# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import # Standard library std/[algorithm, math, parseutils, strformat, strutils, typetraits, unicode, uri, hashes], # Third-party libraries normalize, # Status libraries results, stew/[bitops2, base10, io2, endians2], stew/shims/macros, eth/keyfile/uuid, blscurve, json_serialization, json_serialization/std/options, chronos/timer, nimcrypto/[sha2, rijndael, pbkdf2, bcmode, hash, scrypt], # Local modules libp2p/crypto/crypto as lcrypto, ./datatypes/base, ./signatures export base, uri, io2, options # We use `ncrutils` for constant-time hexadecimal encoding/decoding procedures. import nimcrypto/utils as ncrutils export results, burnMem, writeValue, readValue {.localPassC: "-fno-lto".} # no LTO for crypto type KeystoreMode* = enum Secure, Fast ChecksumFunctionKind* = enum sha256Checksum = "sha256" Sha256Params* = object Sha256Digest* = MDigest[256] ChecksumBytes* = distinct seq[byte] Checksum* = object case function*: ChecksumFunctionKind of sha256Checksum: params*: Sha256Params message*: Sha256Digest Aes128CtrIv* = distinct seq[byte] Aes128CtrParams* = object iv*: Aes128CtrIv CipherFunctionKind* = enum aes128CtrCipher = "aes-128-ctr" CipherBytes* = distinct seq[byte] Cipher* = object case function*: CipherFunctionKind of aes128CtrCipher: params*: Aes128CtrParams message*: CipherBytes KdfKind* = enum kdfPbkdf2 = "pbkdf2" kdfScrypt = "scrypt" ScryptSalt* = distinct seq[byte] ScryptParams* = object dklen*: uint64 n*, p*, r*: int salt*: ScryptSalt Pbkdf2Salt* = distinct seq[byte] PrfKind* = enum # Pseudo-random-function Kind HmacSha256 = "hmac-sha256" Pbkdf2Params* = object dklen*: uint64 c*: uint64 prf*: PrfKind salt*: Pbkdf2Salt DecryptionStatus* = enum Success = "Success" InvalidPassword = "Invalid password" InvalidKeystore = "Invalid keystore" # https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/4494da0966afa7318ec0157948821b19c4248805/EIPS/eip-2386.md#specification Wallet* = object uuid*: UUID name*: WalletName version*: uint walletType* {.serializedFieldName: "type"}: string # TODO: The use of `JsonString` can be removed once we # solve the serialization problem for `Crypto[T]` crypto*: Crypto nextAccount* {.serializedFieldName: "nextaccount".}: Natural Kdf* = object case function*: KdfKind of kdfPbkdf2: pbkdf2Params* {.serializedFieldName: "params".}: Pbkdf2Params of kdfScrypt: scryptParams* {.serializedFieldName: "params".}: ScryptParams message*: string Crypto* = object kdf*: Kdf checksum*: Checksum cipher*: Cipher Keystore* = object crypto*: Crypto description*: Option[string] pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey path*: KeyPath uuid*: string version*: int KeystoreKind* = enum Local, Remote RemoteKeystoreFlag* {.pure.} = enum IgnoreSSLVerification, DynamicKeystore HttpHostUri* = distinct Uri RemoteSignerInfo* = object url*: HttpHostUri id*: uint32 pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey FileLockHandle* = ref object ioHandle*: IoLockHandle opened*: bool RemoteSignerType* {.pure.} = enum Web3Signer, VerifyingWeb3Signer ProvenProperty* = object path*: string description*: Option[string] capellaIndex*: Option[GeneralizedIndex] denebIndex*: Option[GeneralizedIndex] KeystoreData* = object version*: uint64 pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey description*: Option[string] handle*: FileLockHandle case kind*: KeystoreKind of KeystoreKind.Local: privateKey*: ValidatorPrivKey path*: KeyPath uuid*: string of KeystoreKind.Remote: flags*: set[RemoteKeystoreFlag] remotes*: seq[RemoteSignerInfo] threshold*: uint32 case remoteType*: RemoteSignerType of RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer: discard of RemoteSignerType.VerifyingWeb3Signer: provenBlockProperties*: seq[ProvenProperty] NetKeystore* = object crypto*: Crypto description*: Option[string] pubkey*: lcrypto.PublicKey uuid*: string version*: int RemoteKeystore* = object version*: uint64 description*: Option[string] case remoteType*: RemoteSignerType of RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer: discard of RemoteSignerType.VerifyingWeb3Signer: provenBlockProperties*: seq[ProvenProperty] pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey flags*: set[RemoteKeystoreFlag] remotes*: seq[RemoteSignerInfo] threshold*: uint32 KsResult*[T] = Result[T, string] Eth2KeyKind* = enum signingKeyKind # Also known as voting key withdrawalKeyKind UUID* = distinct string WalletName* = distinct string Mnemonic* = distinct string KeyPath* = distinct string KeySeed* = distinct seq[byte] KeystorePass* = object str*: string Credentials* = object mnemonic*: Mnemonic keystore*: Keystore signingKey*: ValidatorPrivKey withdrawalKey*: ValidatorPrivKey SimpleHexEncodedTypes* = ScryptSalt|ChecksumBytes|CipherBytes CacheItemFlag {.pure.} = enum Missing, Present KeystoreCacheItem = object flag: CacheItemFlag kdf: Kdf cipher: Cipher decryptionKey: seq[byte] timestamp: Moment KdfSaltKey* = distinct array[32, byte] KeystoreCache* = object expireTime*: Duration table*: Table[KdfSaltKey, KeystoreCacheItem] KeystoreCacheRef* = ref KeystoreCache const keyLen = 32 scryptParams = ScryptParams( dklen: uint64 keyLen, n: 2^18, p: 1, r: 8 ) pbkdf2Params = Pbkdf2Params( dklen: uint64 keyLen, c: uint64(2^18), prf: HmacSha256 ) # https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2334 eth2KeyPurpose = 12381 eth2CoinType* = 3600 baseKeyPath* = [Natural eth2KeyPurpose, eth2CoinType] # https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md wordListLen = 2048 maxWordLen = 16 KeystoreCachePruningTime* = 5.minutes UUID.serializesAsBaseIn Json KeyPath.serializesAsBaseIn Json WalletName.serializesAsBaseIn Json ChecksumFunctionKind.serializesAsTextInJson CipherFunctionKind.serializesAsTextInJson PrfKind.serializesAsTextInJson KdfKind.serializesAsTextInJson template `$`*(u: HttpHostUri): string = `$`(Uri(u)) template `==`*(lhs, rhs: HttpHostUri): bool = Uri(lhs) == Uri(rhs) template `<`*(lhs, rhs: HttpHostUri): bool = $Uri(lhs) < $Uri(rhs) template `$`*(m: Mnemonic): string = string(m) template `==`*(lhs, rhs: WalletName): bool = string(lhs) == string(rhs) template `$`*(x: WalletName): string = string(x) # TODO: `burnMem` in nimcrypto could use distinctBase # to make its usage less error-prone. template burnMem*(m: var (Mnemonic|string)) = ncrutils.burnMem(string m) template burnMem*(m: var KeySeed) = ncrutils.burnMem(distinctBase m) template burnMem*(m: var KeystorePass) = ncrutils.burnMem(m.str) func longName*(wallet: Wallet): string = if wallet.name.string == wallet.uuid.string: wallet.name.string else: wallet.name.string & " (" & wallet.uuid.string & ")" macro wordListArray*(filename: static string, maxWords: static int = 0, minWordLen: static int = 0, maxWordLen: static int = high(int)): untyped = result = newTree(nnkBracket) let words = slurp(filename.replace('\\', '/')).splitLines() for word in words: if word.len >= minWordLen and word.len <= maxWordLen: result.add newCall("cstring", newLit(word)) if maxWords > 0 and result.len >= maxWords: return const englishWords = wordListArray("english_word_list.txt", maxWords = wordListLen, maxWordLen = maxWordLen) englishWordsDigest = "AD90BF3BEB7B0EB7E5ACD74727DC0DA96E0A280A258354E7293FB7E211AC03DB".toDigest proc checkEnglishWords(): bool = if len(englishWords) != wordListLen: false else: var ctx: sha256 ctx.init() for item in englishWords: ctx.update($item) ctx.finish() == englishWordsDigest static: doAssert(checkEnglishWords(), "English words array is corrupted!") func validateKeyPath*(path: string): Result[KeyPath, cstring] = var digitCount: int var number: BiggestUInt try: for elem in path.string.split("/"): # TODO: doesn't "m" have to be the first character and is it the only # place where it is valid? if elem == "m": continue # parseBiggestUInt can raise if overflow digitCount = elem.parseBiggestUInt(number) if digitCount == 0: return err("Invalid derivation path") except ValueError: return err("KeyPath contains invalid number(s)") return ok(KeyPath path) iterator pathNodes(path: KeyPath): Natural = # TODO: we have exceptions there # and this iterator is used to derive secret keys # if we fail we want to scrub secrets from memory try: for elem in path.string.split("/"): if elem == "m": continue yield parseBiggestUInt(elem) except ValueError: doAssert false, "Make sure you've validated the key path with `validateKeyPath`" func makeKeyPath*(validatorIdx: Natural, keyType: Eth2KeyKind): KeyPath = # https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2334 let use = case keyType of withdrawalKeyKind: "0" of signingKeyKind: "0/0" try: KeyPath &"m/{eth2KeyPurpose}/{eth2CoinType}/{validatorIdx}/{use}" except ValueError: raiseAssert "All values above can be converted successfully to strings" func isControlRune(r: Rune): bool = let r = int r (r >= 0 and r < 0x20) or (r >= 0x7F and r < 0xA0) proc init*(T: type KeystorePass, input: string): T = for rune in toNFKD(input): if not isControlRune(rune): result.str.add rune func getSeed*(mnemonic: Mnemonic, password: KeystorePass): KeySeed = # https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki#from-mnemonic-to-seed let salt = toNFKD("mnemonic" & password.str) KeySeed sha512.pbkdf2(mnemonic.string, salt, 2048, 64) template add(m: var Mnemonic, s: cstring) = m.string.add s proc generateMnemonic*( rng: var HmacDrbgContext, words: openArray[cstring] = englishWords, entropyParam: openArray[byte] = @[]): Mnemonic = ## Generates a valid BIP-0039 mnenomic: ## https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki#generating-the-mnemonic var entropy = if entropyParam.len == 0: rng.generateBytes(32) else: doAssert entropyParam.len >= 128 and entropyParam.len <= 256 and entropyParam.len mod 32 == 0 @entropyParam let checksumBits = entropy.len div 4 # ranges from 4 to 8 mnemonicWordCount = 12 + (checksumBits - 4) * 3 checksum = sha256.digest(entropy) entropy.add byte(checksum.data.getBitsBE(0 ..< checksumBits)) # Make sure the string won't be reallocated as this may # leave partial copies of the mnemonic in memory: result = Mnemonic newStringOfCap(mnemonicWordCount * maxWordLen) result.add words[entropy.getBitsBE(0..10)] for i in 1 ..< mnemonicWordCount: let firstBit = i*11 lastBit = firstBit + 10 result.add " " result.add words[entropy.getBitsBE(firstBit..lastBit)] proc cmpIgnoreCase(lhs: cstring, rhs: string): int = # TODO: This is a bit silly. # Nim should have a `cmp` function for C strings. cmpIgnoreCase($lhs, rhs) proc validateMnemonic*(inputWords: string, outputMnemonic: var Mnemonic): bool = ## Accept a case-insensitive input string and returns `true` ## if it represents a valid mnenomic. The `outputMnemonic` ## value will be populated with a normalized lower-case ## version of the mnemonic using a single space separator. ## ## The `outputMnemonic` value may be populated partially ## with sensitive data even in case of validator failure. ## Make sure to burn the received data after usage. # TODO consider using a SecretString type for inputWords let words = strutils.strip(inputWords.toNFKD).split(Whitespace) if words.len < 12 or words.len > 24 or words.len mod 3 != 0: return false # Make sure the string won't be re-allocated as this may # leave partial copies of the mnemonic in memory: outputMnemonic = Mnemonic newStringOfCap(words.len * maxWordLen) for word in words: let foundIdx = binarySearch(englishWords, word, cmpIgnoreCase) if foundIdx == -1: return false if outputMnemonic.string.len > 0: outputMnemonic.add " " outputMnemonic.add englishWords[foundIdx] return true proc deriveChildKey*(parentKey: ValidatorPrivKey, index: Natural): ValidatorPrivKey = let success = derive_child_secretKey(SecretKey result, SecretKey parentKey, uint32 index) # TODO `derive_child_secretKey` is reporting pre-condition # failures with return values. We should turn the checks # into asserts inside the function. doAssert success proc deriveMasterKey*(seed: KeySeed): ValidatorPrivKey = let success = derive_master_secretKey(SecretKey result, seq[byte] seed) # TODO `derive_master_secretKey` is reporting pre-condition # failures with return values. We should turn the checks # into asserts inside the function. doAssert success proc deriveMasterKey*(mnemonic: Mnemonic, password: KeystorePass): ValidatorPrivKey = deriveMasterKey(getSeed(mnemonic, password)) proc deriveChildKey*(masterKey: ValidatorPrivKey, path: KeyPath): ValidatorPrivKey = result = masterKey for idx in pathNodes(path): result = deriveChildKey(result, idx) proc deriveChildKey*(masterKey: ValidatorPrivKey, path: openArray[Natural]): ValidatorPrivKey = result = masterKey for idx in path: # TODO: we have exceptions in pathNodes unless `validateKeyPath` # was called, # and this iterator is used to derive secret keys # if we fail we want to scrub secrets from memory result = deriveChildKey(result, idx) proc keyFromPath*(mnemonic: Mnemonic, password: KeystorePass, path: KeyPath): ValidatorPrivKey = deriveChildKey(deriveMasterKey(mnemonic, password), path) proc shaChecksum(key, cipher: openArray[byte]): Sha256Digest = var ctx: sha256 ctx.init() ctx.update(key) ctx.update(cipher) result = ctx.finish() ctx.clear() proc writeJsonHexString(s: OutputStream, data: openArray[byte]) {.raises: [IOError].} = s.write '"' s.write ncrutils.toHex(data, {HexFlags.LowerCase}) s.write '"' proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var Pbkdf2Salt) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = let s = r.readValue(string) if s.len == 0 or s.len mod 16 != 0: r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The Pbkdf2Salt salt must have a non-zero length divisible by 16") value = Pbkdf2Salt ncrutils.fromHex(s) let length = len(seq[byte](value)) if length == 0 or (length mod 8) != 0: r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The Pbkdf2Salt must be a valid hex string") proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var Aes128CtrIv) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = let s = r.readValue(string) if s.len != 32: r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The aes-128-ctr IV must be a string of length 32") value = Aes128CtrIv ncrutils.fromHex(s) if len(seq[byte](value)) != 16: r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The aes-128-ctr IV must be a valid hex string") proc readValue*[T: SimpleHexEncodedTypes](r: var JsonReader, value: var T) {. raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = value = T ncrutils.fromHex(r.readValue(string)) if len(seq[byte](value)) == 0: r.raiseUnexpectedValue("Valid hex string expected") template readValueImpl(r: var JsonReader, value: var Checksum) = var functionSpecified = false paramsSpecified = false messageSpecified = false for fieldName in readObjectFields(r): case fieldName of "function": value = Checksum(function: r.readValue(ChecksumFunctionKind)) functionSpecified = true of "params": if functionSpecified: case value.function of sha256Checksum: r.readValue(value.params) else: r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The 'params' field must be specified after the 'function' field") paramsSpecified = true of "message": if functionSpecified: case value.function of sha256Checksum: r.readValue(value.message) else: r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The 'message' field must be specified after the 'function' field") messageSpecified = true else: r.raiseUnexpectedField(fieldName, "Checksum") if not (functionSpecified and paramsSpecified and messageSpecified): r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The Checksum value should have sub-fields named " & "'function', 'params', and 'message'") {.push warning[ProveField]:off.} # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/22060 proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader[DefaultFlavor], value: var Checksum) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = readValueImpl(r, value) {.pop.} template readValueImpl(r: var JsonReader, value: var Cipher) = var functionSpecified = false paramsSpecified = false messageSpecified = false for fieldName in readObjectFields(r): case fieldName of "function": value = Cipher( function: r.readValue(CipherFunctionKind), message: value.message) functionSpecified = true of "params": if functionSpecified: case value.function of aes128CtrCipher: r.readValue(value.params) else: r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The 'params' field must be specified after the 'function' field") paramsSpecified = true of "message": r.readValue(value.message) messageSpecified = true else: r.raiseUnexpectedField(fieldName, "Cipher") if not (functionSpecified and paramsSpecified and messageSpecified): r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The Cipher value should have sub-fields named " & "'function', 'params', and 'message'") {.push warning[ProveField]:off.} # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/22060 proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader[DefaultFlavor], value: var Cipher) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = readValueImpl(r, value) {.pop.} template readValueImpl(r: var JsonReader, value: var Kdf) = var functionSpecified = false paramsSpecified = false for fieldName in readObjectFields(r): case fieldName of "function": value = Kdf(function: r.readValue(KdfKind), message: value.message) functionSpecified = true of "params": if functionSpecified: case value.function of kdfPbkdf2: r.readValue(value.pbkdf2Params) of kdfScrypt: r.readValue(value.scryptParams) else: r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The 'params' field must be specified after the 'function' field") paramsSpecified = true of "message": r.readValue(value.message) else: r.raiseUnexpectedField(fieldName, "Kdf") if not (functionSpecified and paramsSpecified): r.raiseUnexpectedValue( "The Kdf value should have sub-fields named 'function' and 'params'") {.push warning[ProveField]:off.} # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/22060 proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader[DefaultFlavor], value: var Kdf) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = readValueImpl(r, value) {.pop.} proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var (Checksum|Cipher|Kdf)) = static: raiseAssert "Unknown flavor `JsonReader[" & $typeof(r).Flavor & "]` for `readValue` of `" & $typeof(value) & "`" # HttpHostUri proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var HttpHostUri) {. raises: [IOError, SerializationError].} = let svalue = reader.readValue(string) let res = parseUri(svalue) if res.scheme != "http" and res.scheme != "https": reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Incorrect URL scheme") if len(res.hostname) == 0: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Missing URL hostname") value = HttpHostUri(res) proc writeValue*( writer: var JsonWriter, value: HttpHostUri) {.raises: [IOError].} = writer.writeValue($distinctBase(value)) # RemoteKeystore proc writeValue*( writer: var JsonWriter, value: RemoteKeystore) {.raises: [IOError].} = writer.beginRecord() writer.writeField("version", value.version) writer.writeField("pubkey", "0x" & value.pubkey.toHex()) writer.writeField("remotes", value.remotes) writer.writeField("threshold", value.threshold) case value.remoteType of RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer: writer.writeField("type", "web3signer") of RemoteSignerType.VerifyingWeb3Signer: writer.writeField("type", "verifying-web3signer") writer.writeField("proven_block_properties", value.provenBlockProperties) if value.description.isSome(): writer.writeField("description", value.description.get()) if RemoteKeystoreFlag.IgnoreSSLVerification in value.flags: writer.writeField("ignore_ssl_verification", true) writer.endRecord() template writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter, value: Pbkdf2Salt|SimpleHexEncodedTypes|Aes128CtrIv) = writeJsonHexString(w.stream, distinctBase value) func parseProvenBlockProperty*(propertyPath: string): Result[ProvenProperty, string] = if propertyPath == ".execution_payload.fee_recipient": ok ProvenProperty( path: propertyPath, capellaIndex: some GeneralizedIndex(401), denebIndex: some GeneralizedIndex(801)) elif propertyPath == ".graffiti": ok ProvenProperty( path: propertyPath, # TODO: graffiti is present since genesis, so the correct index in the early # forks can be supplied here capellaIndex: some GeneralizedIndex(18), denebIndex: some GeneralizedIndex(18)) else: err("Keystores with proven properties different than " & "`.execution_payload.fee_recipient` and `.graffiti` " & "require a more recent version of Nimbus") proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var RemoteKeystore) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = var version: Option[uint64] description: Option[string] remote: Option[HttpHostUri] remotes: Option[seq[RemoteSignerInfo]] remoteType: Option[RemoteSignerType] provenBlockProperties: Option[seq[ProvenProperty]] ignoreSslVerification: Option[bool] pubkey: Option[ValidatorPubKey] threshold: Option[uint32] # TODO: implementing deserializers for versioned objects # manually is extremely error-prone. This should use # the auto-generated deserializer from nim-json-serialization for fieldName in readObjectFields(reader): case fieldName: of "pubkey": if pubkey.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `pubkey` fields found", "RemoteKeystore") pubkey = some(reader.readValue(ValidatorPubKey)) of "remote": if remote.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `remote` fields found", "RemoteKeystore") if remotes.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("The `remote` field cannot be specified together with `remotes`", "RemoteKeystore") remote = some(reader.readValue(HttpHostUri)) of "remotes": if remotes.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `remote` fields found", "RemoteKeystore") if remote.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("The `remotes` field cannot be specified together with `remote`", "RemoteKeystore") if version.isNone: reader.raiseUnexpectedField( "The `remotes` field should be specified after the `version` field of the keystore", "RemoteKeystore") if version.get < 2: reader.raiseUnexpectedField( "The `remotes` field is valid only past version 2 of the remote keystore format", "RemoteKeystore") remotes = some(reader.readValue(seq[RemoteSignerInfo])) of "version": if version.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `version` fields found", "RemoteKeystore") version = some(reader.readValue(uint64)) if version.get > 3'u64: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue( "Remote keystore version " & $version.get & " requires a more recent version of Nimbus") of "description": if description.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `description` fields found", "RemoteKeystore") description = some(reader.readValue(string)) of "ignore_ssl_verification": if ignoreSslVerification.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple conflicting options found", "RemoteKeystore") ignoreSslVerification = some(reader.readValue(bool)) of "type": if remoteType.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `type` fields found", "RemoteKeystore") let remoteTypeValue = case reader.readValue(string).toLowerAscii() of "web3signer": RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer of "verifying-web3signer": RemoteSignerType.VerifyingWeb3Signer else: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Unsupported remote signer `type` value") remoteType = some remoteTypeValue of "proven_block_properties": if provenBlockProperties.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `proven_block_properties` fields found", "RemoteKeystore") if version.isNone: reader.raiseUnexpectedField( "The `proven_block_properties` field should be specified after the `version` field of the keystore", "RemoteKeystore") if version.get < 3: reader.raiseUnexpectedField( "The `proven_block_properties` field is valid only past version 3 of the remote keystore format", "RemoteKeystore") if remoteType.isNone: reader.raiseUnexpectedField( "The `proven_block_properties` field should be specified after the `type` field of the keystore", "RemoteKeystore") if remoteType.get != RemoteSignerType.VerifyingWeb3Signer: reader.raiseUnexpectedField( "The `proven_block_properties` field can be specified only when the remote signer type is 'verifying-web3signer'", "RemoteKeystore") var provenProperties = reader.readValue(seq[ProvenProperty]) for prop in provenProperties.mitems: if prop.path == ".execution_payload.fee_recipient": prop.capellaIndex = some GeneralizedIndex(401) prop.denebIndex = some GeneralizedIndex(801) elif prop.path == ".graffiti": # TODO: graffiti is present since genesis, so the correct index in the early # forks can be supplied here prop.capellaIndex = some GeneralizedIndex(18) prop.denebIndex = some GeneralizedIndex(18) else: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Keystores with proven properties different than " & "`.execution_payload.fee_recipient` and `.graffiti` " & "require a more recent version of Nimbus") provenBlockProperties = some provenProperties of "threshold": if threshold.isSome: reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `threshold` fields found", "RemoteKeystore") if version.isNone: reader.raiseUnexpectedField( "The `threshold` field should be specified after the `version` field of the keystore", "RemoteKeystore") if version.get < 2: reader.raiseUnexpectedField( "The `threshold` field is valid only past version 2 of the remote keystore format", "RemoteKeystore") threshold = some(reader.readValue(uint32)) else: # Ignore unknown field names. discard if version.isNone(): reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("The required field `version` is missing") if remotes.isNone(): if remote.isSome and pubkey.isSome: remotes = some @[RemoteSignerInfo( pubkey: pubkey.get, id: 0, url: remote.get )] else: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("The required field `remotes` is missing") if threshold.isNone: if remotes.get.len > 1: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("The `threshold` field must be specified when using distributed keystores") else: if threshold.get.uint64 > remotes.get.lenu64: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("The specified `threshold` must be lower than the number of remote signers") if pubkey.isNone(): reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Field `pubkey` is missing") if version.get >= 3: if remoteType.isNone: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("The required field `type` is missing") case remoteType.get of RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer: discard of RemoteSignerType.VerifyingWeb3Signer: if provenBlockProperties.isNone: reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("The required field `proven_block_properties` is missing") value = case remoteType.get(RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer) of RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer: RemoteKeystore( version: 2'u64, pubkey: pubkey.get, description: description, remoteType: RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer, remotes: remotes.get, threshold: threshold.get(1)) of RemoteSignerType.VerifyingWeb3Signer: RemoteKeystore( version: 2'u64, pubkey: pubkey.get, description: description, remoteType: RemoteSignerType.VerifyingWeb3Signer, provenBlockProperties: provenBlockProperties.get, remotes: remotes.get, threshold: threshold.get(1)) template bytes(value: Pbkdf2Salt|SimpleHexEncodedTypes|Aes128CtrIv): seq[byte] = distinctBase value func scrypt(password: openArray[char], salt: openArray[byte], N, r, p: int; keyLen: static[int]): array[keyLen, byte] = let (xyvLen, bLen) = scryptCalc(N, r, p) var xyv = newSeq[uint32](xyvLen) var b = newSeq[byte](bLen) discard scrypt(password, salt, N, r, p, xyv, b, result) func areValid(params: Pbkdf2Params): bool = if params.c == 0 or params.dklen < 32 or params.salt.bytes.len == 0: return false # https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2898.txt let hLen = case params.prf of HmacSha256: 256 / 8 params.dklen <= high(uint32).uint64 * hLen.uint64 func areValid(params: ScryptParams): bool = static: doAssert scryptParams.dklen >= 32 params.dklen == scryptParams.dklen and params.n == scryptParams.n and params.r == scryptParams.r and params.p == scryptParams.p and params.salt.bytes.len > 0 proc decryptCryptoField*(crypto: Crypto, decKey: openArray[byte], outSecret: var seq[byte]): DecryptionStatus = if crypto.cipher.message.bytes.len == 0: return DecryptionStatus.InvalidKeystore if len(decKey) < keyLen: return DecryptionStatus.InvalidKeystore let valid = case crypto.checksum.function of sha256Checksum: template params: auto {.used.} = crypto.checksum.params template message: auto = crypto.checksum.message message == shaChecksum(decKey.toOpenArray(16, 31), crypto.cipher.message.bytes) if not valid: return DecryptionStatus.InvalidPassword case crypto.cipher.function of aes128CtrCipher: template params: auto = crypto.cipher.params var aesCipher: CTR[aes128] outSecret.setLen(crypto.cipher.message.bytes.len) aesCipher.init(decKey.toOpenArray(0, 15), params.iv.bytes) aesCipher.decrypt(crypto.cipher.message.bytes, outSecret) aesCipher.clear() DecryptionStatus.Success proc getDecryptionKey*(crypto: Crypto, password: KeystorePass, decKey: var seq[byte]): DecryptionStatus = let res = case crypto.kdf.function of kdfPbkdf2: template params: auto = crypto.kdf.pbkdf2Params if not params.areValid or params.c > high(int).uint64: return DecryptionStatus.InvalidKeystore Eth2DigestCtx.pbkdf2(password.str, params.salt.bytes, int(params.c), int(params.dklen)) of kdfScrypt: template params: auto = crypto.kdf.scryptParams if not params.areValid: return DecryptionStatus.InvalidKeystore @(scrypt(password.str, params.salt.bytes, scryptParams.n, scryptParams.r, scryptParams.p, int(scryptParams.dklen))) decKey = res DecryptionStatus.Success proc decryptCryptoField*(crypto: Crypto, password: KeystorePass, outSecret: var seq[byte]): DecryptionStatus = # https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition var decKey: seq[byte] if crypto.cipher.message.bytes.len == 0: return InvalidKeystore let res = getDecryptionKey(crypto, password, decKey) if res != DecryptionStatus.Success: return res decryptCryptoField(crypto, decKey, outSecret) func cstringToStr(v: cstring): string = $v template parseKeystore*(jsonContent: string): Keystore = Json.decode(jsonContent, Keystore, requireAllFields = true, allowUnknownFields = true) template parseNetKeystore*(jsonContent: string): NetKeystore = Json.decode(jsonContent, NetKeystore, requireAllFields = true, allowUnknownFields = true) template parseRemoteKeystore*(jsonContent: string): RemoteKeystore = Json.decode(jsonContent, RemoteKeystore, requireAllFields = false, allowUnknownFields = true) proc getSaltKey(keystore: Keystore, password: KeystorePass): KdfSaltKey = let digest = case keystore.crypto.kdf.function of kdfPbkdf2: template params: auto = keystore.crypto.kdf.pbkdf2Params withEth2Hash: h.update(seq[byte](params.salt)) h.update(password.str.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(password.str) - 1)) h.update(toBytesLE(params.dklen)) h.update(toBytesLE(params.c)) let prf = $params.prf h.update(prf.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(prf) - 1)) of kdfScrypt: template params: auto = keystore.crypto.kdf.scryptParams withEth2Hash: h.update(seq[byte](params.salt)) h.update(password.str.toOpenArrayByte(0, len(password.str) - 1)) h.update(toBytesLE(params.dklen)) h.update(toBytesLE(uint64(params.n))) h.update(toBytesLE(uint64(params.p))) h.update(toBytesLE(uint64(params.r))) KdfSaltKey(digest.data) proc `==`*(a, b: KdfSaltKey): bool {.borrow.} proc hash*(salt: KdfSaltKey): Hash {.borrow.} {.push warning[ProveField]:off.} func `==`*(a, b: Kdf): bool = # We do not care about `message` field. if a.function != b.function: return false case a.function of kdfPbkdf2: template aparams: auto = a.pbkdf2Params template bparams: auto = b.pbkdf2Params (aparams.dklen == bparams.dklen) and (aparams.c == bparams.c) and (aparams.prf == bparams.prf) and (len(seq[byte](aparams.salt)) > 0) and (seq[byte](aparams.salt) == seq[byte](bparams.salt)) of kdfScrypt: template aparams: auto = a.scryptParams template bparams: auto = b.scryptParams (aparams.dklen == bparams.dklen) and (aparams.n == bparams.n) and (aparams.p == bparams.p) and (aparams.r == bparams.r) and (len(seq[byte](aparams.salt)) > 0) and (seq[byte](aparams.salt) == seq[byte](bparams.salt)) {.pop.} func `==`*(a, b: Cipher): bool = # We do not care about `params` and `message` fields. a.function == b.function func `==`*(a, b: KeystoreCacheItem): bool = (a.kdf == b.kdf) and (a.cipher == b.cipher) and (a.decryptionKey == b.decryptionKey) func init*(t: typedesc[KeystoreCacheRef], expireTime = KeystoreCachePruningTime): KeystoreCacheRef = KeystoreCacheRef( table: initTable[KdfSaltKey, KeystoreCacheItem](), expireTime: expireTime ) proc clear*(cache: KeystoreCacheRef) = cache.table.clear() proc pruneExpiredKeys*(cache: KeystoreCacheRef) = if cache.expireTime == InfiniteDuration: return let currentTime = Moment.now() var keys: seq[KdfSaltKey] for key, value in cache.table.mpairs(): if currentTime - value.timestamp >= cache.expireTime: keys.add(key) burnMem(value.decryptionKey) for item in keys: cache.table.del(item) proc init*(t: typedesc[KeystoreCacheItem], keystore: Keystore, key: openArray[byte]): KeystoreCacheItem = KeystoreCacheItem(flag: CacheItemFlag.Present, kdf: keystore.crypto.kdf, cipher: keystore.crypto.cipher, decryptionKey: @key, timestamp: Moment.now()) proc getCachedKey*(cache: KeystoreCacheRef, keystore: Keystore, password: KeystorePass): Opt[seq[byte]] = if isNil(cache): return Opt.none(seq[byte]) let saltKey = keystore.getSaltKey(password) item = cache.table.getOrDefault(saltKey) case item.flag of CacheItemFlag.Present: if (item.kdf == keystore.crypto.kdf) and (item.cipher == keystore.crypto.cipher): Opt.some(item.decryptionKey) else: Opt.none(seq[byte]) else: Opt.none(seq[byte]) proc setCachedKey*(cache: KeystoreCacheRef, keystore: Keystore, password: KeystorePass, key: openArray[byte]) = if isNil(cache): return let saltKey = keystore.getSaltKey(password) cache.table[saltKey] = KeystoreCacheItem.init(keystore, key) proc destroyCacheKey*(cache: KeystoreCacheRef, keystore: Keystore, password: KeystorePass) = if isNil(cache): return let saltKey = keystore.getSaltKey(password) cache.table.withValue(saltKey, item): burnMem(item[].decryptionKey) cache.table.del(saltKey) proc decryptKeystore*(keystore: Keystore, password: KeystorePass, cache: KeystoreCacheRef): KsResult[ValidatorPrivKey] = var secret: seq[byte] defer: burnMem(secret) while true: let res = cache.getCachedKey(keystore, password) if res.isNone(): var decKey: seq[byte] defer: burnMem(decKey) let kres = getDecryptionKey(keystore.crypto, password, decKey) if kres != DecryptionStatus.Success: return err($kres) let dres = decryptCryptoField(keystore.crypto, decKey, secret) if dres != DecryptionStatus.Success: return err($dres) cache.setCachedKey(keystore, password, decKey) break else: var decKey = res.get() defer: burnMem(decKey) let dres = decryptCryptoField(keystore.crypto, decKey, secret) if dres == DecryptionStatus.Success: break cache.destroyCacheKey(keystore, password) ValidatorPrivKey.fromRaw(secret).mapErr(cstringToStr) proc decryptKeystore*(keystore: JsonString, password: KeystorePass, cache: KeystoreCacheRef): KsResult[ValidatorPrivKey] = let keystore = try: parseKeystore(string(keystore)) except SerializationError as e: return err(e.formatMsg("")) decryptKeystore(keystore, password, cache) proc decryptKeystore*(keystore: Keystore, password: KeystorePass): KsResult[ValidatorPrivKey] = decryptKeystore(keystore, password, nil) proc decryptKeystore*(keystore: JsonString, password: KeystorePass): KsResult[ValidatorPrivKey] = decryptKeystore(keystore, password, nil) proc writeValue*( writer: var JsonWriter, value: lcrypto.PublicKey ) {.inline, raises: [IOError].} = writer.writeValue(ncrutils.toHex(value.getBytes().get(), {HexFlags.LowerCase})) proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var lcrypto.PublicKey) {. raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = let res = init(lcrypto.PublicKey, reader.readValue(string)) if res.isOk(): value = res.get() else: # TODO: Can we provide better diagnostic? raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Valid hex-encoded public key expected") proc decryptNetKeystore*(nkeystore: NetKeystore, password: KeystorePass): KsResult[lcrypto.PrivateKey] = var secret: seq[byte] defer: burnMem(secret) let status = decryptCryptoField(nkeystore.crypto, password, secret) case status of Success: let res = lcrypto.PrivateKey.init(secret) if res.isOk: ok res.get else: err "Invalid key" else: err $status proc decryptNetKeystore*(nkeystore: JsonString, password: KeystorePass): KsResult[lcrypto.PrivateKey] = try: let keystore = parseNetKeystore(string nkeystore) return decryptNetKeystore(keystore, password) except SerializationError as exc: return err(exc.formatMsg("")) proc generateKeystoreSalt*(rng: var HmacDrbgContext): seq[byte] = rng.generateBytes(keyLen) proc createCryptoField(kdfKind: KdfKind, rng: var HmacDrbgContext, secret: openArray[byte], password = KeystorePass.init "", salt: openArray[byte] = @[], iv: openArray[byte] = @[], mode = Secure): Crypto = type AES = aes128 let kdfSalt = if salt.len > 0: doAssert salt.len == keyLen @salt else: rng.generateBytes(keyLen) let aesIv = if iv.len > 0: doAssert iv.len == AES.sizeBlock @iv else: rng.generateBytes(AES.sizeBlock) var decKey: seq[byte] let kdf = case kdfKind of kdfPbkdf2: var params = pbkdf2Params params.salt = Pbkdf2Salt kdfSalt if mode == Fast: params.c = 1 decKey = sha256.pbkdf2(password.str, kdfSalt, int params.c, int params.dklen) Kdf(function: kdfPbkdf2, pbkdf2Params: params, message: "") of kdfScrypt: var params = scryptParams params.salt = ScryptSalt kdfSalt if mode == Fast: params.n = 1 decKey = @(scrypt(password.str, kdfSalt, params.n, params.r, params.p, keyLen)) Kdf(function: kdfScrypt, scryptParams: params, message: "") var aesCipher: CTR[AES] cipherMsg = newSeq[byte](secret.len) aesCipher.init(decKey.toOpenArray(0, 15), aesIv) aesCipher.encrypt(secret, cipherMsg) aesCipher.clear() let sum = shaChecksum(decKey.toOpenArray(16, 31), cipherMsg) Crypto( kdf: kdf, checksum: Checksum( function: sha256Checksum, message: sum), cipher: Cipher( function: aes128CtrCipher, params: Aes128CtrParams(iv: Aes128CtrIv aesIv), message: CipherBytes cipherMsg)) proc createNetKeystore*(kdfKind: KdfKind, rng: var HmacDrbgContext, privKey: lcrypto.PrivateKey, password = KeystorePass.init "", description = "", salt: openArray[byte] = @[], iv: openArray[byte] = @[]): NetKeystore = let secret = privKey.getBytes().get() cryptoField = createCryptoField(kdfKind, rng, secret, password, salt, iv) pubkey = privKey.getPublicKey().get() uuid = uuidGenerate().expect("Random bytes should be available") NetKeystore( crypto: cryptoField, pubkey: pubkey, description: if len(description) > 0: some(description) else: none[string](), uuid: $uuid, version: 1 ) proc createKeystore*(kdfKind: KdfKind, rng: var HmacDrbgContext, privKey: ValidatorPrivKey, password = KeystorePass.init "", path = KeyPath "", description = "", salt: openArray[byte] = @[], iv: openArray[byte] = @[], mode = Secure): Keystore = let secret = privKey.toRaw[^32..^1] cryptoField = createCryptoField(kdfKind, rng, secret, password, salt, iv, mode) pubkey = privKey.toPubKey() uuid = uuidGenerate().expect("Random bytes should be available") Keystore( crypto: cryptoField, pubkey: pubkey.toPubKey(), path: path, description: if len(description) > 0: some(description) else: none[string](), uuid: $uuid, version: 4) proc createRemoteKeystore*(pubKey: ValidatorPubKey, remoteUri: HttpHostUri, version = 1'u64, description = "", remoteType = RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer, flags: set[RemoteKeystoreFlag] = {}): RemoteKeystore = let signerInfo = RemoteSignerInfo( url: remoteUri, pubkey: pubKey, id: 0 ) RemoteKeystore( version: version, description: if len(description) > 0: some(description) else: none[string](), remoteType: remoteType, pubkey: pubKey, remotes: @[signerInfo], flags: flags ) proc createWallet*(kdfKind: KdfKind, rng: var HmacDrbgContext, seed: KeySeed, name = WalletName "", salt: openArray[byte] = @[], iv: openArray[byte] = @[], password = KeystorePass.init "", nextAccount = none(Natural), pretty = true): Wallet = let uuid = UUID $(uuidGenerate().expect("Random bytes should be available")) crypto = createCryptoField(kdfKind, rng, distinctBase seed, password, salt, iv) Wallet( uuid: uuid, name: if name.string.len > 0: name else: WalletName(uuid), version: 1, walletType: "hierarchical deterministic", crypto: crypto, nextAccount: nextAccount.get(0)) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.7/specs/phase0/validator.md#bls_withdrawal_prefix func makeWithdrawalCredentials*(k: ValidatorPubKey): Eth2Digest = var bytes = eth2digest(k.toRaw()) bytes.data[0] = BLS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX.uint8 bytes # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.7/specs/phase0/deposit-contract.md#withdrawal-credentials proc makeWithdrawalCredentials*(k: CookedPubKey): Eth2Digest = makeWithdrawalCredentials(k.toPubKey()) proc prepareDeposit*(cfg: RuntimeConfig, withdrawalPubKey: CookedPubKey, signingKey: ValidatorPrivKey, signingPubKey: CookedPubKey, amount = MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE.Gwei): DepositData = var res = DepositData( amount: amount, pubkey: signingPubKey.toPubKey(), withdrawal_credentials: makeWithdrawalCredentials(withdrawalPubKey)) res.signature = get_deposit_signature(cfg, res, signingKey).toValidatorSig() return res