# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[os, sequtils, strutils, options, json, terminal, times], chronos, bearssl/rand, chronicles, confutils, stint, json_serialization, web3, web3/confutils_defs, eth/keys, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/random2, stew/[io2, byteutils], json_rpc/jsonmarshal, ../beacon_chain/[conf, filepath], ../beacon_chain/el/el_manager, ../beacon_chain/networking/eth2_network, ../beacon_chain/spec/[beaconstate, eth2_merkleization], ../beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/base, ../beacon_chain/spec/eth2_apis/eth2_rest_serialization, ../beacon_chain/validators/keystore_management, ./logtrace # Compiled version of /scripts/depositContract.v.py in this repo # The contract was compiled in Remix (https://remix.ethereum.org/) with vyper (remote) compiler. const depositContractCode = staticRead "../beacon_chain/el/deposit_contract_code.txt" type Eth1Address = web3.Address StartUpCommand {.pure.} = enum generateDeposits createTestnet run sendDeposits analyzeLogs deployDepositContract sendEth CliConfig* = object web3Url* {. defaultValue: "", desc: "URL of the Web3 server to observe Eth1" name: "web3-url" }: string privateKey* {. defaultValue: "" desc: "Private key of the controlling account" name: "private-key" }: string askForKey* {. defaultValue: false desc: "Ask for an Eth1 private key interactively" name: "ask-for-key" }: bool eth2Network* {. desc: "The Eth2 network preset to use" name: "network" }: Option[string] case cmd* {.command.}: StartUpCommand of StartUpCommand.deployDepositContract: discard of StartUpCommand.sendEth: toAddress* {.name: "to".}: Eth1Address valueEth* {.name: "eth".}: string of StartUpCommand.generateDeposits: simulationDepositsCount* {. desc: "The number of validator keystores to generate" name: "count" }: Natural outValidatorsDir* {. desc: "A directory to store the generated validator keystores" name: "out-validators-dir" }: OutDir outSecretsDir* {. desc: "A directory to store the generated keystore password files" name: "out-secrets-dir" }: OutDir outDepositsFile* {. desc: "A LaunchPad deposits file to write" name: "out-deposits-file" }: OutFile threshold* {. defaultValue: 1 desc: "Used to generate distributed keys" name: "threshold" }: uint32 remoteValidatorsCount* {. defaultValue: 0 desc: "The number of distributed validators validator" name: "remote-validators-count" }: uint32 remoteSignersUrls* {. desc: "URLs of the remote signers" name: "remote-signer" }: seq[string] of StartUpCommand.createTestnet: testnetDepositsFile* {. desc: "A LaunchPad deposits file for the genesis state validators" name: "deposits-file" .}: InputFile totalValidators* {. desc: "The number of validator deposits in the newly created chain" name: "total-validators" .}: uint64 bootstrapAddress* {. desc: "The public IP address that will be advertised as a bootstrap node for the testnet" defaultValue: init(ValidIpAddress, defaultAdminListenAddress) defaultValueDesc: $defaultAdminListenAddressDesc name: "bootstrap-address" .}: ValidIpAddress bootstrapPort* {. desc: "The TCP/UDP port that will be used by the bootstrap node" defaultValue: defaultEth2TcpPort defaultValueDesc: $defaultEth2TcpPortDesc name: "bootstrap-port" .}: Port dataDir* {. desc: "Nimbus data directory where the keys of the bootstrap node will be placed" name: "data-dir" .}: OutDir netKeyFile* {. desc: "Source of network (secp256k1) private key file" name: "netkey-file" .}: OutFile netKeyInsecurePassword* {. desc: "Use pre-generated INSECURE password for network private key file" defaultValue: false, name: "insecure-netkey-password" .}: bool genesisTime* {. desc: "Unix epoch time of the network genesis" name: "genesis-time" .}: Option[uint64] genesisOffset* {. desc: "Seconds from now to add to genesis time" name: "genesis-offset" .}: Option[int] executionGenesisBlock* {. desc: "The execution genesis block in a merged testnet" name: "execution-genesis-block" .}: Option[InputFile] capellaForkEpoch* {. defaultValue: FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH desc: "The epoch of the Capella hard-fork" name: "capella-fork-epoch" .}: Epoch denebForkEpoch* {. defaultValue: FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH desc: "The epoch of the Deneb hard-fork" name: "deneb-fork-epoch" .}: Epoch outputGenesis* {. desc: "Output file where to write the initial state snapshot" name: "output-genesis" .}: OutFile outputDepositTreeSnapshot* {. desc: "Output file where to write the initial deposit tree snapshot" name: "output-deposit-tree-snapshot" .}: OutFile outputBootstrapFile* {. desc: "Output file with list of bootstrap nodes for the network" name: "output-bootstrap-file" .}: OutFile of StartUpCommand.sendDeposits: depositsFile* {. desc: "A LaunchPad deposits file" name: "deposits-file" }: InputFile depositContractAddress* {. desc: "Address of the deposit contract" name: "deposit-contract" }: Eth1Address minDelay* {. defaultValue: 0.0 desc: "Minimum possible delay between making two deposits (in seconds)" name: "min-delay" }: float maxDelay* {. defaultValue: 0.0 desc: "Maximum possible delay between making two deposits (in seconds)" name: "max-delay" }: float of StartUpCommand.run: discard of StartUpCommand.analyzeLogs: logFiles* {. desc: "Specifies one or more log files", abbr: "f", name: "log-file" .}: seq[string] simDir* {. desc: "Specifies path to eth2_network_simulation directory", defaultValue: "", name: "sim-dir" .}: string netDir* {. desc: "Specifies path to network build directory", defaultValue: "", name: "net-dir" .}: string logDir* {. desc: "Specifies path with bunch of logs", defaultValue: "", name: "log-dir" .}: string ignoreSerializationErrors* {. desc: "Ignore serialization errors while parsing log files", defaultValue: true, name: "ignore-errors" .}: bool dumpSerializationErrors* {. desc: "Dump full serialization errors while parsing log files", defaultValue: false , name: "dump-errors" .}: bool nodes* {. desc: "Specifies node names which logs will be used", name: "nodes" .}: seq[string] allowedLag* {. desc: "Allowed latency lag multiplier", defaultValue: 2.0, name: "lag" .}: float constPreset* {. desc: "The const preset being used" defaultValue: "mainnet" name: "const-preset" .}: string type PubKeyBytes = DynamicBytes[48, 48] WithdrawalCredentialsBytes = DynamicBytes[32, 32] SignatureBytes = DynamicBytes[96, 96] contract(DepositContract): proc deposit(pubkey: PubKeyBytes, withdrawalCredentials: WithdrawalCredentialsBytes, signature: SignatureBytes, deposit_data_root: FixedBytes[32]) template `as`(address: ethtypes.Address, T: type bellatrix.ExecutionAddress): T = T(data: distinctBase(address)) template `as`(address: BlockHash, T: type Eth2Digest): T = asEth2Digest(address) func getOrDefault[T](x: Option[T]): T = if x.isSome: x.get else: default T func `as`(blk: BlockObject, T: type bellatrix.ExecutionPayloadHeader): T = T(parent_hash: blk.parentHash as Eth2Digest, fee_recipient: blk.miner as ExecutionAddress, state_root: blk.stateRoot as Eth2Digest, receipts_root: blk.receiptsRoot as Eth2Digest, logs_bloom: BloomLogs(data: distinctBase(blk.logsBloom)), prev_randao: Eth2Digest(data: blk.difficulty.toByteArrayBE), # Is BE correct here? block_number: uint64 blk.number, gas_limit: uint64 blk.gasLimit, gas_used: uint64 blk.gasUsed, timestamp: uint64 blk.timestamp, extra_data: List[byte, MAX_EXTRA_DATA_BYTES].init(blk.extraData.bytes), base_fee_per_gas: blk.baseFeePerGas.getOrDefault(), block_hash: blk.hash as Eth2Digest, transactions_root: blk.transactionsRoot as Eth2Digest) func `as`(blk: BlockObject, T: type capella.ExecutionPayloadHeader): T = T(parent_hash: blk.parentHash as Eth2Digest, fee_recipient: blk.miner as ExecutionAddress, state_root: blk.stateRoot as Eth2Digest, receipts_root: blk.receiptsRoot as Eth2Digest, logs_bloom: BloomLogs(data: distinctBase(blk.logsBloom)), prev_randao: Eth2Digest(data: blk.difficulty.toByteArrayBE), block_number: uint64 blk.number, gas_limit: uint64 blk.gasLimit, gas_used: uint64 blk.gasUsed, timestamp: uint64 blk.timestamp, extra_data: List[byte, MAX_EXTRA_DATA_BYTES].init(blk.extraData.bytes), base_fee_per_gas: blk.baseFeePerGas.getOrDefault(), block_hash: blk.hash as Eth2Digest, transactions_root: blk.transactionsRoot as Eth2Digest, withdrawals_root: blk.withdrawalsRoot.getOrDefault() as Eth2Digest) func `as`(blk: BlockObject, T: type deneb.ExecutionPayloadHeader): T = T(parent_hash: blk.parentHash as Eth2Digest, fee_recipient: blk.miner as ExecutionAddress, state_root: blk.stateRoot as Eth2Digest, receipts_root: blk.receiptsRoot as Eth2Digest, logs_bloom: BloomLogs(data: distinctBase(blk.logsBloom)), prev_randao: Eth2Digest(data: blk.difficulty.toByteArrayBE), block_number: uint64 blk.number, gas_limit: uint64 blk.gasLimit, gas_used: uint64 blk.gasUsed, timestamp: uint64 blk.timestamp, extra_data: List[byte, MAX_EXTRA_DATA_BYTES].init(blk.extraData.bytes), base_fee_per_gas: blk.baseFeePerGas.getOrDefault(), block_hash: blk.hash as Eth2Digest, transactions_root: blk.transactionsRoot as Eth2Digest, withdrawals_root: blk.withdrawalsRoot.getOrDefault() as Eth2Digest, data_gas_used: uint64 blk.dataGasUsed.getOrDefault(), excess_data_gas: uint64 blk.excessDataGas.getOrDefault()) proc createDepositTreeSnapshot(deposits: seq[DepositData], blockHash: Eth2Digest, blockHeight: uint64): DepositTreeSnapshot = var merkleizer = DepositsMerkleizer.init() for i, deposit in deposits: let htr = hash_tree_root(deposit) merkleizer.addChunk(htr.data) DepositTreeSnapshot( eth1Block: blockHash, depositContractState: merkleizer.toDepositContractState, blockHeight: blockHeight) proc doCreateTestnet*(config: CliConfig, rng: var HmacDrbgContext) {.raises: [Defect, CatchableError].} = let launchPadDeposits = try: Json.loadFile(config.testnetDepositsFile.string, seq[LaunchPadDeposit]) except SerializationError as err: error "Invalid LaunchPad deposits file", err = formatMsg(err, config.testnetDepositsFile.string) quit 1 var deposits: seq[DepositData] for i in 0 ..< launchPadDeposits.len: deposits.add(launchPadDeposits[i] as DepositData) let startTime = if config.genesisTime.isSome: config.genesisTime.get else: uint64(times.toUnix(times.getTime()) + config.genesisOffset.get(0)) outGenesis = config.outputGenesis.string eth1Hash = eth1BlockHash # TODO: Can we set a more appropriate value? cfg = getRuntimeConfig(config.eth2Network) # This is intentionally left default initialized, when the user doesn't # provide an execution genesis block. The generated genesis state will # then be considered non-finalized merged state according to the spec. var genesisBlock = BlockObject() if config.executionGenesisBlock.isSome: logScope: path = config.executionGenesisBlock.get.string if not fileExists(config.executionGenesisBlock.get.string): error "The specified execution genesis block file doesn't exist" quit 1 let genesisBlockContents = readAllChars(config.executionGenesisBlock.get.string) if genesisBlockContents.isErr: error "Failed to read the specified execution genesis block file", err = genesisBlockContents.error quit 1 try: let blockAsJson = try: parseJson genesisBlockContents.get except CatchableError as err: error "Failed to parse the genesis block json", err = err.msg quit 1 except: # TODO The Nim json library should not raise bare exceptions raiseAssert "The Nim json library raise a bare exception" fromJson(blockAsJson, "", genesisBlock) except CatchableError as err: error "Failed to load the genesis block from json", err = err.msg quit 1 template createAndSaveState(genesisExecutionPayloadHeader: auto): Eth2Digest = var initialState = newClone(initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1( cfg, eth1Hash, startTime, deposits, genesisExecutionPayloadHeader, {skipBlsValidation})) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-pm/tree/6e41fcf383ebeb5125938850d8e9b4e9888389b4/interop/mocked_start#create-genesis-state initialState.genesis_time = startTime doAssert initialState.validators.len > 0 # let outGenesisExt = splitFile(outGenesis).ext #if cmpIgnoreCase(outGenesisExt, ".json") == 0: # let outGenesisJson = outGenesis & ".json" # RestJson.saveFile(outGenesisJson, initialState, pretty = true) # info "JSON genesis file written", path = outGenesisJson let outSszGenesis = outGenesis.changeFileExt "ssz" SSZ.saveFile(outSszGenesis, initialState[]) info "SSZ genesis file written", path = outSszGenesis, fork = toFork(typeof initialState[]) SSZ.saveFile( config.outputDepositTreeSnapshot.string, createDepositTreeSnapshot( deposits, genesisExecutionPayloadHeader.block_hash, genesisExecutionPayloadHeader.block_number)) initialState[].genesis_validators_root let genesisValidatorsRoot = if config.denebForkEpoch == 0: createAndSaveState(genesisBlock as deneb.ExecutionPayloadHeader) elif config.capellaForkEpoch == 0: createAndSaveState(genesisBlock as capella.ExecutionPayloadHeader) else: createAndSaveState(genesisBlock as bellatrix.ExecutionPayloadHeader) let bootstrapFile = string config.outputBootstrapFile if bootstrapFile.len > 0: type MetaData = altair.MetaData let networkKeys = rng.getPersistentNetKeys( string config.dataDir, string config.netKeyFile, config.netKeyInsecurePassword, allowLoadExisting = false) netMetadata = MetaData() forkId = getENRForkID( cfg, Epoch(0), genesisValidatorsRoot) bootstrapEnr = enr.Record.init( 1, # sequence number networkKeys.seckey.asEthKey, some(config.bootstrapAddress), some(config.bootstrapPort), some(config.bootstrapPort), [ toFieldPair(enrForkIdField, SSZ.encode(forkId)), toFieldPair(enrAttestationSubnetsField, SSZ.encode(netMetadata.attnets)) ]) writeFile(bootstrapFile, bootstrapEnr.tryGet().toURI) echo "Wrote ", bootstrapFile proc deployContract*(web3: Web3, code: string): Future[ReceiptObject] {.async.} = var code = code if code[1] notin {'x', 'X'}: code = "0x" & code let tr = EthSend( source: web3.defaultAccount, data: code, gas: Quantity(3000000).some, gasPrice: 1.some) let r = await web3.send(tr) result = await web3.getMinedTransactionReceipt(r) proc sendEth(web3: Web3, to: Eth1Address, valueEth: int): Future[TxHash] = let tr = EthSend( source: web3.defaultAccount, gas: Quantity(3000000).some, gasPrice: 1.some, value: some(valueEth.u256 * 1000000000000000000.u256), to: some(to)) web3.send(tr) type DelayGenerator* = proc(): chronos.Duration {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} proc ethToWei(eth: UInt256): UInt256 = eth * 1000000000000000000.u256 proc initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey: string): Future[Web3] {.async.} = result = await newWeb3(web3Url) if privateKey.len != 0: result.privateKey = some(keys.PrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey)[]) else: let accounts = await result.provider.eth_accounts() doAssert(accounts.len > 0) result.defaultAccount = accounts[0] # TODO: async functions should note take `seq` inputs because # this leads to full copies. proc sendDeposits*(deposits: seq[LaunchPadDeposit], web3Url, privateKey: string, depositContractAddress: Eth1Address, delayGenerator: DelayGenerator = nil) {.async.} = notice "Sending deposits", web3 = web3Url, depositContract = depositContractAddress var web3 = await initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey) let gasPrice = int(await web3.provider.eth_gasPrice()) * 2 let depositContract = web3.contractSender(DepositContract, Eth1Address depositContractAddress) for i in 4200 ..< deposits.len: let dp = deposits[i] as DepositData while true: try: let tx = depositContract.deposit( PubKeyBytes(@(dp.pubkey.toRaw())), WithdrawalCredentialsBytes(@(dp.withdrawal_credentials.data)), SignatureBytes(@(dp.signature.toRaw())), FixedBytes[32](hash_tree_root(dp).data)) let status = await tx.send(value = 32.u256.ethToWei, gasPrice = gasPrice) info "Deposit sent", tx = $status if delayGenerator != nil: await sleepAsync(delayGenerator()) break except CatchableError: await sleepAsync(chronos.seconds 60) web3 = await initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey) {.pop.} # TODO confutils.nim(775, 17) Error: can raise an unlisted exception: ref IOError proc main() {.async.} = var conf = try: CliConfig.load() except CatchableError as exc: raise exc except Exception as exc: # TODO fix confutils raiseAssert exc.msg let rng = HmacDrbgContext.new() if conf.cmd == StartUpCommand.generateDeposits: let mnemonic = generateMnemonic(rng[]) seed = getSeed(mnemonic, KeystorePass.init "") cfg = getRuntimeConfig(conf.eth2Network) if (let res = secureCreatePath(string conf.outValidatorsDir); res.isErr): warn "Could not create validators folder", path = string conf.outValidatorsDir, err = ioErrorMsg(res.error) if (let res = secureCreatePath(string conf.outSecretsDir); res.isErr): warn "Could not create secrets folder", path = string conf.outSecretsDir, err = ioErrorMsg(res.error) let deposits = generateDeposits( cfg, rng[], seed, 0, conf.simulationDepositsCount, string conf.outValidatorsDir, string conf.outSecretsDir, conf.remoteSignersUrls, conf.threshold, conf.remoteValidatorsCount, KeystoreMode.Fast) if deposits.isErr: fatal "Failed to generate deposits", err = deposits.error quit 1 let launchPadDeposits = mapIt(deposits.value, LaunchPadDeposit.init(cfg, it)) Json.saveFile(string conf.outDepositsFile, launchPadDeposits) notice "Deposit data written", filename = conf.outDepositsFile quit 0 var deposits: seq[LaunchPadDeposit] if conf.cmd == StartUpCommand.sendDeposits: deposits = Json.loadFile(string conf.depositsFile, seq[LaunchPadDeposit]) if conf.askForKey: var privateKey: string # TODO consider using a SecretString type reasonForKey = "" if conf.cmd == StartUpCommand.sendDeposits: let depositsWord = if deposits.len > 1: "deposits" else: "deposit" totalEthNeeded = 32 * deposits.len reasonForKey = " in order to make your $1 (you'll need access to $2 ETH)" % [depositsWord, $totalEthNeeded] echo "Please enter your Goerli Eth1 private key in hex form (e.g. 0x1a2...f3c)" & reasonForKey if not readPasswordFromStdin("> ", privateKey): error "Failed to read an Eth1 private key from standard input" if privateKey.len > 0: conf.privateKey = privateKey.string case conf.cmd of StartUpCommand.createTestnet: let rng = HmacDrbgContext.new() doCreateTestnet(conf, rng[]) of StartUpCommand.deployDepositContract: let web3 = await initWeb3(conf.web3Url, conf.privateKey) let receipt = await web3.deployContract(depositContractCode) echo receipt.contractAddress.get, ";", receipt.blockHash of StartUpCommand.sendEth: let web3 = await initWeb3(conf.web3Url, conf.privateKey) echo await sendEth(web3, conf.toAddress, conf.valueEth.parseInt) of StartUpCommand.sendDeposits: var delayGenerator: DelayGenerator if not (conf.maxDelay > 0.0): conf.maxDelay = conf.minDelay elif conf.minDelay > conf.maxDelay: echo "The minimum delay should not be larger than the maximum delay" quit 1 if conf.maxDelay > 0.0: delayGenerator = proc (): chronos.Duration = let minDelay = (conf.minDelay*1000).int64 maxDelay = (conf.maxDelay*1000).int64 chronos.milliseconds (rng[].rand(maxDelay - minDelay) + minDelay) await sendDeposits(deposits, conf.web3Url, conf.privateKey, conf.depositContractAddress, delayGenerator) of StartUpCommand.run: discard of StartUpCommand.analyzeLogs: try: logtrace.run(LogTraceConf( cmd: logtrace.StartUpCommand.localSimChecks, logFiles: conf.logFiles, simDir: conf.simDir, netDir: conf.netDir, logDir: conf.logDir, ignoreSerializationErrors: conf.ignoreSerializationErrors, dumpSerializationErrors: conf.dumpSerializationErrors, nodes: conf.nodes, allowedLag: conf.allowedLag, constPreset: conf.constPreset )) except CatchableError as err: fatal "Unexpected error in logtrace", err = err.msg except Exception as exc: # TODO: Investigate where is this coming from? fatal "Unexpected exception in logtrace", err = exc.msg of StartUpCommand.generateDeposits: # This is handled above before the case statement discard when isMainModule: waitFor main()