$`*(status: RestBeaconNodeStatus): string = case status of RestBeaconNodeStatus.Offline: "offline" of RestBeaconNodeStatus.Online: "online" of RestBeaconNodeStatus.Incompatible: "incompatible" of RestBeaconNodeStatus.Compatible: "compatible" of RestBeaconNodeStatus.NotSynced: "bn-unsynced" of RestBeaconNodeStatus.OptSynced: "el-unsynced" of RestBeaconNodeStatus.Synced: "synced" proc `$`*(failure: ApiFailure): string = case failure of ApiFailure.Communication: "Connection with beacon node has been lost" of ApiFailure.Invalid: "Invalid response received from beacon node" of ApiFailure.NotFound: "Beacon node did not found requested entity" of ApiFailure.NotSynced: "Beacon node not in sync with network" of ApiFailure.Internal: "Beacon node reports internal failure" of ApiFailure.Unexpected: "Beacon node reports unexpected status" proc getNodeCounts*(vc: ValidatorClientRef): BeaconNodesCounters = var res = BeaconNodesCounters() for node in vc.beaconNodes: inc(res.data[int(node.status)]) res proc getFailureReason*(exc: ref ValidatorApiError): string = var counts: array[int(high(ApiFailure)) + 1, int] let errors = exc[].data errorsCount = len(errors) if errorsCount > 1: var maxFailure = block: var maxCount = -1 var res = ApiFailure.Unexpected for item in errors: inc(counts[int(item.failure)]) if counts[int(item.failure)] > maxCount: maxCount = counts[int(item.failure)] res = item.failure res $maxFailure elif errorsCount == 1: $errors[0].failure else: exc.msg proc shortLog*(roles: set[BeaconNodeRole]): string = var r = "AGBSD" if BeaconNodeRole.AttestationData in roles: if BeaconNodeRole.AttestationPublish in roles: r[0] = 'A' else: r[0] = 'a' else: if BeaconNodeRole.AttestationPublish in roles: r[0] = '+' else: r[0] = '-' if BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedData in roles: if BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedPublish in roles: r[1] = 'G' else: r[1] = 'g' else: if BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedPublish in roles: r[1] = '+' else: r[1] = '-' if BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalData in roles: if BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalPublish in roles: r[2] = 'B' else: r[2] = 'b' else: if BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalPublish in roles: r[2] = '+' else: r[2] = '-' if BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteeData in roles: if BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteePublish in roles: r[3] = 'S' else: r[3] = 's' else: if BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteePublish in roles: r[3] = '+' else: r[3] = '-' if BeaconNodeRole.Duties in roles: r[4] = 'D' else: r[4] = '-' r proc `$`*(bn: BeaconNodeServerRef): string = if bn.ident.isSome(): bn.logIdent & "[" & bn.ident.get() & "]" else: bn.logIdent proc validatorLog*(key: ValidatorPubKey, index: ValidatorIndex): string = var res = shortLog(key) res.add('@') res.add(Base10.toString(uint64(index))) res chronicles.expandIt(BeaconNodeServerRef): node = $it node_index = it.index node_roles = shortLog(it.roles) chronicles.expandIt(RestAttesterDuty): pubkey = shortLog(it.pubkey) slot = it.slot validator_index = it.validator_index committee_index = it.committee_index committee_length = it.committee_length committees_at_slot = it.committees_at_slot validator_committee_index = it.validator_committee_index chronicles.expandIt(SyncCommitteeDuty): pubkey = shortLog(it.pubkey) validator_index = it.validator_index validator_sync_committee_index = it.validator_sync_committee_index proc stop*(csr: ClientServiceRef) {.async.} = debug "Stopping service", service = csr.name if csr.state == ServiceState.Running: csr.state = ServiceState.Closing if not(csr.lifeFut.finished()): await csr.lifeFut.cancelAndWait() csr.state = ServiceState.Closed debug "Service stopped", service = csr.name proc isDefault*(dap: DutyAndProof): bool = dap.epoch == Epoch(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64) proc isDefault*(prd: ProposedData): bool = prd.epoch == Epoch(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64) proc parseRoles*(data: string): Result[set[BeaconNodeRole], cstring] = var res: set[BeaconNodeRole] if len(data) == 0: return ok(AllBeaconNodeRoles) let parts = data.split("roles=") if (len(parts) != 2) or (len(parts[0]) != 0): return err("Invalid beacon node roles string") let sroles = parts[1].split(",") for srole in sroles: case toLower(strip(srole)) of "": discard of "all": res.incl(AllBeaconNodeRoles) of "attestation": res.incl({BeaconNodeRole.AttestationData, BeaconNodeRole.AttestationPublish}) of "block": res.incl({BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalData, BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalPublish}) of "aggregated": res.incl({BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedData, BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedPublish}) of "sync": res.incl({BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteeData, BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteePublish}) of "attestation-data": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.AttestationData) of "attestation-publish": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.AttestationPublish) of "aggregated-data": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedData) of "aggregated-publish": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.AggregatedPublish) of "block-data": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalData) of "block-publish": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.BlockProposalPublish) of "sync-data": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteeData) of "sync-publish": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.SyncCommitteePublish) of "duties": res.incl(BeaconNodeRole.Duties) else: return err("Invalid beacon node role string found") ok(res) proc init*(t: typedesc[BeaconNodeServerRef], remote: Uri, index: int): Result[BeaconNodeServerRef, string] = doAssert(index >= 0) let flags = {RestClientFlag.CommaSeparatedArray} client = block: let res = RestClientRef.new($remote, flags = flags) if res.isErr(): return err($res.error()) res.get() roles = block: let res = parseRoles(remote.anchor) if res.isErr(): return err($res.error()) res.get() let server = BeaconNodeServerRef( client: client, endpoint: $remote, index: index, roles: roles, logIdent: client.address.hostname & ":" & Base10.toString(client.address.port), status: RestBeaconNodeStatus.Offline ) ok(server) proc getMissingRoles*(n: openArray[BeaconNodeServerRef]): set[BeaconNodeRole] = var res: set[BeaconNodeRole] = AllBeaconNodeRoles for node in n.items(): res.excl(node.roles) res proc init*(t: typedesc[DutyAndProof], epoch: Epoch, dependentRoot: Eth2Digest, duty: RestAttesterDuty, slotSig: Option[ValidatorSig]): DutyAndProof = DutyAndProof(epoch: epoch, dependentRoot: dependentRoot, data: duty, slotSig: slotSig) proc init*(t: typedesc[ProposedData], epoch: Epoch, dependentRoot: Eth2Digest, data: openArray[ProposerTask]): ProposedData = ProposedData(epoch: epoch, dependentRoot: dependentRoot, duties: @data) proc getCurrentSlot*(vc: ValidatorClientRef): Option[Slot] = let wallTime = vc.beaconClock.now() wallSlot = wallTime.toSlot() if not(wallSlot.afterGenesis): let checkGenesisTime = vc.beaconClock.fromNow(start_beacon_time(Slot(0))) warn "Jump in time detected, something wrong with wallclock", wall_time = wallTime, genesisIn = checkGenesisTime.offset none[Slot]() else: some(wallSlot.slot) proc getAttesterDutiesForSlot*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, slot: Slot): seq[DutyAndProof] = ## Returns all `DutyAndProof` for the given `slot`. var res: seq[DutyAndProof] let epoch = slot.epoch() for key, item in vc.attesters: let duty = item.duties.getOrDefault(epoch, DefaultDutyAndProof) if not(duty.isDefault()): if duty.data.slot == slot: res.add(duty) res proc getSyncCommitteeDutiesForSlot*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, slot: Slot): seq[SyncCommitteeDuty] = ## Returns all `SyncCommitteeDuty` for the given `slot`. var res: seq[SyncCommitteeDuty] let epoch = slot.epoch() for key, item in mpairs(vc.syncCommitteeDuties): item.duties.withValue(epoch, duty): res.add(duty[]) res proc getDurationToNextAttestation*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, slot: Slot): string = var minSlot = FAR_FUTURE_SLOT let currentEpoch = slot.epoch() for epoch in [currentEpoch, currentEpoch + 1'u64]: for key, item in vc.attesters: let duty = item.duties.getOrDefault(epoch, DefaultDutyAndProof) if not(duty.isDefault()): let dutySlotTime = duty.data.slot if (duty.data.slot < minSlot) and (duty.data.slot >= slot): minSlot = duty.data.slot if minSlot != FAR_FUTURE_SLOT: break if minSlot == FAR_FUTURE_SLOT: "" else: $(minSlot.attestation_deadline() - slot.start_beacon_time()) proc getDurationToNextBlock*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, slot: Slot): string = var minSlot = FAR_FUTURE_SLOT let currentEpoch = slot.epoch() for epoch in [currentEpoch, currentEpoch + 1'u64]: let data = vc.proposers.getOrDefault(epoch) if not(data.isDefault()): for item in data.duties: if item.duty.pubkey in vc.attachedValidators[]: if (item.duty.slot < minSlot) and (item.duty.slot >= slot): minSlot = item.duty.slot if minSlot != FAR_FUTURE_SLOT: break if minSlot == FAR_FUTURE_SLOT: "" else: $(minSlot.block_deadline() - slot.start_beacon_time()) iterator attesterDutiesForEpoch*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, epoch: Epoch): DutyAndProof = for key, item in vc.attesters: let epochDuties = item.duties.getOrDefault(epoch) if not(isDefault(epochDuties)): yield epochDuties proc syncMembersSubscriptionInfoForEpoch*( vc: ValidatorClientRef, epoch: Epoch): seq[SyncCommitteeSubscriptionInfo] = var res: seq[SyncCommitteeSubscriptionInfo] for key, item in mpairs(vc.syncCommitteeDuties): var cur: SyncCommitteeSubscriptionInfo var initialized = false item.duties.withValue(epoch, epochDuties): if not initialized: cur.validator_index = epochDuties.validator_index initialized = true cur.validator_sync_committee_indices.add( epochDuties.validator_sync_committee_index) if initialized: res.add cur res proc getDelay*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, deadline: BeaconTime): TimeDiff = vc.beaconClock.now() - deadline proc getValidatorForDuties*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, key: ValidatorPubKey, slot: Slot, slashingSafe = false): Opt[AttachedValidator] = vc.attachedValidators[].getValidatorForDuties(key, slot, slashingSafe) proc forkAtEpoch*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, epoch: Epoch): Fork = # If schedule is present, it MUST not be empty. doAssert(len(vc.forks) > 0) var res: Fork for item in vc.forks: if item.epoch <= epoch: res = item else: break res proc getSubcommitteeIndex*(index: IndexInSyncCommittee): SyncSubcommitteeIndex = SyncSubcommitteeIndex(uint16(index) div SYNC_SUBCOMMITTEE_SIZE) proc currentSlot*(vc: ValidatorClientRef): Slot = vc.beaconClock.now().slotOrZero() proc addValidator*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, keystore: KeystoreData) = let slot = vc.currentSlot() feeRecipient = vc.config.validatorsDir.getSuggestedFeeRecipient( keystore.pubkey, vc.config.defaultFeeRecipient).valueOr( vc.config.defaultFeeRecipient) gasLimit = vc.config.validatorsDir.getSuggestedGasLimit( keystore.pubkey, vc.config.suggestedGasLimit).valueOr( vc.config.suggestedGasLimit) discard vc.attachedValidators[].addValidator(keystore, feeRecipient, gasLimit) proc removeValidator*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, pubkey: ValidatorPubKey) {.async.} = let validator = vc.attachedValidators[].getValidator(pubkey).valueOr: return # Remove validator from ValidatorPool. vc.attachedValidators[].removeValidator(pubkey) case validator.kind of ValidatorKind.Local: discard of ValidatorKind.Remote: # We must close all the REST clients running for the remote validator. let pending = block: var res: seq[Future[void]] for item in validator.clients: res.add(item[0].closeWait()) res await allFutures(pending) proc getFeeRecipient*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, pubkey: ValidatorPubKey, validatorIdx: ValidatorIndex, epoch: Epoch): Opt[Eth1Address] = let dynamicRecipient = vc.dynamicFeeRecipientsStore[].getDynamicFeeRecipient( validatorIdx, epoch) if dynamicRecipient.isSome(): Opt.some(dynamicRecipient.get()) else: let staticRecipient = getSuggestedFeeRecipient( vc.config.validatorsDir, pubkey, vc.config.defaultFeeRecipient) if staticRecipient.isOk(): Opt.some(staticRecipient.get()) else: Opt.none(Eth1Address) proc getGasLimit*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, pubkey: ValidatorPubKey): uint64 = getSuggestedGasLimit( vc.config.validatorsDir, pubkey, vc.config.suggestedGasLimit).valueOr: vc.config.suggestedGasLimit proc prepareProposersList*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, epoch: Epoch): seq[PrepareBeaconProposer] = var res: seq[PrepareBeaconProposer] for validator in vc.attachedValidators[].items(): if validator.index.isSome(): let index = validator.index.get() feeRecipient = vc.getFeeRecipient(validator.pubkey, index, epoch) if feeRecipient.isSome(): res.add(PrepareBeaconProposer(validator_index: index, fee_recipient: feeRecipient.get())) res proc isDefault*(reg: SignedValidatorRegistrationV1): bool = (reg.message.timestamp == 0'u64) or (reg.message.gas_limit == 0'u64) proc isExpired*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, reg: SignedValidatorRegistrationV1, slot: Slot): bool = let regTime = fromUnix(int64(reg.message.timestamp)) regSlot = block: let res = vc.beaconClock.toSlot(regTime) if not(res.afterGenesis): # This case should not be happend, but it could in case of time jumps # (time could be modified by admin or ntpd). return false uint64(res.slot) if regSlot > slot: # This case should not be happened, but if it happens (time could be # modified by admin or ntpd). false else: if (slot - regSlot) div SLOTS_PER_EPOCH >= EPOCHS_BETWEEN_VALIDATOR_REGISTRATION: false else: true proc getValidatorRegistration( vc: ValidatorClientRef, validator: AttachedValidator, timestamp: Time, fork: Fork ): Result[PendingValidatorRegistration, RegistrationKind] = if validator.index.isNone(): debug "Validator registration missing validator index", validator = shortLog(validator) return err(RegistrationKind.MissingIndex) let vindex = validator.index.get() cached = vc.validatorsRegCache.getOrDefault(validator.pubkey) currentSlot = block: let res = vc.beaconClock.toSlot(timestamp) if not(res.afterGenesis): return err(RegistrationKind.IncorrectTime) res.slot if cached.isDefault() or vc.isExpired(cached, currentSlot): let feeRecipient = vc.getFeeRecipient(validator.pubkey, vindex, currentSlot.epoch()) if feeRecipient.isNone(): debug "Could not get fee recipient for registration data", validator = shortLog(validator) return err(RegistrationKind.MissingFee) let gasLimit = vc.getGasLimit(validator.pubkey) var registration = SignedValidatorRegistrationV1( message: ValidatorRegistrationV1( fee_recipient: ExecutionAddress(data: distinctBase(feeRecipient.get())), gas_limit: gasLimit, timestamp: uint64(timestamp.toUnix()), pubkey: validator.pubkey ) ) let sigfut = validator.getBuilderSignature(fork, registration.message) if sigfut.finished(): # This is short-path if we able to create signature locally. if not(sigfut.done()): let exc = sigfut.readError() debug "Got unexpected exception while signing validator registration", validator = shortLog(validator), error_name = $exc.name, error_msg = $exc.msg return err(RegistrationKind.ErrorSignature) let sigres = sigfut.read() if sigres.isErr(): debug "Failed to get signature for validator registration", validator = shortLog(validator), error = sigres.error() return err(RegistrationKind.NoSignature) registration.signature = sigres.get() # Updating cache table with new signed registration data vc.validatorsRegCache[registration.message.pubkey] = registration ok(PendingValidatorRegistration(registration: registration, future: nil)) else: # Remote signature service involved, cache will be updated later. ok(PendingValidatorRegistration(registration: registration, future: sigfut)) else: # Returning cached result. err(RegistrationKind.Cached) proc prepareRegistrationList*( vc: ValidatorClientRef, timestamp: Time, fork: Fork ): Future[seq[SignedValidatorRegistrationV1]] {.async.} = var messages: seq[SignedValidatorRegistrationV1] futures: seq[Future[SignatureResult]] registrations: seq[SignedValidatorRegistrationV1] total = vc.attachedValidators[].count() succeed = 0 bad = 0 errors = 0 indexMissing = 0 feeMissing = 0 gasLimit = 0 cached = 0 timed = 0 for validator in vc.attachedValidators[].items(): let res = vc.getValidatorRegistration(validator, timestamp, fork) if res.isOk(): let preg = res.get() if preg.future.isNil(): registrations.add(preg.registration) else: messages.add(preg.registration) futures.add(preg.future) else: case res.error() of RegistrationKind.Cached: inc(cached) of RegistrationKind.IncorrectTime: inc(timed) of RegistrationKind.NoSignature: inc(bad) of RegistrationKind.ErrorSignature: inc(errors) of RegistrationKind.MissingIndex: inc(indexMissing) of RegistrationKind.MissingFee: inc(feeMissing) of RegistrationKind.MissingGasLimit: inc(gasLimit) succeed = len(registrations) if len(futures) > 0: await allFutures(futures) for index, future in futures.pairs(): if future.done(): let sres = future.read() if sres.isOk(): var reg = messages[index] reg.signature = sres.get() registrations.add(reg) # Updating cache table vc.validatorsRegCache[reg.message.pubkey] = reg inc(succeed) else: inc(bad) else: inc(errors) debug "Validator registrations prepared", total = total, succeed = succeed, cached = cached, bad = bad, errors = errors, index_missing = indexMissing, fee_missing = feeMissing, incorrect_time = timed return registrations proc init*(t: typedesc[ApiNodeFailure], node: BeaconNodeServerRef, failure: ApiFailure): ApiNodeFailure = ApiNodeFailure(node: node, failure: failure)