# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [Defect].} {.pragma: raisesssz, raises: [Defect, MalformedSszError, SszSizeMismatchError].} import stew/[ptrops, objects], stew/ranges/ptr_arith, ./bytes_reader, ./types, ./spec_types export bytes_reader, types type MemRange* = object startAddr*: ptr byte length*: int SszNavigator*[T] = object m: MemRange func sszMount*(data: openArray[byte], T: type): SszNavigator[T] = let startAddr = unsafeAddr data[0] SszNavigator[T](m: MemRange(startAddr: startAddr, length: data.len)) func sszMount*(data: openArray[char], T: type): SszNavigator[T] = let startAddr = cast[ptr byte](unsafeAddr data[0]) SszNavigator[T](m: MemRange(startAddr: startAddr, length: data.len)) template sszMount*(data: MemRange, T: type): SszNavigator[T] = SszNavigator[T](m: data) template getMemRange*(n: SszNavigator): MemRange = # Please note that this accessor was created intentionally. # We don't want to expose the `m` field, because the navigated # type may have a field by that name. We wan't any dot field # access to be redirected to the navigated type. # For this reason, this template should always be used with # the function call syntax `getMemRange(n)`. n.m template checkBounds(m: MemRange, offset: int) = if offset > m.length: raise newException(MalformedSszError, "Malformed SSZ") template toOpenArray(m: MemRange): auto = makeOpenArray(m.startAddr, m.length) func navigateToField*[T](n: SszNavigator[T], fieldName: static string, FieldType: type): SszNavigator[FieldType] {.raisesssz.} = mixin toSszType type SszFieldType = type toSszType(declval FieldType) const boundingOffsets = getFieldBoundingOffsets(T, fieldName) checkBounds(n.m, boundingOffsets[1]) when isFixedSize(SszFieldType): SszNavigator[FieldType](m: MemRange( startAddr: offset(n.m.startAddr, boundingOffsets[0]), length: boundingOffsets[1] - boundingOffsets[0])) else: template readOffset(off): int = int fromSszBytes(uint32, makeOpenArray(offset(n.m.startAddr, off), sizeof(uint32))) let startOffset = readOffset boundingOffsets[0] endOffset = when boundingOffsets[1] == -1: n.m.length else: readOffset boundingOffsets[1] if endOffset < startOffset or endOffset > n.m.length: raise newException(MalformedSszError, "Incorrect offset values") SszNavigator[FieldType](m: MemRange( startAddr: offset(n.m.startAddr, startOffset), length: endOffset - startOffset)) template `.`*[T](n: SszNavigator[T], field: untyped): auto = type RecType = T type FieldType = type(default(RecType).field) navigateToField(n, astToStr(field), FieldType) func indexVarSizeList(m: MemRange, idx: int): MemRange {.raisesssz.} = template readOffset(pos): int = int fromSszBytes(uint32, makeOpenArray(offset(m.startAddr, pos), offsetSize)) let offsetPos = offsetSize * idx checkBounds(m, offsetPos + offsetSize) let firstOffset = readOffset 0 let listLen = firstOffset div offsetSize if idx >= listLen: # TODO: Use a RangeError here? # This would require the user to check the `len` upfront raise newException(MalformedSszError, "Indexing past the end") let elemPos = readOffset offsetPos checkBounds(m, elemPos) let endPos = if idx < listLen - 1: let nextOffsetPos = offsetPos + offsetSize # TODO. Is there a way to remove this bounds check? checkBounds(m, nextOffsetPos + offsetSize) readOffset(offsetPos + nextOffsetPos) else: m.length MemRange(startAddr: m.startAddr.offset(elemPos), length: endPos - elemPos) template indexList(n, idx, T: untyped): untyped = type R = T mixin toSszType type ElemType = type toSszType(declval R) when isFixedSize(ElemType): const elemSize = fixedPortionSize(ElemType) let elemPos = idx * elemSize checkBounds(n.m, elemPos + elemSize) SszNavigator[R](m: MemRange(startAddr: offset(n.m.startAddr, elemPos), length: elemSize)) else: SszNavigator[R](m: indexVarSizeList(n.m, idx)) template `[]`*[T](n: SszNavigator[seq[T]], idx: int): SszNavigator[T] = indexList n, idx, T template `[]`*[R, T](n: SszNavigator[array[R, T]], idx: int): SszNavigator[T] = indexList(n, idx, T) func `[]`*[T](n: SszNavigator[T]): T {.raisesssz.} = mixin toSszType, fromSszBytes type SszRepr = type toSszType(declval T) when type(SszRepr) is type(T) or T is List: readSszValue(toOpenArray(n.m), result) else: fromSszBytes(T, toOpenArray(n.m)) converter derefNavigator*[T](n: SszNavigator[T]): T {.raisesssz.} = n[]