# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import # Standard library std/[os, typetraits, decls, tables], # Status stew/byteutils, results, eth/db/[kvstore, kvstore_sqlite3], chronicles, sqlite3_abi, # Internal ../spec/datatypes/base, ../spec/helpers, ./slashing_protection_common export results # Requirements # -------------------------------------------- # # Overview of slashing and how it ties in with the rest of Eth2.0 # # EIP 3076: # https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 # https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-3076-validator-client-interchange-format-slashing-protection/ # # Phase 0 for humans - Validator responsibilities: # - https://notes.ethereum.org/@djrtwo/Bkn3zpwxB#Validator-responsibilities # # Phase 0 spec - Honest Validator - how to avoid slashing # - https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.6/specs/phase0/validator.md#how-to-avoid-slashing # # In-depth reading on slashing conditions # # - Detecting slashing conditions https://hackmd.io/@n0ble/By897a5sH # - Open issue on writing a slashing detector https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-pm/issues/63 # - Casper the Friendly Finality Gadget, Vitalik Buterin and Virgil Griffith # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.09437.pdf # Figure 2 # An individual validator ν MUST NOT publish two distinct votes, # 〈ν,s1,t1,h(s1),h(t1) AND〈ν,s2,t2,h(s2),h(t2)〉, # such that either: # I. h(t1) = h(t2). # Equivalently, a validator MUST NOT publish two distinct votes for the same target height. # OR # II. h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t2) < h(t1). # Equivalently, a validator MUST NOT vote within the span of its other votes. # - Vitalik's annotated spec: https://github.com/ethereum/annotated-spec/blob/d8c51af84f9f309d91c37379c1fcb0810bc5f10a/phase0/beacon-chain.md#proposerslashing # 1. A proposer can get slashed for signing two distinct headers at the same slot. # 2. An attester can get slashed for signing # two attestations that together violate # the Casper FFG slashing conditions. # - https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.6/specs/phase0/validator.md#ffg-vote # The "source" is the current_justified_epoch # The "target" is the current_epoch # # Reading on weak subjectivity # - https://notes.ethereum.org/@adiasg/weak-subjectvity-eth2 # - https://www.symphonious.net/2019/11/27/exploring-ethereum-2-weak-subjectivity-period/ # - https://ethresear.ch/t/weak-subjectivity-under-the-exit-queue-model/5187 # # Reading of interop serialization format # - Import/export format: https://hackmd.io/@sproul/Bk0Y0qdGD # - Tests: https://github.com/eth2-clients/slashing-protection-interchange-tests # # Relaxation for Nimbus # # We are not building a slashing detector but only protecting # attached validator from slashing, hence we make the following assumptions # # 1. We only need to store specific validators signed blocks and attestations # 2. We assume that our node is synced past # the last finalized epoch # hence we only need to keep track of blocks and attestations # since the last finalized epoch and we don't need to care # about the weak subjectivity period. # i.e. if `Node.isSynced()` returns false # a node skips its validator duties and doesn't invoke slashing protection. # and `isSynced` syncs at least up to the blockchain last finalized epoch. # # Hence the database or key-value store should support # # Queries # 1. db.signedBlockExistsFor(validator, slot) -> bool # 2. db.attestationExistsFor(validator, target_epoch) -> bool # 3. db.attestationSurrounding(validator, source_epoch, target_epoch) # 4. db.attestationSurrounded(validator, source_epoch, target_epoch) # # Update # 1. db.registerBlock(validator, slot, block_root) # 2. db.registerAttestation(validator, source_epoch, target_epoch, attestation_root) # # Maintenance # 1. db.prune(finalized_epoch) # # Interop # 1. db.import(json) # 2. db.export(json) # 3. db.export(json, validator) # 4. db.export(json, seq[validator]) # # Additionally after EIP3067 slashing protection requires # a "low watermark" protection that can be used # instead of keeping track of the whole history (and allows pruning) # In that case we need the following queries # # 1. db.signedBlockMinimalSlot (EIP3067 condition 2) # 2. db.signedAttMinimalSourceEpoch (EIP3067 condition 4) # 3. db.signedAttMinimalTargetEpoch (EIP3067 condition 5) # Technical Discussion # -------------------------------------------- # # TODO: Merge with BeaconChainDB? # - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21844479/multiple-databases-vs-single-database-with-logically-partitioned-data # # Reasons for merging # - Single database # # Reasons for not merging # - BeaconChainDB is about the beacon node itself # while slashing protection is about validators # - BeaconChainDB is append-only # while slashing protection will be pruned # at each finalization. # Hence we might want different backend in the future # - In a VC/BN split configuration the slashing protection # may be better attached to the VC. (VC: Validator Client, BN: Beacon Node) # - The slashing protection DB only held cryptographic hashes # and epoch/slot integers which are uncompressible # while BeaconChainDB is snappy-compressed. # SQLite primitives # -------------------------------------------- # For now we choose to enforce the SQLite backend as a DB (and not a KV-Store) # # Cons # 1. Harder to switch away from a DB than from a KV-Store # # Pros # 1. No need for adhoc per-validator range queries implementation using LinkedList # with high potential of bug (as found in audit) # 2. uses robust and fuzzed SQLite codepath # 3. Straightforward pruning # 4. Can be maintained and inspected with standard tooling # # In particular the following query leads to complex code with a KV store # # Select 1 from attestations # where validator = '0x1234ABCDEF' # AND ( # -- Don't publish distinct vote for the same target # (target_epoch = candidate_target_epoch) # -- surrounded vote # OR # (source_epoch < candidate_source_epoch and candidate_target_epoch < target_epoch) # -- surrounding vote # OR # (candidate_source_epoch < source_epoch and target_epoch < candidate_target_epoch) # ) # # Note, with SQLite splitting into multiple small queries is also efficient # as it is embedded in the application: https://www.sqlite.org/np1queryprob.html # Future optimizations # -------------------------------------------- # To limit disk IO we might want to keep a data-structure in memory. # Surround voting detection is very similar to: # - Collision detection in games # - point of interest localisation in geographical DBs or maps # # A reasonable acceleration structure would be: # - O(log n) for adding new attestations # - O(log n) to check for surround voting. # - O(n) space usage # # Suitable inspirations may be: # - Bounding Volume Hierarchy and Axis-ligned Bounding Boxes from collision detection # - R-Trees from geospatial data processing and maps # - Kd-Trees from both # - less common structures like quadtrees and octrees # # See also optimizing a slashing detector for the whole chain # - https://github.com/protolambda/eth2-surround # - Detecting slashing conditions https://hackmd.io/@n0ble/By897a5sH # - Open issue on writing a slashing detector https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-pm/issues/63 type SlashingProtectionDB_v2* = ref object ## Database storing the blocks attested ## by validators attached to a beacon node ## or validator client. # For now we commit to using SqLite # Splitting attestations queries # into small queries is fine with SqLite # https://www.sqlite.org/np1queryprob.html backend: SqStoreRef # Cached queries - write sqlInsertValidator: SqliteStmt[PubKeyBytes, void] sqlInsertAtt: SqliteStmt[(ValidatorInternalID, int64, int64, Hash32), void] sqlInsertBlock: SqliteStmt[(ValidatorInternalID, int64, Hash32), void] sqlPruneValidatorBlocks: SqliteStmt[(ValidatorInternalID, int64), void] sqlPruneValidatorAttestations: SqliteStmt[(ValidatorInternalID, int64, int64), void] sqlPruneAfterFinalizationBlocks: SqliteStmt[int64, void] sqlPruneAfterFinalizationAttestations: SqliteStmt[(int64, int64), void] # Synthetic attestations sqlBeginTransaction: SqliteStmt[NoParams, void] sqlDeleteValidatorAtt: SqliteStmt[ValidatorInternalID, void] sqlCommitTransaction: SqliteStmt[NoParams, void] # Cached queries - read sqlGetValidatorInternalID: SqliteStmt[PubKeyBytes, ValidatorInternalID] sqlAttForSameTargetEpoch: SqliteStmt[(ValidatorInternalID, int64), Hash32] sqlAttSurrounds: SqliteStmt[(ValidatorInternalID, int64, int64, int64, int64), (int64, int64, Hash32)] sqlAttMinSourceTargetEpochs: SqliteStmt[ValidatorInternalID, (int64, int64)] sqlBlockForSameSlot: SqliteStmt[(ValidatorInternalID, int64), Hash32] sqlBlockMinSlot: SqliteStmt[ValidatorInternalID, int64] sqlMaxBlockAtt: SqliteStmt[ValidatorInternalID, (int64, int64, int64)] internalIds: Table[ValidatorIndex, ValidatorInternalID] ValidatorInternalID = int64 ## Validator internal ID in the DB ## This is cached to cost querying cost Hash32 = array[32, byte] func version*(_: type SlashingProtectionDB_v2): static int = # version history: # 1 -> https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2/pull/1643, based on KV-store 2 # Internal # ------------------------------------------------------------- {.push raises: [].} logScope: topics = "antislash" template dispose(sqlStmt: SqliteStmt) = discard sqlite3_finalize((ptr sqlite3_stmt) sqlStmt) proc setupDB(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest) = ## Initial setup of the DB # TODO - the Metadata table is a remnant from the v1 of the DB and should be removed block: # Metadata db.backend.exec(""" CREATE TABLE metadata( slashing_db_version INTEGER, genesis_validators_root BLOB NOT NULL ); """).expect("DB should be working and \"metadata\" should not exist") # TODO: db.backend.exec does not take parameters var rootTuple: tuple[bytes: Hash32] rootTuple[0] = genesis_validators_root.data db.backend.exec(""" INSERT INTO metadata(slashing_db_version, genesis_validators_root) VALUES (""" & $db.typeof().version() & """, ?); """, rootTuple ).expect("Metadata initialized in the DB") block: # Tables db.backend.exec(""" CREATE TABLE validators( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, public_key BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE ); """).expect("DB should be working and \"validators\" should not exist") # signing_root can be non-unique, as signing_root is not mandatory # and we can use a default value. db.backend.exec(""" CREATE TABLE signed_blocks( validator_id INTEGER NOT NULL, slot INTEGER NOT NULL, signing_root BLOB NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(validator_id) REFERENCES validators(id) UNIQUE (validator_id, slot) ); """).expect("DB should be working and \"blocks\" should not exist") # signing_root can be non-unique, as signing_root is not mandatory # and we can use a default value. db.backend.exec(""" CREATE TABLE signed_attestations( validator_id INTEGER NOT NULL, source_epoch INTEGER NOT NULL, target_epoch INTEGER NOT NULL, signing_root BLOB NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(validator_id) REFERENCES validators(id) UNIQUE (validator_id, target_epoch) ); """).expect("DB should be working and \"attestations\" should not exist") proc checkDB(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest): Result[void, string] = ## Check the metadata of the DB let selectStmt = db.backend.prepareStmt( "SELECT * FROM metadata;", NoParams, (int64, Hash32), managed = false # manual memory management ).get() var version: int64 var root: Eth2Digest let status = selectStmt.exec do (res: (int64, Hash32)): version = res[0] root.data = res[1] selectStmt.dispose() if status.isErr: return err "Unable to read DB metadata" if version != db.typeof().version(): return err "Incorrect database version: " & $version & " " & "but expected: " & $db.typeof().version() if root != genesis_validators_root: return err "Invalid database genesis validator root: " & root.data.toHex() & " " & "but expected: " & genesis_validators_root.data.toHex() ok() proc setupCachedQueries(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2) = ## Create prepared queries for reuse # Note: assuming pruning every finalized epochs # we keep at most 64 attestations per validators # an index would likely be overkill. # Insertions # -------------------------------------------------------- db.sqlInsertValidator = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" INSERT INTO validators(public_key) VALUES (?); """, PubKeyBytes, void).get() db.sqlInsertAtt = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" INSERT INTO signed_attestations( validator_id, source_epoch, target_epoch, signing_root) VALUES (?,?,?,?); """, (ValidatorInternalID, int64, int64, Hash32), void).get() db.sqlInsertBlock = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" INSERT INTO signed_blocks( validator_id, slot, signing_root) VALUES (?,?,?); """, (ValidatorInternalID, int64, Hash32), void ).get() # Read internal validator ID # -------------------------------------------------------- db.sqlGetValidatorInternalID = db.backend.prepareStmt( "SELECT id from validators WHERE public_key = ?;", PubKeyBytes, ValidatorInternalID ).get() # Inspect attestations # -------------------------------------------------------- db.sqlAttForSameTargetEpoch = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT signing_root FROM signed_attestations WHERE 1=1 and validator_id = ? and target_epoch = ? """, (ValidatorInternalID, int64), Hash32 ).get() db.sqlAttSurrounds = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT source_epoch, target_epoch, signing_root FROM signed_attestations WHERE 1=1 and validator_id = ? and ((source_epoch < ? and ? < target_epoch) OR (? < source_epoch and target_epoch < ?)) LIMIT 1 """, (ValidatorInternalID, int64, int64, int64, int64), (int64, int64, Hash32) ).get() # By default an aggregate always return a value # which can be NULL in SQLite. # However this is translated to 0 by the backend. # It is better to drop NULL and returns no result # if there is actually no result since we always # check SQLite status.The "GROUP BY NULL" clause drops NULL db.sqlAttMinSourceTargetEpochs = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT MIN(source_epoch), MIN(target_epoch) FROM signed_attestations WHERE validator_id = ? GROUP BY NULL """, ValidatorInternalID, (int64, int64) ).get() # Inspect blocks # -------------------------------------------------------- db.sqlBlockForSameSlot = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT signing_root FROM signed_blocks WHERE 1=1 and validator_id = ? and slot = ? """, (ValidatorInternalID, int64), Hash32 ).get() # The "GROUP BY NULL" clause drops NULL # which makes aggregate queries more robust. db.sqlBlockMinSlot = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT MIN(slot) FROM signed_blocks WHERE 1=1 and validator_id = ? GROUP BY NULL """, ValidatorInternalID, int64 ).get() # Pruning # -------------------------------------------------------- db.sqlPruneValidatorBlocks = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" DELETE FROM signed_blocks AS sb1 WHERE 1=1 and sb1.validator_id = ? and sb1.slot < ? -- Keep the most recent slot per validator -- even if we make a mistake and call a slot too far in the future and sb1.slot <> ( SELECT MAX(sb2.slot) FROM signed_blocks AS sb2 WHERE sb2.validator_id = sb1.validator_id ) """, (ValidatorInternalID, int64), void ).get() db.sqlPruneValidatorAttestations = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" DELETE FROM signed_attestations AS sa1 WHERE 1=1 and sa1.validator_id = ? and sa1.source_epoch < ? and sa1.target_epoch < ? -- Keep the most recent source_epoch per validator and sa1.source_epoch <> ( SELECT MAX(sas.source_epoch) FROM signed_attestations AS sas WHERE sa1.validator_id = sas.validator_id ) -- And the most recent target_epoch per validator -- even if we make a mistake and call an epoch too far in the future and sa1.target_epoch <> ( SELECT MAX(sat.target_epoch) FROM signed_attestations AS sat WHERE sa1.validator_id = sat.validator_id ) """, (ValidatorInternalID, int64, int64), void ).get() # Important: # The query plan MUST NOT involve correlated subqueries for speed concerns on 2000+ validators. # use temporary tables or views instead db.sqlPruneAfterFinalizationBlocks = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" WITH max_proposer_slot AS ( SELECT validator_id, MAX(slot) AS max_slot FROM signed_blocks GROUP BY validator_id ORDER BY validator_id ) DELETE FROM signed_blocks -- Delete everything except ... WHERE ROWID NOT IN ( SELECT sb.ROWID FROM signed_blocks sb LEFT JOIN max_proposer_slot on max_proposer_slot.validator_id = sb.validator_id WHERE -- last finalized slot or later sb.slot >= ? -- also keep the most recent slot per validator or sb.slot = max_proposer_slot.max_slot ) """, int64, void ).get() db.sqlPruneAfterFinalizationAttestations = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" WITH max_source AS ( SELECT validator_id, MAX(source_epoch) AS max_source_epoch FROM signed_attestations GROUP BY validator_id ORDER BY validator_id ), max_target AS ( SELECT validator_id, MAX(target_epoch) AS max_target_epoch FROM signed_attestations GROUP BY validator_id ORDER BY validator_id ) DELETE FROM signed_attestations -- Delete everything except ... WHERE ROWID NOT IN ( SELECT sa.ROWID FROM signed_attestations sa LEFT JOIN max_source on max_source.validator_id = sa.validator_id LEFT JOIN max_target on max_target.validator_id = sa.validator_id WHERE -- last finalized epochs or later source_epoch >= ? or target_epoch >= ? -- Keep the most recent source_epoch per validator or sa.source_epoch = max_source.max_source_epoch -- And the most recent target_epoch per validator or sa.target_epoch = max_target.max_target_epoch ) """, (int64, int64), void ).get() # Synthetic attestation # -------------------------------------------------------- # Assuming pruning, we can: # - keep 1 attestation # - 2 attestations, with max source epoch and different target epoch # for example 10->15 and 10->20 (unique constraint on target but not source epoch) # - many attestations post-finalization epochs # Creating or updating a source/target epoch synthetic attestation # might introduce duplicates or run afoul of slashing conditions # so it's easier to cleanup and introduce a max source/target epoch synthetic attestation db.sqlBeginTransaction = db.backend.prepareStmt("""BEGIN TRANSACTION;""", NoParams, void).get() db.sqlDeleteValidatorAtt = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" DELETE FROM signed_attestations where validator_id = ?; """, ValidatorInternalID, void).get() db.sqlCommitTransaction = db.backend.prepareStmt("""COMMIT TRANSACTION;""", NoParams, void).get() db.sqlMaxBlockAtt = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT MAX(slot), MAX(source_epoch), MAX(target_epoch) FROM validators v LEFT JOIN signed_blocks b on v.id = b.validator_id LEFT JOIN signed_attestations a on v.id = a.validator_id WHERE id = ? GROUP BY NULL """, ValidatorInternalID, (int64, int64, int64)).get() # DB Multiversioning # ------------------------------------------------------------- func getRawDBHandle*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2): SqStoreRef = ## Get the underlying raw DB handle db.backend proc getMetadataTable_DbV2*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2): Opt[Eth2Digest] = ## Check if the DB has v2 metadata ## and get its genesis root let existenceStmt = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE 1=1 and type='table' and name='metadata' """, NoParams, int64, managed = false # manual memory management ).get() var hasV2: int64 let v2exists = existenceStmt.exec do (res: int64): hasV2 = res existenceStmt.dispose() if v2exists.isErr(): return Opt.none(Eth2Digest) elif hasV2 == 0: return Opt.none(Eth2Digest) let selectStmt = db.backend.prepareStmt( "SELECT * FROM metadata;", NoParams, (int64, Hash32), managed = false # manual memory management ).get() var version: int64 var root: Eth2Digest let status = selectStmt.exec do (res: (int64, Hash32)): version = res[0] root.data = res[1] selectStmt.dispose() if status.isOk(): # Privacy, don't display the user private path if version != db.typeof.version(): fatal "Incorrect DB version", found = version, expected = db.typeof.version() quit 1 return Opt.some(root) else: return Opt.none(Eth2Digest) proc initCompatV1*( T: type SlashingProtectionDB_v2, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest, databasePath: string, databaseName: string ): tuple[db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, requiresMigration: bool] = ## Initialize a new slashing protection database ## or load an existing one with matching genesis root ## `databaseName` MUST not be ending with .sqlite3 logScope: databasePath databaseName let alreadyExists = fileExists(databasePath / databaseName & ".sqlite3") backendRes = SqStoreRef.init(databasePath, databaseName) backend = backendRes.valueOr: # TODO https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/22605 fatal "Failed to open slashing protection database", err = backendRes.error quit 1 result.db = T(backend: backend) if alreadyExists and result.db.getMetadataTable_DbV2().isSome(): let status = result.db.checkDB(genesis_validators_root) if status.isErr: fatal "Incompatible slashing protection database", reason = status.error quit 1 result.requiresMigration = false elif alreadyExists: result.db.setupDB(genesis_validators_root) result.requiresMigration = true else: result.db.setupDB(genesis_validators_root) result.requiresMigration = false # Cached queries result.db.setupCachedQueries() debug "Loaded slashing protection (v2)", genesis_validators_root = shortLog(genesis_validators_root), requiresMigration = result.requiresMigration # Resource Management # ------------------------------------------------------------- proc init*(T: type SlashingProtectionDB_v2, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest, databasePath: string, databaseName: string): T = ## Initialize a new slashing protection database ## or load an existing one with matching genesis root ## `dbname` MUST not be ending with .sqlite3 logScope: databasePath databaseName let alreadyExists = fileExists(databasePath / databaseName & ".sqlite3") backendRes = SqStoreRef.init(databasePath, databaseName, keyspaces = []) backend = backendRes.valueOr: # TODO https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/22605 fatal "Failed to open slashing protection database", err = backendRes.error quit 1 result = T(backend: backend) if alreadyExists: let status = result.checkDB(genesis_validators_root) if status.isErr: fatal "Slashing protection database check error", reason = status.error quit 1 else: result.setupDB(genesis_validators_root) # Cached queries result.setupCachedQueries() proc loadUnchecked*( T: type SlashingProtectionDB_v2, basePath, dbname: string, readOnly: bool ): SlashingProtectionDB_v2 {.raises:[IOError].}= ## Load a slashing protection DB ## Note: This is for conversion usage in ncli_slashing ## this doesn't check the genesis validator root ## ## Privacy: This leaks user folder hierarchy in case the file does not exist let path = basePath/dbname&".sqlite3" let alreadyExists = fileExists(path) if not alreadyExists: raise newException(IOError, "DB '" & path & "' does not exist.") result = T(backend: SqStoreRef.init(basePath, dbname, readOnly = readOnly).get()) # Cached queries result.setupCachedQueries() proc close*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2) = ## Close a slashing protection database db.backend.close() # DB Queries # ------------------------------------------------------------- proc foundAnyResult(status: KvResult[bool]): bool {.inline.}= ## Checks a DB query status for errors ## Then returns true if any result was found ## and false otherwise. ## There are 2 layers to a DB result ## 1. Did the query result in error. ## This is a logic bug and crashes NBC in this proc. ## 2. Did the query return any line. status.expect("DB is not corrupted and query is working") proc getValidatorInternalID( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey): Opt[ValidatorInternalID] = ## Retrieve a validator internal ID if index.isSome(): # Validator keys are mapped to internal id:s instead of using the # validator index - this allows importing keys without knowing the # state but has the unfortunate consequence of introducing an indirection # that must be kept updated at some cost. In a future version of the # database, one could consider a simplified design that directly uses the # validator index. In the meantime, this cache avoids some of the # unnecessary read traffic when checking and registering entries. db.internalIds.withValue(index.get(), internal) do: return Opt.some(internal[]) let serializedPubkey = validator.toRaw() # Miracl/BLST to bytes var valID: ValidatorInternalID let status = db.sqlGetValidatorInternalID.exec(serializedPubkey) do (res: ValidatorInternalID): valID = res # Note: we enforce at the DB level that if the pubkey exists it is unique. if status.foundAnyResult(): if index.isSome(): db.internalIds[index.get()] = valID Opt.some(valID) else: Opt.none(ValidatorInternalID) proc checkSlashableBlockProposalOther( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, valID: ValidatorInternalID, slot: Slot ): Result[void, BadProposal] = ## Returns an error if the specified validator ## already proposed a block for the specified slot. ## This would lead to slashing. ## The error contains the blockroot that was already proposed ## ## Returns success otherwise # TODO distinct type for the result block root # EIP-3067 - Low-watermark # Detect h(t1) <= h(t2) # --------------------------------- block: # Condition 2 at https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 # Low-watermark. This is not in the Eth2 official spec # but a client standard. # # > Refuse to sign any block with # > slot <= min(b.slot for b in data.signed_blocks if b.pubkey == proposer_pubkey), # > except if it is a repeat signing as determined by the signing_root. var minSlot: int64 let status = db.sqlBlockMinSlot.exec(valID) do (res: int64): minSlot = res if status.foundAnyResult(): # 6 second (minimal preset) slots => overflow at ~1.75 trillion years # under minimal preset, and twice that under mainnet preset doAssert slot <= high(int64).uint64 if int64(slot) <= minSlot: return err(BadProposal( kind: MinSlotViolation, minSlot: Slot minSlot, candidateSlot: slot )) ok() proc checkSlashableBlockProposalDoubleProposal( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, valID: ValidatorInternalID, slot: Slot ): Result[void, BadProposal] = ## Returns an error if the specified validator ## already proposed a block for the specified slot. ## This would lead to slashing. ## The error contains the blockroot that was already proposed ## ## Returns success otherwise # TODO distinct type for the result block root # Casper FFG 1st slashing condition # Detect h(t1) = h(t2) # --------------------------------- block: # Condition 1 at https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 var root: Eth2Digest let status = db.sqlBlockForSameSlot.exec( (valID, int64 slot) ) do (res: Hash32): root.data = res # Note: we enforce at the DB level that if (pubkey, slot) exists it maps to a unique block root. # # It's possible to allow republishing an already signed block here (Lighthouse does it) # AFAIK repeat signing only happens if the node crashes after saving to the DB and # there is still time to redo the validator work but: # - will the validator have reconstructed the same state in memory? # for example if the validator has different attestations # it can't reconstruct the previous signed block anyway. # - it is useful if the validator couldn't gossip. # Rather than adding Result "Ok" and Result "OkRepeatSigning" # and an extra Eth2Digest comparison for that case, we just refuse repeat signing. if status.foundAnyResult(): # Conflicting block exist return err(BadProposal( kind: DoubleProposal, existing_block: root)) ok() proc checkSlashableBlockProposal*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey, slot: Slot ): Result[void, BadProposal] = ## Returns an error if the specified validator ## already proposed a block for the specified slot. ## This would lead to slashing. ## The error contains the blockroot that was already proposed ## ## Returns success otherwise # TODO distinct type for the result block root let valID = block: let id = db.getValidatorInternalID(index, validator) if id.isNone(): notice "No slashing protection data - first block proposal?", validator = validator, slot = slot return ok() else: id.unsafeGet() ? checkSlashableBlockProposalDoubleProposal(db, valID, slot) ? checkSlashableBlockProposalOther(db, valID, slot) ok() proc checkSlashableAttestationDoubleVote( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, valID: ValidatorInternalID, source: Epoch, target: Epoch): Result[void, BadVote] = # Sanity # --------------------------------- if source > target: return err(BadVote(kind: TargetPrecedesSource)) # Casper FFG 1st slashing condition # Detect h(t1) = h(t2) # --------------------------------- block: # Condition 3 part 1/3 at https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 var root: Eth2Digest # Overflows in 14 trillion years (minimal) or 112 trillion years (mainnet) doAssert target <= high(int64).uint64 let status = db.sqlAttForSameTargetEpoch.exec( (valID, int64 target) ) do (res: Hash32): root.data = res # Note: we enforce at the DB level that if (pubkey, target) exists it maps to a unique block root. if status.foundAnyResult(): # Conflicting attestation exist, log by caller return err(BadVote( kind: DoubleVote, existingAttestation: root )) ok() proc checkSlashableAttestationOther( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, valID: ValidatorInternalID, source: Epoch, target: Epoch): Result[void, BadVote] = # Simple double votes are protected by the unique index on the database table # - this function checks everything else! ## Returns an error if the specified validator ## already voted for the specified slot ## or would vote in a contradiction to previous votes ## (surrounding vote or surrounded vote). ## ## Returns success otherwise # TODO distinct type for the result attestation root # Sanity # --------------------------------- if source > target: return err(BadVote(kind: TargetPrecedesSource)) # Casper FFG 2nd slashing condition # -> Surrounded vote # Detect h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t2) < h(t1) # -> Surrounding vote # Detect h(s2) < h(s1) < h(t1) < h(t2) # --------------------------------- block: # Condition 3 part 2/3 at https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 # Condition 3 part 3/3 at https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 var root: Eth2Digest var db_source, db_target: Epoch # Overflows in 14 trillion years (minimal) or 112 trillion years (mainnet) doAssert source <= high(int64).uint64 doAssert target <= high(int64).uint64 let status = db.sqlAttSurrounds.exec( (valID, int64 source, int64 target, int64 source, int64 target) ) do (res: tuple[source, target: int64, root: Hash32]): db_source = Epoch res.source db_target = Epoch res.target root.data = res.root # Note: we enforce at the DB level that if (pubkey, target) exists it maps to a unique block root. if status.foundAnyResult(): # Conflicting attestation exist, log by caller # s1 < s2 < t2 < t1 return err(BadVote( kind: SurroundVote, existingAttestationRoot: root, sourceExisting: db_source, targetExisting: db_target, sourceSlashable: source, targetSlashable: target )) # EIP-3067 - Low-watermark # Detect h(s1) < h(s2), h(t1) <= h(t2) # --------------------------------- # Source check is strict inequality block: # Conditions 4 and 5 at https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 # Low-watermark. This is not in the Eth2 official spec # but a client standard. # # > Refuse to sign any attestation with source epoch less than the minimum source epoch present in that signer’s attestations # > Refuse to sign any attestation with target epoch less than or equal to the minimum target epoch present in that signer’s attestations var minSourceEpoch, minTargetEpoch: int64 let status = db.sqlAttMinSourceTargetEpochs.exec( valID ) do (res: tuple[source, target: int64]): minSourceEpoch = res.source minTargetEpoch = res.target if status.foundAnyResult(): # Overflows in 14 trillion years (minimal) or 112 trillion years (mainnet) doAssert source <= high(int64).uint64 if source.int64 < minSourceEpoch: return err(BadVote( kind: MinSourceViolation, minSource: Epoch minSourceEpoch, candidateSource: source )) # Overflows in 14 trillion years (minimal) or 112 trillion years (mainnet) doAssert target <= high(int64).uint64 if target.int64 <= minTargetEpoch: return err(BadVote( kind: MinTargetViolation, minTarget: Epoch minSourceEpoch, candidateTarget: target )) ok() proc checkSlashableAttestation*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey, source: Epoch, target: Epoch ): Result[void, BadVote] = if source > target: return err(BadVote(kind: TargetPrecedesSource)) let valID = block: let id = db.getValidatorInternalID(index, validator) if id.isNone(): notice "No slashing protection data - first attestation?", validator, source, target return ok() else: id.unsafeGet() ? checkSlashableAttestationDoubleVote(db, valID, source, target) ? checkSlashableAttestationOther(db, valID, source, target) ok() # DB update # -------------------------------------------- proc registerValidator(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, validator: ValidatorPubKey) = ## Get validator from the database ## or register it ## Assumes the validator does not exist let serializedPubkey = validator.toRaw() # Miracl/BLST to bytes let status = db.sqlInsertValidator.exec(serializedPubkey) doAssert status.isOk() proc getOrRegisterValidator( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey): ValidatorInternalID = ## Get validator from the database ## or register it and then return it let id = db.getValidatorInternalID(index, validator) if id.isNone(): info "No slashing protection data for validator - initiating", validator = validator db.registerValidator(validator) let id = db.getValidatorInternalID(index, validator) doAssert id.isSome() id.unsafeGet() else: id.unsafeGet() proc registerBlock*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey, slot: Slot, block_root: Eth2Digest): Result[void, BadProposal] = ## Add a block to the slashing protection DB ## `checkSlashableBlockProposal` MUST be run ## before to ensure no overwrite. let valID = db.getOrRegisterValidator(index, validator) # 6 second (minimal preset) slots => overflow at ~1.75 trillion years under # minimal preset, and twice that with mainnet preset doAssert slot <= high(int64).uint64 let check = checkSlashableBlockProposalOther(db, valID, slot) if check.isErr(): # Check for double vote to get more accurate error information ? checkSlashableBlockProposalDoubleProposal(db, valID, slot) return check let status = db.sqlInsertBlock.exec( (valID, int64 slot, block_root.data)) if status.isErr(): # Inserting primarily fails when the constraint for double proposals is # violated but may also happen due to disk full and other storage issues - # in any case, we'll return an error so that production is halted ? checkSlashableBlockProposalDoubleProposal(db, valID, slot) # If this was not a slashing error, it must have been a database error return err(BadProposal( kind: BadProposalKind.DatabaseError, message: status.error)) ok() proc registerBlock*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, validator: ValidatorPubKey, slot: Slot, block_root: Eth2Digest): Result[void, BadProposal] = registerBlock(db, Opt.none(ValidatorIndex), validator, slot, block_root) proc registerAttestation*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey, source, target: Epoch, attestation_root: Eth2Digest): Result[void, BadVote] = ## Add an attestation to the slashing protection DB ## `checkSlashableAttestation` MUST be run ## before to ensure no overwrite. if source > target: return err(BadVote(kind: TargetPrecedesSource)) let valID = db.getOrRegisterValidator(index, validator) # Double votes caught by database index! let check = checkSlashableAttestationOther(db, valID, source, target) if check.isErr(): # Check for double vote to get more accurate error information ? checkSlashableAttestationDoubleVote(db, valID, source, target) return check # Overflows in 14 trillion years (minimal) or 112 trillion years (mainnet) doAssert source <= high(int64).uint64 doAssert target <= high(int64).uint64 let status = db.sqlInsertAtt.exec( (valID, int64 source, int64 target, attestation_root.data)) if status.isErr(): # Inserting primarily fails when the constraint for double votes is # violated but may also happen due to disk full and other storage issues - # in any case, we'll return an error so that production is halted ? checkSlashableAttestationDoubleVote(db, valID, source, target) # If this was not a slashing error, it must have been a database error return err(BadVote( kind: BadVoteKind.DatabaseError, message: status.error)) ok() proc registerAttestation*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, validator: ValidatorPubKey, source, target: Epoch, attestation_root: Eth2Digest): Result[void, BadVote] = registerAttestation( db, Opt.none(ValidatorIndex), validator, source, target, attestation_root) template withContext*(dbParam: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, body: untyped): untyped = let db = dbParam template registerAttestationInContextV2( index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey, source, target: Epoch, signing_root: Eth2Digest): Result[void, BadVote] = registerAttestation(db, index, validator, source, target, signing_root) var commit = false res: Result[typeof(body), string] beginRes = db.backend.exec("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") if beginRes.isErr(): # always lovely handling errors in templates res.err(beginRes.error()) else: try: when type(body) is void: body commit = true else: res.ok(body) commit = true finally: if commit: let commit = db.backend.exec("COMMIT TRANSACTION;") if commit.isErr: res.err(commit.error()) else: # Exception was raised from body - catch/reraise would cause the wrong # exception effect.. if isInsideTransaction(db.backend): # calls `sqlite3_get_autocommit` discard db.backend.exec("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;") res.err("Rolled back") res # DB maintenance # -------------------------------------------- proc pruneBlocks*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey, newMinSlot: Slot) = ## Prune all blocks from a validator before the specified newMinSlot ## This is intended for interchange import to ensure ## that in case of a gap, we don't allow signing in that gap. let valID = db.getOrRegisterValidator(index, validator) let status = db.sqlPruneValidatorBlocks.exec( (valID, int64 newMinSlot)) doAssert status.isOk(), "SQLite error when pruning validator blocks: " & $status.error & "\n" & "for validator: 0x" & validator.toHex() & ", newMinSlot: " & $newMinSlot proc pruneBlocks*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, validator: ValidatorPubKey, newMinSlot: Slot) = pruneBlocks(db, Opt.none(ValidatorIndex), validator, newMinSlot) proc pruneAttestations*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, index: Opt[ValidatorIndex], validator: ValidatorPubKey, newMinSourceEpoch: int64, newMinTargetEpoch: int64) = ## Prune all blocks from a validator before the specified newMinSlot ## This is intended for interchange import. ## Negative source/target epoch of -1 can be received if no attestation was imported ## In that case nothing is done (since we used signed int in SQLite) let valID = db.getOrRegisterValidator(index, validator) let status = db.sqlPruneValidatorAttestations.exec( (valID, newMinSourceEpoch, newMinTargetEpoch)) doAssert status.isOk(), "SQLite error when pruning validator attestations: " & $status.error & "\n" & "for validator: 0x" & validator.toHex() & ", newSourceEpoch: " & $newMinSourceEpoch & ", newTargetEpoch: " & $newMinTargetEpoch proc pruneAttestations*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, validator: ValidatorPubKey, newMinSourceEpoch: int64, newMinTargetEpoch: int64) = pruneAttestations( db, Opt.none(ValidatorIndex), validator, newMinSourceEpoch, newMinTargetEpoch) proc pruneAfterFinalization*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, finalizedEpoch: Epoch ) = ## Prune blocks and attestations after a specified `finalizedEpoch` ## The block with the highest slot ## and the attestation(s) with the highest source and target epochs ## are never pruned. ## ## This ensures that even if pruning is called with an incorrect epoch ## slashing protection can fallback to the minimal / high-watermark protection mode. block: # Prune blocks let finalizedSlot = start_slot(finalizedEpoch) let status = db.sqlPruneAfterFinalizationBlocks .exec(int64 finalizedSlot) doAssert status.isOk(), "SQLite error when pruning validator attestations: " & $status.error & "\n" & "for " & "finalizedEpoch: " & $finalizedEpoch & ", firstSlotOfFinalizedEpoch: " & $finalizedSlot block: # Prune attestations let status = db.sqlPruneAfterFinalizationAttestations .exec((int64 finalizedEpoch, int64 finalizedEpoch)) doAssert status.isOk(), "SQLite error when pruning validator attestations: " & $status.error & "\n" & "for finalized epoch: " & $finalizedEpoch # Interchange # -------------------------------------------- proc retrieveLatestValidatorData*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, validator: ValidatorPubKey ): tuple[ maxBlockSlot: Opt[Slot], maxAttSourceEpoch: Opt[Epoch], maxAttTargetEpoch: Opt[Epoch]] = let valID = db.getOrRegisterValidator(Opt.none(ValidatorIndex), validator) var slot, source, target: int64 let status = db.sqlMaxBlockAtt.exec( valID ) do (res: tuple[slot, source, target: int64]): slot = res.slot source = res.source target = res.target doAssert status.isOk(), "SQLite error when querying validator: " & $status.error & "\n" & "for validatorID " & $valID & " (0x" & $validator & ")" # TODO: sqlite partial results ugly kludge # if we find blocks but no attestation # source and target would be set to 0 (from NULL in sqlite) # 0 isn't an issue since it refers to Genesis (is it possible to have genesis epoch != 0?) # but let's deal with those here if slot != 0: result.maxBlockSlot = Opt.some(Slot slot) if source != 0: result.maxAttSourceEpoch = Opt.some(Epoch source) if target != 0: result.maxAttTargetEpoch = Opt.some(Epoch target) proc registerSyntheticAttestation*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, validator: ValidatorPubKey, source, target: Epoch) = ## Add a synthetic attestation to the slashing protection DB # Spec require source < target (except genesis?), for synthetic attestation for slashing protection we want max(source, target) doAssert (source < target) or (source == Epoch(0) and target == Epoch(0)) let valID = db.getOrRegisterValidator(Opt.none(ValidatorIndex), validator) # Overflows in 14 trillion years (minimal) or 112 trillion years (mainnet) doAssert source <= high(int64).uint64 doAssert target <= high(int64).uint64 template checkStatus: untyped = doAssert status.isOk(), "SQLite error when synthesizing an attestation: " & $status.error & "\n" & "for validatorID " & $valID & " (0x" & $validator & ")\n" & "sourceEpoch: " & $source & ", targetEpoch:" & $target & '\n' block: let status = db.sqlBeginTransaction.exec() checkStatus() block: let status = db.sqlDeleteValidatorAtt.exec(valID) checkStatus() block: let status = db.sqlInsertAtt.exec( (valID, int64 source, int64 target, ZERO_HASH.data)) checkStatus() block: let status = db.sqlCommitTransaction.exec() checkStatus() proc toSPDIR*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2): SPDIR {.raises: [IOError].} = ## Export the full slashing protection database ## to a json the Slashing Protection Database Interchange (Complete) Format result.metadata.interchange_format_version = "5" # genesis_validators_root # ----------------------------------------------------- block: let selectRootStmt = db.backend.prepareStmt( "SELECT genesis_validators_root FROM metadata;", NoParams, Hash32, managed = false # manual memory management ).get() # Can't capture var SPDIR in a closure let genesis_validators_root {.byaddr.} = result.metadata.genesis_validators_root let status = selectRootStmt.exec do (res: Hash32): genesis_validators_root = Eth2Digest0x(Eth2Digest(data: res)) doAssert status.isOk() selectRootStmt.dispose() # Validators # ----------------------------------------------------- block: let selectValStmt = db.backend.prepareStmt( "SELECT public_key FROM validators;", NoParams, PubKeyBytes, managed = false # manual memory management ).get() # Can't capture var SPDIR in a closure let data {.byaddr.} = result.data let status = selectValStmt.exec do (res: PubKeyBytes): data.add SPDIR_Validator(pubkey: PubKey0x res) doAssert status.isOk() selectValStmt.dispose() # For each validator found, collect their signatures # ----------------------------------------------------- block: let selectBlkStmt = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT slot, signing_root FROM signed_blocks b INNER JOIN validators v on b.validator_id = v.id WHERE v.public_key = ? ORDER BY slot ASC """, PubKeyBytes, (int64, Hash32), managed = false # manual memory management ).get() let selectAttStmt = db.backend.prepareStmt(""" SELECT source_epoch, target_epoch, signing_root FROM signed_attestations a INNER JOIN validators v on a.validator_id = v.id WHERE v.public_key = ? ORDER BY target_epoch ASC """, PubKeyBytes, (int64, int64, Hash32), managed = false # manual memory management ).get() defer: selectBlkStmt.dispose() selectAttStmt.dispose() for i in 0 ..< result.data.len: # Can't capture var SPDIR in a closure let validator {.byaddr.} = result.data[i] # alias block: # Blocks let status = selectBlkStmt.exec(validator.pubkey.PubKeyBytes) do (res: tuple[slot: int64, root: Hash32]): validator.signed_blocks.add SPDIR_SignedBlock( slot: SlotString res.slot, signing_root: some Eth2Digest0x(Eth2Digest(data: res.root)) ) doAssert status.isOk() block: # Attestations let status = selectAttStmt.exec(validator.pubkey.PubKeyBytes) do (res: tuple[source, target: int64, root: Hash32]): validator.signed_attestations.add SPDIR_SignedAttestation( source_epoch: EpochString res.source, target_epoch: EpochString res.target, signing_root: some Eth2Digest0x(Eth2Digest(data: res.root)) ) doAssert status.isOk() proc inclSPDIR*(db: SlashingProtectionDB_v2, spdir: SPDIR): SlashingImportStatus {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError].} = ## Import a Slashing Protection Database Intermediate Representation ## file into the specified slashing protection DB ## ## The database must be initialized. ## The genesis_validators_root must match or ## the DB must have a zero root ## ## This return true if the import was completed successfully. ## It will return false if the import failed. ## ## If some blocks/votes ## are in invalid due to slashing rules, they will be skipped. doAssert not db.isNil, "The Slashing Protection DB must be initialized." doAssert not db.backend.isNil, "The Slashing Protection DB must be initialized." # genesis_validators_root # ----------------------------------------------------- block: var dbGenValRoot: Eth2Digest let selectRootStmt = db.backend.prepareStmt( "SELECT genesis_validators_root FROM metadata;", NoParams, Hash32, managed = false # manual memory management ).get() let status = selectRootStmt.exec do (res: Hash32): dbGenValRoot.data = res doAssert status.isOk() selectRootStmt.dispose() if dbGenValRoot != default(Eth2Digest) and dbGenValRoot != spdir.metadata.genesis_validators_root.Eth2Digest: error "The slashing protection database and imported file refer to different blockchains.", DB_genesis_validators_root = dbGenValRoot, Imported_genesis_validators_root = spdir.metadata.genesis_validators_root.Eth2Digest return siFailure if not status.get(): # Query worked but returned no result # We assume that the DB wasn't setup or # is in an earlier version that used the kvstore table db.setupDB(spdir.metadata.genesis_validators_root.Eth2Digest) # TODO: dbGenValRoot == default(Eth2Digest) db.setupCachedQueries() # Create a mutable copy for sorting var spdir = spdir return db.importInterchangeV5Impl(spdir)