import bitops, chronicles, options, sequtils, tables, ssz, beacon_chain_db, state_transition, extras, beacon_node_types, spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest, helpers] proc link(parent, child: BlockRef) = doAssert (not (parent.root == Eth2Digest() or child.root == Eth2Digest())), "blocks missing root!" doAssert parent.root != child.root, "self-references not allowed" child.parent = parent parent.children.add(child) proc init*(T: type BlockRef, root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot): BlockRef = BlockRef( root: root, slot: slot ) proc init*(T: type BlockRef, root: Eth2Digest, blck: BeaconBlock): BlockRef = BlockRef.init(root, blck.slot) proc findAncestorBySlot*(blck: BlockRef, slot: Slot): BlockRef = ## Find the first ancestor that has a slot number less than or equal to `slot` assert(not blck.isNil) result = blck while result.parent != nil and result.slot > slot: result = result.parent assert(not result.isNil) proc init*(T: type BlockPool, db: BeaconChainDB): BlockPool = # TODO we require that the db contains both a head and a tail block - # asserting here doesn't seem like the right way to go about it however.. let tail = db.getTailBlock() head = db.getHeadBlock() doAssert tail.isSome(), "Missing tail block, database corrupt?" doAssert head.isSome(), "Missing head block, database corrupt?" let tailRoot = tail.get() tailBlock = db.getBlock(tailRoot).get() tailRef = BlockRef.init(tailRoot, tailBlock) headRoot = head.get() var blocks = {tailRef.root: tailRef}.toTable() latestStateRoot = Option[Eth2Digest]() headStateBlock = tailRef headRef: BlockRef if headRoot != tailRoot: var curRef: BlockRef for root, blck in db.getAncestors(headRoot): if root == tailRef.root: doAssert(not curRef.isNil) link(tailRef, curRef) curRef = curRef.parent break let newRef = BlockRef.init(root, blck) if curRef == nil: curRef = newRef headRef = newRef else: link(newRef, curRef) curRef = curRef.parent blocks[curRef.root] = curRef if latestStateRoot.isNone() and db.containsState(blck.state_root): latestStateRoot = some(blck.state_root) doAssert curRef == tailRef, "head block does not lead to tail, database corrupt?" else: headRef = tailRef var blocksBySlot = initTable[uint64, seq[BlockRef]]() for _, b in tables.pairs(blocks): let slot = db.getBlock(b.root).get().slot blocksBySlot.mgetOrPut(slot.uint64, @[]).add(b) let # The head state is necessary to find out what we considered to be the # finalized epoch last time we saved something. headStateRoot = if latestStateRoot.isSome(): latestStateRoot.get() else: db.getBlock(tailRef.root).get().state_root # TODO right now, because we save a state at every epoch, this *should* # be the latest justified state or newer, meaning it's enough for # establishing what we consider to be the finalized head. This logic # will need revisiting however headState = db.getState(headStateRoot).get() finalizedHead = headRef.findAncestorBySlot(headState.finalized_epoch.get_epoch_start_slot()) justifiedHead = headRef.findAncestorBySlot(headState.current_justified_epoch.get_epoch_start_slot()) doAssert justifiedHead.slot >= finalizedHead.slot, "justified head comes before finalized head - database corrupt?" # TODO what about ancestors? only some special blocks are # finalized / justified but to find out exactly which ones, we would have # to replay state transitions from tail to head and note each one... finalizedHead.finalized = true justifiedHead.justified = true BlockPool( pending: initTable[Eth2Digest, BeaconBlock](), unresolved: initTable[Eth2Digest, UnresolvedBlock](), blocks: blocks, blocksBySlot: blocksBySlot, tail: tailRef, head: headRef, finalizedHead: finalizedHead, db: db ) proc addSlotMapping(pool: BlockPool, slot: uint64, br: BlockRef) = proc addIfMissing(s: var seq[BlockRef], v: BlockRef) = if v notin s: s.add(v) pool.blocksBySlot.mgetOrPut(slot, @[]).addIfMissing(br) proc updateState*( pool: BlockPool, state: var StateData, blck: BlockRef, slot: Slot) {.gcsafe.} proc add*( pool: var BlockPool, state: var StateData, blockRoot: Eth2Digest, blck: BeaconBlock): bool {.gcsafe.} = ## return false indicates that the block parent was missing and should be ## fetched ## the state parameter may be updated to include the given block, if ## everything checks out # TODO reevaluate passing the state in like this # TODO reevaluate this API - it's pretty ugly with the bool return doAssert blockRoot == hash_tree_root(blck) # Already seen this block?? if blockRoot in pool.blocks: debug "Block already exists", blck = shortLog(blck), blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot) return true # If the block we get is older than what we finalized already, we drop it. # One way this can happen is that we start resolving a block and finalization # happens in the meantime - the block we requested will then be stale # by the time it gets here. if blck.slot <= pool.finalizedHead.slot: debug "Old block, dropping", blck = shortLog(blck), tailSlot = humaneSlotNum(pool.tail.slot), blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot) return true let parent = pool.blocks.getOrDefault(blck.previous_block_root) if parent != nil: # The block might have been in either of these - we don't want any more # work done on its behalf pool.unresolved.del(blockRoot) pool.pending.del(blockRoot) # The block is resolved, now it's time to validate it to ensure that the # blocks we add to the database are clean for the given state updateState(pool, state, parent, blck.slot - 1) if not updateState(, parent.root, blck, {}): # TODO find a better way to log all this block data notice "Invalid block", blck = shortLog(blck), blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot) return let blockRef = BlockRef.init(blockRoot, blck) link(parent, blockRef) pool.blocks[blockRoot] = blockRef pool.addSlotMapping(blck.slot.uint64, blockRef) # Resolved blocks should be stored in database pool.db.putBlock(blockRoot, blck) # This block *might* have caused a justification - make sure we stow away # that information: let justifiedBlock = blockRef.findAncestorBySlot( if not justifiedBlock.justified: info "Justified block", justifiedBlockRoot = shortLog(justifiedBlock.root), justifiedBlockRoot = humaneSlotnum(justifiedBlock.slot), headBlockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot), headBlockSlot = humaneSlotnum(blck.slot) justifiedBlock.justified = true info "Block resolved", blck = shortLog(blck), blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot) # Now that we have the new block, we should see if any of the previously # unresolved blocks magically become resolved # TODO there are more efficient ways of doing this, that also don't risk # running out of stack etc let retries = pool.pending for k, v in retries: discard pool.add(state, k, v) return true # TODO possibly, it makes sense to check the database - that would allow sync # to simply fill up the database with random blocks the other clients # think are useful - but, it would also risk filling the database with # junk that's not part of the block graph if blck.previous_block_root in pool.unresolved: return true # This is an unresolved block - put it on the unresolved list for now... # TODO if we receive spam blocks, one heurestic to implement might be to wait # for a couple of attestations to appear before fetching parents - this # would help prevent using up network resources for spam - this serves # two purposes: one is that attestations are likely to appear for the # block only if it's valid / not spam - the other is that malicious # validators that are not proposers can sign invalid blocks and send # them out without penalty - but signing invalid attestations carries # a risk of being slashed, making attestations a more valuable spam # filter. debug "Unresolved block", blck = shortLog(blck), blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot) pool.unresolved[blck.previous_block_root] = UnresolvedBlock() pool.pending[blockRoot] = blck false proc get*(pool: BlockPool, blck: BlockRef): BlockData = ## Retrieve the associated block body of a block reference doAssert (not blck.isNil), "Trying to get nil BlockRef" let data = pool.db.getBlock(blck.root) doAssert data.isSome, "BlockRef without backing data, database corrupt?" BlockData(data: data.get(), refs: blck) proc get*(pool: BlockPool, root: Eth2Digest): Option[BlockData] = ## Retrieve a resolved block reference and its associated body, if available let refs = pool.blocks.getOrDefault(root) if not refs.isNil: some(pool.get(refs)) else: none(BlockData) proc getOrResolve*(pool: var BlockPool, root: Eth2Digest): BlockRef = ## Fetch a block ref, or nil if not found (will be added to list of ## blocks-to-resolve) result = pool.blocks.getOrDefault(root) if result.isNil: pool.unresolved[root] = UnresolvedBlock() iterator blockRootsForSlot*(pool: BlockPool, slot: uint64|Slot): Eth2Digest = for br in pool.blocksBySlot.getOrDefault(slot.uint64, @[]): yield br.root proc checkUnresolved*(pool: var BlockPool): seq[Eth2Digest] = ## Return a list of blocks that we should try to resolve from other client - ## to be called periodically but not too often (once per slot?) var done: seq[Eth2Digest] for k, v in pool.unresolved.mpairs(): if v.tries > 8: done.add(k) else: inc v.tries for k in done: # TODO Need to potentially remove from pool.pending - this is currently a # memory leak here! pool.unresolved.del(k) # simple (simplistic?) exponential backoff for retries.. for k, v in pool.unresolved.pairs(): if v.tries.popcount() == 1: result.add(k) proc skipAndUpdateState( state: var BeaconState, blck: BeaconBlock, flags: UpdateFlags, afterUpdate: proc (state: BeaconState)): bool = skipSlots(state, blck.previous_block_root, blck.slot - 1, afterUpdate) let ok = updateState(state, blck.previous_block_root, blck, flags) afterUpdate(state) ok proc maybePutState(pool: BlockPool, state: BeaconState) = # TODO we save state at every epoch start but never remove them - we also # potentially save multiple states per slot if reorgs happen, meaning # we could easily see a state explosion if state.slot mod SLOTS_PER_EPOCH == 0: info "Storing state", stateSlot = humaneSlotNum(state.slot), stateRoot = shortLog(hash_tree_root(state)) # TODO cache? pool.db.putState(state) proc updateState*( pool: BlockPool, state: var StateData, blck: BlockRef, slot: Slot) = ## Rewind or advance state such that it matches the given block and slot - ## this may include replaying from an earlier snapshot if blck is on a ## different branch or has advanced to a higher slot number than slot ## If slot is higher than blck.slot, replay will fill in with empty/non-block ## slots, else it is ignored # We need to check the slot because the state might have moved forwards # without blocks if state.blck.root == blck.root and == slot: return # State already at the right spot var ancestors = @[pool.get(blck)] # Common case: the last thing that was applied to the state was the parent # of blck if state.blck.root == ancestors[0].data.previous_block_root and < blck.slot: let ok = skipAndUpdateState(, ancestors[0].data, {skipValidation}) do (state: BeaconState): pool.maybePutState(state) doAssert ok, "Blocks in database should never fail to apply.." state.blck = blck state.root = ancestors[0].data.state_root skipSlots(, state.blck.root, slot) do (state: BeaconState): pool.maybePutState(state) return # It appears that the parent root of the proposed new block is different from # what we expected. We will have to rewind the state to a point along the # chain of ancestors of the new block. We will do this by loading each # successive parent block and checking if we can find the corresponding state # in the database. while not ancestors[^1].refs.parent.isNil: let parent = pool.get(ancestors[^1].refs.parent) ancestors.add parent if pool.db.containsState( break let ancestor = ancestors[^1] ancestorState = pool.db.getState( if ancestorState.isNone(): # TODO this should only happen if the database is corrupt - we walked the # list of parent blocks and couldn't find a corresponding state in the # database, which should never happen (at least we should have the # tail state in there!) error "Couldn't find ancestor state or block parent missing!", blockRoot = shortLog(blck.root) doAssert false, "Oh noes, we passed big bang!" debug "Replaying state transitions", stateSlot = humaneSlotNum(, stateRoot = shortLog(, prevStateSlot = humaneSlotNum(ancestorState.get().slot), ancestors = ancestors.len = ancestorState.get() # If we come this far, we found the state root. The last block on the stack # is the one that produced this particular state, so we can pop it # TODO it might be possible to use the latest block hashes from the state to # do this more efficiently.. whatever! # Time to replay all the blocks between then and now. We skip the one because # it's the one that we found the state with, and it has already been # applied for i in countdown(ancestors.len - 2, 0): let last = ancestors[i] skipSlots(,, - 1) do(state: BeaconState): pool.maybePutState(state) let ok = updateState(,,, {skipValidation}) doAssert ok, "We only keep validated blocks in the database, should never fail" state.blck = blck state.root = ancestors[0].data.state_root pool.maybePutState( skipSlots(, state.blck.root, slot) do (state: BeaconState): pool.maybePutState(state) proc loadTailState*(pool: BlockPool): StateData = ## Load the state associated with the current tail in the pool let stateRoot = pool.db.getBlock(pool.tail.root).get().state_root StateData( data: pool.db.getState(stateRoot).get(), root: stateRoot, blck: pool.tail ) proc updateHead*(pool: BlockPool, state: var StateData, blck: BlockRef) = ## Update what we consider to be the current head, as given by the fork ## choice. ## The choice of head affects the choice of finalization point - the order ## of operations naturally becomes important here - after updating the head, ## blocks that were once considered potential candidates for a tree will ## now fall from grace, or no longer be considered resolved. if pool.head == blck: debug "No head update this time", headBlockRoot = shortLog(blck.root), headBlockSlot = humaneSlotNum(blck.slot) return pool.head = blck # Start off by making sure we have the right state updateState(pool, state, blck, blck.slot) info "Updated head", stateRoot = shortLog(state.root), headBlockRoot = shortLog(state.blck.root), stateSlot = humaneSlotNum(, justifiedEpoch = humaneEpochNum(, finalizedEpoch = humaneEpochNum( let # TODO there might not be a block at the epoch boundary - what then? finalizedHead = blck.findAncestorBySlot( doAssert (not finalizedHead.isNil), "Block graph should always lead to a finalized block" if finalizedHead != pool.finalizedHead: info "Finalized block", finalizedBlockRoot = shortLog(finalizedHead.root), finalizedBlockSlot = humaneSlotNum(finalizedHead.slot), headBlockRoot = shortLog(blck.root), headBlockSlot = humaneSlotNum(blck.slot) var cur = finalizedHead while cur != pool.finalizedHead: # Finalization means that we choose a single chain as the canonical one - # it also means we're no longer interested in any branches from that chain # up to the finalization point # TODO technically, if we remove from children the gc should free the block # because it should become orphaned, via mark&sweep if nothing else, # though this needs verification # TODO what about attestations? we need to drop those too, though they # *should* be pretty harmless # TODO remove from database as well.. here, or using some GC-like setup # that periodically cleans it up? for child in cur.parent.children: if child != cur: pool.blocks.del(child.root) cur.parent.children = @[cur] cur = cur.parent pool.finalizedHead = finalizedHead proc findLatestJustifiedBlock( blck: BlockRef, depth: int, deepest: var tuple[depth: int, blck: BlockRef]) = if blck.justified and depth > deepest.depth: deepest = (depth, blck) for child in blck.children: findLatestJustifiedBlock(child, depth + 1, deepest) proc latestJustifiedBlock*(pool: BlockPool): BlockRef = ## Return the most recent block that is justified and at least as recent ## as the latest finalized block var deepest = (0, pool.finalizedHead) findLatestJustifiedBlock(pool.finalizedHead, 0, deepest) deepest[1] proc latestState*(pool: BlockPool): BeaconState = var b = pool.head while true: if b.isNil: raise newException(Exception, "No state found") if (let blk = pool.db.getBlock(b.root); blk.isSome()): if (let state = pool.db.getState(blk.get().stateRoot); state.isSome()): return state.get() else: error "Block from block pool not found in db", root = b.root b = b.parent