# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # Helpers and functions pertaining to managing the validator set import options, nimcrypto, sequtils, math, eth_common, ../ssz, ./crypto, ./datatypes, ./digest, ./helpers func min_empty_validator_index*( validators: seq[Validator], validator_balances: seq[uint64], current_slot: uint64): Option[int] = for i, v in validators: if validator_balances[i] == 0 and v.latest_status_change_slot + ZERO_BALANCE_VALIDATOR_TTL.uint64 <= current_slot: return some(i) func xorSeed(seed: Eth2Digest, x: uint64): Eth2Digest = ## Integers are all encoded as bigendian ## Helper for get_shuffling in lieu of generally better bitwise handling ## xor least significant/highest-index 8 bytes in place (after copy) result = seed for i in 0 ..< 8: result.data[31 - i] = result.data[31 - i] xor byte((x shr i*8) and 0xff) func get_shuffling*(seed: Eth2Digest, validators: openArray[Validator], slot_nonaligned: uint64 ): seq[seq[Uint24]] = ## Shuffles ``validators`` into crosslink committees seeded by ``seed`` and ``slot``. ## Returns a list of ``EPOCH_LENGTH * committees_per_slot`` committees where each ## committee is itself a list of validator indices. ## Implementation should do the following: http://vitalik.ca/files/ShuffleAndAssign.png let slot = slot_nonaligned - slot_nonaligned mod EPOCH_LENGTH active_validator_indices = get_active_validator_indices(validators, slot) committees_per_slot = get_committee_count_per_slot(len(active_validator_indices)).int # Shuffle shuffled_active_validator_indices = shuffle( active_validator_indices, xorSeed(seed, slot)) # Split the shuffled list into epoch_length * committees_per_slot pieces result = split(shuffled_active_validator_indices, committees_per_slot * EPOCH_LENGTH) assert result.len() == committees_per_slot * EPOCH_LENGTH # what split should do.. func get_new_validator_registry_delta_chain_tip*( current_validator_registry_delta_chain_tip: Eth2Digest, index: Uint24, pubkey: ValidatorPubKey, slot: uint64, flag: ValidatorSetDeltaFlags): Eth2Digest = ## Compute the next hash in the validator registry delta hash chain. hash_tree_root_final(ValidatorRegistryDeltaBlock( latest_registry_delta_root: current_validator_registry_delta_chain_tip, validator_index: index, pubkey: pubkey, slot: slot, flag: flag )) func get_previous_epoch_committee_count_per_slot(state: BeaconState): uint64 = let previous_active_validators = get_active_validator_indices( state.validator_registry, state.previous_epoch_calculation_slot ) get_committee_count_per_slot(len(previous_active_validators)) func get_current_epoch_committee_count_per_slot(state: BeaconState): uint64 = let previous_active_validators = get_active_validator_indices( state.validator_registry, state.current_epoch_calculation_slot ) get_committee_count_per_slot(len(previous_active_validators)) func get_crosslink_committees_at_slot*(state: BeaconState, slot: uint64) : seq[tuple[a: seq[Uint24], b: uint64]] = ## Returns the list of ``(committee, shard)`` tuples for the ``slot``. let state_epoch_slot = state.slot - (state.slot mod EPOCH_LENGTH) assert state_epoch_slot <= slot + EPOCH_LENGTH assert slot < state_epoch_slot + EPOCH_LENGTH let offset = slot mod EPOCH_LENGTH if slot < state_epoch_slot: let committees_per_slot = get_previous_epoch_committee_count_per_slot(state) shuffling = get_shuffling( state.previous_epoch_randao_mix, state.validator_registry, state.previous_epoch_calculation_slot ) slot_start_shard = (state.previous_epoch_start_shard + committees_per_slot * offset) mod SHARD_COUNT ## This duplication is ugly, but keeping for sake of closeness with spec code structure ## There are better approaches in general. for i in 0 ..< committees_per_slot.int: result.add ( shuffling[(committees_per_slot * offset + i.uint64).int], (slot_start_shard + i.uint64) mod SHARD_COUNT ) else: let committees_per_slot = get_current_epoch_committee_count_per_slot(state) shuffling = get_shuffling( state.current_epoch_randao_mix, state.validator_registry, state.current_epoch_calculation_slot ) slot_start_shard = (state.current_epoch_start_shard + committees_per_slot * offset) mod SHARD_COUNT for i in 0 ..< committees_per_slot.int: result.add ( shuffling[(committees_per_slot * offset + i.uint64).int], (slot_start_shard + i.uint64) mod SHARD_COUNT )